200 Divine Saint Names For Girls and Boys

It is a common tradition in Christian families to choose divine saint baby names for their children. These names may be rooted in different languages and cultures but their association with Christian saints is what makes them significant for Christian parents. Names of saints may have their unique meanings but are often considered symbols of dedication and unwavering faith. Some of these names have been in use since the Middle Ages but are still relevant and popular in the 21st century. Parents choose these names hoping to bestow a meaningful identity upon their child and connect them to a legacy of spiritual inspiration and moral fortitude. If you’d like your child to be inspired by such exemplary models, then this list of divine saint names for girls and boys is for you. Read on and take your pick. 

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • It’s a common practice among Christians to assign a saintly name to their children.
  • Besides the common choices like John and Mary, a resurgence of interest is seen in unique saint names, marked by their stories of compassion and wisdom.
  • From Irish to Greek Saint names, the list boasts diverse options from different cultures.
  • Drawing inspiration from historic exemplary figures, interesting saintly names for girls and boys include Adelina, Therese, Barbara, Vincent, Isaac, and Damian.

Cultural Significance Divine Saint Baby Names

Saint names, which are often Biblical, have been used among Christian communities for centuries. In the Catholic Church, these names are given during baptism or confirmation to honor a patron saint who is believed to protect and guide the person throughout life (1). The names originate from various languages, including Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Italian, Irish, and French.

While some people may not use their saint name as their legal name, it is often used as a middle name. In the Middle Ages, children were mostly named after Christian saints, and it was common for people to use their saint name as their first name (2). In countries where Christians are a minority, many keep their saint name for private use and have a different legal name. In some places, people celebrate name days, honoring the saint they were named after, much like a birthday.

Heavenly Saint Names For Boys And Girls

Saint names are powerful choices for your children, carrying divine qualities associated with saints. They act as blessings for your child, guiding them through life with wisdom and courage. We have compiled some of the most significant saint names for baby boys and girls; read on to see if some of these inspire you.

Catholic Saint Names For Girls

In the history of the Catholic church, many female saints have led an inspiring life full of devotion and faith in the divine. Here are names of Catholic female saints who have been recognized and honored for their contributions to the Church and their communities (3).

1. Adela

Adela, the Frankish princess, was the abbess and disciple of St. Boniface. The meaning of Adela is ‘noble’ in Old German.

2. Clotilde

St. Clotilde, along with her husband King Clovis founded the Merovingian dynasty. This powerful Latin name means ‘famous in battle.’

3. Cleopatra

Cleopatra is a Christian saint name for girls meaning ‘glory of the father’ in Greek. St. Cleopatra was the saint of the Coptic Orthodox Church and Orthodox Christianity.

4. Agatha

Agatha was the missionary aide to St. Boniface. Her name was first brought to England during the Norman Conquest by William the Conqueror. Agatha is a Greek name meaning ‘good.’

5. Catherine

Catherine, Divine Saint names for babies
Image: Shutterstock

Catherine of Alexandria is the patron saint of students, craftsmen, queens, philosophers and commoners. Catherine is the French version of the Greek name Hekaterine, meaning ‘each of the two.’

6. Christina

This beautiful and feminine Latin name means ‘a Christian.’ Christina, here, refers to St. Christina of Russia.

7. Celine

St. Celine, also known as the mother of St. Remigius, was renowned for giving birth to her son at an advanced stage. The Latin-origin name has multiple meanings, including sky,’ ‘heaven,’ and ‘hammer.’

8. Bernadette

This name is strongly associated with St. Bernadette of Lourdes. It is rooted in Old German and means ‘brave as a bear.’

9. Adelina

St. Adelina was an abbess and a noblewoman of Normandy. Adelina is a Germanic name meaning ‘noble.’

10. Alena

Saint Alena was a Christian saint who was martyred in the year 640. Alena has multiple roots and meanings. It means ‘tower’ in Hebrew and ‘torch’ in Greek.

11. Anna

St. Anna is the name of the mother of Mary. This name has been one of the favorites for centuries. Inspired by a Hebrew name, Anna means ‘grace’ or ‘favor.’

12. Beatrice

St. Beatrice da Silva Meneses was a catholic saint of Portugal. Derived from the Latin Beatrix, the name means ‘she who brings happiness.’

13. Audrey

St. Audrey was a 6th-century saint revered highly during the Middle Ages. It’s also the name of a character in “As You Like It”. Derived from an Old English name, Audrey means ‘noble strength.’

14. Ava

St. Ava was a 9th-century princess cursed of blindness by Saint Rainfredis. She later became a Benedictine nun. The name has multiple roots and meanings. In Latin, it means ‘bird,’ while its Persian meaning is ‘sound.’

15. Priscilla

Priscilla was one of the 70 disciples who worked with the apostle Paul to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Inspired by a Roman family name, Priscilla means ‘ancient.’

16. Phoebe

St. Phoebe is believed to have delivered Paul’s letter to the Roman Christian church. She is a prominent Christian woman from the first century, referenced by the Apostle Paul in the Epistle to the Romans (Romans 16:1-2). Phoebe means ‘radiant’ in Greek.

17. Thais

If you want something unusual for your daughter, name her Thais. Thais was a fourth-century Roman Alexandrian courtesan who was later accepted as a venerated saint by the church. This Greek name means ‘bandage.’

18. Therese

Therese, Divine Saint baby name for girls
Image: Shutterstock

St. Therese of Lisieux is one of the most loved saints of recent years. She was lovingly known as ‘Little flower of Jesus.’ The name Therese is the French version of the Greek name Teresa, meaning ‘harvester.’ You can use Thea for the nickname.

19. Barbara

The Catholic martyred St. Barbara offers protection for architects. Her name is inspired by the Greek word barbaros meaning ‘stranger.’

20. Balbina

This name is associated with Saint Balbina, the Christian martyr and the daughter of St. Quirinus of Neuss. Derived from a Roman cognomen, the name means ‘stammerer’ in Latin.

21. Corona

St. Corona is a 2nd century saint venerated in Bohemia, Austria and Bavaria. The name Corona has Latin roots and means ‘crown.’

22. Ebba

St. Ebba is one of the founders of monasteries in Scotland. Her name is derived from the Old Norse name Ásbjǫrn, which is composed of the terms áss and bjǫrn, meaning ‘god’ and ‘bear,’ respectively.

23. Elisabeth

St. Elisabeth of Hungary was one of the first members of the Third Order of St. Francis and is now celebrated as its patron saint. Her name is the German and Dutch variant of the Hebrew name Elizabeth, meaning ‘my God is an oath.’

24. Alodia

St. Alodia was a Catholic Saint who was martyred by Huesca. Alodia is a Gothic name meaning ‘riches’ or ‘wealth.’

Catholic Saint Names For Boys

Catholic saints are the flagbearers of their religion and community. The following are names of catholic saints known for their exemplary lives of holiness and virtue (4).

25. Vincent

Saint Vincent of Lerins was a 5th-century monk and an early Christian writer. The meaning of Vincent is ‘conqueror’ in Latin.

26. Benilde

This is a unique name because it is mostly used for girls but is associated with a medieval male saint. St. Benilde was a Christian Brother who worked towards the development of education. The name Benilde is believed to be derived from the Germanic name Bernhild, which is composed of the terms bern and hild, meaning ‘bear’ and ‘battle.’

27. Xavier

St. Francis Xavier was one of the co-founders of the Society of Jesus. The meaning of the Basque name Xavier is ‘new house’.

28. Crispin

St. Crispin is one of the Christian patron saints of tanners, curriers, cobblers, and leather works. Rooted in ancient Latin, the name Crispin means ‘curly-haired’ or ‘curled.’

29. Bernadine

St. Bernadine was an Italian priest, a Catholic saint and Franciscan missionary. The name Bernadine is linked to the name Bernard meaning ‘brave as a bear.’

30. Andrew

St. Andrew, one of the apostles of Christ, preached in Greece and Asia Manor after the execution of ‘son of God’. Derived from an ancient Greek name, Andrew means ‘manly.’

31. Anthony

Anthony, Divine Saint baby name
Image: Shutterstock

St. Anthony of Egypt was a famous figure in early Christianity. He lived as a desert hermit and is known as the founder of monasticism. His name finds its roots in Latin and means ‘priceless one’ or ‘invaluable.’

32. Cyril

St. Cyril was a Byzantine Christian theologian who influenced the cultural development of Slavs. The name finds its origins in Greek and means ‘masterful’ or ‘lordly.’

33. Pelagio

Pelagio is a Christian saint who is believed to have received visions of the Virgin Mary. The name Pelagio finds its roots in a Greek term meaning ‘the sea.’ 

34. Isaac

St. Isaac the Confessor, the founder of the Dalmatian Monastery was a Christian monk, saint, and confessor. Isaac is a Hebrew name meaning ‘he will laugh.’

35. Apollo

Apollo is the name of the Egyptian Christian who lived in the desert as a hermit. Rooted in a Greek word, the name Apollo means ‘destroyer.’

36. Blaise

St. Blaise was a 4th century physician, who later became the bishop of Sebastea. Derived from a Latin word, the name Blaise refers to ‘lisp’ or ‘one who stutters.’

37. Ivo

If you want an ‘o’ ending name for your son, go with Ivo, the 13th-century lawyer turned saint. He was lovingly known as an ‘advocate of the poor.’ The name has numerous roots and meanings. As a Germanic name, it means ‘yew,’ while its Norman roots give it the meaning ‘archer.’

38. Abel

Abel was the Bishop of Reims who is sometimes venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church. The name Abel is rooted in Hebrew and means ‘breath’ or ‘vapor.’

39. Cyprian

There are several saints with this name, but the most prominent is Cyprian of Carthage, the Catholic saint.

40. Anselm

This solemn name is associated with the 12th-century saint of Canterbury. Derived from the ancient Germanic name Anshelm, the name means ‘God’s protection.’

41. Bardo

St. Bardo was the 11th-century bishop in Mainz, Germany. Rooted in German, the name means ‘small axe’ or ‘beard.’

42. Barnabas

Barnabas is the name of one of the earliest Christian disciples. His name is of Aramaic origin and means ‘son of encouragement.’

43. Basil

The name Basil has a history tied to several Catholic saints, such as Saint Basil the Great, Basil of Ancyra, and Basil of Amasea. It comes from Greek and means ‘emperor’ or ‘king.’

44. Brice

Brice of Tours was a bishop from the 5th century. He became the fourth Bishop of Tours in 397, following Martin of Tours. Brice is a unisex name prevalent in various languages. In Scottish, it means ‘freckle or blemish,’ while its Latin meaning is ‘dotted or speckled.’

45. Cornelius

Cornelius is the name of the 3rd-century saint and pope in the New Testament. His name means ‘horn’ in Latin.

46. Damian

There are several saints of this name, including St. Damien of Molokai, a Belgian Catholic priest known for selflessly providing medical care in the leper colony on the island of Molokai, Hawaii. The name is of Greek origin and means ‘to tame’ or ‘divine power.’

Irish Saint Names For Girls

Irish saint names are deeply rooted in Celtic traditions and Christian heritage. These names represent wisdom and spiritual devotion. Here are names of Irish saints you could choose for your daughter (5).

47. Abigail

St. Abigail was the Irish disciple and abbess of St. Abba. The name Abigail is of Hebrew origin and means ‘to rejoice.’ 

48. Bridget

Bridget is the name of one of the most famous saints of Ireland, who went on to become the patron of her country. The beautiful name has Gaelic roots and means ‘the exalted one.’

49. Cera

Saint Cera, also called Cyra and Ciar was an Irish abbess. The versatile name has multiple origins and meanings. In Latvian, Cera means ‘to hope,’ while its Hebrew meaning is ‘noblewoman’ or ‘princess.’ 

50. Attracta

Now that’s one attractive name. St. Attracta was a co-worker of St. Patrick and the patron saint of the parish of Locha Techet and Tourlestrane. The exact meaning of this name is not known; however, it is believed to be linked to the Latin term attractus, meaning ‘attracted.’

protip_icon Did you know?
St. Attracta left behind a legacy and is remembered fondly even now. Dublin’s St. Attracta’s Senior School is named in her honor. Aer Lingus received an Airbus A321LR in the year 2019 and named it Saint Attracta.

51. Kiara

This lovely name belongs to the Irish virgin and the disciple of St. Fintan. The name is known in different languages and has many meanings. It is connected to the Irish name Ciara, meaning ‘dark.’

52. Leila

St. Leila is the 17th-century saint of Ireland. The name finds its roots in numerous languages. In Hebrew and Arabic, it means ‘night,’ while in Finnish, it means ‘holy’ or a ‘little sister.’

Irish Saint Names For Boys

Borne by Irish saints, the following names blend Irish cultural pride with timeless virtues. Let’s have a look at names of Irish saints who have helped spread the beliefs and philosophies of their religion (5).

53. Aidan

This Irish moniker was borne by the 7th century St. Aidan of Iona who is credited with the establishment of a monastery in North Umbria. The name has Gaelic roots and means ‘little fire.’ 

54. Finnian

St. Finnian was the founder of churches in Ireland. Finding its roots in Old Irish, the name means ‘little fair one’ or ‘the blessed white one.’ 

55. Brendan

St. Brendan was the Irish monk who traveled across the Atlantic to America around 1000 years before Columbus. The name Brendan has Old Welsh roots and means ‘prince’ or ‘king.’

56. Patrick

St. Patrick is credited with evangelizing the Irish people. In Latin, the name means ‘nobleman’ or ‘patrician.’  

57. Enda

Enda, the Anglicized form of the name Eanna, is attached to St. Enda of Aran, who is known as the “patriarch of Irish monasticism.” The name has Old Irish roots and means ‘bird.’

58. Kevin

Kevin was the 7th-century saint who founded a monastery in Dublin. The name finds its roots in Irish and means ‘handsome by birth.’

59. Iarlaith

Iarlaith is one of the early Irish saints who founded two monasteries. You can use its short form Iarla for the nickname. Derived from an Old Irish term, the name means ‘ruler’ or ‘sovereign.’ 

60. Cathal

St Cathal or Catald of Taranto was an Irish monk and the patron of the Sicilian Normans. The name has Old Irish roots and means ‘powerful in battle’ or ‘leader.’ 

61. Columba

Columba is the name of one of the most venerated saints of Ireland. The Late Latin name Columba means ‘dove.’ 

62. Eoghan

Several Irish saints have borne the name Eoghan. The Old Irish name means ‘born of the yew tree.’ 

63. Killian

The name Killian is linked to the 7th-century Irish missionary bishop and the Apostle of Franconia. The name Killian is of Irish and Gaelic origin and means ‘bright-headed.’ It also means ‘church’ or ‘monastery.’ 

64. Odhran

Odhran is the name of the 6th-century Irish saint of Tipperary. The name means ‘dun-colored’ or ‘grayish brown’ in Old Irish.

65. Ronan

The compelling name Ronan is associated with 12 Irish saints including St. Ronan of Locronan and St. Ronan of Iona. The name Ronan is of Irish origin and means ‘little seal,’ or ‘an oath.’ 

66. Clement

Clement of Ireland was a respected Irish saint. The name has a positive, slightly antiquated, and pleasant feel to it. This Late Latin name means ‘gentle’ or merciful.’ 

67. Declan

Declan is the appealing name of Declán of Ardmore, the patron saint of the Déisi of East Munster. The Irish name means ‘man of prayer’ or ‘full of goodness.’ 

68. Conall

Conall Stickler or St. Conall as he is popularly known as, was a 5th-century Irish bishop and the brother of St. Attracta. The name Conall is rooted in Old Irish and means ‘rule of the wolf.’

69. Bean

This unisex name belongs to St. Bean of Ireland. The name Bean originates in Middle English and means ‘amiable’ or ‘friendly.’ 

70. Fursey

Fursey was an evangelical Irish monk who was given the power of visions of the afterlife. The name is the Latin form of an Old Irish term meaning ‘virtue.’ 

71. Ultan

Ultan was a 17th-century saint who succeeded St. Breccan as the bishop. Ultan is a toponymic Irish name meaning ‘of Ulster.’ 

72. Natalis

St. Natalis was the founder of monasticism in Northern Ireland. The name is of Latin origin and means ‘birth.’ 

73. Colman

Colman was the royal bard who went on to become a bishop in his native place, Ireland. Colman is considered the short variant of the Late Latin name Columba, which means ‘dove.’ 

74. Tressan

Tressan was an Irish saint who left his native place to spread faith in France. The meaning or origin of the name Tessan is not popularly known. However, Tressan is the name of a commune in southern France.

75. Conan

Conan is the name of the 7th-century Irish saint. The Irish name means ‘little wolf’ or ‘little hound.’

Roman Catholic Saint Names For Girls

Roman Catholic saint names for girls are graceful and have deep spiritual connection. These names may have varied meanings but are special because of their connection to revered Catholic female saints (3).

76. Basilla

St. Basilla was a Roman martyr and saint who later faced martyrdom under Emperor Galerius. The exact meaning of the name is not known, but it is often linked to the Russian name Vasilisa, meaning ‘queen’ or ‘empress.’ 

77. Claudia

St. Claudia was Linus’ mother, who went on to become the second pope of Rome. This classic name with Roman splendor can never go out of vogue. Rooted in Latin, the name means ‘crippled’ or ‘lame.’

78. Anastasia

St. Anastasia was the spiritual child of St. Chrysogonus. Since this moniker relates to the resurrection, you can use it for Easter. This name with Greek and Russian roots means ‘resurrection.’

79. Charity

St. Charity is best known as the daughter of St. Wisdom, the Roman Widow. This virtue name was one of the top 500 names in the 1880s. Inspired by an English word, the name means ‘benevolence for the poor.’ 

80. Bibiana

St. Bibiana was the Roman virgin saint and martyr. The melodic and unusual name means ‘life’ or ‘alive’ in Latin.’

81. Agnes

Agnes, Roman Catholic Saint name for girls
Image: iStock

St. Agnes was a revered, 3rd-century saint of Rome. The name has Greek roots and means ‘pure’ or ‘chaste.’

82. Cecilia

St. Cecilia is the Roman patron of music. Derived from a Latin term, the name Cecilia means ‘blind.’ 

83. Ariadne

St. Ariadne, the 2nd-century Phrygian martyr popularized this name with the Christians. Rooted in Greek, the name means ‘most holy’ or ‘the holiest.’ 

84. Sabina

St. Sabina was a martyr and matron from Rome. In Latin, the name refers to ‘a Sabine.’ The Sabines were an ancient ethnic group that resided in central Italy. 

85. Tatiana

Saint Tatiana was a Christian martyr from 3rd-century Rome who lived during the reign of Emperor Severus Alexander. The name has Latin origin and means ‘fairy Queen.’ 

86. Felicula

Felicula is the name of the 4th-century Roman virgin martyr. Her name means ‘kitten’ in Latin. 

87. Eulalia

This name belongs to St. Eulalia, the 13-year-old Roman Christian virgin. The Greek name means ‘sweetly-speaking’ or ‘well-spoken.’

Roman Catholic Saint Names For Boys

Roman Catholic saints are known for their wisdom and compassion. Parents choose these saint names for their children hoping they live a life of love and devotion (4).

88. Vincenzo

The name Vincenzo is attached to San Vincenzo Martire di Craco or St. Vincent Martyr of Craco. This Italian name means ‘to win’ or ‘conquer.’

89. Luke

The Roman Catholic Church considers St. Luke the patron saint of students, artists, surgeons, and physicians. The Latin name means ‘from Luciana‘ or ‘bringer of light.’ 

90. Alexis

St. Alexis, the revered saint of Rome disguised as a beggar to escape his wealthy parents until he died. Rooted in Greek, the name means ‘defender.’

91. Hyginus

Pope Hyginus is the name of the Bishop of Rome from c. 138 to c. 142. The name is the Latin version of a Greek name meaning ‘healthy.’ 

92. Leo

This uber popular name is associated with a number of Roman saints, including the 5th-century pope who confronted Attila the Hun. Derived from the Latin word Leo and rooted in Greek, the name means ‘lion.’ 

93. Otto

The name of the Holy Roman Emperor, who was also a saint, would give the perfect amount of edginess to your child. Inspired by the Old High German name Odo, Otto means ‘prosperity’ or ‘wealth.’ 

94. Valentine

We’re referring to the 3rd-century Roman saint who commemorated 14 February with the tradition of love. The name is of English origin and means ‘strong’ or ‘healthy.’

protip_icon Did you know?
Saint Valentine’s skull is displayed for visitors at the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Rome.

95. Fabian

This name is associated with St. Fabian of Rome. The name means ‘noble’ or ‘broad bean’ in Latin. 

96. Rufus

St. Rufus from Antioch was martyred because of his faith in Christianity. His feast day is December 18. The name is rooted in ancient Roman and means ‘red.’

97. Theodore

St. Theodore was a monk and bishop with amazing healing abilities. His name means ‘god’s gift’ in Greek.

98. Henry

St. Henry II was one of the best rulers of the Christian Roman Empire. The name means ‘home ruler’ in Old German.

99. Lawrence

St. Lawrence was a kind and caring saint of Rome. Shorten it to Laurie for the nickname. The Roman name means ‘from Laurentum.’

100. Genesius

St. Genesius of Rome is the patron saint of clowns, comedians, actors, musicians, and dancers. Rooted in Greek, the name means ‘birth’ or ‘origin.’ 

101. Florian

Florian is a venerated Roman saint of firefighters. Inspired by a Roman name, Florian means ‘yellow’ or ‘flowering’ in Latin. 

102. Amantius

St. Amantius of Rome is the third bishop of Como. The unique and dated name means ‘loving’ in Latin.

103. Amias

John Amias was a Roman Catholic priest martyred in England. This French name means ‘to love’ or ‘loved’ in Latin. 

104. Sylvester

The name is associated with Pope Sylvester, who was the bishop of Rome. The Latin name means ‘forest’ or ‘wooded.’

Italian Saint Names For Girls

Italian saint names are a beautiful testament to Italy’s rich spiritual and cultural heritage. These names honor the lives of revered saints who embody faith and compassion.

105. Camilla

Saint Camilla Battista da Varano, the Italian princess, is venerated as a saint in the Catholic church. The name itself has Latin origins and means ‘temple virgin’ or ‘young ceremonial attendant.’

106. Clare

St. Clare was one of the first followers of St. Francis of Assisi. This name is the original and more prosaic spelling of Claire. The Latin name means ‘bright’ or ‘famous.’ 

107. Candida

Candida is associated with a number of saints, but the most important is Saint Candida, the Elder of Italy. Rooted in Late Latin, this beautiful feminine name means ‘white.’ 

108. Diana

Blessed Diana degli Andalò was a 13th-century Dominican nun who started a convent in Italy dedicated to Saint Agnes. Her Latin name means ‘divine.’

109. Adelaide

St. Adelaide was one of the most famous saints of Italy. The name has Old German roots and means ‘noble’ and ‘kind.’ 

110. Angelo

St. Angelo was one of the earliest members of the Carmelite Order. The name has Italian roots and means ‘messenger’ or ‘angel.’

111. Antonia

St. Antonia of Florence pronounced virtue, patience, and wisdom. Her name means ‘praiseworthy’ or ‘beautiful’ in Roman. 

112. Gemma

Gemma, fondly called “Daughter of Passion,” was a venerated Italian saint. Her name means ‘precious stone’ in Latin.

113. Seraphina

St. Seraphina of Italy was known for her acts of penance. The meaning of Seraphina is ‘fiery one’ in Latin.

114. Zita

Zita is the name of the 13th-century Tuscan saint. With roots in the Tuscan Italian language, the name means ‘little girl.’ The name also has Hungarian roots and means ‘fortune’ or good luck.’ 

115. Clelia

Saint Clelia Barbieri was the founder of Sister Minims of Our Lady of Sorrows. The name is connected to the Latin Cloelia, which means ‘illustrious’ or ‘famous.’

Italian Saint Names For Boys

Rooted in the traditions of the Catholic Church, Italian saint names carry timeless elegance and profound meanings. Their deep spiritual connection makes them preferred choices for parents.

116. Camilo

St. Camillus de Lellis was a 16th-century saint and the founder of the Camillians, a religious order. Inspired by the ancient Roman name Camillus, Camilo refers to ‘a temple servant’ or a ‘priest’s assistant.’

117. Abundius

St. Abundius is the early 5th-century saint of Northern Italy. Rooted in Latin, the name means ‘abundant.’ 

118. Benno

The name is associated with the Bishop of Meissen in 1066. He was honored in his home region of Saxony during the Late Middle Ages. The name Benno finds its roots in German and means ‘bear.’

119. Conrad

Conrad of Piacenza was the Italian hermit and penitent of the Third Order of St. Francis. This Old Germanic name means ‘brave counsel.’

120. Milo

Milo was the archbishop of Benevento, Italy. He also shares his name with St. Milo of Treves. This Germanic name finds its roots in Latin and means ‘soldier.’  

121. Augustine

St. Augustine of Hippo was one of the most important Church Fathers of the Latin Church in the Patristic Period. His name is rooted in Latin and means ‘to increase.’  

122. Cassian

Cassian is the patron saint of school teachers. His name is derived from the Roman family name Cassius and means ‘hollow’ in Latin.

123. Benedict

Benedict, Italian Saint names for boys
Image: Shutterstock

St. Benedict of Nursia is the patron saint of Italian architects. Benedict means ‘blessed’ in Late Latin.

124. Artemas

The name Artemas is associated with a 5th-century Italian saint. Rooted in Ancient Greek, the name means ‘gift of Artemis.’

Greek Saint Baby Names For Girls

Greek saint names for girls are a blend of ancient Greek heritage and Christian spirituality. These names are symbols of timeless beauty and deep religious significance.

125. Irene

St. Irene of Athens, also known as Irene Sarantapechaina, was the Byzantine empress. Her beautiful Greek name means ‘peace.’ 

126. Daira

St. Daira was a 3rd-century saint who was martyred by her husband. The name means ‘teacher’ or ‘the knowing one’ in Greek.

Greek Saint Baby Names For Boys

Choose one of these Greek saint names for your child to connect them to their faith, culture, and ancestors.

127. Achilles

St. Achilles of Greece led his people from paganism to Christianity. The name is rooted in Greek and means ‘sorrow’ or ‘grief.’  

128. Alexander

St. Alexander was the Greek monk who founded monastic communities in Constantinople and Syria. This Greek name means ‘defender of the people.’

129. Demetrius

St. Demetrius was an Orthodox Christian saint commemorated in the Church of Greece. The Greek name means ‘earth goddess,’ or ‘devoted to the goddess Demeter.’

130. Aimilios

St. Aimilios, was a 9th-century Greek Orthodox saint known for his selfless service towards those in need. The name is inspired by the Roman family name Aemilius, which comes from a Latin term meaning ‘rival.’ 

131. Publius

St. Publius was a Maltese saint and the bishop of Athens, Greece. The name is of Latin origin and means ‘public,’ or ‘hero who saved Rome.’

132. Gregory

Gregory V was the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople credited with the restoration work to the Patriarchal Cathedral of St. George. Inspired by a Latin name, Gregory means ‘alert’ and ‘watchful’ in Greek.  

133. Achaicus

Achaicus was a Corinthian Greek saint who carried the Corinthians’ letter to St. Paul. This name would fit parents who wish to pay tribute to their Greek ancestors. This Ancient Greek name means ‘belonging to Achaia.’ 

134. Gerasimus

St. Gerasimus was the patron saint of Kefalonia Island in Greece. The name finds its inspiration in a Greek term meaning ‘gift’ or ‘honor.’ 

135. Dionysios

St. Dionysios of Zakynthos was a 16th-century Christian saint and archbishop of Zakynthos. Rooted in Greek, the name Dionysios means ‘of Zeus.’ 

136. Joachim

St. Joachim was a devout Christian saint of the island of Ithaca, Greece. His name is inspired by a Hebrew name meaning ‘raised by Yahweh’ or ‘raised by God.’

137. Cosmas

Cosmas of Aetolia, also known as Father Cosmas, was a saint and monk in the Greek Orthodox Church. Rooted in Greek, the name means ‘universe’ or ‘world.’

138. Athenagoras

Here’s another traditional moniker for you. Athenagoras was an Ante-Nicene Christian apologist living in the second half of the second century. The name has Greek roots and refers to ‘Athens city.’ 

139. Agapius

St. Agapius was an 18th-century saint and martyr of Galatista. The name has Ancient Greek roots and means ‘love.’ 

140. Macarius

St. Macarius of Corinth was the mystic and spiritual writer of Corinth. Derived from a Greek word, the name means ‘blessed’ or ‘happy.’ 

141. Nicodemus

St. Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain was a Greek mystic, ascetic monk, philosopher, and theologian. The name has Greek roots and carries the meaning ‘victory of the people.’

142. Nikephoros

Nikephoros was the son and disciple of Macarius of Corinth. He was regarded as a saint in his lifetime. The Greek name means ‘carrying victory.’ 

143. Philothei

Philothei was a Greek saint and martyr of Ottoman-era Greece. The name means ‘friend of God’ in Greek.

144. Athanasios

Athanasios, the Greek saint was a notable philosopher, theologian, and hymnographer. Inspired by an Ancient Greek name, it means ‘immortal.’

145. Raphael

St. Raphael of Greece was an Eastern Orthodox saint who was later martyred by Turkish soldiers. The name Rapheal has Hebrew origins and means ‘God has healed.’ 

146. Triantafyllos

Triantafyllos was the saint and martyr of the Greek Orthodox church. This unique and ancient name means ‘rose’ in Greek. 

147. Savvas

Savvas is the name of the Greek Orthodox saint. This Greek name finds its roots in an Aramaic term meaning ‘old man’ or ‘grandfather.’ 

148. Paisios

St. Paisios was a well-known Greek saint and ascetic, respected for his spiritual guidance. His name is inspired by an Egyptian term, which means ‘the fate.’ 

149. Nectarios

St. Nectarios was a Greek saint recognized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. This traditional Greek name means ‘nectar’ or ‘drink of the Gods.’

150. George

St. George of Drama was a Greek Elder noted for his clairvoyance and spiritual discernment. His name finds its roots in a Greek word meaning ‘farmer’ or ‘earthworker.’ 

151. Kalafatis

Chrysostomos Kalafatis was a Greek Orthodox bishop of Izmir. The exact meaning and origin of this ancient name are not popularly known. 

152. Porphyrios

St. Porphyrios was a Greek Athonite heir monk known for this spiritual discernment. Rooted in Greek, the name means ‘purple dye’ and has been borne by several ancient saints. 

153. Cyriacus

Cyriacus, also known as Cyriacus the Hermit, was a renowned saint of Greece. His name is derived from a Greek name meaning ‘of the lord.’

154. Eumenes

St. Eumenes was the saint of Crete during the 7th-century. His name comes from a Greek adjective meaning ‘gracious’ or ‘well-disposed.’ 

155. Giles

St. Giles, also known as Giles the Hermit, was a Greek Orthodox Christian hermit saint. His name is inspired by the Late Latin name Aegidius, meaning ‘young goat.’

156. David

David the Dendrite was a patron saint of Thessaloniki. The name means ‘uncle’ or ‘beloved’ in Hebrew. 

157. Nicholas

Nicholas Kabasilas was a Greek spiritual and theological writer. The name Nicholas has Greek roots and means ‘victory of the people.’  

158. Eustathius

Eustathius was a Greek saint and Archbishop of Thessalonica. He is noted for his account of the sack of Thessalonica. His name is the Latin variant of a Greek name meaning ‘stable’ or ‘well-built.’

159. Joseph

St. Joseph, the 9th-century Greek saint was one of the greatest liturgical figures of all time. His name is inspired by the Hebrew name Yosef meaning ‘God will increase.’ 

160. Maximus

Maximus the Greek was a Greek saint, scholar, publicist, and translator. Inspired by a Roman family name, Maximus means ‘greatest’ or ‘largest’ in Latin. 

161. Ephraim

St. Ephraim is considered a miracle-working saint by Greek Orthodox Christians in Greece. Rooted in Hebrew and Aramaic, this name means ‘fertile’ or ‘productive.’

162. Phanourios

Phanourios, the Great Martyr, is recognized as a saint by the Greek Orthodox church. This dated Greek name means ‘guardian with a torch.’

Other Popular Saint Names For Boys

For Boys

Popular saint names for boys are seen as symbols of strength and spiritual significance. Here are some timeless and meaningful choices for your little one.

163. Anskar

Anskar was a missionary sent to Scandinavia, who survived the harsh conditions of the Viking slave trade. The name is composed of Old German terms ansi and ger, meaning ‘god’ and spear’ respectively. 

164. Rocco

Rocco, meaning ‘rest’ in German, was borne by a 14th-century French saint. The Catholic saint was known for looking after plague victims and unfortunately passed away after suffering from the disease himself.

165. Silouan

St. Silouan or Silvanus the Athonite was an Eastern Orthodox monk of Russia. The name is considered the Russian version of the biblical name Silvanus, meaning ‘of the woods.’ 

166. Chad

Chad of Mercia was a saint and a prominent 7th-century Anglo-Saxon churchman. We think it would make a cool name for your son. Rooted in Old English, the name means ‘battle warrior.’

167. Eric

Saint Eric of Sweden is the patron saint of farmers and Sweden. The Scandinavian name Eric means ‘eternal ruler’ or ‘ever-ruler.’

168. Isidore

St. Isidore is the Catholic patron saint of farmers and Madrid; El Gobernador, Jalisco; La Ceiba, Honduras; and Tocoa, Honduras. The name finds its roots in Greek and means ‘gift of Isis.’

169. Blane

Blane was a Scottish bishop who is believed to have resurrected a boy who passed away. Blane means ‘yellow’ in Old Irish.

170. Breccan

Breccan was the name of a saint of the Isle of Aran. The name means ‘freckled’ in Irish.

171. Julian

St. Julian is the patron saint of travelers. His name is of Latin origin and means ‘youthful.’

172. Rupert

St. Rupert was the missionary and bishop of Germany. The Old High German name means ‘bright fame.’

173. Albert

St. Albert the Great was a bishop who introduced Arabic and Greek science to medieval Europe. Albert is among the timeless spiritual boy names that continue to be relevant and significant today. The Germanic name means ‘noble and bright.’

174. Landry

Landry isn’t just associated with football. It’s also the name of the 17th-century Catholic saint of Paris. This Old French name means ‘land ruler.’ 

175. Wulfstan

Wulfstan served as a Worcester bishop, abolishing the slave trade. This name is a combination of the Old English terms wulf and stand, meaning ‘wolf’ and ‘stone.’

176. Damasus

Damasus is the patron saint of archaeologists. His name comes from a Greek term meaning ‘to tame.’

177. Bavo

Bavo, the patron saint of the Netherlands was a nobleman who gave away all his riches and became a hermit. The exact meaning of his name is not widely known. However, some believe that the name is inspired by the Germanic term badu, meaning ‘battle.’ 

178. Caian

Caian was a Welsh saint who is believed to be the son or grandson of a king. The Welsh meaning of the name is not widely known, however, it means ‘son of the Sun’ in ancient Quechua. 

179. Glastian

Glastian or St. Glastian of Kinglassie was the bishop who mediated between the Picts and Scots. The meaning of his name is not widely known.

180. Petroc

St. Petroc was a British prince who later became a Christian saint. Rooted in Greek, the name Petroc means ‘stone.’ 

181. Ambrose

Ambrose is the patron saint of educational television. Of Greek origin, his name means ‘divine’ or ‘immortal.’

182. Claude

St. Claude de la Colombière was the Jesuit priest and confessor of St. Margaret Mary Alacoqu. Rooted in Latin, the name means ‘strong-willed.’

183. Zachary

St. Zachary was a priest in Jerusalem. The Hebrew name means ‘the Lord has remembered.’

For Girls

Saint names for girls may not necessarily have religious meaning, but they still resonate with enduring qualities admired across generations.

184. Colette

Saint Colette of Corbie, the French abbess, was the founder of the Colettine Poor Clares.

184. Colette

St. Colette of Corbie, the French abbess, was the founder of the Colettine Poor Clares. This French name is derived from the masculine name Nicholas, meaning ‘victory of the people’ in Greek. 

185. Aquilina

St. Aquilina was a Lebanese child martyr. This name seems modern despite being ancient. The name is linked to the name Aquila and means ‘eagle’ in Latin. 

186. Delphina

St. Delphina was a member of the Third Order of St. Francis. Her name is of Late Roman origin and means ‘of Delphi.’

187. Ada

St. Ada of France was not just a saint, but also the abbess of St. Julien-des-Prés in Le Mans. A short version of Adelaide, the German name Ada means ‘noble.’

188. Emma

This name, related to St. Emma of England, would make a timeless choice for your little girl. Emma comes from a Germanic word meaning ‘whole’ or ‘universal.’ 

189. Georgia

The 6th-century saint of France has a lovely name to use for your daughter. Rooted in Greek, this occupational name means ‘farmer’ or ‘land worker.’ 

190. Isabelle

St. Isabelle of France was King Louis VIII’s daughter. The name is the French version of the Spanish name Isabel, meaning ‘devoted to God’ or ‘consecrated to God.’

191. Angelina

Angelina, the 15th-century Princess of Albania, was proclaimed a saint by the Serbian Orthodox Church. The name is derived from a Latin term meaning ‘messenger’ or ‘angel.’

192. Aurea

Two well-known saints share this name: Saint Aurea of Ostia from the 3rd century and Saint Aurea of San Millán from the 11th century. This beautiful name is derived from a Latin term meaning ‘gilded’ or ‘golden.’

193. Matilda

Matilda is the patron saint of families. Her name is of Germanic roots and means ‘battle ready’ or ‘strength in battle.’ 

194. Apollonia

St. Apollonia was the 3rd-century deaconess martyred under Emperor Decius. The name Apollonia is the female version of Apollo. The exact meaning of the name remains a mystery. However, when connected to the Greek name Apollo, it means ‘father lion’ or ‘father light.’

195. Endellion

Florence Rose Endellion was a saint who evangelized the people of Cornwall in the 500s. The meaning of the name Endellion is not widely known; however, it is considered the Latin variant of a Welsh or Cornish name.

196. Genevieve

St. Genevieve gained popularity when she exhorted the inhabitants of Paris to pray and fast to ward off the invasion of Attila. The name has Celtic roots and means ‘white wave.’ It also means ‘woman of the race’ in German.

197. Bruno

St. Bruno of Cologne was the patron of the Carthusian Order. This name finds its origins in Old German and means ‘protection’ or ‘polished.’ 

198. Edith

St. Edith was a German-Jewish-born nun, who was also a victim of the Holocaust. The name is rooted in Old English and means ‘riches’ or ‘prosperous in war.’ 

199. Fidelma

This name belongs to 5th-century Saint Fidelma, the daughter of King Laoghaire. Derived from an Old Irish term, the name means ‘constant’ or ‘enduring.’ 

200. Gertrude

Saint Gertrude was an abbess of the Benedictine monastery. Her name has Germanic roots and means ‘strength of spear’ or ‘spear of strength.’

Discover More Names

When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the significance of choosing a divine saint baby name?

Divine saint baby names have a strong religious and devotional foundation. These tend to denote virtues like knowledge and honor. You may pick one of the divine saint names if you want your baby to inherit those qualities.

2. How do I choose a divine saint baby name?

Before deciding on a name for the baby, parents may research the name, its meaning, how it sounds, its roots, and history, and determine whether it may have any negative societal implications.

3. Can I use a divine saint baby name as a middle name?

Divine saint names can be used as middle names too. Make sure the name complements the first name.

4. What are some unique saint names for modern families?

For parents who wish their children to carry their saint name as their legal name, it is common practice to search for distinctive saint names that will stand out. For girls, Celine, Alodia, or Zita, and boys, Killian, Vincenzo, and Ephraim are some unique choices.

Saint names are a popular choice among parents due to their divine disposition. The saints who inspired the names above were known for their modesty, wisdom, and pious nature. When you name your baby after them, you inspire them to be good humans. Hence, choose the saint who inspired you the most and name your baby after them. The above list of divine baby names has been taken from many languages and cultures. We have also included the meaning of each name to help you make an informed choice.

Infographic: Saint Names For Girls And Boys

If you wish your child connects with spirituality and divine self, give them a name inspired by the same. In the following infographic, we have a list of names for boys and girls inspired by the saints and the divine. So, please give it a thorough read and remember to save it too.

baby names inspired by the divinty (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: Ecstatic And Divine Saint Names For Girls and Boys

Divine Saint Baby Names_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Check out this interesting and informative video about 15 saint names for girls, along with their meanings and pronunciation.


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  1. About Confirmation Names.
  2. 10 Facts on Motherhood and Children in the Middle Ages.
  3. Female / Women Saints A-Z.
  4. Saints A to Z: A.
  5. Irish Saints A-Z.

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Arshi Ahmed
Arshi AhmedMA (English)
Arshi Ahmed did her graduation from Shri Shikshayatan College, Kolkata, and post graduation in English from Lovely Professional University. With nearly four years of experience, she specializes in writing baby names articles as she loves to help new parents find a name for their child.

Read full bio of Arshi Ahmed
Srija holds an MA in English Literature from the University of Calcutta and a PG Diploma in Editing and Publishing from Jadavpur University. Her interest in editing ranges across niches, including academics, human psychology, and child development.

Read full bio of Srija Chanda Burman
Praven is an English literature expert. He did his bachelors in English from Delhi University and masters in English from Manipur University. Besides, he holds a certificate in multimedia design and content creation from NIELIT Imphal and presented papers at various national and international conferences.

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