Sex For Pregnancy: When To Have, Positions, Tips & Frequency

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Couples planning to have a baby may examine various aspects of sex for pregnancy. You may wonder about the best positions and frequency of sexual intercourse to ensure maximum chances of becoming pregnant.

Many couples may consider conception as a simple event of sperm fertilizing the egg, leading to embryo formation and pregnancy. However, several factors associated with sex could play a role in determining whether you conceive successfully. Other essential factors include the timing of sexual intercourse and the couple’s overall health (1).

Read on to know about the best time, frequency, and positions for sex to increase the chances of becoming pregnant.

In This Article

When To Have Sex To Get Pregnant?

Having unprotected intercourse around the time of ovulation (when the egg is released from the ovary and is available for the sperm to meet) could increase your chances of getting pregnant. For women, who have a regular 28-day cycle, ovulation is expected to happen around the 14th day after their last period (2).

The day of ovulation varies as per the length of the menstrual cycle and from cycle to cycle. Hence, experts usually recommend having sex every two to three days throughout the month rather than waiting for ovulation.

But, how does ovulation play a role in conception?

  • A released egg usually lives for 12 to 24 hours. For you to conceive, fertilization of the egg must occur within this time.
  •  After being released into the woman’s body, the sperm can live for up to seven days. So even if you have had sex just a few days before ovulation, you may have a chance to conceive (2).

The probability of conception is highest when you have sexual intercourse during the five days before ovulation and on the day of ovulation (3).

How do you know you are ovulating (to get pregnant)?

You may track your ovulation by counting the days in your menstrual cycle. Use a calendar or the ovulation calculator to track the fertile days. The cycle begins on the first day of your period and ends a day before the next period starts. During ovulation, you may also notice certain symptoms such as a rise in basal body temperature, changes in vaginal discharge, tenderness in breasts, and mild cramping in the lower abdomen (4).

Ovulation predictor kits may also be used to detect the luteinizing hormone (an important hormone that controls the system of reproduction and increases just before ovulation) in the urine (5). This can help you determine the best time to get pregnant by identifying your ovulation period and the ideal time for intercourse to improve your odds of conceiving.

Sharing her experiences trying to conceive, Youtuber Alyssa Rimmer explains, “What I did was I started tracking my cycle on day eight. I tracked twice a day, in the morning and the evening; I kept track of doing the deed and my basal body temperature and then cervical mucus. I started tracking on day eight and didn’t get a positive until the evening of day 12 (i).”

However, calculators, symptoms, or kits alone may not always be accurate. Therefore, you may regularly have sex throughout the month to increase your chances of conception.

protip_icon Things to know
An ovulation predictor kit is used to predict when you are likely to ovulate. If the kit gives a positive result, you may ovulate within the next 24 to 36 hours (23).

Does A Sex Position Affect Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant?

Some experts believe that specific sex positions, such as the missionary position or doggie style, may be more effective than other positions (such as woman on top or standing) in aiding conception.

But there are no definitive studies to support these claims (6).

A single ejaculation can release millions of sperm that swim into the vagina to meet the egg (7). The deposited sperm can reach the fallopian tubeiA hollow tube-like structure that connects ovaries to the uterus within minutes and meet the egg (8).

So, no matter what the sex position is, there is a chance of pregnancy when the man ejaculates into the vagina.

14 Sex Positions To Get Pregnant: What’s The Common Belief

These positions are believed to enable better penetration and thus more likely to help a woman get pregnant. However, remember that whichever position you try, it needs to be pleasurable and not painful. Enjoy having intercourse with your partner without the pressure of getting pregnant.

  1. Missionary position: Some people believe this position could help a couple get pregnant. With the man on top and woman lying on the back, the sperms could possibly get an easy path to the cervix and may help you conceive.
  2. Doggy style: This position is likely to help in deeper penetration and open the cervix more than other positions. It might make it easier for the sperm to make its way inside.
  1. Glowing triangle: Just like the missionary, in the glowing triangle the woman is on the back with her partner on top on his all fours with his legs extended out. With the pelvis slightly raised, the woman may wrap her legs around her partner. It is said that this position allows deeper penetration and keeps the pelvis tilted upwards, increasing the chance of conception.
  1. The anvil: In this position, the man is again on top, but the woman has to raise her legs above the head before he penetrates. It might allow deep penetration and help hit the G-spot, both of which could help conceive.
  1. Magic mountain: This is another variance of the doggy style pose where the man bends over the woman in such a way that his chest on her back. It is believed that this pose allows the sperm to move deeper and faster. It might also hit the G-spot and help the woman orgasm.
  1. Spooning: In this pose, the woman lies on the side with her partner spooning from behind. The woman’s pelvis is tilted at a 90-degree angle, and it is thought to provide a better reach for sperm.
  1. Plough: The woman is positioned like a wheelbarrow with legs in the air. The partner will hold onto her legs as he penetrates. It is believed that gravity works to pull the sperm further down the cervix.
  1. Butterfly: The woman lies on her back, on a table. The partner moves between her legs and lifts her hips (or she may put pillows under her hips). It is thought to help the sperm stay in the vagina longer, ensuring better chances of conception.
  1. The splitting bamboo: The splitting bamboo is one of the Kamasutra poses, where a woman raises one of her legs over the partner’s shoulders while he straddles over her thigh and uses her leg for support. Apart from hitting the G-spot, this position is likely to have deeper penetration and a better chance of conception.
  1. The union of the wolf: In this pose, the woman stands her back to her partner. The partner holds her waist and penetrates. Some believe that it helps the sperms find a better way to the cervix, ensuring quicker conception.
  1. The union of the oyster: This pose is also thought to help conceive, apart from making sex more pleasurable. The woman lies on her back while bending her knees and the partner will be in the kneeling position during intercourse.
  1. The padlock: The woman sits on the edge of some high furniture, supporting herself with arms, behind her and legs wrapped around her partner. It is thought to give the sperm that extra space and motion for easier conception.
  1. The peg: In this position, the man lies on his back, with the woman on top. This position is thought to help women with heavier partners.
  1. The sphinx: The woman has to lie on her tummy, with weight on the forearms. One of the legs should be bent to the side while the other should be straight behind. The partner will then straddle her, with his weight on his arms. This position is likely to allow deeper penetration and conception.

How Often Should You Have Sex To Conceive?

There is no fixed number of times you must have sex to get pregnant. The likelihood of getting pregnant can depend on the age, genetics, and the overall health of the couple.

According to a statistical study lead by David Dunson of Duke University, who examined the chances of conception among 770 European women, 92% of women aged between 19 and 26 years, 86% of women of aged between 27 and 34 years, and 82% of women between the ages 35 and 39 years, conceived within a year of having sex at least twice a week (9) (1).

Studies also suggest that around 10% to 15% of couples may have difficulty in conceiving within a year, even if they have frequent sex without using birth control, due to infertility (10).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 17.5% of adults globally, roughly equivalent to one out of every six individuals, encounter fertility issues. Besides the frequency of getting intimate, several factors can affect fertility in individuals of reproductive age.

Keep reading to know about the other factors that may influence your chances of getting pregnant.

Does A Lubricant Affect The Chances Of Getting Pregnant?

Lubricants are used to make intercourse more comfortable but may affect fertility. In vitro studies suggest that the use of lubricants may damage the sperm, but in vivo studies did not find any proof of reduced fertility among couples who used lubricants (11). However, further studies are required to determine the effect of vaginal lubricants on the chances of getting pregnant.

Does Lying Down After Sex Help You Get Pregnant?

It is a common belief that lying down for a few minutes right after sex increases the chances of conception, but there are no studies to support this theory. The belief stems from the idea that the semen is more likely to stay in and around the cervix when you lie down, whereas gravity can pull it away when you get up. This may or may not be true. Millions of sperms are released with every ejaculation, and there is a chance that several of them get into the fallopian tube whether or not the woman lays down and stays on her back for a while after sex.

Tips To Increase The Chances Of Getting Pregnant

Besides regular sexual intercourse, a few lifestyle changes and practices could increase your chances of conception.

  • Reach orgasm: Ejaculation by the man is essential for the woman to get pregnant, even if the woman doesn’t have an orgasm. However, the orgasmic movement after ejaculation can help propel the sperm towards the egg and removes a hostile environment in the vagina (12).
  • Quit smoking:Smoking affects the estrogeniA hormone that regulates the development of female sex characteristics levels in women and impairs ovulation. In men, it is known to affect the quality of sperm (13).
  • Avoid alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption may alter the menstrual cycle and increase the risk of infertility (14). Likewise, alcohol consumption in men is linked to reduced testosteroneiA sex hormone involved in the development of secondary sexual characteristics in men levels, impotence, and infertility (15).
  • Maintain a healthy weight:Being overweight or under-weight may affect fertility. Check your BMI and try to maintain an ideal weight after consulting a nutritionist.
  • Do not take narcotic drugs: Intake of narcotic drugs can lead to fertility issues in both men and women. Recreational drugs, such as cocaine and marijuana, may also affect testosterone levels and impair sperm production (16).
  • Get a sexual health check-up: Sexually transmitted diseases can affect your fertility and reduce your chances of getting pregnant (17). So, both you and your partner should get tested for STDs or any other sex-related issues before planning for a baby. This is an important test as some women may be asymptomatic.
  • Stay active: Regular and moderate exercises can help maintain optimum health and may improve your chances of conception (18).
protip_icon Quick tip
Drink plenty of water if you are trying to conceive. Water can help the kidneys flush out waste from the body and enhance the fertile quality of cervical fluid (24).

When Should You See A Doctor?

Regular sex, combined with a healthy lifestyle, can increase your chances of getting pregnant but cannot guarantee it. Consult your gynecology/obstetric specialist if you:

  • Are over 35 years old and have not conceived even after six months of regular and unprotected sex.
  • Are younger than 35 years and have been trying to conceive for over a year (19).
  • Have fertility issues such as polycystic ovary syndromeiA disorder identified by irregular menstrual cycle, facial hair, and weight gain due to the development of cysts over ovaries (PCOS) or endometriosisiThe condition identified by an abnormal growth of intrauterine tissues outside the uterus and causes irregular and painful periods , and your partner has a low sperm count.
  • Have irregular or no periods.
  • Have had prior surgeries such as a hernia.

protip_icon Point to consider
You should consult a doctor if you have diabetes and sickle cell anemia or take medications that can affect fertility (2).

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is daily sex good for pregnancy?

Daily intercourse is known to increase the chances of getting pregnant. A cohort study showed that couples with higher coital frequency had more chances of conception (20).

2. Can we have sex in periods?

Yes, it is safe to have intercourse during the menstrual cycle. Moreover, you may also get pregnant if you have unprotected sex while on your period (21).

3. How many days after my period can I get pregnant?

You may conceive if you have sex just after a few days of your menstrual cycle (without contraception) (21).

4. In which month do periods stop in pregnancy?

If you are planning to get pregnant and miss your period in a particular month (when you are expecting it to arrive), there are chances that you may have conceived. However, some women may experience bleeding even after conception (such as implantation bleeding or other medical reasons). Hence it is better to consult your doctor if your period stops and you are trying to get pregnant (22).

5. Can stress or certain activities impact a woman’s ability to get pregnant?

Stress and anxiety may affect a woman’s fertility. The scientific evidence about the correlation between stress or anxiety and conception is conflicting. Nevertheless, stress has several known negative effects, including a potential reduction in libido. Therefore, you may explore ways to manage stress better if planning to conceive.

6. Can medical conditions affect a woman’s ability to get pregnant?

Several factors or conditions can affect a woman’s ability to conceive. Some conditions include ovulation disorders, fallopian tube defects, uterine or cervical disorders, and problems with egg number and quality (25).

Knowing the right information about sex for pregnancy can increase a couple’s chance of conceiving. Unprotected sexual intercourse on fertile days, three to five days before and on ovulation day increases the chances. You may track menstruation and ovulation regularly to plan sex for pregnancy. Although sex positions are said to play a role in conception, it lacks evidence from scientific studies. Also, there is no fixed number of times to have sex to get pregnant, and you may try around the time of ovulation. You may seek preconception medical care to begin a more healthy lifestyle and vitamins.

Infographic: Can You Naturally Better Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant?

Couples planning to conceive look for different methods to boost their chances of conception. Our infographic provides you with some natural ways that help raise a woman’s chances of conception naturally. Go through this infographic and share it with your friends who might also be looking for safe and natural ways to increase their fertility.

natural ways women can increase their chances of conception (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • Unprotected sexual intercourse during ovulation increases the chances of getting pregnant.
  • Ovulation can be predicted using ovulation trackers or predictor kits.
  • Specific sex positions have not been proven to affect pregnancy chances.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding alcohol, and staying active can increase the likelihood of getting pregnant.
  • If experiencing fertility issues or irregular periods, consulting a doctor is recommended.

Illustration: Sex For Pregnancy: When To Have Positions Tips & Frequency

Sex For Pregnancy_illustration

Image: Dall·E/MomJunction Design Team

Are you searching for some sex positions that can help you conceive a baby? Find inspiration in this video, discovering optimal ways to increase your chances of a swift and easy pregnancy.

Personal Experience: Source


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.

1. 5. Initial advice to people concerned about delays in conception; Fertility: Assessment and Treatment for People with Fertility Problems; National Collaborating Centre for Women’s and Children’s Health (UK) (2013)
2. Trying to get pregnant; NHS (2018)
3. Allen J. Wilcox et al.; Timing of Sexual Intercourse in Relation to Ovulation — Effects on the Probability of Conception, Survival of the Pregnancy, and Sex of the Baby; NEJM (1995)
4. Gross BA; Natural family planning indicators of ovulation; Clinical Reproduction Fertility (1987)
5. Ovulation home test; NIH (2019)
6. What sexual positions are best for getting pregnant?; Tommys
7. Semen Analysis; NIH
8. Optimizing natural fertility: a committee opinion; The American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama (2013)
9. Jean Twenge; How Long Can You Wait to Have a Baby; UNC School of Medicine (2013)
10. How common is infertility? National Institutes of Health
11. Anne Z. Steiner et al.; Effect of Vaginal Lubricants on Natural Fertility; Obstetrics & Gynecology (2012)
12. Semen; Northern Arizona University
13. Sépaniak S; [Cigarette smoking and fertility in women and men]; Gynecol Obstet Fertil (2006)
14. Fact Sheets – Excessive Alcohol Use and Risks to Women’s Health; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2016)
15. Mary A. Emanuele and Nicholas V. Emanuele; Alcohol’s Effects on Male Reproduction; NIAAA Research Library; NIH (1998)
16. Andrea Sansone et al.; Smoke, alcohol and drug addiction and male fertility; Reprod Biol Endocrinol (2018)
17. Infertility Risk Factors for Men and Women; University of Rochester Medical Center
18. The role of exercise in improving fertility, quality of life and emotional wellbeing; The Fertility Society of Australia
19. Female Infertility; The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (2019)
20. Shoko Konishi et al., Coital Frequency and the Probability of Pregnancy in Couples Trying to Conceive Their First Child: A Prospective Cohort Study in Japan (2020); International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
21. Can I get pregnant just after my period has finished?; NHS (2021)
22. Can You Still Have Your Period If You’re Pregnant?; KidsHealth (2022)
23. Ovulation signs; Pregnancy birth and baby
24. Conception Tips; Fertility Network UK
25. Female infertility; Cleveland Clinic

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Dr. Pamela Adhiambo Muga is a practicing obstetrician-gynecologist at the Nairobi Hospital and Willows Clinic for Women. She is registered with the Kenya Medical and Dental Practitioners Council and is a member of the Royal College of Obstetrician Gynecologists UK (MRCOG).

Read full bio of Dr. Pamela Adhiambo Muga
Rebecca is a pregnancy writer and editor with a passion for delivering research-based and engaging content in areas of fertility, pregnancy, birth, and post-pregnancy. She did her graduation in Biotechnology and Genetics from Loyola Academy, Osmania University and obtained a certification in ‘Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy’ from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU).

Read full bio of Rebecca Malachi
Dr. Ritika Shah is a certified lactation counsellor (CLC) from iNational Health Care Academy, Singapore and a dental surgeon with more than seven years of clinical experience across various cities in India. She did her graduation in Dentistry from KM Shah Dental College.

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Reshmi Das has over four years of experience as a clinical coordinator, medical content writer and medical conference coordinator. Her continuous interest in medical journals and writing makes her write well-researched articles for MomJunction.

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