Image: Momjunction Design Team
Shamanism is a spiritual practice that has existed since ancient times. Shaman names reflect spirituality, blessings, hope, and positivity. The practice of Shamanism is beyond religious beliefs and is rooted independently in various indigenous cultures. Most popularly, it is a part of the native cultures of Siberia, Eurasia, North and South America, Oceania, and Africa. Shamans help individuals in their life’s challenges, ranging from illness and professional obstacles to worldly and ancestral issues (1). They develop relationships with spirits and the invisible world to help people by giving advice and understanding the root cause. They also perform dances, play instruments, and chants to connect with the spirits.
Parents may want to consider the best shaman names if they believe in this practice, have benefitted from them, or for their positive meanings. So, dive into this post to pick a beautiful name for your baby.
Key Pointers
- Shamanism is a spiritual practice performed by Shamans.
- Shaman names consist of those associated with spiritualism, positivity, natural elements, nature, and the celestial ones
- Warcraft, an online video game, majorly consists of shamans. Thus, one can derive Shaman names from its characters.
250+ Best Shaman Names And Meanings
Dive into a world of baby names by exploring shaman names. Each unique appellation on our list is like a gateway to wisdom and strength, bursting with symbolism and spiritual elements.
Shaman Names For Girls
Shaman names for girls are steeped in wisdom and power. These names are nature-inspired and magical.
1. Aiyana
A name originating from the Native American, Aiyana means ‘eternal blossom’ or ‘flower’ in the Amharic language.
2. Aluna
This beautiful name of Latin origin means ‘moon.’
3. Amara
This sweet name originates from the Greek language, and it means ‘eternal’ or ‘immortal.’
4. Anaya
Originating from the Sanskrit language, Anaya means ‘blessed’ or ‘graced by God.’
5. Anyi
Originating from a Q’ero word, the name Anyi means ‘everything is connected’. The name also has African roots from the Igobo word, which means ‘we.’
6. Astra
A beautiful celestial name of Latin origin, Astra means ‘star.’
7. Aura
A cool and breezy name derived from Latin, this name means ‘breeze’ or ‘air.’
8. Avani
Derived from the Sanskrit word, this sweet name means ‘Earth.’
9. Ayla
A Hebrew-originated name means ‘oak tree’ or ‘terebinth,’ symbolizing resilience and strength.
10. Balian
The name is derived from the Proto-Western-Malayo-Polynesian element, meaning ‘shaman,’ and refers to ‘Filipino shamans.’
11. Beata
This beautiful name of Latin origin means ‘blessed.’ It is often used to refer to the female priest in Basque culture (2).
12. Brujo
The Spanish name for ‘witch’ but is often used as an alternative term for shamans in Spanish (3).
13. Chayanyi
One of the unique names given to Keresan shamans (3).
14. Cora
This beautiful name of Greek origin means ‘maiden’ or ‘maiden of the sea.’
15. Curanderos
The name is used to refer to the Peruvian shamans (3).
16. Elara
A radiant name spreading positive energy is derived from the Greek origin, meaning ‘bright’ or ‘shining.’
17. Elena
The beautiful ancient name of Greek origin, meaning ‘torch’ or ‘bright light.’
18. Ember
Derived from English origin, this rhythmic name means ‘burning coal’ or ‘spark,’ representing transformation.
19. Enya
From Irish origin, this sweet and short name means ‘fire’ or ‘passion.’
20. Esprit
A name derived from the French, it literally means ‘spirit.’
21. Feri
The name refers to a type of modern Pagan witchcraft (4).
22. Fey
This is a sweet and mystical name of English origin, meaning ‘magical’ or ‘enchanting.’
23. Freya
Of Nordic origin, referring to a ‘lady’ or ‘noblewoman.’ This is also the name of the Norse goddess associated with love, beauty, war, and death.
24. Haya
Derived from the Arabian roots, the name means ‘spirit’ or ‘life’ in Arabic.
25. Iris
A beautiful Greek-originated name, meaning ‘rainbow.’
26. Juno
A name originating from Roman mythology, referring to the ‘queen of heavens.’
27. Kira
A beautiful and warm name of Russian origin, meaning ‘sunbeam’ or ‘ray of light.’
28. Luna
A mystical name derived from Latin, meaning ‘moon.’
29. Maeve
An enchanting name of Irish origin, meaning ‘intoxicating,’ referring to ‘she who intoxicates.’
30. Nala
A sweet name of African origin from popular culture ‘The Lion King’, Nala means ‘gift’ or ‘beloved.’
31. Niamh
Making a unique and graceful name, Niamh is derived from the Irish language, meaning ‘brightness’ or ‘radiance.’
32. Ona
A novice name derived from the Irish roots, meaning ‘lamb’ or ‘pure.’
33. Paisley
Originating from the Scottish language, Paisley refers to a ‘sacred or holy place.’
34. Phoebe
This is a luminant name, meaning ‘bright’ or ‘radiant’ in Greek.
35. Rhea
From Greek mythology, Rhea means ‘to flow’ or ‘earth (ground). This is also the name of the Titan, mother of the Olympian Gods Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia.
36. Ruhi
This is an Arabic name, which literally translates to ‘spiritual’ or ‘soulful’ in Arabic.
37. Sage
Originating from English, Sage means ‘wise’ and refers to ‘saints.’
38. Serena
This is a peaceful name of Latin origin, meaning ‘calm’ or ‘serene.’
39. Shakti
Originating from the Sanskrit language, the name means ‘power’ or ‘energy.’
40. Sorcha
A warm name of Irish origin, meaning ‘bright’ or ‘radiant.’
41. Spiridiona
An Italian name derived from the Greek where it means ‘basket,’ and in Latin, it signifies ‘spirit.’
42. Tara
Tara is a celestial name derived from Sanskrit, meaning ‘star.’
43. Una

Derived from Irish origin, the name Una means ‘lamb’ or ‘one.’
44. Vera
A spiritual name, Vera. is a Russian name for ‘faith’ and a Latin name for ‘true.’
45. Xanthe
Derived from Greek mythology, the name means ‘golden/yellow’ and is the name given to a few minor figures in Greek mythology.
46. Yara
It is derived from the Brazilian folklore for the ‘river nymph.’ The name originates from the Tupi word, meaning ‘water lady.’
47. Zelda
This is a Yiddish name, and it means ‘blessed’ or ‘happy.’
48. Zephyra
Zephyra is one of the unique nature baby names of Greek origin, meaning ‘west wind.’ This is also a feminine variant of Zephyros, a Greek God of the West wind.
49. Ziva
Originating from Hebrew, this radiant name means ‘brightness.’
50. Zola
It is an African-originated name from the Xhosa root, meaning ‘calm,’ ‘peaceful’ or ‘tranquil.’
Shaman Names For Boys
Rich in tradition and power, these shaman names for boys are perfect for the shaman in the making.
51. Akando
This is a Native American-originated name, meaning ‘ambassador’ or ‘messenger.’
52. Aldo
Of Italian origin, the name refers to ‘old’ or ‘wise.’
53. Angakok
This is the name of the famous Inuit shaman (5).
54. Angatkuq
An alternative spelling for Angakok, and a well-known Inuit shaman.
55. Angus
Of Celtic origin, the name means ‘unique strength’ or ‘exceptional vigor.’
56. Anito
A term used by Filipino shamans for ‘spirits.’
57. Arpachshad
This is a Jewish name that means ‘healer or helper.’
58. Baksy
In Kyrgyzstan, Baksy is used to refer to male shamans.
59. Boge
In Mongolian culture, Boge refers to male shamans, also known as ‘protector spirits.’
60. Bombo
An alternative name and term used for Mongolian shamans.
61. Bomoh
In Malay culture, Bomoh is a title given to shamans or herbalists.
62. Buge
This is a Siberian-derived term for shamans in Siberia.
63. Chaska
This is a celestial name of Quechua origin, meaning ‘star.’
64. Dabag
This is a unique name of Mongolian origin, meaning ‘shaman’ or ‘spiritual healer.’
65. Dukun
In Indonesia, the name Dunkun is used to refer to ‘shamans.’
66. Ekon
A short and cool name of African origin, meaning ‘strong’ or ‘powerful.’
67. Espiridion
It is a shamanic name of Spanish origin, derived from the Latin word ‘spirit.’
68. Ewan
This is a name of Scottish origin, meaning ‘young warrior’ or ‘born of the yew tree.’
69. Haman
A name of Turkic origin refers to ‘shaman’ or ‘wise one.’
70. Hugo
Of Germanic origin, this soulful name means ‘mind,’ ‘spirit,’ or ‘intelligence.’
71. Jhakri
Jhakri is a unique name and Nepalese word for ‘shaman.’
72. Jinwu
This is a Chinese-originated name meaning ‘golden shaman.’
73. Jigari
Jigari are referred to as ‘great spirits’ by Mongolian shamans (6).
74. Kahuna
Kahuna is of Hawaiian origin, and it means ‘expert’ or ‘priest.’
75. Keanu
This name is of Hawaiian origin, signifying ‘cool breeze over the mountains.’
76. Kiepja
This is the unique name of the last Selk’nam shaman (7).
77. Kokumo
A soulful name of Yoruba origin, this name means ‘this one will not die’ or ‘immortal.’
78. Nashoba

This is a rare name of Choctaw origin, meaning ‘wolf.’
79. Orenda
An unusual name of Iroquois origin means ‘spiritual power’ or ‘life force.’
80. P’aqo
The name is used as a traditional name for an Andean shaman.
81. Paikea
This Maori-originated name means ‘sea creature’ or ‘whale rider.’
82. Pemba
The shaman name of Tibetan origin means ‘lotus’ or ‘purity.’
83. Phedangbo
This is an alternative term for ‘shaman’ in the Limbu language.
84. Rohan
Rohan is a common Indian name of Sanskrit origin, meaning ‘ascending’ or ‘spiritual ascent.’
85. Spiridon
It is a soulful name of Greek origin, derived from the Greek word, ‘spirit.’
86. Suersaq
This shamanistic name comes from Greenland, meaning ‘one healed by a shaman.’
87. Susse
Susse is a traditional Yi name, that means ‘the son of a shaman.’
88. Tadibey
Tadibey is the given name of a Samoyed shaman.
89. Theodore
This is a common name of Greek origin, meaning ‘gift of God’ or ‘God’s divine spirit.’ It is used as a middle name in English-speaking countries.
Hex, a mother of three, from Texas, USA, shares about the events following the naming of her younger son, Orion Theodore. She says, ‘We picked Orion because it’s a fun constellation to find in the sky and his big brother is Skyler. So both of our boys’ names are in reference to the sky. As for Theodore, there are two major reasons: we wanted his middle name to start with a ‘T’ to go along with Skyler Thomas and Anastasia Thora. My poor mom had a heck of a time following me yesterday in a puzzle activity I did with the name ‘Theodore’ (i). ‘
90. Tlaloc
Tlaloc is a rare name of Aztec origin, meaning ‘he who makes things sprout.’
91. Txiv Neeb
A name of great importance in Hmong shamanism, meaning ‘father of the spirits.’
92. Ulf
This short name of Norse origin means ‘wolf.’
93. Vidar
A name derived from Nordic roots, Vidar means ‘forest warrior.’
94. Vulcan
Derived from Roman origin, this name means ‘fire’ or ‘volcano.’
95. Wachiwi
This unique name of Sioux origin, meaning ‘dancer’ or ‘dancing girl.’
96. Wakahina
The spiritual name of Hawaiian origin, meaning ‘spiritual guide’ or ‘wise one.’
97. Xin
This short name is of Chinese origin, meaning ‘trust’ or ‘belief.’
98. Yachak
Yachak makes a unique name, used by the Kichwa people of the Ecuadorian Amazon for ‘shamans.’
99. Yao
This is a Chinese name, meaning ‘witch doctor’ or ‘shaman.’
100. Zephyr
The name comes from the word ‘Zephyros,’ signifiying ‘the Greek God of the west wind.’
Funny Shaman Names
Names do not have to be serious all the time. These funny shaman names still carry an air of mystique, but with a touch of humor.
101. Breezy
A humorous name originating from the English word, meaning ’a breeze.’
102. Bongo
A fun and rhythmic name of African origin.
103. Bumblesnout
An endearing name of English origin to suggest someone with a ‘clumsy nature.’
104. Doodlebug
A cute and sweet American name suggests a shaman with artistic skills.
105. Gigglesnort
A humorous English name for a shaman who laughs spontaneously with giggles and snorts.
106. Mystic
Mystic is an English name that means ‘magic’ or ‘mystery.’
107. Spritzy
A bubbly name of English origin for someone ‘full of enthusiasm and fizz energy.’
108. Twinkletoes
Of English origin, the name refers to a shaman with nimble toes.
109. Wanda

Derived from an English name, Wanda is a female name, meaning ‘wanderer’ or ‘adventurer.’
110. Whisper
A pretty English name meaning ‘to speak softly or quietly.’
Orc Shaman Names
Shaman names already sound powerful but if you want to add more command to them, these orc shaman names are a force to be reckoned with.
111. Agra Crun
This was the title earned by the shield-wife Bagrar, meaning ‘the blood shield,’ which has also been borne by the Orc members as a religious order.
112. Amnennar
In the game ‘War of Warcraft,’ Amnennar is a male orc and the ruler of the Razorfen Downs. This character can bring ‘cold flames,’ thus, it has been titled ‘the Coldbringer.’
113. Bagara
Curated from the ‘World of Warcraft,’ this orcish name refers to the ‘spiritual leader’ or the ‘high priest’ among the orcs.
114. Bogham
Bogham is the name of the Shaman or the ‘spiritual leader’ of the ‘Barkbite Clan’ of the Wood Orcs.
115. Corhuk
This is the name of the Orc from ‘War of Warcraft’ who is a ‘farseer,’ meaning ‘a fortune teller or a prophet.’ These are the characteristics possessed by the Shamans.
116. Elkay’gan
It is derived from the online game ‘War of Warcraft.’ The name is given to a male orc, a ‘mystic’ meaning ‘one who transcends human knowledge.’
117. Geyah
Derived from the online game ‘War of Warcraft,’ it is the name of a female Orc character. She is called ‘the great mother’ and the ‘spiritual leader.’
118. Haromm
This is another male orc character from the online game War of Warcraft, referred to as ‘shaman trainer.’
119. Ishn
Derived from the Orcish language, the name ‘Ishn’ means ‘fire,’ which is regarded as an important element in Shamanism. This symbolizes purification, rebirth, and transformation. Thus, Ishn could be a great shaman name.
120. Kurkush
Derived from the name of the Orc from the online game ‘War of Warcraft,’ Kurkush is a ‘farseer’ meaning ‘a fortune teller or a prophet.’
121. Magicka
Originating from the Orcish language, as the name’s pronunciation suggests, Magicka translates to ‘magical’ or ‘enchantment.’
122. Malacath
Malacath is a Daedric prince called the ‘Blue God of Goblins’ and the ‘Lord of Monsters.’ Thus, it can be a powerful name for boys.
123. Margadesh
This male orc character from the ‘War of Warcraft’ game has the ability of the ‘farseer,’ which means ‘to prophesy’ or ‘a fortune teller.’
124. Morgoth
As per Tolkien’s Middle-Earth cosmology, Morgoth is the name of the most powerful being, equivalent to God, who enslaved and corrupted the elves to transform into the orcs.
125. Olog
This beautiful orcish name means ‘cave’ or ‘underworld,’ thus representing a connection to the ‘world of dead and spirits.’
126. Ork
A short and simple mystic name, which simply means ‘Orc.’ This is the term preferred by the author J.K. Tolkien in his fantasy novels and writings after the ‘Lord of the Rings’ series.
127. Sharvak
Shravak is a female orc character from the game ‘War of Warcraft,’ who has the power of the ‘elementalist.’ It means ‘one who draws magical powers from a supernatural, elemental intelligence.’
128. Shikrik
In the game ‘War of Warcraft,’ Shikrik is given to a female Orc character who is the ‘shaman trainer’ in the ‘Valley of Trials.’
129. Ubeshka
Of Orcish origin, this shaman name refers to ‘possession.’ Thus, it can make a wonderful given name for ‘someone possessing spiritualism.’
130. Yarnag
Originating from the Drublog Clan of the Wood Orcs, Yarang is the name of the Shaman of this clan. Thus, the name may refer to ‘spiritual leader’ in the Orcish language.
Cool Shaman Names
These are not your average shaman names; they crackle with power. They have a modern feel about it but are filled with old wisdom.
131. Aurora
Derived from the Latin origin, Aurora is a feminine given name, meaning ‘dawn’ or ‘light.’
132. Blaze
Originating from the English language, Blaze represents fire and passion.
133. Burning Bear
A Native American name symbolizing strength and bravery of a bear while connecting to nature.
134. Drakon
Derived from Greek origin, Drakon is a masculine name, meaning ‘dragon’ or ‘serpent.’
135. Gaia
A feminine name derived from Greek origin, belonging to the Greek goddess of the earth.
136. Kairos
This masculine given name is derived from Greek mythology, referring to the personification of opportunity, luck, and favorable moments.
137. Lumina
Aurora is a feminine given name derived from the Latin roots, meaning ‘dawn’ or ‘light.’
138. Lux
Lux is a unisex name that comes from Latin origin, meaning ‘light.’
139. Nyx
Derived from Greek roots, Nyx is a short feminine given name, meaning ‘night.’ This is also the name of the Greek goddess of the night.
140. Ragnarok
Originating from Norse mythology, it can be considered a female name, referring to the ‘end time or the final battle.’
141. Ravenfeather
This is a seer and a quest giver masculine Tauren name from the ‘War of Warcraft.’
142. Silvanus

Derived from Latin origin, Silvanus means ‘forest.’
143. Solara
A beautiful feminine name of Latin origin, meaning ‘solar.’
144. Sylvan
A male given name derived from Latin origin, referring to the ‘woods’ and ‘forests.’
145. Volcanus
Derived from the Latin origin, it is a masculine given name, meaning ‘volcano’ representing fire.
Tauren Shaman Names
Like Orcs, Tauren are fictional beings from the popular Warcraft series of novels, games, and other media. They are anthropomorphic bovines and consist of warriors, shamans, and hunters. Check out some unique Tauren shaman names with meanings derived from their native language of Taur-ahe, a fictional language partially written using pictograms.
146. Althaea
A female name derived from the Taur-ahe language, meaning ‘healer.’ If you’re looking for some baby names that mean ‘healer,’ Althea can be a beautiful and magical pick.
147. An’she
Referring to the ‘sun God’ in Tauren mythology, An’she is derived from the Taur-ahe language and simply means ‘sun.’
148. Ariadne
This is a female Tauren name derived from the Greek name meaning ‘most holy.’
149. Balthazar
Of Hebrew origin, the name refers to a spirit named Baal. The name means ‘Baal protects the king.’ .
150. Catori
Taken from the Native American name, this Tauren name directly translates to ‘spirit.’
151. Druidia
A Latin name used by Tauren referring to the ‘nature guardian.’
152. Gwyneth
Taken from a Welsh name, this name for Taurens means ‘white’ and is a title used by Taurens to depict ‘the Lady of the Forest.’
153. Hukraz
A male Tauren name, meaning ‘protector,’ signifies the trait of a shaman.
154. Kaelani
Depicting the realm of spirit and Tauren’s association with nature, this Hawaiian name means ‘sky and heavens.’
155. Kambo
A South American name given to a Tauren Shaman who uses ‘frog medicine.’
156. Karynna
A female name derived from the Taur-ahe language, meaning ‘pure.’
157. Keoni
Taken from a Hawaiian name, this Tauren name means ‘God is gracious.’
158. Kiva
Referencing to a ‘sacred place’ this Tauren name comes from the Native American name.
159. Leilani
Derived from Hawaiian, this feminine given name means ‘heavenly flower.’
160. Malorne
Referring to the ‘wise and powerful Ancient guardian who takes the form of a white stag’ Malorne is an important being in the Tauren culture.
161. Mawat’aki
A name derived from the Taur-ahe language, meaning ‘wintersoul.’
162. Minerva
Referring to the ‘Goddess of wisdom and war,’ Minerva is a feminine given name in Tauren, originating from Latin.
163. Mugwort
Derived from a plant name, this Tauren name means ‘dream weaver.’
164. Mu’sha
Derived from the Taur-ahe language, Mu’sha means ‘moon.’ Thus, it is a mystical and beautiful name.
165. Orenda
Carrying the mystic appeal, this Tauren name has Native American origin, and means ‘magic.’
166. Por-ah
Evolved as a given name, referring to a ‘legendary stone’ that holds a significant place for the Shamans of Tauren.
167. Rune
Rune was the name of the wise Shaman among Taurens and is of Scandinavian origin, meaning ‘secret.’
168. Shamanthi
Referring to the ‘shaman priestess,’ this name comes from a Sanskrit name.
169. Shu’halo
Shu’halo is another name for Taurens in the native language, Taur-ahe.
170. Sylfa
Referring to the ‘forest guardian,’ this Tauren name is derived from an Old Nordic name meaning ‘forest.’
171. Tarragon
A feminine given name used among Taurens and refers to a ‘witch doctor.’
172. Tathariel
A female Tauren name, meaning ‘daughter of nature.’
173. Tiva
Symbolizing the dance performed in Shaman rituals, this Tauren name is of Hopi (Native American) origin, meaning ‘dance of nature.’
174. Washte Pawne
Referred to as ‘a wind serpent,’ Washte Pawne is the spirit biter in Taurean mythology.
175. Zulmar
A male Tauren name, meaning ‘wise,’ refers to how a true Shaman character should be.
Egyptian Shaman Names
Shamanism has been a part of Egyptian culture since ancient times.
Explore the significance of names inspired by Egyptian gods and goddesses.
176. Akh
The shaman name was used in ancient Egyptian culture to represent the ‘shining spirit.’ It also means ‘to be effective’ or ‘to be useful’ and can be used as a unisex name (11).
177. Anubis
Anubis is the ancient Egyptian god of mummification and the afterlife, and it means ‘royal child.’
178. Amenhotep
This is an Egyptian male name, meaning ‘Amun is satisfied,’ derived from the name of the Egyptian God Amun.
179. Amun
ThisThe name refers to the god of air and the unseen forces of the universe. It means ‘hidden.’
180. Ba
An Egyptian term that means ‘manifestation’ can make a beautiful male name (11).
181. Bastet
The name is derived from the Egyptian goddess of home, fertility, and childbirth.
182. Hathor
Egyptian goddess of love, beauty, and motherhood, meaning ‘house of Horus.’
183. Horus
The name derives from the Egyptian god of the sky, a falcon-headed and means ‘the distant one.’
184. Isis
This female name means ‘throne’ and originated from the Egyptian goddess of magic, motherhood, and fertility.
185. Katharsis
The Egyptian male name comes from the Greek katharsis, meaning ‘purification’ or ‘cleansing’ (11).
186. Khnum
The meaning of this Egyptian male name is ‘to create’ or ‘mold,’ and is derived from the Egyptian god of creation and fertility.
187. Ma’at –
Ma’at is the Egyptian goddess of truth, justice, and balance, and the name means ‘truth’ or ‘order.’
188. Mut
This Egyptian female name means ‘mother’ or ‘queen.’ This is also the name of the Egyptian goddess of motherhood and protection.
189. Neith
Originating from the Egyptian goddess of war and weaving, the name means ‘weaver’ or ‘warrior.’
190. Nephthys
The name is derived from the Egyptian goddess of mourning and the afterlife, meaning ‘lady of the house.’
191. Orphic
From the mystic cult of Ancient Egypt, this name is also used as a male given name (11).
192. Osiris
The name of the Egyptian god of the afterlife, death, and resurrection, meaning ‘the mighty one.’
193. Thoth
From the Egyptian god of wisdom, meaning ‘he who is like the Ibis.’
194. Ptah
The Egyptian male name means ‘the opener,’ derived from the Egyptian creator god of craftsmanship and arts.
195. Ra

A powerful Egyptian name, meaning ‘sun,’ derived from the ancient Egyptian sun god.
196. Sai
Sai is a unisex name derived from the Egyptian word ‘sai’ meaning ‘wisdom’ (11).
197. Sekhmet
Sekhmet is a symbol of power, a female Egyptian name meaning ‘powerful’ or ‘mighty.’ This comes from the name of the Egyptian lioness goddess of war and healing.
198. Seshat
The Egyptian female name means ‘she who scribes,’ inspired by Seshat, the Egyptian goddess of writing, knowledge, and wisdom.
199. Seth
The name of the Egyptian god of chaos, storms, and disorder. It means ‘to dazzle.’
200. Taweret
Meaning ‘she who is great,’ Taweret is the female given name of the ancient Egyptian goddess of childbirth and protection.
Japanese Shaman Names
Discover the mystique and power of Japanese shaman names, which are good to know and exceptional.
201. Aiko
Aiko is a Japanese name that means ‘little loved one.’ It therefore represents the purity and innocence of a child with love.
202. Daiki
The name Daiki is a masculine Japanese name, meaning ‘great radiance.’
203. Haruki
Originating in Japanese, the name Haruki is a masculine name, meaning ‘spring’ and ‘tree.’
204. Hana
The name Hana is a feminine Japanese name meaning ‘flower.’
205. Hayato
Originating from Japan, Hayato is a masculine name, meaning ‘falcon person.’
206. Hikaru
Hikaru is a masculine name derived from the Japanese roots, meaning ‘light.’
207. Kenji
Indicating strength, Keji is a masculine Japanese name that means ‘strong.’
208. Miko
A cute and casual name, Miko is a masculine given name of Japanese origin, meaning ‘shaman’ or ‘priest.’
209. Miyu
A beautiful name, Miyu, is a feminine Japanese name meaning ‘beautiful’ and ‘gentle.’
210. Nana
A spiritual name of Japanese origin, Nana is associated with the number ‘seven,’ representing spiritual fulfillment.
211. Ren
Ren is a sweet masculine Japanese name meaning ‘lotus.’
212. Rina
Rina is a feminine Japanese name inspired by nature, meaning ‘jasmine’ and ‘apple tree.’ The Indian meaning of the name is ‘melted,’ and the Hebrew meaning is ‘song/jo.’
213. Ryo
Exuding cool vibes, Ryo is a short name for males of Japanese roots that means ‘refreshing’ or ‘cool.’
214. Ryu
Ryu is a short yet powerful masculine given name of Japanese origin, meaning ‘dragon’ or ‘spirit.’
215. Sakura
A nature-derived name for females, Sakura is of Japanese origin, meaning ‘cherry blossom.’
216. Satori
Satori is a Japanese male name meaning ‘enlightenment’ or ‘awakening.’
217. Takumi
Meaning ‘artisan’ or ‘skillful,’ Takumi is a masculine name of Japanese origin.
218. Yui
Rooted in Japanese culture, Yui is a short and cute feminine name that means ‘tie’ or ‘bind.’
219. Yukio
Yukio is a masculine Japanese name meaning ‘happy’ and ‘hero.’
Fantasy Shaman Names
Shaman names are mystical names filled with magic, but fantasy shaman names take it up a notch. They combine otherworldly energy with mystic significance.
220. Arinna
A Hattian given name for females, derived from the name of the Hattian solar goddess.
221. Artemis
Artemis is a feminine name of Greek origin, derived from the name of the Greek goddess of the hunt, moon, and wilderness.
222. Aya
A soulful name for girls, meaning ‘dawn.’ In Semitic Mythology, she is the goddess of the dawn and the consort of the sun god Shamash.
223. Black Elk
Rooted in the Siouan language and culture, Black Elk is a unique male given name derived from the name of the warrior shaman Black Elk.
224. Crazy Horse
Inspired by the nickname of a Lakota shaman, Crazy Horse may signify ‘someone ready for a battle.’
225. Lightning Bolt (Wâsaskotêpaýiw)
A fierce and brave name, Lightning Bolt is the name of the Hopi Shaman of Native American roots.
226. Nugua
A name derived from the Chinese Goddess of creation, a lady with a dragon’s head and a snake’s body.
227. Pele
Pele is a feminine given name of Hawaiian origin, derived from the name of the Hawaiian goddess of fire and volcanoes.
228. Rain Bear
Borne by a Shaman in the Native American Cheyenne tribe, Rain Bear means ‘He who brings the rain.’
229. Red Cloud
Borne by the shaman of the Lakota tribe, this name means ‘he who walks in the clouds.’
230. Thunderbird (Piýêsiwiw)
The name Thunderbird is used by the Native American Lakota tribe, meaning ‘he who controls the thunder.’
231. Yemaja
Yemaja is a female name of African origin, derived from the name of the mermaid-like African goddess.
Shaman Names WoW (World of Warcraft)
Apart from the orcs and taurens, the Warcraft series also features humans, elves, gnomes, dwarves, werewolves, goblins, and trolls. Check out some WoW shaman names.
Apart from the orcs and taurens, the Warcraft series also features humans, elves, gnomes, dwarves, werewolves, goblins, and trolls. Check out some WoW shaman names.
232. Arechron
Belonging to the Broken Draenei (Kurenai) race, Archeon is the male humanoid who is the quest giver and the leader of Kurenai in Warcraft.
233. Corki
He is the son of Arechron, a leader of Kurenai, and thus, comes from the lineage of WoW shamans.
234. Demitrian
Demitrian is the name of the human highlord, possibly derived from the Greek name, meaning ‘Earth mother.’
235. Dohgar
Dohgar is the name of the male half-orc who has the ability of a ‘spiritcaller’ and is the Mok’nathal quest giver.
236. Firmanvaar
The name of a male Tauren, Firmanvaar, is the shaman trainer at the Azuremyst Isle.
237. Gorboto
Gorboto is the name of the broken Duraenei who has the power of ‘earthmender.’
238. Loki
A male kurenai, who has the power of an ‘elementalist’ and is the quest giver in Telaar, Nagrand.
239. Javad

He is the male Draenei who has the ability of ‘farseer’ and is the shaman trainer.
240. Janidi
Janidi is the female jungle troll who has the ability of a ‘seer.’
241. Jin’zakk
Jin’zakk is the name of the forest troll who is a ‘warlord’ and is the ruler of Zul’Aman.
242. Kardris
The name of the female orc who has a ‘dream seeker’ ability and is a shaman trainer.
243. Morgh
Morgh is the name of the male Broken Draenei who has the power of ‘elementalist’ and is the quest giver.
244. Morod
Morod is the male Broken Draenei who has the power of ‘wind stirrer’ and is the quest giver.
245. Nezzliok
A female jungle Troll, Nezzliok is the witch doctor who has the power of ‘Dire.’
246. Nobundo
He is the ‘farseer’ kurenai, the first Draenei shaman and the shaman trainer.
247. Regulkut
Regulkut is the name of the male Tauren with ‘farseer’ ability and is the quest giver.
248. Searn
Belonging to the Darkspear tribe, Searn is the jungle troll and is the quest giver.
249. Skaltesh
A male kurenai Skaltesh is a ‘seer,’ who helps to see the elemental spirits.
250. Sophurus
Sophurus is the male kurenai who has the power of an ‘eartmender’ and his role is of a quest giver.
251. Sulaa
The female Draenai Sulaa is the shaman trainer in Crystal Hall.
How To Choose A Shaman Name
Shaman names are quite uncommon, and if your heart is set on choosing one for your child, you must keep a few things in mind. Here are a few tips on how to choose a Shaman name.
- Consider the origin and cultural context of the name. Research and figure out if there are any specific associations of the name that would make its usage inappropriate or insensitive.
- Learn about the spiritual meanings associated with the Shaman name and whether they align with your beliefs and religious background. While shaman names sound distinctive, most come from Pagan or fictional backgrounds, which may not match your faith.
- Choose a shaman name with a meaning that matches your personal values and belief system. For instance, if a fictional Shaman name belongs to a character who represents everything you want your child to be, that is the name you should choose.
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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do Shaman names have any spiritual or healing connotations?
Yes, Shamanism is primarily associated with connecting to the spiritual realm and aiding in healing from curses, illnesses, and other healing aspects. Also, shamans served as spiritual guides and healers in the community. Thus, many shaman names are derived from names that have spiritual and healing connotations (1) (12).
2. Who are some well-known shamans or spiritual figures?
Angakok, Arpachshad, Maria Sabina, Sangomas, Haman, Chayanyi, Brujo, Beata, and Balian are some well-known Shamans. They are famous indigenous shamans or shaman tribes from different cultures worldwide.
3. How common is the culture of giving shaman names in the US?
Choosing shaman names is not a common culture among Americans. However, parents may prefer names derived from nature, animals, and flowers and those with positive meanings. Native Americans may choose shaman names for their babies as Shamanism is deeply rooted in their culture (12).
4. What are the characteristics of a good Shaman name?
A good shaman name has connections to spirituality, nature, healing, and protection. Many of these names derive from natural elements, such as plants, the earth, water, and celestial bodies, and others have divine connections, often referring to gods and goddesses. These associations show how a Shaman plays a mediator between the physical and the spiritual world, making good Shaman names excellent choices for babies.
Shaman names indicate ‘spirit’ or ‘soulful.’ and the natural elements like water, air, wind, fire, and the earth. Additionally, celestial bodies, including the sun, the moon, and the stars, also have a significant role in shamanic rituals. Moreover, animal-derived names, plant-derived names, and those inspired by forests also held great importance. In short, it can be stated that Shamanism is associated with spiritualism, nature, as well as the realm of gods and goddesses.
Infographic: Shaman Names Meaning Spirit
Shaman names meaning ‘spirit’ are unique as spirits and spiritualism are significant parts of shamanism. Shaman’s practice involves connecting and talking to both good and evil spirits. Look through the infographic below to discover a few unique shaman names for boys and girls associated with spirit.

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Personal Experience: Source
MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Naming Orion Theodore.https://hexwit.blogspot.com/2010/12/naming-orion-theodore.html
- Karen Lawson; Shamanism.
https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/shamanism - R.M. Frank; (2001); A Diachronic Analysis of the Religious Role of the Woman in Euskal Herria: The Serora and her Helpers.
https://iro.uiowa.edu/esploro/outputs/workingPaper/A-Diachronic-Analysis-of-the-Religious/9984105066602771/filesAndLinks?index=0 - Christine S. Vanpool; (2009); The Signs of the Sacred: Identifying Shamans Using Archaeological Evidence
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/222792472_The_Signs_of_the_Sacred_Identifying_Shamans_Using_Archaeological_Evidence - About: Feri Tradition.
https://dbpedia.org/page/Feri_Tradition - Jon C. Stott; (1985); Spirits in the Snowhouse; The Inuit Angakok (Shaman) in Children’s Literature.
https://cjns.brandonu.ca/wp-content/uploads/5-2-stott.pdf - Klaus Hesse; (2013); On the History of Mongolian Shamanism in Anthropological Perspective.
https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/21949984/on-the-history-of-mongolian-shamanism-in-anthropological- - Selk’nam (Ona) Chants of Tierra del Fuego Argentina.
https://folkways.si.edu/lola-kiepja/selknam-ona-chants-of-tierra-del-fuego-argentina/american-indian-world/music/album/smithsonian - Theodore Roosevelt.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents/theodore-roosevelt/ - Orcs.
https://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Orcs - Tyellas; The Unnatural History of Tolkien’s Orcs.
https://www.ansereg.com/TheUnnaturalHistoryofTolkiensOrcs.pdf - Jeremy Naydler; (2019); Plato Shamanism and Ancient Egypt.
https://thehumandivine.org/2019/04/28/plato-shamanism-and-ancient-egypt-by-jeremy-naydler/comment-page-1/ - Claudine Cassar; The Role of Shamans in Native American Culture.

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