26 Subtle Signs A Male Co-Worker Likes You

Office romances can be tricky. When someone has feelings for you, they usually leave subtle clues for you to notice. But if that someone is a male colleague, it might add to the complexity in the office premises. Knowing the signs that a male coworker likes you can help you interpret workplace dynamics and navigate potential relationships with professionalism and care. For example, both of you are required to maintain a professional relationship and refrain from flirting or courting each other. However, if you are unsure of his true intentions and want to know more, reading our post can give you some cues.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • As you spend most of your day at the office, you might come across male admirers at your workplace.
  • They may begin showing subtle signs, such as noticing you, complimenting you, and always being around.
  • Though there is no harm in being in a relationship with your co-worker, make sure to retain professionalism and work ethics.

26 Signs A Male Coworker Likes You

Instead of lending ears to the office gossip, figure out if your male coworker likes you by looking out for the signs he wants you to notice him.

1. He flirts with you

In the game of attraction, flirting is one of the first steps to gain attention. It is especially relevant because flirting is something that people avoid at a workplace to bypass unprofessional behavior. So if a male colleague is willing to risk and flirt with you, it means he likes you enough to not worry about the consequences. That being said, any workplace interactions must be appropriate and professional under all circumstances, even if they are expressing a romantic interest in you.

2. His tone changes around you

An approachable male coworker
Image: iStock

One of the most common subconscious giveaways that a person likes you is a change in their tone whenever they are around you. For example, you may see a male colleague extremely work-oriented and strict while talking to someone else, but he immediately changes his tone to something more genial and approachable when he interacts with you.

3. He shuffles his schedule to spend time with you

When someone likes you, they will often move their calendar around to make time to spend with you. When this person is a coworker, you can expect them to schedule their work to be with you. If your male coworker moves a meeting or call or even lunch to talk to you or spend more time with you, the odds are high that he likes you.

4. His body language gives it away

Several body language cues indicate a person’s feelings. For example, if their feet point towards you, there’s a good chance they have feelings for you. If they point towards a door, they probably want to make a quick exit. Body language is an important sign because it changes subconsciously, so even if your colleague is trying to hide his feelings for you, it will show in his body language.

5. He often sneaks glances at you

It is a no-brainer that when someone is attracted to or fond of, they keep looking at you. While this could occur casually between friends and not mean much, it takes on a whole different meaning with a coworker. If you catch him sneaking glances at you or looking at you even when you’re not speaking to him, he probably likes you.

Depending on your workplace dynamic, he may try to avoid giving himself away by staring at you. So he will likely only glance when he’s confident that no one notices, which makes it all the more obvious. Lingering glances and excessive smiling or blushing are also signs of attraction.

6. He often needs your help with his work

It is prevalent for colleagues to ask for each other’s help or advice with their work. But if you find that he’s asking for help often or with simple things, it could mean that he is simply finding excuses to talk to you and wants to be around you more or make you feel important. It’s a common but effective way to spend time with you while still being in a professional setting. That way, if he knows that you don’t reciprocate the same feelings, he can always play it off as a work-related favor. Alternatively, you may even find him offering help too often only to be able to talk to you.

7. He’s your biggest cheerleader

He is your biggest cheerleader, signs a male coworker likes you
Image: Shutterstock

When people have feelings for each other, it’s natural that they want them to be happy, healthy, and successful. In a workplace context, however, it has to take on a different form. A male coworker who likes you will cheer you on in a professional sense. It could be anything from an excellent presentation to a project you led successfully.

Over time he may even transition to encouraging and complimenting your personal milestones outside work like fitness or health. If a colleague goes out of his way to praise you often at a workplace, he has feelings for you. By framing it in a workplace context, he gets a chance to show his admiration for your qualities without openly admitting his feelings.

8. He’s there for you on a bad day

It’s completely normal to want our loved ones to feel happy and safe, and it can take a toll on us when they are upset or sad about something. If your male colleague is there for you on every bad day at work or after tough interactions with your boss, there’s a good chance he has feelings for you and wants to show he cares.

9. He’s invested in your love life

Trying to find out about your current love life and relationship status is logical if someone likes you. So if a male colleague is interested in your love life and asks if you’re dating someone or what your relationship is like, he likely has feelings for you. He may even try to learn from your other romantic interactions so he can position himself as an ideal candidate in the future.

10. He makes eye contact whenever you’re together

While making eye contact is considered common courtesy and good body language, it’s surprising how many people don’t follow it at times. Especially at a workplace with multiple distractions like printouts, computer monitors, and phones to distract you, it can be difficult to maintain contact with someone as they’re talking to you. If you find that a male coworker is making eye contact through all these distractions throughout and does it often, it’s a strong indicator that he is captivated by you.

protip_icon Do remember
If you are uncomfortable with his hints or signs, convey the same to him in a cordial tone. If he still continues, you may escalate the issue to higher-ups.

11. He notices even tiny changes in your appearance

Noticing the smallest changes in her appearance
Image: iStock

Plenty of people do this if they’re close enough to you. For example, family or your best friends notice changes in your appearance. But traditionally, it’s not common to see small changes in a coworker’s appearance and much less so between genders. If a male colleague notices a new outfit or something as subtle as new earrings or a phone case, then he spends a lot of time looking at you and seeing small things about you. It shows he’s attracted to you.

12. He follows you on social media

It may sound innocuous and relatively typical, but it is the common thing someone who likes you will do in the age of social media. If he likes or comments on many posts and engages a lot with your content online, it means he wants you to know he is paying attention to your social media. He may even bring up a concert or hangout you posted about the next day at work to talk about.

13. He starts to groom himself

If a male colleague suddenly starts taking care of his appearance a lot more, then he’s trying to catch someone’s eye. If there are other indicators that he is interested in you romantically, that someone is likely you. Common examples include a new hairstyle, colorful shirts, or he may try to improve his fitness or skincare regime to get your attention.

14. He often creates situations where you are alone together

Do you find yourself and the male colleague in a meeting without others? Or does he ask if you want to attend a seminar with him? Or he may need help with something after most people have left the office. These might indicate that he is engineering situations to spend time alone with you.

15. He tries to make you laugh

Humor brings people together, whether friends, family, or even a passing encounter with a stranger. When it comes to romance, however, humor helps to woo the person you like. For example, if a colleague is often joking to keep you in good spirits and is investing in trying to make you laugh, he probably has feelings for you beyond the workplace.

Over time, you may even have inside jokes shared only between you two. It helps you to have a unique bond with a person that no one or few others share in the office. He may even try teasing you with someone to make you laugh and also to see your reaction.

16. He compliments you often

A compliment can mean several things—a courtesy, an icebreaker, or a change in pace in the conversation. When you receive frequent compliments from a male coworker, it means that he’s openly expressing his admiration for you and probably wants you to know he’s interested in a relationship on some level. Try to notice how often and what compliments he gives you. If he goes beyond workplace-related things and talks about your appearance and personality, it means he’s interested in you.

17. He tries to sit near you whenever possible

Tries to sit close to you, signs a male coworker likes you
Image: Shutterstock

Whether it is a company seminar, a training session, or just a team lunch, your male colleague will try to grab a chair next to you. It could be a habit, or he is polite, but if it’s frequently happening and with the same person, it’s an indicator that he likes you and wants to spend time with you in any way possible. Next time, try sitting a bit further away and see if he responds by moving closer to you.

18. He often acts awkward around you

No matter how cool he seems, the genuine emotions will come out at some point. He could seem awkward when you’re together, or when you ask him for a ride home from work, or in any situation he is not mentally prepared for. If you see that he gets a bit fiddly around you, it may be a sign a guy is scared of his feelings for you or is having difficulty expressing how he feels about you.

19. He tries to connect outside of work

Coworkers socializing outside of work is common and even encouraged by some work cultures, as teams that bond on an interpersonal level will work better together. When a male coworker frequently tries to spend time outside the workplace and only with you, it’s a good sign that he has feelings for you. It could be offering to pick and drop or asking for drinks after work.

20. He tries working directly with you

If he asks to be transferred to your team or invites himself to work on a project with you, it shows that being with or around you is a priority. Even something as simple as moving his workstation closer to yours or something drastic as requesting a change in team, role, or division reflects his liking towards you.

21. He initiates physical contact often

As long as it is appropriate and not unprofessional, physical contact between coworkers is not immoral or wrong. But if the male colleague gives you hugs, high fives, or even a friendly pat on the back repeatedly when you do a good job, there could be more to the touching than you think. Check out if this is a habit with everyone or just you. If he only does this with you, then you can safely conclude he likes you.

protip_icon Do remember
If you both are committed and are keen on taking the relationship to the next level, conveying it to your direct bosses can help clear workplace hassles.

22. He asks about your personal life

It’s natural to see people as more than coworkers and to bond with them on a personal level. But if he goes to great lengths to get to know you well and is often asking questions about your life, it may be because he genuinely is interested in getting closer to you, indicating a romantic interest. You may even notice him being protective of you. If he cares about your interests, your family, your hopes and dreams, and what you’re worried about, then it means he sees you as much more than a coworker.

23. He tries to be the perfect guy for you

A male coworker tries to be an ideal guy
Image: Shutterstock

You may have mentioned what you like or dislike about men in a romantic context at some point in your interactions. Things you find attractive, turn-offs, and cheesy things you dislike are all essential information for him. If he is trying to be more like your ideal guy, he’s paying attention and is interested in you. He may be a forgetful person but he will be unusually good at remembering details that concern you.

24. He shows signs of jealousy

No matter how secretive a coworker might be about their feelings, at some point, they might give away their true intent. If he feels like someone else is interested in you or that you are interested in someone else, you might likely see him reacting differently. Being jealous is the most natural reaction of someone who likes you. He may try to get closer to you and be at his best constantly to “compete” with the other person, or he may try to create distance between you and his supposed competitor. If he is hurt and jealous, he may occasionally lash out at you with a sarcastic comment about the other person.

25. Coworkers treat you both differently

Often, we end up being the last people to realize that someone else likes us romantically. What we may realize after endless clues may end up being something the entire office has known or noticed for weeks. If you see that your coworkers treat you differently when he’s around, or they try to give you both space or tease you now and then, it shows that they’ve realized something that you haven’t yet.

26. He stares at you

If your coworker often stares at you, it could be a sign that he might like you. When someone pays extra attention and looks at you frequently, it may mean they’re interested. They might be too shy to say it directly, so they show it through their gaze. Keep in mind that staring alone does not mean romantic interest. It could also indicate that he is simply admiring you or is curious. Pay attention to other signs, like how they act around you or if they try to engage in conversations. Understanding these cues can help you figure out if your coworker’s gazes are a sign of something more than just friendly attention.

Some relationships start at the workplace. It is legal and appropriate to have a workplace relationship as long as it is not unprofessional or unethical. That being said, it is likely that you may have male admirers at your workplace as you spend most of your week there and are usually at your best. If you notice these signs in a male colleague, you will be able to gauge his level of interest and then take action on it based on your feelings towards him.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I tell if a coworker is interested in me or just being friendly?

You must observe your coworker’s behavior closely to determine their intentions. If they are constantly flirting with you and investing more time and effort than required to help you, it shows they are interested in you. You may even observe their behavior around you and other colleagues to spot the difference.

2. How do male coworkers flirt?

Everyone has their style of flirting. Some common ways are going out of their way to help you, following you on social media, staring at you, or asking you for a coffee. So, you can keep a close watch on the person you think is flirting with you to understand their intentions.

3. How do I get a male coworker to like me?

If you like a male coworker and want to approach him, try healthy ways and do not go overboard as you have to maintain the decorum of the work environment. The best way is to be yourself. However, you may help them at work or ask them for a coffee. Ensure you are not forcing them to like you.

It is easy to recognize the signs a male coworker likes you because usually, they are pretty obvious and intended for you to understand. While it may be flattering, be sure to maintain your office etiquette if it turns into a relationship. Since the office is where you may spend most of your day, it is natural that a colleague may develop a certain liking towards you or be attracted to you. So, if they show any of the signs mentioned in the post and you feel the same, a healthy exchange of emotions and feelings is completely harmless.

Infographic: How To Deal With Your Male Coworker’s Crush On You

Having a crush or being liked by someone at work is normal. How you handle it matters since dealing with a personal situation at work requires maintaining specific rules and ethics. So if you are in a similar dilemma and looking for a piece of advice, we got you. Use this infographic to know the right ways to deal with your coworker’s crush on you.

what to do if your male coworker likes you (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Wondering if your male coworker is interested in you? In this insightful video, explore 12 subtle cues that might signal more than just workplace camaraderie. Learn to notice the signs and read what it could mean.

Illustration: Subtle Signs A Male Co-Worker Likes You

Subtle Signs A Male Co-Worker Likes You_illustration

Image: Dall·E/MomJunction Design Team

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Sharon Gilchrest O'Neill is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and family business consultant, who has earlier been a graduate instructor/advisor, an organizational learning consultant, and hospice volunteer. With around eight years of experience working in the private as well as corporate setting, Sharon helps her clients think creatively and build upon their strengths.

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