25+ Subtle Signs A Female Coworker Likes You

It is not uncommon for relationships to bloom at the office. But what are the signs a female coworker likes you? You may be noticing her being over-friendly to you lately. She may be packing in some extra lunch for you or accompanying you for a coffee break every day. You may think she has feelings for you, but you are unsure. Office romances are exciting, but they are also complex and require careful consideration. You have to be careful as your professional reputation could be at risk. Also, it is important to ensure it does not mislead your colleague or cause problems with your job or career. If you are misreading her signs, it may make her awkward or uncomfortable. However, she might throw some signals if she is interested in you. Keep reading this post to pick up on her signals before taking the next step.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • She may constantly ask your help, find reasons to touch you, and smile as soon as she sees you.
  • She would try to sit beside you and hang around you in team outings and lunches.
  • She starts dressing up more than usual and gets envious when you interact with other female colleagues

25+ Subtle Signs A Female Coworker Likes You

Here are a few signs that indicate your coworker likes you. However, do not be in haste to make moves. It is good to go slow and take one step at a time.

1. She asks for your help

She asks for your help, Signs a female coworker likes you

Image: IStock

Does your coworker always seem to ask for your help? Has the frequency of her requests increased over time?

If your female coworker likes you, she might try to get noticed by appealing to your helpful instinct. Asking for help is a great way to get close to a guy without seeming too obvious. If you find yourself spending more time assisting her than before, even on the smallest of things, she is likely interested in you.

2. She finds excuses to touch you

Your coworker casually touches your shoulder while talking. Sometimes, she shifts her chair and sits closer to you. Instead of calling your name, she touches you to get your attention. When she wants to take you somewhere, she lightly touches your elbow or hand.

Has this only happened once or many times? Does she behave the same way with everyone or just you?

Casually touching someone is a subtle way to indicate fondness. An office coworker who likes you might show her affection by initiating innocent physical contact. However, you need to reflect a bit on her behavior for confirmation. If these “touches” are not one-off and you are the only colleague she touches, it is a telltale sign that she likes you.

3. She lights up when she sees you

Is your coworker always very happy to see you? Does her smile get a little wider when she is around you?

It’s not easy to hide happiness when you see your crush. The glow on her face is apparent. Some people are naturally happy-go-lucky and smile a lot, so it might be slightly confusing to understand if she is interested unless you observe her closely. However, if she positively glows and gives you a special smile every time you are around, she might be interested in you.

4. She communicates her feelings through body language

A person’s body language communicates the truth even when they try to hide it. If your coworker likes you and she is hiding her feelings for you, she might unintentionally lean forward or mirror your movements while talking to you. If you fold your hands or cross your legs, she might do the same. Fixing clothes or playing with her hair might indicate interest.

Usually, women get nervous about their appearance in front of a person they like. If she is interested in you and finds your conversation engaging, she might tilt her head while listening to you.

5. She tries to sit beside you during lunch and team outings

Your coworker manages to find a seat next to you during team outings. She catches up with you during lunch, and she poses next to you in office photographs. A person who likes you will try to be physically close as much as possible. So, if you often find your coworker around you, it may not be a coincidence.

6. She asks you personal stuff

She may ask you some personal questions

Image: IStock

Has your female coworker developed an interest in your personal life? Does she seem curious when you share tidbits about your family?

If your coworker likes you, she would want to know you better. She will enquire about your personal life by asking questions such as your family background, interests, dreams, favorite food, and preferred travel destination. The answers will help her assess the compatibility between the two of you.

protip_icon Do remember
Not every girl who asks for your details is interested in you. Some could be inquisitive.

7. She remembers your tiny details

You might not recall when you told her something about yourself, but she recollects even the smallest details. For instance, you might have told her you like your coffee with one teaspoon of cream and two teaspoons of sugar. Next time, you will find her ordering your type of coffee for you. It means she either has a powerful memory or cares about you. You matter to her, so she makes an effort to memorize your preferences.

8. She connects with you on social media

Your coworker has added you on social media. She has liked most of your posts and pictures, even ones that go way back. It seems like she has spent quite some time surfing through your profile. She sometimes talks about an old photo or post during casual conversations, which you might have forgotten.

Every time you put up a photo or a post, she likes and comments on it. If you two click any pictures together (solo or in groups), she posts them. When a girl is investing so much time on your social media page, she might be interested in being more than a colleague.

9. She gets concerned about you

When women like someone, they care about the person and are not afraid to show it. If your coworker is falling for you, you will sense her concern. She will miss your company on the days you are not around. She will check on you with a text or call whenever you are absent from work. She might even send some comfort food or come over if you are not well.

Such concern will be reserved only for you as she considers you important. Your presence makes her happy, and your absence makes her miss you.

10. She makes frequent eye contact

Have you caught your coworker staring at you quite often?

The moment your eyes meet, she might start blushing and then either avert her eyes or offer a smile. Even in a packed room, her eyes seem to be on you.

Although you sometimes stare due to curiosity or make direct eye contact by accident, there might be more to her feelings if it is happening a lot. Lingering eye contact can be an indicator of attraction. So if your coworker’s gaze is often glued to you, there is a big chance she is interested.

11. She starts dressing up more than usual

Does your coworker seem to look more beautiful than earlier? Do you see her wearing more stylish clothes, high heels, and more makeup?

Does she blush if you compliment her on her look? If yes, she might be dressing up more to grab your attention. Check if she tries to make sure you notice her effort in looking dressed up more than usual. She might come to your desk more often, loiter around your office hangout spots, or fish for compliments.

protip_icon Quick tip
To be sure of her feelings, casually mention how you like women with their hair tied a certain way. If she does her hair exactly the way you mentioned, know that she is into you.

12. She checks if you are joining for team outings

When your office coworkers plan to go for dinner or an after-hours outing, she will make sure you join. She loses interest in the plan if you can’t make it. If you decide to join late because of your workload, she waits with you and offers help. Whenever she is responsible for planning the outing, she adjusts the schedule based on your availability.

These signs reflect your coworker is keen on your presence as she likes you and enjoys your company. She might be hoping to bond with you outside work, and such outings serve as perfect opportunities.

13. She feels jealous when you talk to other women

She might seem left out or disappointed when you talk to other female colleagues.

Image: IStock

A girl who likes you would not enjoy seeing you laughing and enjoying another woman. She would want all your attention on her. So if you want to know if your coworker likes you, note her actions when you talk to other female colleagues. She might seem left out or disappointed.

To shift your focus from these women, she might intervene or take you away using some pretext. Later on, she might gauge if you are interested in another person.

14. She shares her secrets with you

Your coworker shares personal details of her life with you. She talks about her fears, quirks, dreams, and experiences. If she is in a dilemma, she discusses it with you and asks you for advice. She has opened up to you more than anyone else at work.

A girl reveals such intimate details only to a person she trusts implicitly. If a coworker bares her heart to you, she has a soft spot for you.

protip_icon Be watchful
Some women seek good listeners to share their problems and relieve themselves of the emotional burden. If she keeps sharing her difficulties and is not concerned about you, then keep a safe distance from her.

15. She is there for you

If you need any help, your coworker offers her services. Even if helping you means staying late at work, she happily assists. She is your biggest cheerleader and supports you come rain or shine. If your office colleagues are teasing you, she always defends you. She might tease you, but she never laughs at your expense. You can share your worries with her without fear.

Women are loyal and helpful to people they consider important. So if a colleague is acting this way, it might be her way of telling you that she is interested in you.

16. She leaves notes and gifts for you

Some women are romantic at heart and enjoy pampering the people they like. Notes and gifts are their way of showing appreciation. If your coworker likes you, she might leave gifts on your desk, such as a box of your favorite chocolates or a copy of a book you wanted to read.

You might find cute notes on your desk cheering you up when you are down or indicating how much she missed you when you weren’t around. These gestures are her way of telling you how much she likes you.

17. She keeps in touch after office hours

If a woman likes you, she would want to have conversations with you outside office hours. She would want to build a connection, and texts or phone calls will help her achieve that. She might send you good morning or goodnight texts, ask about your weekend or steer the discussion towards movies or TV shows to keep a conversation going.

As you two start chatting regularly, she might begin a playful banter over text. If she is confident enough, she might also call you using some excuse.

18. She often flirts with you

Playfully teasing you seems to be her favorite pastime.

Image: IStock

If a female coworker is flirting with you, it is the most significant sign that she likes you. She often compliments your shirt, your smile, or your style. Playfully teasing you seems to be her favorite pastime. She drops hints about getting together with you. You get playful and lovey-dovey texts from her with a kiss or heart emojis.

Whenever she is around you, she leans close or flips her hair. If she is only doing these with you and quite often, she might be waiting for you to take the hint and ask her out.

protip_icon Point to consider
If she flips her hair around every other person and flirts unapologetically with anyone, you may not be ‘that’ special person for her.

19. She notices the slightest change in your looks

She notices if you are wearing a new belt or a tie. When you get a haircut, she is the first to compliment you. All her attention is focused on you as she becomes fascinated with you. She probably has visualized you so often in her thoughts and dreams that your appearance is printed in her mind. If someone is taking out time to know even the smallest details about you, it is a sign that she adores you.

20. She takes care of your preferences

You do thoughtful things for people you like. Doing something for them makes you happy. If your coworker likes you, she will do things that delight you. She might get you coffee from your favorite coffee place just to see you smiling sweetly.

She wants to create a strong impression on you, and by doing something special for you, she hopes you find charming. She is putting out her best efforts to make you notice her. It’s time to get up and take notice and appreciate her.

21. She has a cute nickname for you

Does your coworker have a cute nickname, especially for you? Does she often refer to you by that name and smiles while saying it? Has she saved your number on her phone under that name?

Having a cute nickname for someone is a ‘couple thing.’It is a well-known way to express affection. If your coworker has a cute nickname for you, it is an unmistakable sign she adores you.

22. She shares inside jokes with you

The two of you laugh together a lot. You have plenty of silly jokes that only you two know. Often, you suddenly start giggling over an inside joke that leaves other people puzzled.

Sharing inside jokes forms a unique bond between two individuals. It is a great way to connect with a person, creating a special bubble. If you have plenty of such inside jokes, you two likely share a great camaraderie. The effort that she has put into building this rapport shows her affection for you.

23. She is interested in your love life

Does your coworker seem overly interested in your love life? Has she enquired about your relationship status? Is she interested in knowing the type of girl you are looking for?

Knowing about a person’s love life becomes crucial when you have a crush on them. You want to gauge your chances before figuring out your next steps. If your coworker persistently checks with you about your dating status, there is a good chance she is interested in you.

24. She wants to spend time alone

She might want to go out for dinner with you.

Image: IStock

If your coworker likes you, she would want to spend some alone time with you. While she might not directly ask you out on a date, she would suggest hanging out off the clock. She might say that she is interested in watching a particular movie and ask for your company or propose exploring a new restaurant together.

If you two have talked about your interests, she might use them to make your “non-dates” more appealing. For instance, if you told her you enjoy bowling, she might suggest going together or ask you to teach her. These casual outings allow her to know you better without any distractions.

25. She mirrors your behavior

When people are interested romantically, they tend to imitate the other person’s body language and mannerisms unconsciously. So, if you notice her leaning in when you do, laughing the way you do, or repeating things you say, it could be a clear sign she likes you more than a friend. She might reflect on your behavior without even realizing it, showing a deeper connection than mere friendship. So when you notice your coworking mirroring you on and off, you know what it is.

26. Your coworkers seem to know her feelings

If your colleague has a crush on you, your other coworkers will most likely notice it. You will hear whispers around the office about the two of you. Her other friends in the office might drop hints. Some coworkers might directly tell you that she is into you.

If the office gossip is rife with the tales of your new romance, your coworker’s interest in you may not be so discreet anymore. You are probably not interpreting the hints correctly, but your coworkers are not so slow on the uptake.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What should I do if a female coworker likes me?

If you both like each other, express your feelings honestly in a private setting to respect your work ethics and discuss the following steps to navigate the relationship while maintaining professionalism at the office. But if you don’t feel the same for her, express your thoughts respectfully and avoid leading her on. Seek the support of a trusted colleague, if necessary, to handle the situation better.

2. What should I consider before dating a female colleague?

Before dating a female colleague, consider if you’re in a supervisory position over her, as it may later lead to a potential for conflict of interest, office gossip, and impact your work dynamic. Also, be aware of and follow your company’s workplace policies before starting a relationship with a colleague.

3. Does personality play a role in making a female coworker like me?

Personality does play a huge part in the game of attraction. If a female coworker is attracted to you, she must have discovered something appealing in your personality. She most likely admires your self-assurance, communication skills, or intelligence. Something you do or the style you do it in must have piqued her interest in you.

4. Could there be any other reason why a female coworker might be showing an interest in me?

Aside from physical attraction, your female coworker may be interested in you for various reasons. She might be impressed by your professional accomplishments and wants to learn from you. She gets along with you and is at ease with you like no one else. Also, she could have similar interests and enjoys conversing with you about them. The reasons could be many.

5. How can I politely let a female coworker know that I am not interested in her romantically?

If you are sure that the female coworker is romantically interested in you, you can politely but firmly turn her down in a private place. Tell her you appreciate her attention but are unable to reciprocate her feelings. Do not dismiss or blame her for anything. Instead, tell her you understand how she feels and offer your assistance in getting over it, if needed.

6. What are some strategies for diffusing awkward situations with a female coworker who likes me?

Maintain a professional demeanor in her presence. Behave in the same way you would with anyone else. Try to avoid awkward facial expressions. Only engage in professional discussions. Lastly, keep in mind that the coworker most likely has true affection for you, so try to be more emphatic about it.

7. What should I avoid when interacting with a female coworker who likes me?

When interacting with a female coworker, regardless of whether she likes you romantically, don’t be overly aggressive when trying to dissuade her, don’t make inappropriate comments or touch her, and don’t share dirty jokes with her. Also, as a rule of thumb, avoid patronizing, interrupting, or talking over her.

Now that you know the signs a female coworker likes you, it’s your turn to decide whether you have similar feelings for her. Nonetheless, workplace romances may be complex and sensitive and could affect your job. If you enter into a romantic relationship with a coworker, ensure you are comfortable and respect each other’s personal and professional boundaries. Also, you must bear in mind that sometimes, a relationship may not end on a good note. It may get awkward to face each other in such a scenario if you two are still in the same office. Make your first move after considering all these factors and only when you feel this relationship is worth the risk.

Infographic: Things To Consider Before Dating A Coworker

If the above signs match your colleague’s behavior towards you and you like her too, we suggest you steady your heart and think before entering a relationship. Since a workplace romance can be tricky, take a look at this infographic to understand what to expect if you both decide to start a romantic relationship.

pros and cons of dating a coworker (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Are you wondering if a female coworker likes you? Check out this video to learn 10 signs she may be interested!

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Sharon Gilchrest O'Neill is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and family business consultant, who has earlier been a graduate instructor/advisor, an organizational learning consultant, and hospice volunteer. With around eight years of experience working in the private as well as corporate setting, Sharon helps her clients think creatively and build upon their strengths.

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Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

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