25 Subtle Signs He Loves You Secretly

Do you think that someone you know is developing feelings for you although he doesn’t confess it? Then you should look out for the signs he loves you secretly. He might be dropping some hints or giving out mixed signals, but you are unsure whether he loves you or not. Some guys keep their feelings hidden for various reasons. They can be waiting for a green signal from you, or they may not be confident enough to approach you. In this post, we talk about the subtle signs a guy likes you secretly.

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Key Pointers

  • He may try to hide his feelings with all his might, but there are a few tell-tale signs that will show his admiration for you.
  • The signs may be as small as a subtle smile when he sees you or even insecure acts of jealousy.
  • If you’re wondering whether he likes you, these signs may reveal the answer.

25 Signs He Secretly Likes You

When a guy has a crush on you, he will show his feelings through subtle signs. Watch for these hidden clues in his behavior, body language, and interactions.

Behavioral Signs

Behavior speaks louder than words. Here are some behavioral signs you need to observe to know if a guy likes you.

1. He stares at you

You can tell if a guy has a secret crush on you when he tries to catch your gaze and hold it for a long time. If you notice him raising his eyebrows amusingly while you’re talking, know that he secretly likes you. Perhaps you will notice him staring at you across the room and smile when you catch sight of him.

2. He acts nervous

When a man keeps his feelings secret from you, he may act nervously, such as playing with his fingers or running his fingers through his hair. A study published in the Personality and Social Psychology bulletin indicates that nervous gestures, such as fidgeting or hair-touching, are common in individuals experiencing anxiety due to attraction (1). So, if you notice him being jittery around you, even shaking slightly, or having difficulty talking to you, these could be the signs a guy is scared of his feelings for you and is trying to hide them.

3. He’s around you

He will find an excuse to be near you at all times
Image: iStock

When he secretly likes you, he will find an excuse to be near you at all times. You will notice that he creates opportunities to be around you. For instance, you might find him hanging out outside your class or desk, eating in the cafeteria when you’re with friends, or drinking water near your space.

4. He asks personal questions

Another sign that a guy has a secret crush on you is when he shows a desire to know about your love life and keeps asking you some personal questions. For example, he’s curious about the type of guy you prefer to date and what you like to do on weekends. He will also reveal a part of his life.

5. He disguises his questions

Some guys who aren’t open about feelings may ask indirect questions in a lighthearted tone. If he asks questions that aren’t typical chit-chat, it’s a good indication that he has an interest in you but is hiding it.

6. He tries to help you

You can tell a guy is affectionate to you when he tries to help you. For example, if you need help using the computer, moving your stuff to a new place, or shopping, he is always willing to help without expecting anything in return out of solicitude. He can go to any length to meet your needs and make you feel special.

7. He smiles every time he sees you

He smiles and opens up
Image: iStock

When a guy has a secret crush on you, he smiles and opens up. He smiles at you when you enter the room. You can notice his excitement and warmth for you—a tell-tale sign that he secretly likes you. Even on his worst days, your presence will brighten his day.

8. He mirrors your body language

You may notice that he mirrors your behavior or body language out of devotion. For example, if you lean forward, he might lean forward. If you place your hands on your hips, he might copy your gestures. Play around with this a little by changing your position and see if his position changes.

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Some men may seem obsessed with fixing their hair and smile a lot while talking to women they love as they get excited in their presence.

9. He teases you playfully

Another sign that a guy has a secret crush on you is when he teases you playfully as a way of flirting with you. He would also tease you to get your attention. Blogger Yasmin shares her experience of dating boys who used to tease her in school. She says, “In my experience, even throughout secondary school and into university, I usually ended up dating the guys who used to tease me a bit. Sounds slightly weird, doesn’t it? Why would I go out with the guys who tease me? Because it was all just a bit of fun. And they would usually tease me about the same thing; my accent. Now, I’m Irish, but I don’t exactly have a proper Irish accent.. it’s more like I place a huge emphasis on my ‘R’s which, when I started my secondary school, resulted in everyone repeatedly asking me to say words like ‘water’ or ‘farmer’, even the way I say ‘Ireland’ is different to the way an English person would pronounce it. But the guys who would take it one step further, always hanging around to take the mick just that little bit more than everyone else… turns out, they were the ones who would end up asking me out. Strange, huh? (i)” You will also notice that his speech contains jokes. He’ll also up the game if you flirt back. A study published in Evolutionary Psychology suggests that men flirt with women they are interested in as romantic partners. The research states, “To attract potential mates, men and women exhibit flirtatious behavior to get the attention of, and potentially elicit sexual or romantic interest from, a desired partner (2).” So, if he is constantly flirting with you, know something is going on in his mind.

10. He remembers details about you

He pays attention when you talk and remembers details about you, your life, and your interests. For example, if he remembers specifics from previous conversations, such as your favorite music band or the name of your pet cat, it shows he cares and pays attention, which can be a strong sign of interest or liking.

11. He keeps the conversation going

He will seize the opportunity to talk to you
Image: iStock

When he finds you, he will seize the opportunity to talk to you and figure out how to be a part of your conversations. One of the signs of a guy secretly having a crush on you is when he brings up topics that he knows will pique your interest.

12. He notices everything about you

Though spending time with a group of friends is exciting, we all crave alone time with people we care about. If your guy friend has a secret liking for you, he may look for reasons to see you alone. Even when you’re in a group, he will try to find ways to spend some time with you.

13. He finds out details about you

’Likes’ on social media posts are the new-age way of determining whether or not a guy secretly loves you. For example, you post a photo savoring a Piña colada or a photo of a recent vacation in the most exotic location, and he is the first person to like and comment on your photos.

14. He finds reasons to touch you

If he likes you, he may frequently touch you and find reasons to do so. Perhaps he wraps his arm around your back while strolling through a crowd, wraps his blazer around your shoulders, or touches you while assisting you in getting out of the car.

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He might peep into your phone when he feels insecure or jealous. Men also have a tendency to brag about their intelligence when they worry that you might leave them.

15. He is the first one to respond

You will know if a guy has a secret crush on you when he is the first to respond to whatever you say or do. He loves you more than anyone else and will always keep you company when you need it. He also values your opinions.

16. He changes his looks

He may look for reasons to see you alone
Image: iStock

A subtle or noticeable change in his appearance or overall personality is a good indication that he secretly loves you. For example, when you’re around him, you’ll notice that he dresses dapperly or becomes more enthusiastic or bubbly.

17. He buys you gifts

If he brings you a random gift, buys you lunch, or buys you gorgeous dresses for no reason, it is because he thinks you are special. It is his way of secretly expressing tenderness and care for you. When it comes to buying gifts or spending money on others, guys will only do it for people dear to them.

Emotional Signs

True feelings can sometimes be hard to conceal, especially when it concerns matters of the heart. Here are some emotional signs that hint at a guy’s feelings for you.

18. He notices everything about you

When a guy secretly expresses fondness and loves you, he might compliment you on your physical appearance, new dress, or hairstyle. Even the tiniest details will not escape his attention. He will compliment not only your appearance but also your inner qualities, talents, or intelligence.

19. He finds out details about you

If a guy secretly has a crush on you, he may seek information about you from other sources, such as common friends. He will even be orbiting your social media accounts, such as Instagram and Facebook. He might also bring you up in conversation with his friends and family more often.

20. He shows his jealous side

When he notices another guy around you, he acts strangely. If you have a longing to know whether a guy secretly loves you, watch what he does when another guy comes around you. He won’t like it if you talk about other guys or go out with others. A guy who loves you may behave in ways that indicate jealousy out of protectiveness.

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He might peep into your phone when he feels insecure or jealous. Men also tend to brag about their intelligence when they worry that you might leave them.

21. He tells his friends about you

When a guy has a secret adoration for you, chances are he has told his friends about you, and they treat you differently whenever they see you. So, keep an eye on how his friends interact with you in his presence. If they’re teasing him and pairing you two, he’s probably into you.

22. He uses your name in conversations

You can tell a guy likes you if he uses your name often. It is also important to pay attention to how he pronounces your name. He may smile a lot when saying your name, which is a great sign he has a secret inclination for you. He may even call you by a nickname.

23. He agrees with you on everything

If your man loves you but hides it, he will avoid confrontation. He wouldn’t say or do anything that might offend you. He wants your favorite movies or TV shows to be his as well. He may also hold the same beliefs as you or eat the same foods that you like.

24. He doesn’t break his promises

He may be a man of few words, but he will keep his word. A guy who has a secret crush on you keeps his promises because he values you and takes you seriously. It shows that he is willing to commit, and it is an affirmation of his passion for you.

25. He blushes when he sees you

A paper presented at the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics conference in Avignon in 2006 states that facial blushing, particularly in social or interpersonal contexts, can indicate feelings of attraction or romantic interest (3). So, if he blushes whenever you meet him or make eye contact with him, he probably finds you attractive. When you tap him on the back, touch him in any way, compliment him, or talk to him, you can see him blush. It indicates he is secretly enchanted with you.

What To Do If You Suspect A Guy Likes You Secretly

If you’ve noticed signs that a guy secretly likes you, you will most likely be excited or confused. Here’s what you can do in such a tricky situation.

  1. Determine your feelings: First, ascertain how you truly feel about this whole scenario. Are you also interested in him, or do you have no romantic feelings for him? Take your time, but be sure of how you feel when deciding your next step.
  2. Be respectful: You may or may not be romantically interested in this person, but it is important you be respectful to him. Even if you are unsure of his intentions, approach the situation with sensitivity and care. 
  3. Have an honest conversation: If you are comfortable, have an open conversation with him. Ensure that you have this conversation when he seems relaxed and in a private space where others cannot overhear you. You can start the conversation by bringing up your observations in a lighthearted, non-accusatory way to see if they want to share their feelings.
  4. Reciprocate or decline politely: If he admits to having romantic feelings for you and you are also interested, start reciprocating his gestures. However, if you’re not interested, it’s important to let him know so he does not misinterpret your actions. Be honest and gentle in your response to avoid leading him on. If he denies having any feelings for you, it is best to have a good laugh together and move on without thinking much about it.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What causes a man to feel emotionally connected to a woman?

Men express affection and gratitude when they are emotionally connected. They hug and kiss their partners. Men are also driven by sexuality, often to a greater extent than women, so they will get into intense intimacy.

2. What is the most intimate act?

The highest level of intimacy frequently necessitates a high level of trust in a partnership. Holding hands, kissing, cuddling, and having passionate sex are a few intimate acts.

3. What are the phases of a man’s love?

The various stages for a man in love are appreciation, infatuation, captivation, impression, conviction, reaffirmation, and commitment.

4. What should I do if I think he likes me?

Consider showing interest or asking him directly if you notice signs that he likes you. This can help open lines of communication and make him feel comfortable expressing his feelings. However, if you get mixed signals, it might be best to give him time and space to figure out his feelings and share them when he’s ready.

Unless you have a crystal ball to divine what’s going on inside a guy’s head, it’s nearly impossible to know what he’s thinking. If you’re wondering if a guy secretly loves you, watch him and pay attention to his unspoken gestures to see if he has feelings for you. The signs he loves you without saying it can be subtle and normal, such as simply being around you or those disguised questions in his conversation. Thus, you must be attentive and look for signs that indicate he has secret feelings for you. Also, if you come to know that you misread the signs, don’t blame yourself. It is not the end—be patient, as your guy will enter your life at the appropriate time.

Infographic: Ways To Tell A Guy You Like Him Back

If you are sure of the signs that he likes you secretly but has not opened up to you about it yet, why not drop hints for him suggesting that you like him too? This infographic brings you a list of gestures and actions that will help you convey that you like him and that there might be a chance of taking things further.

gestures to hint the guy that you like him too (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: Subtle Signs He Loves You Secretly

signs he loves you secretly_illustration

Image: Dall·E/MomJunction Design Team

Personal Experience: Source


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. Kristina M Schrage et al.; (2020); Effects of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication of Affection on Avoidantly Attached Partners’ Emotions and Message Receptiveness.
  2. Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair et al.; (2022); Perceived Effectiveness of Flirtation Tactics: The Effects of sex, Mating Context and Individual Differences in US and Norwegian Samples.
  3. Raymond Crozier; (2006); Perceptions of facial blushing: Attractiveness and psychological meanings: Paper presented at the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, Avignon.
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