Image: Midjourney/ MomJunction Design Team
You may have a female friend who is your go-to person for every small or big thing in your life. As time passes, the dynamics between you can change, and you may wonder if there are signs she likes you more than a friend, a situation that can be tricky to navigate. In such cases, knowing about her feelings can help you gauge her emotions and set the stage for a deeper connection, potentially leading to a romantic relationship. However, a wrong move can ruin your current equation. You may not want to lose a person who always lends a sympathetic ear or gives you good advice. So, read this post as we tell you about the possible signs she may show if she also reciprocates your feelings and likes you more than a friend.
Key Pointers
- The dynamics between you and your female friend might take a turn towards love without you even realizing it.
- Taking an interest in your life, wanting to spend time with you, and communicating about her feelings are some hints to pick up.
- Keep observing such signs to get clarity on her intentions for you.
36 Signs She Likes You More Than A Friend
If a woman likes you more than a friend, she will consciously and unconsciously give you some hints. Italy-based life coach Rodolfo Parlati says, “A man can often tell if a woman sees him as more than just a friend by noticing certain signs. These may include frequent eye contact, making an effort to spend time together, and showing a genuine interest in his life. She might also offer subtle compliments, start conversations, or seem nervous or shy around him.” Here are a few signs that will tell you if she is interested in you romantically.
Physical And Non-Verbal Signs
Marriage and family therapist Jessica Jefferson opines, “Women often try to get to know someone they are interested in romantically. They may initiate conversations more, start deep and personal discussions, find ways to spend time together, and even initiate minor physical touch.”
Noticing her body language can give you an insight into her inner feelings. Following are some physical signs she might exhibit when around you, which may be indicative of her interest in you.
1. She flirts with you

You find yourself at the receiving end of her beautiful compliments. She sends you flirtatious texts, and more often than not, you have caught her checking you out. She playfully hits on you and comes up with cute nicknames for you. Teasing and making you laugh becomes her favorite pass time, and she regularly seeks your approval about her appearance. If you notice these strong signs of attraction, know that she wants to be more than friends with you.
2. She finds opportunities to touch you
When you like someone, you want to get physically closer to them. If she likes you, she will try to touch you more often. Notice her acts of intimacy, if she is trying to touch your hand, shoulder, or thighs when speaking. If you are sitting next to each other, she might move closer to you or try to lean on you. She may tap on your shoulder to gain your attention instead of calling out your name. Such gestures of endearment are good indicators that she likes you more than a friend. However, notice if she behaves in the same manner with others as well. If she playfully touches her other friends as well, it means she is comfortable with light physical contact with the people she is comfortable with.
3. She mirrors your body postures
A person’s body language can tell much about their feelings for you. If she likes you, she will mirror your body language. A study published in Communications Psychology found that when people naturally match each other’s movements and rhythms with their partner, like copying their posture or breathing pattern, it makes them seem more attractive. It shows they have a strong connection and are really interested in each other (3). So, observe if she imitates your postures and gestures next time you are out with her. She may unconsciously align her body (feet and torso) towards you, indicating she is attracted to you.
4. She communicates her feelings through body language
Does her smile become more pronounced when she sees you? Have you caught her blushing and looking away when you look at her? Does she unconsciously play with her hair and twirl it around her finger when you are around? A study by researchers at the University of Kansas indicated that certain facial expressions are associated with flirting. A particular female facial expression—characterized by a head turned to one side, a slight smile, and eyes directed toward the implied target—indicates flirting. This suggests that such expressions are effective nonverbal cues hinting at romantic interest (4). Next time you notice these subtle signs, know she is flirting with you and into you. Also, remember that if she displays the same body language while talking to others, it is her natural way of speaking and may not be a powerful indicator of her interest in you.
5. She smiles more when you are around
Being with you makes her happy, and it shows on her face. She has a wide grin every time she sees you. While she smiles at others, the way she smiles at you is different. If you notice a sweet, genuine, shy smile that lights up her face, it indicates that she finds you special. But if she smiles while talking to all her friends or greets everyone she meets with a wide smile, then it is not a strong indicator of interest in you.
6. She keeps staring at you
You notice her staring at you with a dreamy expression, and the moment you look at her, she looks away and turns nervous. It happens when she is attracted to you but is too shy to express it. On the other hand, if she is sure of her feelings for you and wants to know the same, she will maintain eye contact and smile when you look at her. Research indicates that people tend to feel more excited when they look directly into someone’s eyes in person compared to just looking at pictures of people looking at them or looking away. This means that real-life eye contact can make people feel stronger emotions, which often happen when they are attracted to someone (5). However, in some cases, prolonged eye contact can be interpreted differently depending on the situation. It can be a sign of respect, curiosity, or simply a social cue to engage, rather than a romantic signal. So, watch out carefully to determine your situation.
7. She tends to have dilated pupils
When you are romantically attracted to someone, your pupils dilate(1). If you notice her pupil size growing every time you speak to her, she likes you. But other factors like changes in light, excessive alcohol or drug use, or eye injury can also cause dilation in pupils. Make sure you notice this happening every time you meet before coming to any conclusion.
Behavioral Changes Around You
If she likes you romantically, it will be hard for her to be herself around you because she may feel nervous or self-conscious. This is because she wants to make a good impression on you. Here are some behavioral signs showing her interest in you.
8. She is up-to-date about all your social media posts
Earlier she used to like and comment on your posts and pictures. But now, you notice her actively being a part of your social media handles. You find her liking your old photos and posts, too. She even tags you in flirty, cute, or romantic memes. She posts statuses, pictures, and stories about the two of you quite often. All these actions show that she likes you more than a friend.
However, social media behaviors can vary significantly among individuals. While some people may use these posts as a way to express romantic interest, others might only be flaunting their strong platonic bond with you. Do not jump to conclusions until she shows more signs of interest.
9. She contacts you more often than before
Is your phone filled with her calls and messages? She calls you at odd hours and often over minor things. You wake up to her message in the morning, and it is her message you last see before going to bed. She tries to make you feel special by checking if you have eaten or reached home safely. If you observe these classic signs, know that she likes you more than a friend. But also know that some women naturally express their care and concern for others without any romantic intentions due to their personality, cultural norms, or deep-rooted friendships. So, do not make any conclusions based on this sign alone.
10. She finds time to meet you
Are you both meeting more often these days? You find her dropping by your place without notice or texting you to meet. Even if she has a busy day, she always finds time for you. She prioritizes meeting you over spending time with her friends. While friends delight in catching up now and then, wanting to spend most of the time with one person indicates that she wants more than friendship. It is one of the many classic signs she is developing feelings for you or has already fallen for you. But also remember that some women often reach out to others without any romantic intentions, simply because they value your company or friendship. For them, frequent communication is a way to maintain a strong friendship or simply enjoy companionship, without any romantic feelings.
11. She is jumpy around you
She is your good buddy, but recently she has started acting unusual around you. She becomes red when you praise her and may find it hard to keep the jubilance off her face. She giggles nervously, drops things, crashes into walls, or stumbles while walking whenever you look or smile at her. Earlier she used to speak anything with you, but now she has become cautious. Even if she is hiding her feelings for you, her behavior will show some change. Such changes are hints that she has feelings for you.
12. She wants to be alone with you
She finds ways to spend time with you. Even with a group of friends, she makes excuses to be with you. From small chores, like grocery shopping to holiday trips, she wants to accompany you. She asks for your help in trivial things to spend more alone time with you. All these apparent signs indicate that she gives some serious consideration to you and views you more than a friend and likes your company. However, do not read too much into this. Some women enjoy the company of certain people more than others. Perhaps she values your company as a friend and trusts you more than others as a friend.
13. She wants to be the center of your attention
She tries to grab all your attention every time you meet by touching you, complimenting you, and giving you “come hither” looks. Even when you are socializing with a group of friends, she tries to seek your attention by striking a private conversation with you. When you like a person, you want to be at the center of their attention. If you notice her trying these tactics, she may have romantic feelings and be in awe of you.
14. She plays hard to get
One day she showers all her attention on you and bombards your phone with calls and messages. The other day there is radio silence from her side. You are left wondering if you have done something wrong. She sometimes gets angry and upset over silly things and then stops talking for a while. Her extreme behavior may confuse you. She is most likely trying to draw your attention, which is a strong indicator she wants you to be more than a friend. Not all women show this behavior as a sign of interest. Some might act this way because of emotional ups and downs in their own lives or other events that have nothing to do with you.
Piqued Interest In Your Life
When a girl wants to know everything about you, even the smallest of details linked to your life, it could hint at the probability of her liking you more than a friend. Following are some ways in which she might get more involved in your life and seek more information about you.
15. She starts taking an interest in your life
She wants to know about your dreams and aspirations along with the little things, such as your favorite holiday destination, favorite food, favorite movie, hobbies, and your childhood stories. She is also curious about your past relationships. All these give a subtle hint that she is interested in your love life. However, if she only asks you questions and never shares anything about herself, it means she is just inquisitive and is interested in knowing about other people’s affairs. Only asking questions may not mean she likes you romantically. It has to be accompanied but a few more of the signs mentioned below.
16. She seems interested in your family
Your family suddenly becomes one of her favorite topics of discussion. She wants to know all about them, their interests, professions, birthdays, and anniversaries. She shows enthusiasm to meet your parents and siblings and gives you hints to take her for lunch or dinner. At times, you might forget your parents’ birthdays and anniversaries, but she will not and even helps you choose a gift for them. If she is putting effort into knowing your family, it is a sign she wants more from you.
17. She brings up future plans with you
If your friend has started to make you part of her career or personal goals, it could be a sign that she envisions a future with you. Talking about future plans with you can also be their way of checking whether your paths are compatible and if you can work towards common objectives together. When someone is trying to build such an emotional connection with you, they likely love having you around and are hoping for you to become a special significant other in their life going forward.
18. She bares her heart to you
You have seen her most vulnerable side. She shares her deepest secrets with you without any reservations. You are her go-to person for any issues in her life. She values your opinions and regularly asks for your advice. It means she trusts you and wants to rely on you. Or it may be that she respects your opinions and looks forward to your well-thought-out advice. She probably respects you like a friend and hence easily trusts you to wish the best for her.
19. She takes interest in your interests
You notice her ordering or cooking your favorite food. She has started finding enjoyment in the music you like and wants to talk about your favorite movie. The girl who never watched any soccer may want to watch a game with you. If you find your female friend taking an active interest in the things you like, she might be trying to impress you and gain brownie points.
20. She remembers every conversation with you
She remembers every little detail, incident, and story you have ever told her. Sometimes, she may surprise you with the depth of details. You might forget about a particular incident, but she gently reminds you. When we like someone, we fondly remember the tiniest details about them. So, if she remembers every conversation with you, then she probably likes you.
21. She cares a lot about you

While friends care about each other, you notice her concern for you has intensified. If you are sick, she frequently calls and texts to know how you are. She may drop in at your place with soup and take care of you. Or maybe she is just naturally more nurturing or empathetic and may show such heightened care for all her dear friends, regardless of romantic interest.
Changed Behavior In Social Settings
If her behavior is different with her other friends than with you, she probably feels differently for you. This difference in behavior could be a major indicator of her romantic feelings for you. Here are some signs to watch out for.
22. She doesn’t like to see you with other women

It’s natural to be possessive about someone whom you consider more than a friend. If she is attracted to you, she will not be happy to see other women getting close to you. You would sense her displeasure when you speak to her about other women. She might also try to deter you from taking an active interest in them. If she sees you talking to another woman, she might try to intervene and pull you away, which is an expression of her sentiments for you.
While she may not like to see you live in amity with other women, she would want to know your feelings about them. It is an indirect way to figure out your feelings for her. However, it is not healthy because you may start thinking about another girl because of her constant references.
23. She shares everything with her friends
Women generally share their deepest secrets with their close friends. If she is romantically interested in you, her close friends know about it. They may also try to play cupid if she is shy to reveal. If you notice her friends acting funny around you, teasing you, or deliberately leaving you two alone, it is most likely that she has romantic feelings for you.
24. She introduces you to her friends
If she has to meet her friends, she may take you along. She’ll introduce you to her friends and colleagues and brag about your qualities and achievements. Women want their friends to know that they have found a special someone. If she is showing you off to her friends, she likely sees you as more than a friend.
25. She talks differently around you
Women tend to be more feminine around the men they like. If she harbors a fondness for you, her voice will become softer when she speaks to you. However, some women have naturally soft and high-pitched voices, so pay attention when speaking with you or other people. If her voice changes, it is highly likely she has feelings for you.
Compliments And Special Treatment
Sometimes she expresses her liking for you in the innumerable compliments she showers upon you. Here are some ways in which she tries to express her feelings for you.
26. She laughs at your silliest jokes
You are not the funniest person, but she laughs at your lame jokes and calls you hilarious. Making her laugh has become easy for you. If she is laughing at your jokes that are not funny, then there is a big chance she likes you more than a friend and is trying to make you happy. However, some women laugh at jokes, even if they aren’t funny, simply out of politeness. So, if she laughs at everyone’s silly jokes, she is just a nice person and not necessarily interested in you.
27. She notices everything about you
She keeps an eye out for every little detail about you. If you have worn new clothes or shoes, got a new watch, changed your hairstyle, trimmed your beard, or worn a new perfume, she will be the first to notice. She will comment and compliment you if she has feelings for you. But if she notices such subtle changes in her other friends as well, then perhaps you are just another close friend of hers and nothing more.
28. She gives you special treatment

Observe how she behaves with other guys and with you. It is the best way to know if she considers you special. Does she prioritize you over everyone else? Does she sit closer to you? If the answers to the above questions are yes, it is an obvious sign that she considers you more than a friend.
29. She never fails to impress you
She indirectly tells you about her qualifications, achievements, and other good qualities. She even highlights common interests between you two. If you told her about your favorite book, she would read it and discuss the trivia with you. She wastes no opportunity to show her sense of humor and shower you with adulation. That’s because we generally want to present our best version to the person we are attracted to. Or perhaps she is just fishing for compliments because she loves boasting about her achievements. Alternatively, she could be a people-pleaser who wants to match your interests to get into your good books.
30. She never cracks jokes at your expense
She may crack jokes and playfully tease you, but she will not make jokes at your expense. Even if your friends tease you, she will try to divert the topic or discourage them from laughing at you. Or perhaps she is someone who does not like jokes about her close friends. She may not defend you outright but will also not encourage anyone to joke on you out of respect for you.
Romantic And Direct Hints
Enough of the subtle signs. Some overt actions show that she values your attention and wants to deepen your connection. Have a look at the bold and clear hints that she probably likes you more than a friend.
31. She dresses up more than usual

Earlier, she met you in casual attire, but now she has started dressing up more than usual. You find her dressed up in all the attractive clothes and even with more makeup than before. She wants to look the best in front of you with a glowing face, dewy and plump lips, and highlighted eyes. These gestures show she has feelings for you. But do not forget that changes in appearance and style may not always be direct signals of attraction. Some women enjoy experimenting with their appearance as an expression of personal style or confidence, regardless of their feelings toward someone.
32. She tries to make you jealous
She has started asking you for dating advice and teases you by asking your opinion about other guys. You notice her praising other guys in front of you. It is a reverse psychology technique to know what you feel for her. Making you jealous is a simple way to get you to open up. So, if you have feelings for her, too, it would be an excellent time to convey them.
33. She supports you
In every up and down in life, you always find her by your side supporting you. Be it a fight with your friends or family, a bad day at work, or you are unwell, she will support you, cheer you up, and show her compassion. She can take on the world for you and is not afraid to show her ardor. However, some women are protective of their friends and loved ones. So, if she is helpful and supportive by nature then there is nothing more for you to look into.
34. She frequently utters your name
Lately, you notice her taking your name a lot, even in cases where she doesn’t have to. You hear your name a lot when she speaks to your friends, too. When you like someone a lot, their name plays in your head, so you tend to use it in your conversation. It shows she is thinking about you a lot and is interested in being more than a friend. But remember, for some people, using someone’s name often is just a habit or a way to be polite, not necessarily a sign of romantic interest.
35. She hints towards the possibility of a relationship
If your female friend likes you, she may try to pitch the two of you together indirectly or jokingly to check your reaction. She might tell you things like”
- “Doesn’t it feel like we are dating since we are together all the time?”
- “We know so much about each other, imagine what an amazing couple we would make!”
- “Even couples don’t share the kind of chemistry we have.”
Such statements indicate that she is falling for you and wants to see if you feel the same way.
36. She asks open-ended questions
She tries to engage in deep conversations with you by asking open-ended questions. She puts in a genuine effort to know more about you and understand your opinions about various aspects of life. Rather than asking basic queries like, “Did you have a good day?” she opts for more insightful ones such as, “What was the best part of your day?” These thought-provoking questions promote more profound conversations, showcasing her curiosity about your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. She also shows enthusiasm when you share something with her. Her commitment to keep the conversation going showcases a sincere interest in strengthening your connection by eliciting more detailed responses.
How To Have The ‘More Than Friends’ Conversation
Let’s suppose this girl is showing most of the above signs of interest in you. And you cannot hold yourself back anymore and wish to confirm her feelings for you. Here are a few points to remember when approaching this tricky conversation.
- Choose the right time and place: Find a calm place where you can converse without interruptions or disturbance.Do not start this topic around friends or during a stressful moment. Ensure she is relaxed and interested in having a conversation with you.
- Start politely and be clear: You can start the conversation by thanking her for being such a wonderful friend. Then, gradually tell her how you have noticed certain things about her and wonder if there is something more to it. You can say, “I’ve noticed some things recently, and I wanted to check in to understand how you’re feeling about us.”
- Express yourself thoughtfully: After you have asked her about her feelings, she might either accept it or deny it. In such scenarios, do the following:
- If you do not feel the same way for her, be kind but firm. You can say, “I cherish our friendship, and I hope we can keep that strong bond.” If you share the feelings, you can say, “I’ve been feeling the same way, and I’d love to explore this further with you.” Suppose you like her, but she does not feel the same way, be understanding and say, “It’s fine if our feelings are not mutual. Our friendship is valuable to me, and I hope we can continue being friends.”
- Move on: If you have feelings for this girl, but she does not feel the same, it is best to accept the situation and move on. There is no use brooding over it. The faster you grasp reality, the easier it will be to find happiness elsewhere. There is nothing to feel embarrassed about; such experiences are a part of everyone’s life, and most of us have faced rejection. Be patient and allow the friendship to heal or evolve naturally, depending on the outcome.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can a girl like you but not show it?
Yes. A girl may like you and hesitate to show it for various reasons. She could be shy, doesn’t want to rush into a relationship, or fears being hurt or rejected.
2. What if I misread the signs a girl shows?
Misreading the signs from someone you’re close to is quite common. If you’re feeling confused, it could be better to address the signs directly. If that’s not possible, try to observe patterns in their behavior instead of focusing on a single sign. Alternatively, giving them space and time while letting them know you are there for them regardless of the direction the relationship takes might help them express their feelings more confidently.
3. What to do when your girl best friend likes you?
If your best friend likes you, do not avoid the situation. Think and be clear about what you want to do and communicate the same with her. If you don’t want her to move towards you, politely tell her you don’t have those feelings for her or are seeing someone else. Be honest and don’t worsen the situation by giving her mixed signals.
4. How do you test if a girl likes you through text?
Wondering how to tell if a girl likes you over text? Simple. Text her you are sick and see how she cares for you. If she is worried and constantly texts you to see if you are feeling better, she is into you. Alternatively, you can pick a fight with her and notice how she reacts to it. She may not have feelings for you if she keeps the grudge and avoids you. If she apologizes and initiates reconciliation, chances are she truly likes you.
Sometimes, the signs she likes you more than a friend may be easy to follow, whereas others may be difficult to understand. With the help of the information given above in this post, it will be easier for you to learn about the signs a friend likes you romantically and respects you. Furthermore, if you have been equally interested in her, you must understand what she thinks about you. Thus, this post will help you notice some of the most evident signs of her affection and admiration for you. However, remember that even if she displays all the above signs, you may still misunderstand her intentions. Hence, speaking to her openly before jumping to any conclusion is always best.
Infographic: How To Behave Around A Girl Who Secretly Likes You
Having a friend as your secret admirer can be tricky. You wouldn’t want to make any wrong moves that may disrupt your amazing dynamics. So if the above signs accurately portray your friend’s behavior, this infographic will help you navigate through this new development in your friendship without ruining it. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Illustration: Subtle Signs She Likes You More Than A Friend

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Discover the subtle signs and behaviors that indicate a girl’s romantic interest and discover how to correctly determine her level of attraction.
- Gerulf Rieger, Ritch C Savin-Williams; (2012); The Eyes Have It: Sex and Sexual Orientation Differences in Pupil Dilation Patterns.
https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3411709/ - “He loves me, he loves me not . . . ”: Uncertainty can increase romantic attraction.
https://batten.virginia.edu/he-loves-me-he-loves-me-not-uncertainty-can-increase-romantic-attraction - M. Cohen et al.; (2024); Social and nonsocial synchrony are interrelated and romantically attractive.
https://idp.nature.com/authorize?response_type=cookie&client_id=grover&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nature.com%2Farticles%2Fs44271-024-00109-1 - New study asks if flirting is real and shows it can work.
https://news.ku.edu/news/article/2020/09/09/new-study-asks-flirting-real-and-shows-flirting-can-work - Michelle Jarick, Renee Bencic ; (2019); Eye Contact Is a Two-Way Street: Arousal Is Elicited by the Sending and Receiving of Eye Gaze Information.

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Read full bio of Dr. Carlos Juan Carmona-Goyena
- Rodolfo Parlati is a professional life & executive coach and leadership trainer with over 17 years of expertise. After graduating in business administration and working in the related fields, Rodolfo got certified as a professional coach from Associazione Coaching Italia in 2020. He supports his clients in improving their communication skills, relationships, work-life balance, and productivity while reducing their stress.Rodolfo Parlati is a professional life & executive coach and leadership trainer with over 17 years of expertise. After graduating in business administration and working in the related fields, Rodolfo got certified as a professional coach from Associazione Coaching Italia in 2020. He supports his clients in improving their communication skills, relationships, work-life balance, and productivity while reducing their stress.
- Jessica Jefferson is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a certified perinatal mental health professional with eight years of experience. She graduated with a bachelors in Psychology from the University of Miami, a masters in Psychology in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University and a masters in Family Therapy from Nova Southeastern University.Jessica Jefferson is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a certified perinatal mental health professional with eight years of experience. She graduated with a bachelors in Psychology from the University of Miami, a masters in Psychology in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University and a masters in Family Therapy from Nova Southeastern University.
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