25 Clear Signs That Your Relationship Is Coming To An End

When you first meet your love, everything is perfect, and it seems like a blessing from the heavens. However, things can turn sour, and you may realize that it’s all over. A beautiful relationship doesn’t come to an end overnight, and throughout the journey, there will be signs that your relationship is over.

From a stage where you thought you could not get enough of your partner, things can go haywire, and you might start seeing them as your worst nightmare. Recognizing these early signs can help you make informed decisions about your relationship, giving time for reflection and making potentially constructive conversations with your partner. And finally, all the love, care, and trust you built together can crumble. But how and when do you know that the relationship is over? Read this post to know the signs.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • If your relationship now lacks emotional and sexual intimacy, these signs could mean that your relationship is over or going to be.
  • You and your partner seem to disagree on practically everything, and communication between you seems to be complicated.
  • It’s usually a certain sign that your relationship has ended when you feel confined, useless, and weak.
  • Once you’ve accepted that your relationship is over, you’ll need to learn the lesson and set new goals to recover.

25 Subtle Signs That Your Relationship Is Over

If you’re not sure, here are some signs that your relationship is drifting apart, and the end is perhaps near.

Emotional And Physical Disconnect

Emotional and physical disconnection can cause severe cracks in a relationship. Recognizing these issues is essential to address deeper issues.

1. When you’re emotionally disconnected

Emotional intimacy is a fantastic way to keep the fire burning in a relationship. However, a relationship that lacks it is distasteful. A lack of emotional intimacy can lead to relationship decline. Research indicates that high levels of romantic disengagement are associated with a decline in a romantic relationship (1). When there is an emotional disconnect between the partners, it is one of the signs that the relationship is over.

2. When there’s no sexual intimacy

Physical intimacy is at the bottom of your priority list.
Image: iStock

Do you and your partner have disagreements about not being sexually satisfied, and is physical intimacy at the bottom of your priority list? Physical intimacy is extremely crucial for a happy relationship. Research indicates that physical affection can help lower blood pressure and boost the levels of the feel-good hormone oxytocin (3). However, if there is a lack of intimacy, it could signify that the relationship is coming to an end.

3. When you feel alone while being together

The distance between you and your partner may seem so great that you don’t care whether they are at home or away, awake or asleep. You may even feel the need to lock yourself in your bedroom when you see your partner. Feeling alone, even when you’re together, is an unhealthy sign of a romantic relationship.

4. When you don’t feel loved

You should feel warm and joyful when you’re around your loved one. Your dynamic with your partner isn’t working if you constantly feel anxious or despair about the relationship. A relationship that drains your energy may indicate that you don’t feel loved or supported. For example, if you are going through a tough time and your partner dismisses your feelings, you may feel uncared for and lonely.

5. When you feel disconnected

You feel disconnected mentally and spiritually.
Image: iStock

A good, healthy relationship keeps you connected emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically, but it seems that the only thing holding your relationship together is sex. If you avoid deep conversations or spiritual bonding and you feel there is a disconnection mentally and spiritually, you should know that the relationship is over.

6. When you know you can’t fix it

Though you have tried to fix the relationship problems for so long, you still know and believe that you are unhappy. Perhaps you’re only holding out for the slightest chance that your partner will change, waiting for things to improve or thinking that this is the best you can do, but you know you cannot fix it anymore. This is a time to know when to walk away from the relationship.

Lack Of Alignment And Support

If partners lack alignment in their goals and fail to provide each other necessary support, maintaining a happy relationship can become difficult. It can lead to a disconnect that can slowly weaken the relationship.

7. When you have different goals

Establishing goals as partners reflects you’re on the same page. However, you won’t be able to reach halfway if your goals and objectives diverge dramatically. When you feel stuck in the relationship and have differences in paths, you may gradually drift apart.

8. When you don’t spend enough time

While it may appear natural to fight hard with misaligned schedules and competing commitments, spending your free time doing something unrelated to your partner is a sign that you’ve lost interest in your relationship.

9. When your interests don’t align

While aligned interests are important in a relationship, mutual disinterest can be devastating. For example, if one partner prefers to spend Friday evenings sunbathing on the beach, while the other prefers to go fishing, it indicates that your interests aren’t compatible. Unless you can find common ground, it is a sign that your relationship suffers from boredom and may soon die.

10. When date nights become non-existent

When you first met, you both enjoyed a three-course dinner with the guitarist in the background. While date nights do not entail going on long drives, they can be as simple as cuddling up in bed and watching a movie on Netflix. One of the signs that your relationship is over is when date nights become non-existent.

protip_icon Point to consider
Relationship experts suggest the 2-2-2 rule to improve romantic relationships. It entails having a date night every two weeks, taking a weekend trip every two months, and vacationing for a week every two years. Its objective is to prioritize and make time for one another in the relationship.

Relationship experts suggest the 2-2-2 rule to improve romantic relationships. It entails having a date night every two weeks, taking a weekend trip every two months, and vacationing for a week every two years. Its objective is to prioritize and make time for one another in the relationship.

11. When the relationship gets abusive

Abusive behavior is a sign that something is wrong.
Image: iStock

When one or both of you resort to abusive behavior through mean words, intimidation, or ridiculing without regard for each other’s feelings, it is a sign that something is wrong. Remember that psychological or emotional abuse can be just as harmful or even worse than physical abuse (4). When you feel trapped, helpless, and powerless, it is a clear sign that your relationship is over unless one or both of you make compromises. Emotional abuse can turn a relationship toxic.

A blogger by the name Moonblue shares the emotional abuse she suffered when in a toxic relationship with a manipulative partner. She says, “In the “bad” waves, we would go weeks without talking. If I tried to reach out, I would either be ignored or told to stop trying. In almost every case, I never knew what was wrong or what prompted the shift. I would beg for answers, apologizing profusely for imagined things that I did, since he would refuse to tell me why he would shut me out. We’d go from talking and seeing each other every day to weeks of emotional neglect by outright shutting me out, and most of the time, I never received answers. Then, whenever he decided he missed me, he’d come back like nothing ever happened and I welcomed it, desperate to just go back to where we were before. This toxic relationship has been understandably awful to my mental health. I have had to go back to therapy to work through it, I’ve leaned too much on friends, and I’ve gone through depressive episodes because of it (i).”

12. When you’re bending backward

It is an unhealthy sign of a romantic life if you become resentful and frustrated and feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle to keep the relationship going. Bending backward or making constant compromises is one of the signs that there is negativity in your relationship. For instance, if you always cancel your plans to accommodate your partner’s schedule, only to feel unappreciated, it is a sign of an imbalance in the relationship, and you will feel frustrated and exhausted.

13. When you don’t envision a future together

If you’re wondering how to know when a relationship has ended, consider at least two crucial plans you both envision. For instance, you feel it’s time for you to settle down and start a family, while your partner wants to travel and explore the world. If there are no future plans with your partner, it’s a clear sign that the relationship is over.

14. When partners move at different pace

There may be a divergence between couples when one partner learns and grows rapidly while the other stays static. For example, one partner may advance quickly in their career, while the other stays in an unfulfilling job. It can cause envy and lead to the failure of maintaining a long-term relationship. This might even lead to a partner giving up on love.

Breakdown Of Trust And Respect

Trust and respect are crucial for any relationship. When these basic elements of a relationship erode, it does not take too much time for the relationship to crumble.

15. When conversations get difficult

You hesitate to speak or react because your partner’s reactions intimidate you. When you feel like you are walking on eggshells around your partner, and when simple conversations seem difficult, it is a telltale sign that the relationship is over.

16. When you lose your identity

When you begin to lose yourself in the relationship and start ignoring your emotions, it is one of the warning signs that your romantic relationship has ended. When you lose your identity, you most likely feel frustrated and angry. It can create feelings of anxiety, resentment, and even hopelessness.

protip_icon Experts say
Happiness in a relationship depends on maintaining self-respect. Empowerment, self-worth, independence, pleasure, and fulfillment in your relationship depend on keeping your sense of self and individuality (2).

17. When there’s no respect

One sign that the relationship has fallen apart is when one partner does not acknowledge the values of the other and no longer accepts them for who they are. Criticizing or questioning the other indicates that the relationship lacks respect. For example, if your partner often criticizes your career aspirations or undermines your efforts, it shows a lack of respect. And a relationship cannot survive without respect, and love alone cannot endure without respect.

18. When there are too many arguments

The arguments often involve frustrating exchanges.
Image: iStock

If there is bickering and constant fighting over things as trivial as wet towels on the bed or dirty underwear in your room, your relationship is not on the right path. The arguments often involve frustrating exchanges and yelling. Although they seem trivial, they often reflect deeper incompatibility and a sign of anger and frustration in your relationship.

19. When there is a lack of empathy

While empathy can help avoid conflicts and misunderstandings, a relationship without empathy is doomed to fail. There is indifference in the relationship when partners fail to see each other’s point of view and understand each other’s emotions. For instance, if one partner finds it difficult to manage work stress and the other dismisses it as overreacting, it shows a lack of emotional support.

20. When trust is broken

Trust is one of the foundational pillars of a healthy relationship, so when it is lost, it strikes at the heart of the relationship and is extremely difficult to restore (5). What might seem minor to one partner could deeply hurt the other. For example, if one partner uncovers lies about finances or hidden secrets, it can completely break the relationship’s trust. Without trust, it is impossible to have a successful relationship based solely on love and respect. Loss of trust, whether it is the result of dishonesty, betrayal, or past hurts, means the relationship is doomed unless the trust is rebuilt.

21. When you feel insecure about the relationship

One of the leading reasons why people breakup is insecurity. You keep questioning your partner’s feelings for you and are unsure of your place in their life. If you feel inadequate or have self-doubt, you may live in fear and worry about what will happen next. A relationship is almost on the verge of collapse when one partner doubts their worth and has low self-esteem.

22. When your partner doesn’t appreciate your success

There is nothing more rewarding than celebrating each other’s small or big achievements. If your partner does not take the time to acknowledge your accomplishments or is unmoved whether you landed a job or got a promotion, it should raise your eyebrows and let you know that your relationship is not smooth.

23. When gratitude is missing

A little appreciation and gratitude can boost feelings of happiness and romance in relationships. For instance, if a partner prepares dinner every night, a simple ‘thank you’ can make them feel appreciated. The problem arises when partners stop appreciating each other. It can lead to resentment, and suddenly you begin to question whether the relationship can survive.

24. When one partner cheats

One partner is involved in an emotional affair outside marriage.
Image: iStock

One of the signs that a romantic relationship is over is infidelity (6). This happens when one partner seeks attention elsewhere outside the marriage or engages in an emotional affair. If a couple does not have a loving connection, the relationship is doomed, whether on an emotional or physical level.

25. When communication breaks down

To have a fulfilling intimacy in your relationship, you must communicate your feelings to your partner. A lack of communication signifies that the relationship may be going south, especially if the partners show contempt for each other or raise the topic of ending the relationship multiple times rather than reaching an agreement.

How To Accept When A Relationship Is Over?

California-based relationship coach Nancy Landrum says, “Reflect on what you have learned from this relationship failure. Consider how your behavior or attitudes may have contributed to it. If you have been treated badly or disrespectfully and there is no hope for change, leave.” 

Italy-based life coach Rodolfo Parlati says, “Acknowledge your feelings honestly and accept that the relationship has ended. Have an open and respectful conversation with your partner to ensure a clear and considerate breakup. Focus on self-care and lean on supportive people to help you through this transition.” When a relationship is over, it is never easy. However, follow these simple steps if you’re wondering how to accept when a relationship is over.

1. Grieve your loss

One of the ways to accept that your relationship is over is by grieving your loss and allowing yourself to heal. Prepare yourself for some lonely moments, but remember that “this, too, shall pass,” and you will be happy again.

2. Reinvent yourself

The most important thing to remember is to avoid making hasty decisions that you may regret later, such as quitting your job or becoming a recluse. Instead, do something you’ve always wanted to do.

3. Set your goals

When a relationship is over, often, your goals and objectives take a beating. Set new goals or pursue your interests with renewed vigor to accept the end of a relationship.

4. Enjoy your single status

A relationship may suffer due to incompatible goals. When a relationship is over, you’re single again. Instead of dwelling on the past, embrace your single status and make the most of your freedom. Spend more time with friends and family, accept invitations, cultivate new relationships, and plan your social life.

5. Seek professional advice

Accepting that your relationship has come to an end may not be easy for everyone. You may be in the denial stage of grief when you are still looking for ways to reclaim your relationship. Even after doing all you can, you may be disturbed by some unresolved feelings. In such a situation, reaching out to a professional counselor can be a good option. A counselor may be able to understand what you are going through and help you resolve the issues in the best way possible. They may also help you move on from the relationship and start the healing journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are early red flags in a relationship?

Some examples of early red flags in relationships include:

  • They are still over their ex.
  • They criticize you often.
  • You need to excuse and justify their rude behavior.
  • Your friends and family disapprove of them.
  • They hide things from you.
  • They are always rushing things.

2. How do I know someone isn’t right for me?

Some signs that someone isn’t suitable for you are as follows:

  • You have trust issues.
  • You are not your true self when they are around.
  • Arguments have a lingering effect on the relationship.
  • You are the one always making compromises.
  • Something just doesn’t feel right.

3. How do I end a relationship naturally?

You can begin by reducing the amount of time you spend with your partner and minimizing interactions. Avoid sharing significant updates about your life and drop subtle hints indicating your intention to separate. These actions will indicate that you are gradually distancing yourself from them. Ultimately, have an honest conversation with your partner, expressing your reasons for wanting to separate. With time, they may come to accept that the relationship is over.

4. What is the biggest failure in a relationship?

Relationships fail for various reasons depending on the people and circumstances. Some couples struggle with trust issues, while some are burdened by financial issues. Emotional infidelity, insecurity, dishonesty, incompatibility, and lack of communication, respect, and space in a relationship are also common reasons for people parting ways. However, most of the issues can be dealt with and sorted if the couple is determined to stay together.

5. What questions to ask when a relationship is ending?

You can ask your partner the reason why the relationship failed. You can ask them about their thoughts and feelings and what you could have done differently to save your relationship. You may also ask questions about unresolved conflicts and the possible impacts of a breakup.

6. What are the common consequences of staying in an unfulfilling relationship?’

A sustained, unfulfilling relationship often leads to emotional distress, causing persistent feelings of frustration, sadness, anxiety, and dissatisfaction. Over time, this can erode self-esteem, making individuals feel unworthy. Staying in an unfulfilling relationship for too long may lead to constant melancholy or depression and a permanent lack of interest in any activity.

If you feel that you and your partner have grown distant lately, knowing the signs that your relationship is over could help you comprehend your situation and act accordingly. Before you make up your mind about calling it quits, you may have an open conversation with your partner to get your facts checked. Subsequently, if you feel that your relationship is on the verge of ending, it is time to acknowledge your feelings, focus on yourself, and move on for the better.

Infographic: Telltale Signs Your Relationship Is Coming To An End

No matter how long you’ve been dating, sometimes, despite your best efforts, it becomes clear that your relationship isn’t working out. The infographic below lists a few telltale indicators a relationship is ending and needs serious efforts to bring it back on track.

signs indicating your romance is ending(infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: Clear Signs That Your Relationship Is Coming To An End

signs that your relationship is over_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Are you feeling disconnected from your partner? Are arguments becoming more frequent? These could be signs your relationship is ending.

Personal Experience: Source


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. Robin A Barry et al.; (2008); Conceptualization and Assessment of Disengagement in Romantic Relationships.
  2. Preserving Individuality to Strengthen Your Relationship
  3. Can You Kiss and Hug Your Way to Better Health? Research Says Yes.
  4. Abuse in Intimate Relationships: Defining the Multiple Dimensions and Terms.
  5. Oliver Schilke et al.; (2013); Effect of relationship experience on trust recovery following a breach.
  6. Ami Rokach and Sybil H Chan; (2023); Love and Infidelity: Causes and Consequences.
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Shreshtha Dhar
Shreshtha DharM.A, M.Phil
Shreshtha Dhar is a licensed Clinical Psychologist with a professional experience of around seven years. Presently, she operates her private practice, Thought Craft, based out of Kolkata. She has special interest in the emotional and behavioral issues of both children and adults.

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  • Rodolfo Parlati
    Rodolfo ParlatiMBA Rodolfo Parlati is a professional life & executive coach and leadership trainer with over 17 years of expertise. After graduating in business administration and working in the related fields, Rodolfo got certified as a professional coach from Associazione Coaching Italia in 2020. He supports his clients in improving their communication skills, relationships, work-life balance, and productivity while reducing their stress.
    Rodolfo Parlati is a professional life & executive coach and leadership trainer with over 17 years of expertise. After graduating in business administration and working in the related fields, Rodolfo got certified as a professional coach from Associazione Coaching Italia in 2020. He supports his clients in improving their communication skills, relationships, work-life balance, and productivity while reducing their stress.
  • Nancy Landrum
    Nancy LandrumMA Nancy is a relationship coach with 27 years. She guides couples and stepfamilies in their endeavor to make their relationships stronger. With a master's degree in Spiritual Psychology, emphasizing on consciousness, health, and healing, Nancy blends her personal experience with research-backed strategies. She has authored eight books, including How to Stay Married & Love It! and Stepping TwoGether: Building a Strong Stepfamily.
    Nancy is a relationship coach with 27 years. She guides couples and stepfamilies in their endeavor to make their relationships stronger. With a master's degree in Spiritual Psychology, emphasizing on consciousness, health, and healing, Nancy blends her personal experience with research-backed strategies. She has authored eight books, including How to Stay Married & Love It! and Stepping TwoGether: Building a Strong Stepfamily.
Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing.

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Siddharth Kesiraju
Siddharth KesirajuMA, Certification in Relationship Coaching
Siddharth holds a certification in Relationship Coaching and a masters degree in communication and journalism from the University of Hyderabad. He has around seven years of experience in various fields of writing and editing.

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Benidamika holds a masters degree in Counseling Psychology from Assam Don Bosco University and another masters degree in English Literature from North Eastern Hill University. At MomJunction, Benidamika writes on human psychology and relationships.

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