28 Subtle Signs Your Crush Likes You Back

How to tell if your crush likes you? Having a crush makes you all giddy and mushy with all the butterflies in your stomach. However, having a crush does not manifest into a relationship with that person by itself. And before you attempt to pursue them, you need to make sure that your crush feels the same about you the way you do for them.

But how? Read on to learn the signs that indicate your crush likes you.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • To know whether your crush likes you back, keep an eye on their behavior around you.
  • Getting nervous or acting differently around you or showing deep interest in your relationships with others could be a couple of positive signs.
  • Trying to make you happy, getting jealous, and sharing secrets are a few more.

26 Signs Your Crush Likes You

You may fall for anyone at any point in life, and the feelings are not in your control. If you find yourself wondering, “Does my crush like me?” and you’re eager to know if your feelings are reciprocated, there are some signs that may provide you with insight.

1. They keep looking at you

Your crush looking at you constantly may be a sign of their interest

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If someone has a crush on you, there’s a fairly good chance they’ll be glancing at you more often than others. They might stare at you when they think you aren’t noticing and might even look away if you catch them. Such sneaking glances at you may indicate they like you as well.

2. They get anxious around you

We act out-of-the-ordinary when we’re around our crush. If you notice a change in their body language, such as nervousness or something as simple as smiling more often, they likely have feelings for you too. Some other signs include playing with their hair, having a blush, fidgeting, and fumbling when talking to you.

3. They initiate eye contact

While eye contact may seem to be a common courtesy for anyone during social interaction, you could find a difference when someone interested in you makes eye contact. If you’re unsure if they’re polite by making eye contact or have a crush on you, check it out in a group setting. If they pay more attention to you or look at you more often, it might indicate they like you too.

protip_icon Trivia
It is widely believed that crushes only last four months and may end suddenly. If it passes the 120-day period, you may actually be in love with them.

4. They make casual physical contact

Handshakes, high-fives, and hugs are common forms of physical contact between platonic friends.

If your crush makes physical contact more often and in other forms, such as giving you an encouraging pat on the back or holding your hand when you’re upset, it could indicate they have deeper feelings towards you. Pay attention to these instances and notice if they happen only with you or with others as well.

5. They change their body language around you

Your crush likes you if they change their body language around you

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Body language displays one’s emotions. The female body language signs of attraction may be subtle but are unmistakable. Notice if your crush immediately stands straight when they see you or if they fix their hair or clothes and smiles when you’re around. Another indicator that a person likes you is if they face you directly when you interact with them, particularly their feet. Other proven signs include leaning towards you when they’re talking and mirroring your body language.

6. They try to sit near or next to you

If you notice your crush is often right next to you or near you in a group setting or a meeting at work, it could be a strong sign they’re interested in you romantically. While friends do the same by default, you might find that your crush is making an additional effort to be near you.

7. They listen to you

While this trait in itself doesn’t indicate or confirm romantic interest, it holds true when combined with other signs. Suppose you find your crush listening to you carefully, asking polite questions, and giving the appropriate emotional reactions such as a laugh, surprise, or shock when you’re telling a story, they likely have a crush on you. If they are hooked by everything you’re saying, it can indicate a higher level of interest and empathy for you.

8. They want to get to know you better

It could apply to many people, but it usually implies mutual romantic interest when your crush shows a keen interest in knowing you. They might want to know your favorite cuisine or movies, your favorite bands, or childhood memories so they can get to know you better. They might even ask you about your family or siblings if they are more serious about you. It is likely they see you as more than just a friend.

9. They try to get an idea of your plans and aspirations

While every crush isn’t thinking about marriage straight away, they may want to know your plans for the future.

While this may be a normal conversation topic, it may also be one of the signs she is developing feelings for you.

It could range from career aspirations to what you expect from a marriage or family or something as casual as what pets you want or the places you might want to visit. If the person you like and care about inquires about these things, they’re trying to weigh if your plans align with theirs.

10. They may inquire about your relationships

Your crush inquiring about your relationships may be a sign

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A clear sign your crush is interested in you is if they ask you or your mutual friends about your relationship status. If they are too nervous to ask you or your friends directly, they might resort to social media to find out.

11. They call or text you a lot

Romance in the 21st century can take many forms. When physical contact is impossible, they can always contact you over the phone. If you find yourself talking to your crush or texting them often, with them initiating it most days, they likely have a crush on you. An important distinction to make is the frequency and timing of these interactions—if the calls and texts come often and extend late into the night or early in the morning, chances are they see you as more than a friend.

12. They actively engage with your social media posts

If your crush is often the first person to see your stories, like your pictures, or even comment something positive on anything you share, there’s a good chance they like you. Someone’s social media can often be a window into a lot of content about them. A person having a crush on you would want to look at these often to know you better and start communicating with you.

13. They respond immediately

Whether it’s a call, text, or even a forward, if your crush responds to them instantly, it’s a good sign they like you too. If they have a crush on you, they’re likely re-reading your conversations or checking your social media in their free time, so they will be quick to respond to any calls or messages. This eagerness can often give away their true intentions regarding you.

14. They get jealous when someone else flirts with you

While this might not be obvious, look for signs of jealousy in your crush when someone else flirts with you, or you flirt with someone else. It could be a simple change in body language or expression or them telling you that the other person isn’t a good fit for you. If your crush is so invested in your love life that they mind others trying to be with you, it could be a sign that they like you.

15. They ask your friends about you

Your crush likes you if they ask your friends about you

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Your close friends will always tell you if someone asks about you. If your crush likes you, they may ask your friends about your relationship status or likes and dislikes. They may rely on common friends and sometimes even family members to find out these aspects about you. It is a sign that they are interested in you as they’re too nervous to ask you directly.

protip_icon Did you know?
Just like how the fear of danger is greater than the danger itself, imagining talking to your crush is more exciting than actually conversing with them.

16. They talk about you often

If your crush likes you, it’s not unusual for them to talk about you to their friends or mutual friends. It usually takes the form of compliments, so you’re likely to hear them from friends and acquaintances. It might even be intentional, hoping that these compliments are passed on to you. Keep your ears open when with mutual friends to know if your crush has been talking about you.

17. They find excuses to spend time with you alone

They could end up working out at your gym or simply be walking their dog when you do. If your crush seems to find excuses to spend time with you or be near you, it’s a sign they’re attracted to you. It likely means they want to spend time alone with you.

18. They share secrets with you

One of the surest signs that your crush likes you is they feel comfortable confiding things in you. These could be embarrassing stories, phobias, personal opinions, traumatic events, or even something they feel too shy to tell others. People don’t generally like to open up unless they feel comfortable and trust the person. If you are the person your crush looks for when they want to share, they may have feelings for you.

19. Your mutual friends act differently when your crush is around

Often, you could be the last one to know if your crush likes you. If you have mutual friends or colleagues, they’ve likely noticed these signs, or your crush has told them their feelings about you. Regardless, they will not act the same way around you. They might find excuses to leave you two alone together during group outings, ensure you’re sitting close to each other, give subtle hints, touch, or tease you as friends tend to do. It usually means they know something you don’t—that your crush likes you.

20. They’re aware of your needs and want to help

Being aware of your needs is a way of showing their affection

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Another indication of whether your crush likes you or not lies in their availability and willingness to help you. If your crush likes you, they’ll do their best to help you with something difficult, be there for you during a tough time, or even help you handle a complicated social, family, or workplace situation. If the help comes even without you asking, the gesture further shows that they like you. It means they have a good idea of your personality and your emotions to know when you’re uncomfortable or going through a rough patch and know when to step in.

protip_icon Quick tip
Before raising your expectations, getting clarity and confirmation on your crush’s feelings for you can help avoid disappointment and heartbreak.

21. They look for you at social gatherings

If their eyes look for you at a mutual friend’s party, a work outing, or any social gathering and they spend the majority of their time with or around you, it’s a good sign they like you. Odds are they’ve planned it in such a way that they can maximize the time you spend together.

22. They’re always at their best around you

While your friends might not mind being in casual clothes around you, someone who has romantic feelings for you will make an effort to present themselves at their best. You may notice they are well dressed, well-groomed, and are looking to impress you when you are around.

23. You remind them of positive things in their life

A sign that someone likes you is if you remind them of things they associate with positive emotions such as humor, attraction, and happiness. If your crush frequently compares you to a celebrity, calls you funny nicknames, or says that you remind them of a close friend, they probably like you. Understand that it’s their way of complimenting you without admitting they like you.

24. They trust you

Trust is an important factor even when you like someone and have not committed yet. If your crush feels they can open up to you about anything, they probably like you. It is true if they tell you about things they don’t usually share with others, such as serious problems at home or work or something they don’t share with others. If they trust you enough, it’s a sign they are attracted to you.

25. They flirt with you

Flirting is healthy when done within limits. If your crush likes you, they will flirt only with you and nobody else. It indicates how they have exclusive feelings for you and is not just a passing attraction. It can later become the bedrock of a relationship.

26. They try to keep you happy

If your crush likes you, they would not want to see you dull or sad. In case you have a bad day, they would make an effort to cheer you up. If you find them going out of their way to improve your mood, they may have feelings for you.

27. They pay close attention

If your crush is all ears when you speak or pays close attention, they may be interested in you. They may also engage in active conversation and ask questions to know more about you. They also remember the details of your conversations vividly and surprise you with follow-up questions.

28. Playful teasing

Teasing and flirting can indicate your crush’s liking for you. They engage in playful banter with you and keep the conversations light-hearted. They create a warm and friendly environment and engage in subtle flirting. This could mean they have feelings for you and want to get close to you.

How To Communicate With Your Crush

If you feel and notice the signs that your crush likes you back, you would want to approach them and make an impression. Here are some tips you could consider.

  • Be yourself and start with casual talks
  • Use humor to lighten the mood
  • Gauge their mood before initiating a conversation
  • Pay attention to verbal and nonverbal cues
  • Create a relaxed atmosphere
  • Find the right time to express your feelings
  • Be genuine and honest
  • Give sincere compliments
  • Be patient

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What if I get rejected by my crush?

While rejection can be challenging for many, it also represents an opportunity. Accept it with an open heart and learn to move on with your life. Surround yourself with good people and make this rejection a motivation to improve yourself.

2. How can I make my crush regret rejecting me?

While there are no hard and fast rules, you can adopt some tips to make yourself even more desirable to your crush.

  • Work out and maintain a good appearance.
  • Be social and spend more time with your crush’s friends.
  • Try to show that you have overcome your feelings for them.
  • Focus on yourself and work on improving your personality.
  • Stick to new activities to your liking and distract yourself.

3. What should I do if my crush is shy about expressing their feelings?

Create a comfortable environment where they feel supported. Share your vulnerability to encourage them to open up gradually. Engage in open communication and motivate them to share their feelings. However, respect their boundaries and do not push them beyond their comfort zone. Take small steps together, be mindful of non-verbal cues, and respect their pace and decisions. Be patient and understanding throughout this process to help your partner express themselves.

4. What are some tips for keeping a conversation going with my crush?

Ask open-ended questions that encourage detailed responses to keep a conversation going with your crush. Show genuine interest by actively listening and asking follow-up questions. Share about yourself, use humor, find common ground, and be authentic. Remember to pay attention to non-verbal cues and respect boundaries while getting to know each other.

5. What should I do if I’m too shy to talk to my crush?

Feeling shy about talking to your crush is a common experience. However, you can overcome it with simple strategies. Begin by engaging in casual conversation to create a relaxed environment. Work on your self-confidence by focusing on your qualities and acknowledging your worth. Practice talking with friends or rehearse in front of a mirror to plan ahead of the conversation. Find common interests and talk about them while being authentic. Practice active listening and show genuine interest. If shyness still hinders your approach to your crush, seek professional help.

There are several ways to tell if your crush likes you or not. If their glances are focussed on you, and they try to make eye contact even in a crowd, they may be interested in you. If you find them anxious when with you, listening attentively to what you say, or appreciating your plans and ideas, you can infer that you may be on their minds. Observe if they are prompt to reply to your texts, call you often, or are interested in being with you at parties and outings. However, you can be sure only when they confirm, but do cherish those beautiful unsaid moments till then.

Infographic: What To Do Now That Your Crush Likes You Back?

If you have ticked off even a few signs mentioned above, then congratulations, as you now know that your crush likes you back. But what is your plan of action after you have come to terms with this fact? Give the following infographic a read to learn about what things you should do next.

tips for responding to your crush (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Are you wondering if he likes you? Learn the 7 body language signs he definitely likes you in this video. Unravel the subtle cues of attraction and get authentic dating advice.

Do you think your crush reciprocates your feelings? Have you seen any of these signs that your crush likes you back? Share your stories with us in the comments!

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Clifton Riley
Clifton RileyCTHF, CLC, CMS
Clifton Riley is a talk show host, podcaster, author, life coach, certified trauma healing facilitator, licensed relationship instructor, certified biblical counselor, licensed minister, and keynote speaker with 30 years of experience.

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Ratika holds a master's degree in commerce and a post-graduate diploma in communication and journalism from Mumbai University. She has 6 years of experience writing in various fields, such as finance, education, and lifestyle.

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Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing.

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Benidamika holds a masters degree in Counseling Psychology from Assam Don Bosco University and another masters degree in English Literature from North Eastern Hill University. At MomJunction, Benidamika writes on human psychology and relationships.

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