20 Sure Signs Your Ex Is Never Coming Back

What are the signs your ex is never coming back? In many cases, people come back after breaking up and being apart. It usually happens because they realize how important they are to each other and that they cannot be without them. However, you cannot always be waiting for them to realize that, right? Breakups can take an emotional toll. Research shows they are often associated with heightened psychological distress and a noticeable dip in life satisfaction. Therefore, it is vital to recognize when one should move on (1). Keep reading as we outline signs that will help you avoid holding onto false hope about your ex returning.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • Your ex may not be coming back if they show signs of complete avoidance.
  • Blocking you on social media platforms, enjoying life without you, and not showing interest in your current relationship are a few signs.
  • Focus on yourself and move on instead of holding on to them.

20 Signs Your Ex Is Never Coming Back

California-based counselor Kay Saffe says, “Before you continue holding onto that old flame, remember that the chances of a lasting reconciliation are slim. Check if there are any signs that your ex has truly moved on. These signs may include avoiding communication, such as unanswered phone calls or unread messages, being blocked on social media, or openly living their best life without you. Dating other people is another clear indicator. These signs suggest that they are not interested in rekindling the relationship.”

Recognizing these signs can be an important step in the healing process and moving forward. Here are clear indicators that your ex is considering moving on:

20 Signs Your Ex Is Never Coming Back
Image: Dall.E/MJ Design Team

1. There’s no communication 

While some people try to reduce the frequency of communication, there are a few who just turn off everything the moment you call for a break-up. They might change their number, block you on all social media platforms, or block your calls and messages.

They make every possible effort to not be available for you. If this happens for quite some time, it’s a clear sign that they are not interested in contacting you or being contacted by you. So, drop the idea of an epic reunion with your ex.

2. Your conversations have gone dull 

If you both happen to meet, and you notice there is a world of difference between how you used to communicate and how you’re talking to each other now, they may have moved on. When conversing, you think of what to speak and how to react as your talks lack substance, and you don’t feel comfortable as you were earlier.

You observe the same pattern even in your text messages and telephonic conversations. And most of the time, there might be casual replies or no replies even after they have viewed the messages. These are hardcore signs of them moving on with life.

3. You have been friend-zoned


A gentle way to exit from a relationship is to become friends without any hard feelings for each other. If you both have agreed on similar lines, it is a positive sign that they could return.

However, if you find your ex completely indifferent, such as treating you like all other friends, not being romantic or flirty, and not mentioning anything about the past while still respecting you, then they have done a decent job at detaching themselves from the relationship emotionally and are moving on in the healthiest way.

4. Your ex is enjoying life after separation

Your ex may celebrate your break-up
Image: iStock

The initial days of a breakup can be challenging for anyone. Feeling sad, angry, confused, and frustrated during that phase is normal (2). However, if you find your ex celebrating your breakup and planning trips and vacations soon after, it’s a clear sign that they are moving on to better things and have no plans to return to you.

5. They have blocked you on all the social media platform

Research shows that after a breakup, many people block their ex-partner on social media to cut off communication and avoid reminders of the relationship, helping them cope with emotional pain (3). While not communicating is one way of conveying that your ex is not interested in further interaction with you. Blocking you on WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and all other social media platforms is a straightforward way of indicating that they are moving away from you and are not interested in staying in touch. They are least bothered about what’s happening in your life and are not willing to share what’s going on in their lives.

protip_icon Point to consider
If your ex ever runs into you and is not excited to see you or feels irritated, it is a clear sign that they are never coming back.

6. They speak ill about you 

This is one of the worst things that someone could do after a break-up. And if they do this, it’s not worth waiting for them to come back. People with negative personalities tend to bad-mouth you so that they can put the entire blame of the break-up on you.

And if they bad-mouth you before your mutual friends and family, it’s a serious sign that they want to hurt you and don’t want you to come back. It is also a sign that it is time you start moving on with your life.

7. They return all your stuff

They ask for all things that they have gifted you
Image: iStock

This sounds like a familiar scene from Hollywood movies. But, in reality, there are fewer chances that your ex might demand their stuff back. In case they ask for all the things that they have gifted you or their personal stuff that they might have forgotten at your place, take it as a clear sign that they are moving on to a better future.

There are equal chances of them returning your things too. If this happens, they are seriously making an effort to completely wipe you off, not just from their lives, but also their memories. Also, it is a good way to get closure in the relationship.

8. They avoid your family and friends

When you are in a relationship, it’s quite common to meet each other’s family and friends. Over time, you might have developed friendly relations with them. Even after your breakup, there is no harm in continuing that warmth with them.

But if your ex tries to avoid your acquaintances, it shows that they do not want to be in touch with anyone who reminds them about you. They do not want to put themselves in a tricky situation wherein you might think they are still interested in you. It’s also a way to avoid people, say your mutual friends, who try to get you both back together or just ask a lot of questions about the break-up. In such a situation, letting go is the best thing you can do to maintain peace in your life.

9. There are no signs of jealousy

If someone has feelings for you, it’s natural for them to become a little jealous when you hang out with others.

If your ex shows no signs of jealousy even after seeing you with another person, it clearly indicates that they do not care about what’s happening in your life. Whether you’re hanging out with someone, dating someone, or getting into a serious relationship, it doesn’t matter to them.

10. They advise you to move-on 

If you have been friend-zoned by your ex or if you both are in touch with each other, you might receive some advice, such as “It’s better you move on,” “it’s not worth being in the past,” “you deserve better,” “I’m not right for you,” and so on.

If they use any of these lines, respect it and don’t waste any time on them or have another heartbreak due to false hopes. Remember, it’s time you try moving on to a better you.

11. Your ex is dating someone for quite some time 

You need to move on with your life
Image: iStock

This is one more sure indicator that your ex will not come back to you. You might think they are in a rebound relationship, but if they have been serious with the other person for quite some time, you need to respect their space and decision of moving on to a better life.

12. They do not care if you’re seeing someone

You’re not interested in starting a new relationship anytime soon, but someone else is interested in you, and you don’t want to say a straight “No.” You both might be in the starting phase of knowing each other.

If your ex gets to learn about it through some mutual contacts and is very much okay about it, well, you have got your answers. They are not at all interested in what’s happening in your life nor want to disturb you when you’re moving forward.

13. They move out of the city to avoid you 

You both might have lived together for quite some time. And in your entire journey, never have they discussed their plans to move out of the city. But, if post your break-up, they have moved to a new location or an entirely new city, they might be trying to get away from you by moving on to a better place.

14. Your ex is getting married 

This needs no further explanation. But, yes, there is something you should keep in mind. If you hear the news of your ex getting engaged or married, and if you still wish for them to come back and keep wondering, ‘Does my ex miss me?’ you’re just making a fool of yourself.

15. You have a strong gut feeling 

You might have a gut feeling that they are not returning
Image: iStock

Irrespective of all the information you’re getting about your ex or the developments happening in their life, you might have a strong gut feeling that tells you they are not coming back. If you feel it, follow your instincts and start moving on with your own life. Who knows, something better might be waiting for you.

16. Your mutual friends ask you to move on

Mutual friends know you both, and they will be in touch with both of you as your break-up may not make much of a difference to their relationship with you and your ex.

If you have one such mutual friend who is aware of your ex’s side of the story and the latest developments in their life, and they advise you to forget about the past and not think about your ex coming back, you can take their word and start moving on with your own path.

17. They have changed drastically

You both might be in touch with each other even after the breakup. If you observe a serious change in your ex’s personality or attitude towards you, it’s a strong sign that they are deliberately making an effort to let you know that you’re no longer important in their life.

An anonymous blogger from New York, whose 9-year-long relationship ended, speaks about a sudden change in the attitude of her ex before he broke up permanently. She says, ”I woke up, grabbed a coffee and on the way out the door I bent down to kiss my love goodbye and in addition to saying ‘have a good day’, also said: ‘Things seem distant with us, I want to make an effort to get closer again.’ The response of ‘What’s the point’ was so not what I expected back (i).”

Don’t ask for reasons for the strange behavior. Understand and let them be free from you instead of being behind them.

18. They try to make you jealous

This might sound silly, but there are some people who do this so that their ex would understand how happy they are without them.

They might use a social media platform where you both are connected to post recent happy pictures and developments in their lives to make you understand that they are excited about their post-break-up life. Despite knowing that those things would hurt you, if they do it purposefully, don’t fancy them coming back to you. Instead ditch their memories and start moving on to better days.

19. They’re happy without you

If your friends or observations reveal that your ex is thriving and content in a new relationship, there’s little reason to anticipate their return. It’s crucial to be genuinely happy for them and focus on finding your happiness.

20. Your relationship was toxic

If your past relationship was marked by unhappiness and toxicity, getting back together might not lead to genuine happiness. It’s common to romanticize the past, but recognizing the reality of the situation is essential. If the relationship wasn’t working, it’s possible your ex realized it, and it’s important for you to acknowledge it, too. Letting go can be challenging, but sometimes, it’s the most beneficial and healthiest choice for everyone involved.

What To Do When Your Ex Is Not Coming Back?

To begin with, find a way to express your emotions. Speak with loved ones or engage in activities that make you feel better. Recounting an experience with one of her clients, California-based relationship coach Nancy Landrum says, “A client, whose wife unexpectedly left, spent months in anger, confusion, and fear. He expressed those feelings and set boundaries to prevent his wife from torturing him with stories of how other men are now complimenting her. 

“He journaled, vented his anger and pain through harsh letters to her that he then burned, engaged in volunteer activities to fill his time, and finally applied for a new position that required him to move to a different state.”

Here are some key things to focus on as you heal and move forward (3).

  1. Accept the reality: Healing begins when you accept the relationship has ended. It may be challenging, but recognizing this truth is essential for letting go and moving forward.
  2. Allow yourself to grieve: Fully experience and express your emotions—whether it’s anger, sadness, or confusion. Give yourself the freedom to feel these emotions as part of the healing process.
  3. Prioritize self-care: Stay active, eat nourishing foods, and get enough rest. Choose activities that make you happy, and focus on personal growth.
  4. Learn from the past: Reflect on the lessons from the relationship to grow and avoid repeating similar patterns in the future.
  5. Seek support: Talk to friends, family, or a therapist to process your emotions. Spending time with supportive loved ones provides comfort and encouragement.
  6. Be open to new connections: When you feel ready, meet new people and form new connections. There are many opportunities for growth, healing, and happiness ahead.

Holding on to your memories with your ex and hoping they will come back can be more painful than breaking up. Australia-based psychotherapist Dan Auerbach opines, “In my work, I often see people stuck in cycles of rumination, re-reading old messages, or replaying conversations, hoping for a different outcome. But once they acknowledge the finality of the breakup, they can redirect their energy toward self-growth, new connections, and a renewed sense of self-worth.” Hence, understanding these signs that your ex is never coming back could help you with moving on to better opportunities in life. Also, remember that patching up after parting ways is feasible only when both ex-partners feel the need to stay together. If not, it is best to move on with life than think about them and ruin your present. Further, try to keep yourself engaged, pursue a hobby you love, go out, meet new people, and invest your time in things that make you happy.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why does my ex never come back?

Your ex doesn’t come back because you may have hurt them badly. They don’t see a future with you and are over you already. They might also be convinced that the breakup was necessary and have no reason to get back together with you.

2.How can I differentiate between a temporary and permanent breakup?

Some signs to look out for are when you both spend time apart for individual growth, resolve past issues, apologize to each other, and stay in touch; these could be the signs your ex will eventually come back, and that your breakup is temporary. However, if you both have no contact whatsoever and have moved on or are dating someone else, it probably signals the breakup is permanent.

3. What are some common mistakes that people make when trying to win back an ex who is not interested?

People often tend to lose their self-respect, self-worth and take desperate measures to win back an ex who is not interested. Taking these steps tends to do more harm than good and eventually leads to causing more damage to a relationship.

4. Can therapy or counseling help cope with the pain of a breakup and move on from an ex who is not returning?

Yes, therapy can help you cope with the emotions and grief you may be experiencing. An expert therapist shall help you comprehend your feelings and ways to deal with them positively and healthily.

5. Should I stay friends with my ex if I suspect they are never coming back?

While some people choose to maintain an amicable relationship post-breakup, this is not possible in most cases, especially when you both have lost contact and are not interested in each other. Either way, you can move on in life and meet new people in the future and not stay friends with your ex if you both are not willing to.

6. How do I know if I should move on?

Figuring out when to move on depends on how you feel emotionally and mentally. If you’re always feeling tired, unhappy, or stuck in the past, it might be time to rethink things. If trying to fix the situation isn’t helping and it’s stopping you from growing, moving on could be the best choice. Trust your gut feelings, and focus on what makes you feel peaceful and happy in the long run.

Infographics: Actions That Prevent Healing After Your Ex Doesn’t Return

The lingering hope may not allow you to accept that your ex is never coming back. However, this may cause severe emotional damage, and you should avoid activities that do not allow you to let go of the person or their memories. The infographic below explains what you should not do if you wish to recover and heal.

things not to do if your ex is not coming back (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Wondering if your ex will ever return? Uncover the 12 unmistakable signs that indicate they won’t. From their actions to their attitude, this eye-opening video reveals the truth you need to hear.

Personal Experience: Source


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.
  1. Breaking Up is Hard to do: The Impact of Unmarried Relationship Dissolution on Mental Health and Life Satisfaction
  2. Breakups on Social Media: Social Behaviors and Dilemmas
  3. Surviving A Relationship Break-Up – Top 20 Strategies
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Clifton Riley
Clifton RileyCTHF, CLC, CMS
Clifton Riley is a talk show host, podcaster, author, life coach, certified trauma healing facilitator, licensed relationship instructor, certified biblical counselor, licensed minister, and keynote speaker with 30 years of experience.

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  • Kay Saffe
    Kay SaffeLPCC

    Kay Saffe has pursued a master’s degree in counseling at the University of San Diego and is the current clinical director of Coastal Detox of Southern California. She has spent years working as a surf instructor and therapist, working with local non-profits that treat at-risk individuals and families in English and Spanish.

    Kay Saffe has pursued a master’s degree in counseling at the University of San Diego and is the current clinical director of Coastal Detox of Southern California. She has spent years working as a surf instructor and therapist, working with local non-profits that treat at-risk individuals and families in English and Spanish.

  • Dan Auerbach
    Dan AuerbachPsychotherapist & Relationship Counselor Dan Auerbach is a licensed clinical psychotherapist and a certified emotionally focused therapist for couples with two decades of experience. He is also the founder and co-director of associated counselors & psychologists, a network offering diverse counseling services across over 40 locations in New South Wales and online​​. As a relationship therapist, he uses Emotionally Focused Therapy to address conflicts.
    Dan Auerbach is a licensed clinical psychotherapist and a certified emotionally focused therapist for couples with two decades of experience. He is also the founder and co-director of associated counselors & psychologists, a network offering diverse counseling services across over 40 locations in New South Wales and online​​. As a relationship therapist, he uses Emotionally Focused Therapy to address conflicts.
  • Nancy Landrum
    Nancy LandrumMA Nancy is a relationship coach with 27 years. She guides couples and stepfamilies in their endeavor to make their relationships stronger. With a master's degree in Spiritual Psychology, emphasizing on consciousness, health, and healing, Nancy blends her personal experience with research-backed strategies. She has authored eight books, including How to Stay Married & Love It! and Stepping TwoGether: Building a Strong Stepfamily.
    Nancy is a relationship coach with 27 years. She guides couples and stepfamilies in their endeavor to make their relationships stronger. With a master's degree in Spiritual Psychology, emphasizing on consciousness, health, and healing, Nancy blends her personal experience with research-backed strategies. She has authored eight books, including How to Stay Married & Love It! and Stepping TwoGether: Building a Strong Stepfamily.
Shikha is a writer-turned-editor at MomJunction, with over seven years of experience in the field of content. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood.

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Praven is an English literature expert. He did his bachelors in English from Delhi University and masters in English from Manipur University. Besides, he holds a certificate in multimedia design and content creation from NIELIT Imphal and presented papers at various national and international conferences.

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