Greeting cards are a great way to tell someone what you feel about them and wish them well on special occasions. If you are looking for greeting card making ideas for kids to help them design and share them with their loved ones, we have compiled an extensive list here. There is something nostalgic about sharing greeting cards with someone, especially with technology aggressively replacing it with short messages, memes, and fun posts virtually. Here is a list of some simple and easy-to-make greeting card ideas worth teaching to your kids. These greeting cards for kids are not only fun to make but also allow them to explore their creativity and express their love and affection through handmade gestures.
Key Pointers
- Handmade greeting cards allow children to explore creativity, express love and affection, and develop fine motor skills.
- Different types of cards, such as pop-up cards, pressed flower cards, and leaves cards, can be made using basic materials and a step-by-step approach.
- Ensure to accompany your children in card making and maintain caution while working with sharp tools like scissors.
10 Creative and Easy Greeting Card Making Ideas For Children
1. Simple Pop Up Card
You Need:
- Card paper or any other heavy paper as base
- Construction paper in different colors
- White glue
- A pair of scissors
- Crayons and colored pens
- Plain white paper
How To:
- Cut the card paper depending on the size of card you want.
- Fold it in half and make two one-inch long parallel slits on the other side of the fold. The slits should be one inch apart.
- Now fold the cutout portion towards the card to make a strong crease.
- Open the card and place the paper cutout inside. The fold should open up like a box inside the card.
- Now cut out a piece of colored paper but make sure it is bigger than the size of the card paper you made earlier.
- Place the card paper with the pop-up slit on top of the construction paper. Make sure you place it on the inside of the card facing up. Glue it firmly to the construction paper, but make sure you do not glue the pop-up section.
- Fold the cards together and make a strong crease.
- Now ask your kid to make a design on the plain white paper that will later become the pop-up image.
- Once your kid has colored the design, help him cut the paper out. Next, glue it on the pop-up section inside the card. The best ideas for card making for kids are given here.
2. Pressed Flower Card
You Need:
- Colored card paper
- Glue
- Green colored paper
- Pair of scissors
- Dried flowers
How To:
- Ask your kid to cut out a strip from the green paper and make multiple slits using scissors. Paste this at the bottom of the card paper to make the grass.
- Use dried flowers as the main feature of the card. Make sure the flowers have completely lost their moisture. Help glue these on the front of the card to make a beautiful flower card.
3. Stick-It Card
You Need:
- Card paper in color of choice
- Sticky notes
- Colored pens
- Any embellishment
- Glue
How To:
- Ask your kid to write out cute messages on different colored sticky notes.
- Help them glue the embellishments or stickers to the center of the front part of the card.
- Ask him to stick the sticky notes on the front to make a beautiful colorful message card. The card-making ideas for kids are wonderful.
4. Leftover Scrapbook Card
You Need:
- Leftover decorating material from scrapbook
- Buttons and ribbons
- Glue
- Colored card paper
- Colored pens
- Pair of scissors
How To:
- Help your child cut out leftover material from the scrapbook as a fun paper-cutting craft idea for kids. Use a different colored material for a layered effect and glue them on top of each other.
- Glue this to the front of the card paper.
- Add decorations using old buttons and ribbons.
- Let your kid write a unique message on the top in a scrapbook style.
This will give the card a great degree of personalization.
5. The Safety Pin Card
You Need:
- A bunch of safety pins in the same size and design
- Any decorative button that can serve as a center embellishment
- Glue
- Small beads that can fit through the safety pins
- Colored Card paper
- Colored pens
How To:
- Insert some beads inside each safety pin.
- Glue the safety pins on the top of the card paper to make a flower shape. The safety pins will be the petals.
- Glue the button in the center to hide the glue marks.
- Write a cute message with colored pens.
6. Pieces Of Ribbon Card
You Need:
- Card paper in the color of choice
- Old ribbons in different colors
- Pair of scissors
- Glue
- Colored pens and decorative items
How To:
- Cut up the pieces of old ribbons and glue on top of the card paper to make a flower shape.
- Use decorative items to add a distinct touch to your design.
- Write a message with the colored pens on this piece of art.
7. Leaves Card
You Need:
- Old dried leaves
- Card paper in color of choice
- Glue
- Colored pens
How To:
- Paste the dried leaves on top of the card paper to make beautiful leaves patterns.
- Use the colored pens to write a message on top.
8. Textured Card
You Need:
- Textured card paper in different colors
- Card paper in color of choice to use as base
- A pair of scissors
- Glue
- Colored pens
How To:
- Cut out same sized squares from the different colored textured card papers.
- Glue these on the top of the base card paper to make a color block design.
- Add a message using colored pens. The final result of the effort will be a great source of happiness and celebration for your child.
9. Thumbprint Card
You Need:
- Poster colors of choice
- A plate to use the colors
- Card paper in a choice of color
- Colored pens
How To:
- Help take out different poster colors on the plate. Make sure they do not mix with each other.
- Let your kid dip his thumb in the colors one by one and make some colorful patterns on the front of the card.
- Once it is dry, help write a message using colored pens. Let the child use their imagination during this process.
10. Paper Bag Card
You Need:
- Any old paper bag with a fun design on it
- Card paper of choice but make sure it is bigger in size than the design on the paper bag
- A pair of scissors
- Glue
How To:
- Cut out the design from the old paper bag and glue it on the front of the card paper.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the best card for card making?
For card making, you can use construction papers, basic sketching paper, scrapbook paper, and cardstock.
2. What is the size of a greeting card?
Greeting cards can be versatile and made in any shape and size and on many themes. However, an ideal size for a greeting card is five inches across and seven inches tall.
3. Can kids use recycled materials for greeting card making?
Children can use various types of recycled materials to make personalized greeting cards. These include cardboard from old cereal boxes, scrap paper, paper from old magazines, leftover fabric scraps, or old clothes. Children can use natural materials like leaves, flowers, petals, and twigs to make their cards interesting. They can also use colorful bottle caps and labels to decorate their creations. One can use a variety of materials and creativity to make the best greeting cards. For example, Prachee, a blogger from Mumbai, discusses how she used a potato to create a beautiful card. She says, “I have used a small potato, made a flower and a leaf stamp using a pointed knife, obviously kiddo was not allowed in this step. Later on, we had lots of fun. we put different colors on our new stamps and made two sweet cards… I added some stems, he helped in putting glitter and pearls for the centre of flowers (i).”
Kristen, another blogger who enjoys upcycling for decor, shares how she made pinprick greeting cards. She explains, “I wanted something more elegant than simply writing “Happy Birthday” in sharpie marker so I decided to try the pinprick technique. What resulted was a card that surpassed my envision and became something I was proud to ship off. (ii).”
4. What are some tips for making professional-looking greeting cards with kids?
Certain easy tips can make your card look professional. For example, you can round the corners of your greeting card to impart a softer and more professional look. Envelopes also make the card look aesthetic. Cover your greeting card in a bright-colored envelope. Another tip is to use paper punching to make different shapes and designs on the card. Finally, add dimension to your cards using foam tape squares and dots.
5. What are the materials needed for making greeting cards?
Handmade greeting cards can be easily made using everyday household items and a few basic stationery materials. These include cardstock, colored and textured paper, pencils, markers, crayons, scissors, glue, and any embellishments (beads, glitter, etc.) you may need.
6. What are some educational benefits of card-making for kids?
Making greeting cards from scratch can develop kids’ fine motor skills. It can also enhance their attention, patience, imagination, creativity, and artistic and emotional expression. Children can also hone their problem-solving skills and cognitive abilities while working on the cards. This activity is simple enough to keep children engaged and might even get them interested in arts and crafts. Moreover, it helps teach kids about gratitude and thoughtfulness and improves their social skills.
Introduce your children to these simple greeting card-making ideas for kids that can be made with supplies readily available at home. Whether you choose to make pop-up cards, paper cards, or fingerprinting cards, they are attractive and easy to make and a joy to look at. Encourage your children to try their own designs and add messages to give the card a personal touch that can evoke sentiments in the recipient. However, ensure you supervise them when they work with sharp tools or scissors. Try these creative card-making ideas and engage with your children in preparing a special and beautiful card for any occasion.
Infographic: Creative Ideas For Making Greeting Cards For Children
Making greeting cards for their family and close friends is a creative outlet for children. They can express their love and care through these greeting cards and add any detail they want. So save and share this infographic with your child to help them create their own greeting cards.
Illustration: Easy And Creative Greeting Card Making Ideas For Kids
Making greeting cards is a fun activity and a handmade greeting card is a sign of love. Watch this video to get some awesome ideas to make beautiful greeting cards.
Personal Experience: Source
MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Birthday Card – Potato stamps.
ii. Pinprick Greeting Cards.
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