12 Clear Signs You Are In A Stagnant Relationship

A healthy bond requires the couple to invest effort and time to keep blooming constantly. Otherwise, it might become a stagnant relationship wherein they could feel disconnected. It loses the charm, and the partners might not feel the spark anymore. They could even wonder if it is possible to get back their happy life and might even feel low and dejected. It is not a good situation to be in and requires some work. If you are experiencing the same issue, understanding the signs and possible reasons could help you assess your situation objectively.  Also, we share a few tips that could help you revive your relationship and break out of the static state.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • If you’re always doubting your relationship and don’t trust each other, this might indicate a stagnant relationship.
  • Trying to change your partner or being unwilling to accept each other’s imperfections might be the cause.
  • Resolving your differences through effective communication, paying attention to why you fell in love, and even getting professional counseling might help you rekindle your relationship.

12 Signs That Indicate You Are In A Stagnant Relationship

Are you having mixed feelings about your relationship lately? Have a look at the following signs that could indicate stagnancy in a relationship.

1. You do not have fun together

There was a time when the weekend meant having some fun, relaxing time with your partner. Now, the weekend seems neither exciting nor relaxing. It feels boring and joyless. You do not look forward to spending time with your partner and the atmosphere between you two feels dry and arid, lacking any warmth or connection. All you can think of is laying in your bed with your lappy and catching up on shows, feeling inactive and desolate in anything else.

2. You do not try to resolve your differences

You do not try to resolve your differences

Image: IStock

There was a time when a fight would not be carried to bed or dragged to the next day. But now, fights get stretched over days and weeks, and neither of you puts in any effort to resolve it. The cold war goes on for as long as you can remember and the situation seems deadlocked with no resolution in sight due to lack of passion to make amends and find a solution.

protip_icon Point to consider
Your relationship may have stalled if you both experience resentment over what the other says or does. This could be due to piled up emotions against each other.

3. You often question your relationship

As days go by, you often ask yourself the same question, “What was I thinking?” or “Why are we together?” You cannot fathom why you are still together when your partner behaves cold, distant, and aloof. It is not that you don’t love them; you do. It is just that you do not feel that spark you once felt and instead feel smothered by the lack of emotional connection.

4. You say ‘love you’ but don’t mean it

You probably have made a habit of saying ‘love you’ each time you step out of the house or hang up the phone. But deep down, you know you do not mean it, and neither does your partner.

5. You know the relationship will not last

You know the relationship will not last

Image: IStock

For some unknown reason, no matter how hard you try, you cannot imagine a future with them. You take each day as it comes and know that it is only a matter of time when this relationship will come crumbling down. And you are okay with it and somewhat prepared for it, as the relationship feels moribund and beyond the point of revival.

protip_icon Do remember
A relationship should not become a source of stress for you. Although relationships require effort, you shouldn’t feel as though they are sapping your life.

6. You get worked up easily

Your partner does something wrong, and you find yourself enraged beyond comprehension. Perhaps it triggered an old unpleasant memory, which you never fully dealt with. You thought you were done and over with it, but sadly, the bitterness remains, and you don’t know how to control it.

7. You are not interested in sex anymore

Lack of intimacy between you

Image: IStock

It has been ages since you and your partner made love. Neither of you even tries to get intimate in bed. You prefer sticking to your side and having a good night’s sleep. You have probably not lost complete interest in sex; you just don’t want it with your partner, which can be a sign of a decline in physical and emotional intimacy in the relationship.

8. You do not confide in each other

Having deep conversations can keep a couple close and bonded. But deep conversations are a thing of the past for you and your partner. You avoid long conversations with each other altogether, and your conversations are related to general topics. You have stopped sharing your thoughts, feelings, and desires, and you sense emotional distance and isolation.

9. You avoid each other’s families

Initially, although you did not like their folks, you tried to be friendly and get along with them, but now, you do not feel the need for it. You avoid spending time with their family, and they avoid yours.

10. You feel like you are too patient with them

If you have been dating for a few years, you probably feel that marriage should be the next step in your relationship. But your partner does not seem to share the same feeling. They may assure you that marriage is indeed on their mind too, but they never seem to do anything about it, leaving you impatient for them to come to it soon.

11. You often criticize each other

You often criticize each other

Image: IStock

It does not matter how hard you work, your partner will always find a fault in everything you do and vice versa. You fail to see the good in each other. You often find yourself either being put down or raining on your partner’s parade.

12. You are no longer each other’s priority

You may feel like your relationship is languishing because work and friends mean more to you than your partner. You often feel lonely and neglected because your partner seems apathetic and no longer gives you the importance they once did. You may also feel unwanted in the relationship because of your partner’s behavior.

Why Does A Relationship Become Stagnant?

Relationships become stagnant or dormant due to various reasons, and the reasons could vary from couple to couple. Here are a few common reasons.

1. You are unhappy with yourself

Sometimes, due to various reasons, you may feel distressed and unhappy with yourself. You may then focus on your relationship, hoping that it will make you forget any other pain in life. You work hard to make your partner happy and expect them to do the same for you. This can be unfair to them because even though they love you, they may not be able to give you the kind of attention you give them. Their inability to match up to your expectations can make you resent them, and you may feel cheated that they do not reciprocate your affection.

2. You are unable to accept their flaws

You marry or move in with your partner and dream of having a perfect life together. But you are also agreeing to live with a certain set of flaws and habits. It can be difficult to adjust to living together and there are likely to be phases where you are not living in peace and harmony. When the adjustment seems to be one-sided, it can lead to anger, friction and frequent arguments and leave you feeling stuck in your relationship.

3. You try to change your partner

Once you know your partner’s flaws and habits, you might want to change them. Your partner may change certain bad habits for your sake. But when you try to change them too much, they may start to hate you for trying to make them someone they are not. They might even find comfort being away from you or in someone else’s company.

4. You are not on the same page

You may dream of getting married and leading a simple and comfortable lifestyle, but your partner may wish to work hard and enjoy a lavish lifestyle. Such differences in plans can create a rift between your partner and you. You might never be on the same page as far as future plans are concerned, and you may gradually grow apart.

5. You cannot get over the difference in status

You fell in love with a wealthy partner and thought you would live a great life. But the difference in your social status has made you a target of constant scrutiny by people who believe you are with your partner for their wealth and nothing else. Such public judgment can take a toll on a happy couple, leading to misunderstandings and unhappiness in a relationship.

How To Revive A Stagnant Relationship

Don't give up, cultivate a positive perspective

Image: IStock

It is common for couples to experience a low phase. But with a little love, care, and understanding, your relationship can not only be saved, but also bloom and flourish. Here’s some tips for getting through the hard times and learning more about yourself and your partner and possibly even growing stronger together. Be careful not to give up too soon and cultivate a positive perspective.

1. Talk to each other

The first step in mending a relationship is to have a heart-to-heart talk. If you want to save your relationship, you have to deflate your ego. Share your differences and listen attentively when your partner shares their issues with you. Do not get defensive. Instead, be curious and try to understand what your partner is saying and find a way to resolve your differences.

2. Quit criticizing and start understanding

Your partner may lack certain skills. Instead of criticizing them, try to be more understanding. Accept the fact that your partner is not perfect. Focus on their strengths and appreciate them for what they can do.

3. Support each other

What excites your partner does not necessarily have to excite you too. However, you can at least try to be supportive. Celebrate your partner’s achievements, no matter how small, and tell them how happy you are that their efforts are being recognized.

4. Change your approach

Let’s suppose your partner accidentally resorts to an old habit that has often been a bone of contention. Calm yourself Instead of getting angry, think about what you need or want and use the language of love and I-statements to help your partner understand how they can rectify it. This approach is important as it helps prevent your relationship from becoming ossified and stuck in old patterns of behavior.

5. Try to reignite the lost spark

Spending time with your partner might seem difficult if you have had some bitter fights in the past. Try to reignite the spark by signing up for some fun relationship building activities that you have never tried before. You can learn a skill together or go on a fun adventure trip. Do something that you both will enjoy doing.

6. Resolve conflicts as soon as possible

Try to resolve differences on the same day itself. Do not take it to bed or drag it out to the next day. Talk it out patiently, take responsibility for your actions, apologize, try to find a mutual solution, and then move on. Do not hold grudges against each other.

7. Focus on the positives of your partner

Whenever you remember any unpleasant thing about your partner, try to remind yourself of their positive side too. Remember the times they helped you, the times they made you laugh, and the times they sacrificed something for you. Remind yourself of what your partner means to you and how much you cherish their company.

8. Seek professional help

If you think your differences are too deep to be resolved on your own, it is best to seek professional help. A marriage counselor can guide you through this challenging phase. Problems in a relationship do not only mean personal differences, but also serious issues such as infidelity, addiction to certain substances, or gambling. A qualified counselor can help you move past these issues and focus on sustaining your relationship.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a stagnant relationship?

A stagnant relationship is when you feel stuck in nothingness and do nothing to improve the situation. It is characterized by a lack of communication, romance, trust, and constant fights. You are drained emotionally and physically and are stuck in a whirlpool. It forms part of the challenge phase, one of the vital stages of a relationship.

2. What does a stagnant relationship feel like?

You are no longer happy in the relationship and don’t feel the connection with your partner anymore. You see no future for the relationship and may not want to interact with your partner. There is no fun in the relationship anymore and no respect for your partner.

3. What comes after stagnation in a relationship?

Stagnation seeps into a relationship when there is an emotional disconnect due to different mindsets, often leading to a loss of intimacy, romance, and sex. It may lead to anger, resentment, serious conflicts, and even separation if not addressed promptly. Both partners may even seek the help of trusted friends, family, or even a therapist if they cannot resolve the issue by themselves.

4. When should I walk away from a stagnant relationship?

The decision to walk away from a stagnant relationship is a deeply personal one. It can be helpful to seek support from trusted friends, family members, or a therapist to gain perspective and guidance. Despite your best effort to revive your relationship, if your partner shows no signs of interest or displays toxic behavior like emotional or physical abuse, disrespect, and dishonesty, it is crucial to prioritize your mental and emotional well-being.

5. Does space help a broken relationship?

Yes, giving and asking for space can help a broken relationship heal, predominantly when unresolved issues or strong feelings are at play. Both parties can benefit from some distance to gain perspective, consider their sentiments, and focus on personal growth. However, remember that taking space should always be done with open dialogue and respect for one another rather than as a means to avoid addressing the underlying issues or as a permanent solution.

A stagnant relationship might leave you perplexed as to where you both are headed. If you are not sure that your relationship is stagnant, the signs listed above may help. Perhaps they could help you look for ways on how to save a relationship that is falling apart. Understand that the presence of just one sign is not an indication of a stagnant relationship. However, if you could relate to most of these signs, it might indicate a setback in the relationship. At this moment, you should note that a stagnant relationship is not an indication of a breakup. It’s possible that the romance is still alive, and you can rekindle it. The best approach to move forward is to reflect on your relationship, address the issues, find ways to spice up your relationship, and try to fall in love with your partner again.

Infographic: Why Your Relationship May Become Stagnant?

Along with the reasons we have mentioned before about what might cause a relationship to become stagnant, we have also prepared the following infographic to help you better understand it. Knowing the probable reasons also gives you the upper hand in dealing with the situation. So, read on and keep the points in mind as well.

causes of relationship to become stagnant (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: Clear Signs You Are In A Stagnant Relationship

stagnant relationship_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Do you feel like your relationship has stagnated and lost its spark? Here are some fantastic tips to reboot a lifeless relationship and rekindle your romance.

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Dr. Margaret Ann Dixon
Dr. Margaret Ann DixonPh.D. Psychology
Dr. Margaret Ann Dixon is a psychologist in private practice in the state of Nevada, USA. With 30 years of experience in the field, she provides therapy for couples and individuals - young and mature. She has a background in school psychology and has worked with parents, children, and school teams.

Read full bio of Dr. Margaret Ann Dixon
Ratika holds a master's degree in commerce and a post-graduate diploma in communication and journalism from Mumbai University. She has 6 years of experience writing in various fields, such as finance, education, and lifestyle.

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Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing.

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Benidamika holds a masters degree in Counseling Psychology from Assam Don Bosco University and another masters degree in English Literature from North Eastern Hill University. At MomJunction, Benidamika writes on human psychology and relationships.

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