Image: MomJunction Design Team
Some parents tend to look at cinematic franchises to name their little ones. One such marvelous franchise with many characters is the Star Wars universe. If you love this franchise, here are a few Star Wars baby names you may like.
With nearly 12 Star Wars movies and a complicated storyline, you would be grateful yet confused to have these many naming options. Hence, to help you filter the best monikers from the franchise, we have curated the following list of Star War names for your little one. Apart from the popular names like Leia and Luke, the following list has considered every character that has contributed to the movie’s plotline. Although a few names like Chewbacca or Jar-Jar may seem offbeat, others like Jedi are unusual yet great naming choices. So, let your child’s force awaken with their worthy Star Wars monikers. Read on to find their worthy title.
Key Pointers
- The characters in Star Wars are known for their wit, bravery, and excellent moral qualities, making them appealing to parents looking for names with positive meanings.
- Star Wars names often have profound meanings. For instance, Luke signifies ‘light-giving,’ while Anakin originates in a Sanskrit word meaning ‘warrior.’
- Specific names like Luke and Leia have been popular for decades, while others, such as Kylo and Rey, have gained popularity recently, especially with the release of newer films.
Star Wars Baby Names For Boys
1. Luke
Luke is the name of the much-loved Jedi, whose story is chronicled throughout the Star Wars series. The meaning of his name is ‘light-giving’. The name Luke has always been a common name, but its popularity skyrocketed in the 1980s and 1990s, after the release of the first film. In 1976, the name was given to 918 babies, but four years later, after the release of the second movie, “The Empire Strikes Back”, 3000 newborns were given this name.
You can either use Luke as a first or last name to pay homage to the Force. With English and Scottish origin, the name Walker reflects someone who is hardworking. Or go for Lucas, the ultimate Star Wars name. You can keep it as either the nickname or middle name.
2. Han
How can anyone forget Harrison Ford as Han Solo? Han is an unlikely hero of the original Star Wars trilogy. He is a loner and opportunistic when the story starts but doesn’t stay the same for long. As the movie moves forward, he evolves from a co-pilot to a general of the Rebel Alliance.
The name Han has roots in Chinese, but can also be considered as a relative of Johannes. The popularity of the name has been rising and falling since the 1970s, but it never actually went out of sight. If you want, you can keep Han’s real name to empower your baby. Ford is a tad cooler than Harrison.
3. George
The creator of this fantasy named the series after his father. Also credited with the with the fame of American Graffiti and Indiana Jones, along with Star Wars, of course, your little one could be sharing his name with Hollywood royalty. And thanks to the royal couple William and Kate, the name George has resurged in the current popularity list.
4. Kylo
Robust and aggressive with the force, Kylo Ren is renowned for his quick temper and unique lightsaber.
The Force Awakens” was announced in 2012, and by 2014, eight boys were given the name Kylo. And the ‘o’ ending gives this name a trendy touch.
5. Anakin

Before descending into the dark forces, Darth Vader was named Anakin. He was so talented that most of the people thought him to be the Chosen One. The unique name comes from the Sanskrit word, meaning ‘warrior.’ It was one of the most popular baby boy names in 1999 after the release of “The Phantom Menace” than it was in the previous ears. You can also use Ana or Ani, the short form of this name for your kid’s nickname. The only issue is that sounds more like a female name than a male name.
6. Finn
Finn is another Star Wars character that debuted in The Force Awakens. This warrior with a conscience struggles to escape his past.
The name is simple, straightforward, yet intrinsically cool. Your son will surely thank you for giving him such an amazing name. 770 boys were named Finn in 2014, making it the 235th most popular name. And it is starting to be used for girls as well. But it was not always the same before. This traditional Nordic star wars boy ame fell out of favor during the late 20th century.
7. Obi
Obi-Wan is the legendary Jedi and the mentor of Luke Skywalker. He even trained Luke’s father, who went on to become Darth Vader.
Obi is still a relatively popular name in the United Kingdom, with 12 babies getting the name in 2014. Being named after the Jedi Master is a huge honor. You can use it as a given name or a nickname for names like Oberon or Obediah.
8. Poe
Poe is the name of the new Rebel Alliance fighter pilot in the latest Star Wars installment, The Force Awakens. He fights valiantly against the revitalized Dark Side. So your kid will be named after a great person. The name would also pay homage to Edgar Allen Poe and Poe Dameron. But the only catch is that the name is not very well. Just four boys were named Poe in 2012. But hopefully, the popularity will increase now. Poe is also used as a female name in some part of the world. Five girls were named Poe in 2015.
9. Mace
Who wouldn’t want to be identified with Samuel Jackson’s character? Mace is renowned not just for his purple lightsaber, but also for his lack of patience with the squabbling Senate. Mace is a simple, yet strong name, which anyone will love. It sounds like a type of weapon. In 1998, just a handful of boys were named Mace, yet it remained steady for more than a century. In 1999, after the release of “The Phantom Menace”, the name jumped back into popularity. In 2014, around a hundred baby boys were named Mace.
10. Jedi

Just skip all the characters’ name and go with Jedi. It is said that George Lucas borrowed the name from Barsoom stories, written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, where Jeddak is a title.
A Boston couple named their newborn Jedi born on the 17th of December that is two days after the release of The Force of Awakens. Also, 21 names were given this name in the year 2014. You can even use Jedi as a nickname for Jedidiah. Or just go for Jed, short, sweet and simple.
11. Vader
Vader is the most famous villain, not just in the Star Wars movie franchise, but also in the history of film. He was initially a heroic Jedi until a series of calamities compelled him to join the Dark Side. The unmitigated evil nature of Vader must have been the reason for unpopularity with parents. The name has not gone up since the turn of the century. A surprising fact is that it was a popular name for girls in the early 1900s. But there hasn’t been more than five girls given the name Vader since the year 1925.
12. Owen
In “A New Hope” Owen was Luke’s uncle who took him in custody after Anakin fell to the dark side. The traditional name translates to ‘young warrior’. And with 9100 boys named Owen 2014, Owen is the 36th most popular baby boy name in America. And we even believe that Owen could on catch on just as Luke did five decades ago.
13. Ackbar/Akbar
Admirable Ackbar is best remembered for spotting the trap set by the Empire. He was first introduced in the episode “Return of the Jedi” during the Battle of Endor.
Ackbar is one of the most usable names from this franchise, only if you tweak it a bit to Akbar. Akbar is a traditional Hindi and Arabic name that has always been in use. Around 90 baby boys were named Akbar is 2015.
14. Falcon
The Millennium Falcon was the name of Han Solo’s legendary starship. The ship played a major role in Rebel Alliance’s most crucial and daring ventures.
Falcon is a strong and power bird name and would work well for both boys and girls.
15. Kilian
Kilian is the name of the male human serving in the Galactic Republic’s Republic Navy during the Clone Wars. A stickler for rules, Admiral Kilian, was taken hostage by bounty hunters.
In 1991, there were more boys named Kilian in the United States the anywhere else in the world. But if you go by per capita, the name has been more popular in Northern Ireland and Switzerland.
16. Ben

Are you looking for a name that bridges the gap between old and new? Then go for Ben, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s undercover name. Ben Quadinaros was one of the participants in the pod race that freed Anakin Skywalker from life as a slave. The meaning of this name is ‘son’. Short for Bennet, Benjamin or Benedict, the name Ben has been rising in popularity in the United States since the last century. In fact, it was the 43rd most popular name in the United States in 1989.
17. Lando/Landon
Lando Calrissian, the cloud city leader, was the first Star Wars character to get a name that is a twist on a traditional male name- Landon. Lando’ character change from a lying schemer to the Jedi dreamer makes him a great role model. So it’s a great namesake to live up to and will always remind your child to fight on the side of good.
The name Lando peaked in popularity in 1950, when “The Empire Strikes Back” introduced the dynamic Lando to the world. Landon currently holds the 50th spot in the United States, while Lando was given just to nine babies last year.
Star Wars Inspired Baby Names For Girls
1. Allana
Allana was the name of Han and Leia’s granddaughter. This Jedi-in-training shares a strong connection with the Force. Allana was even expected to ascend the Hapan throne, but couldn’t.
The name Allana is traced from Irish origins, and means ‘dear child’. This name came into prominence via actress and model Alana Hamilton Stewart. Go for Allana specifically if her dad is named Alan.
2. Leia
Leia, one of the most recognizable names in the series continues to adorn the beautiful, little girls. As the first lady of Star Wars mythology, Leif is thoughtful, yet tenacious and a badass femme fatale. She is in charge of Resistance, the splinter group of the New Republic who dedicated her life to fighting the First Order. Leia also played a critical role in “The Force Awakens”.
Leia a variation of name Leah and means ‘weary’. Carrie, her real name, means ‘pure in deed and thought’. So if you really want to pay tribute to the character, but don’t wish to bestow the screen name on your child, go for Carrie.
3. Rebel
The Rebel Alliance conquered the empire in the Return of Jedi with an epic clash of good triumphing over evil. So why don’t you give your little daughter the name that defies all odds? Yes, we know that Rebel is not unique to Star Wars, but there’s no denying that it was and is the last hope of the Empire. The funny girl Rebel Wilson even did her bit to propel this name into the spotlight.
4. Rey

Rey was the name of the tough survivor and the female lead of the “Force Awakens”. This scavenger is said to be the daughter of Han Solo and Princess Leia. Everything about this dynamic woman makes us stand up and cheer. Unlike most of the female lead, Rey was not immediately thrown into a romantic relationship. She was allowed to be herself in the movie.
Rey is a straightforward and beautiful name for a baby girl. The name comes from the Spanish word king. It reminds of both the ray of sunshine and a badass Jedi. Even though the name was used for a female character, it is used more like a boy’s name. Over 240 boys were given this name in 2014.
5. Padme
Optimistic and courageous, Padme Amidala was the senator and queen in the movie. Oh yes, and the mother twins Leia and Luke too. Padme is quite strategic and perceptive as a leader but has a blind spot for Naboo.
The name Padme is an alternate spelling for Padma, a Sanskrit name which means ‘lotus flower’. This unusual star wars girl name has a regal ring to it. It has been popular since the release of the “Revenge of the Sith” in the year 2005. You can shorten it Patty or Paddy for short, but the full name will reflect the Star Wars roots.
6. Numa
Numa was the name of the Twi’lek child who made a home for herself in the tunnels of Nabat. Years later, she became a part of the rebel cell under the command of Cham Syndulla. She was also instrumentally helpful to Obi-Wan Kenobi during the Clone Wars. It was because of Numa that Obi was able to stop to droid forces and free with Twi’leks.
Numa was never a highly popular name, but of late, it has experienced a steady rise. You will mostly hear this name in Ireland and Belgium.
7. Maz
Lupita Nyong’o portrayed the role of Maz Kanatam the space pirate in the movie “The Force Awakens”. She is a thousand years old diminutive being with a vast experience of surviving in the underworld. She helped several young smugglers by offering connections, equipment, and credits and even helped her old friends discover the path.
Maz is a baby boy name, though slightly unpopular. In 2013, just five baby boys were named Maz. But in the movie, Maz is a female character.
8. Pluma
Pluma Sodi is Krismo Sodi’s sister and a female Kage. She was captured by Otua Blank in the Clone Wars as his bride. She was kept woman kept in a chest and guarded by Boba Fett as the warriors attempt to rescue her. Pluma was later freed and sent back to her brother.
The name Pluma sounds a lot like the English fruit name, plum. And it’s quite a viable option for a name.
9. Kiera

Kiera Swan was a female Weequay pirate in the Clone Wars. After transitioning from the space pirate to the bounty hunter, Kiera Swan walked with a price on her head whenever she went.
Kiera is a variation of the English name Ciara. The year 2007 was the peak year for Kiera when it broke into the top 200 names for baby girls. In 2014, nearly 2014 baby girls were named Kiera.
10. Ahsoka
Ahsoka was the name of the Jedi apprentice of Anakin, who later goes to fight the rebellion. She was one of the coolest characters in the Clone Wars television series. Ahsoka was discovered by Jedi Master Plo Koon on her homeworld of Shilli. She even established a network of rebels against the Galactic Empire.
Her name is said to be a blend of Aska and Sofka, Anna and Sophia’s European variants to be precise. You can even consider her nickname Snips. It sounds very cool.
11. Hera
Hera is the name of the skilled female pilot in the Star Wars Rebel. She lived during the transitional period between the fall of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the First Galactic Empire. Hera was born in an influential family. She was the daughter of Twi’lek Resistance leader Cham Syndulla.
Hera was also the name of the Greek goddess of family and home and the wife of Zeus. The name means ‘protector’.
12. Luminara
Luminara Unduli was the green-skinned Mirialan female Jedi master, who served the Jedi Order during the last year of the Galactic Republic. Trained by Padawan Barriss Offee, this no-nonsense Jedi Master fought in the Clone Wars like Kashyyyk and Geonosis. She even commanded over the 41st Elite Corps of the Grand Army of the Republic.
The meaning of Luminara is ‘light’, which every child brings to its parent’s life.
13. Sabine
Sabine Wren, a part of the Rebels crew, is the master of many weapons. She was active during Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine reign for five years during the Battle of Yavin. She was trained to be a Mandalorian warrior from a very young age and even attended the Imperial Academy with Ketsu Onyo.
The name fits the current trend of ine-ending names like Clementine, Emmeline, Evangeline and Delphine. But its association with the story of the “Rape of Sabine Women” makes it a less popular option.
14. Eisley

Eisley, the name of a spaceship located on Tatooine planet, will make a sweet and unique name for your child. This spaceship contained 362 hangars, which required the arrivals to berth. It was on Mos Eisley where Obi and Luke met Chewbacca and Han Solo in their quest to get Alderaan.
15. Amidala
The second name of Padme can also make a beautiful name for your daughter. This human female politician became an influential figure in the final days of the Galactic Republic. She was elected as the Queen of Naboo at a very young age and even led her people to the invasion of the planet. Amidala also liberated her people from the Federation. Amidala would make a modern and unusual name for your girl, perfect for your royal child.
16. Zam
The name of the female bounty hunter and Jango Fett’s assistant would make a sassy pick for your daughter. Zam Wessel was responsible for the inciting the incident that leads Obi, Jedi and Anakin on a high-speed chase across Coruscant. But after Fett’s interrogation, it is revealed that she is an alien shapeshifter with an appearance that is akin to a gray lizard.
17. Barris
Barris Offee played a small, yet substantial role in the “Battle of Geonosis”. This olive skinned Jedi apprentice was a mindful student and used the powers of the Force to heal people. But she became alienated from the role the Jedi found themselves in the Clone Wars. Tempted by the dark side of the force, she started conspiring against Jedi.
Discover More Names
When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do Star Wars baby names compare to traditional baby names?
Star Wars names are mostly unique compared to other traditional names as they are the names of the places or characters of the Star Wars universe. It is said other languages and myths influenced George Lucas, and they were the source of these Star Wars names.
2. Are there any rules for choosing a Star Wars baby name?
There are no specific rules for choosing a Star Wars baby name, as it is a matter of personal choice and preference. Some parents who are fans may choose names with a special meaning or connection to the franchise. Nevertheless, you may check if a name has negative or positive associations within the Star Wars lore.
3. Which Star Wars names are suitable for twins or siblings?
A few twin or sibling combinations from Star Wars to consider are Luke and Leia, Jacen and Jaina, Ann and Han, and Marcy and Maz.
4. Can combining or modifying existing Star Wars names be a creative approach to finding a unique baby name?
Yes, combining names from the Star Wars franchise may be a personalized and creative way to obtain a unique baby name for your child. However, it is vital to consider the significance of the final name and avoid making it too complex, as it may lead to misinterpretation and mispronunciation in the future.
The Star Wars franchise is known for its adventurous plotline and powerful characters. These characters have shaped the movie with their wit, courage, and moral qualities. These qualities often resonate with many parents who believe the franchise has much more to offer regarding moral education. Camilla, a mother and a blogger, explains that Star Wars is a great way to teach positive human values. She says, “But anyway, I have thought of why I personally love Star Wars and why I will allow my kids to watch the movies. I honestly feel the lessons we can learn from the movies have undertones of eternal truths. I also absolutely adore the music and as a musician I thoroughly enjoy listening to and playing a couple of my favorite scores (i).”
When considering how to choose a baby name, drawing inspiration from beloved characters can be a meaningful approach. If you are a fan of this franchise and wish to commemorate the characters, this list of Star Wars baby names should have been helpful. You can name your baby after any of these characters or use their nicknames to customize the list to your desire. These names would inspire your child to grow into an adventurous individual.
Infographic: Popular Star Wars Names For Boys And Girls
Star Wars has now attained the status of a worldwide pop-culture phenomenon. So if you are a Star Wars fan too and would like to give your baby a name inspired by its characters, you are at the right place. The infographic below presents Star Wars names for you! Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Before you go, take out this fun quiz below.
Illustration: Spectacular And Popular Star Wars Baby Names

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
A Star Wars-inspired baby name can help you pass your love for the franchise to the next generation. Watch this video for the most unique Star Wars names you can give your baby.
Personal Experience: Source
MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Why I let my kids watch Star Wars.https://millymom.com/2018/05/15/why-i-let-my-kids-watch-starwars/

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