33 Most Beautiful And Inspirational Pregnancy Poems For You

Some of the most magical moments a woman experiences are during pregnancy. It is a journey filled with a unique blend of emotions, from joy and excitement to anxiety and anticipation. Hence, an expectant mother may feel extra special when someone shares pregnancy poems with her. Sometimes, you may feel overwhelmed when you realize another person is growing within you, and at other times, you may be curious about how your baby will look or be filled with joy at the thought of holding them for the first time. Bouts of love, suspense, and nervousness – you may experience a range of emotions, and these poems beautifully portray them all. When you fall short of words, poetry has a way of expressing the inexpressible. In this collection, we aim to celebrate the various facets of this incredible experience through heartfelt verses. Keep reading to explore our collection of pregnancy poems for you. Whether you’re looking for cheeky poems on pregnancy or ones that celebrate specific elements of it, we have got you covered.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • Pregnancy poems beautifully capture a woman’s emotions when nurturing a new life within her womb.
  • These poems help expectant mothers connect with their unborn babies and bond with fellow mothers.
  • Some pregnancy poems are joyful, some humorous, and others are spiritually significant.
  • Pregnancy poems encourage expectant mothers to face this new phase of their lives with conviction.

Why You Should Read Pregnancy Poems

Pregnancy poems capture the emotions, hopes, and challenges that come with expecting a child and can provide you comfort and inspiration. By exploring these poetic expressions, you can feel a sense of connection and camaraderie and realize that you are part of a shared experience, a beautiful journey with many intertwined stories of love and expectations. Focusing on your emotions and incorporating poetry into your daily routine can make this journey smoother, more enjoyable, and supportive of both your mental health and your baby’s development. Here’s how:

  • Your emotional health impacts your baby’s development. Your emotional state during pregnancy can influence your baby’s growth. March of Dimes states, “During pregnancy, stress can increase the chances of having a baby who is preterm or a low-birthweight baby.” Stress or anxiety may lead to complications, while calmness and positivity can create an ideal environment for your baby’s development (1).
  • Reading poems can be relaxing. It helps shift your focus to positive thoughts, reduces stress, and brings a sense of peace, making you feel more at ease during this special time. Research from Mind lab International at the University of Sussex revealed that reading lowered stress levels by 68 percent (2).
  • Strengthens bonds with baby. Babies can hear and recognize their mother’s voice in the womb. Reading poetry aloud can comfort your baby and help you feel more connected (3)
  • Supports learning. Reading and reciting poems to your baby can also support early learning. The baby’s ability to recognize familiar sounds and rhythms from the womb is an early sign of learning development. A study with 32 pregnant women showed that by 34 weeks, babies in the womb started reacting to a nursery rhyme they had heard their mom say regularly, even when spoken by someone else. This happened after the moms had been repeating the rhyme for six weeks (4).
  • Encouraging gratitude. Pregnancy can be overwhelming, and poetry provides an opportunity to slow down and reflect. Inspirational poems can encourage gratitude and allow you to embrace the changes in your life with positivity.

Best Pregnancy Poems

Here is our collection of some happy, sad, wacky and funny pregnancy poems you would love to read. These poems capture the full range of emotions and experiences of pregnancy, from the excitement and joy of expecting a baby to the challenges and surprises along the way.

Inspiration During Pregnancy

These pregnancy poems for you celebrate the wonder, excitement, and joy of bringing new life into the world. They are perfect for lifting your spirits and inspiring you on this incredible journey.

1. A Boy Or A Girl

A boy or a girl pregnancy poem
Image: Shutterstock

At first you moved,
only a little.
I could always find you,
right in the middle.
As time went on,
you really started to grow.
It wasn’t a whole lot,
in fact, it was rather slow.
Before I knew it,
you were all over the place.
It kind of felt like
you were running a race.
People would ask me
if you were a boy or a girl.
I would sit and wonder,
if you would have curls.
There are so many things
I really want to know.
But you are hidden inside,
so the answers don’t show.
How much will you weigh?
How tall will you be?
What color is your hair?
Will you even like me?
I hope and pray
you feel like you belong.
I never want you to feel
like you are alone.
Your dad and I
planned you from the start.
You, my dear child,
were made straight from our hearts.
In about a week or so,
I’ll meet you, for the first time.
For you are the product
of your dad’s love and mine.
There will be no one like you,
not any place in the world.
It really doesn’t matter
if you are a boy or a girl.
We are both so happy
that you even exist.
The gender doesn’t matter.
you’ll be hard to resist.
I hope I make you proud,
that I am your mother every day.
Because, you have filled my dreams
in more ways than words can say.
It won’t be long before
I can look you in the eyes.
I can feel the excitement growing,
I know I’m going to cry.
Don’t worry my angel,
those tears will be of joy.
It won’t matter to me
if you are a girl or a boy.


2. Before I Knew Your Name

Before I knew your name,
Before I saw your chin and your nose,
Before I counted your fingers and toes,
I asked heaven for someone as wonderful as you,
And ever prayer and wish came true.
I dreamed of you…
Before I knew your name.

—Bob Carlisle

3. A Note To My Son

Time is moving slowly,
The day is almost here.
The anxiety and joy is building up,
For my baby boy will soon appear.
I can’t wait to see your smiling face,
And hold your little hand.
Just then I’ll know deep inside
that you’re my little man.
I have so much to share with you
day after day.
And to you my son I will give my love
in each and every way.


4. Finally- Hope Conceived

Quickly, quietly to the upstairs bath
I retreat to prepare
Open the shiny package
In there lies my future, my hope
Will I be, will you be?
The sample is produced
Now it is time to wait
Minutes seem like hours
I listen to my breath
Not daring to consider what might be
So much power in that little plastic stick
After an eternity, steal a furtive glance
Dare to check the future
What might be
Swallow hard, manage a smile
Soon it will happen
My belly will fill with baby
Happiness will fill our home
Blink back tears
Like magic, a thin line appears.
Wipe the tears, blink twice
A new life has begun


5. Mother

I held her in my arms,
and she was perfectly beautiful.
My body shook, cold,
like I was pulled from an icy river,
somehow she warmed me.
Did she know she would change me
Pain unrivaled, hour upon hour,
trudging up this mountain,
one step forward, one back,
not quite reaching the peak,
my initiation was not yet complete.
Would I pass
the test?
It was almost more than he could bear
Pacing the floor,
worry lines creasing his forehead.
Helplessness written on his face.
He was my knight,
always rescuing me, but
that night I became
his hero.
After eternity, she found me worthy.
I’d fought hard,
this woman-child body,
just twenty-one, old enough to drink,
yet still full of childhood illusions
of playing house.
I had earned my rank,
won the prize.
That first night she cried so much,
had she changed her mind
and found me wanting?
Was she as afraid as I, of my
falling short, not measuring up?
There was no turning back now.
Laying in my arms, she must have
felt my fear, her little smile
spoke volumes.
‘You’ll do just fine,


6. I Loved You From The Start

I loved you from the very start…
You stole my breath, embraced my heart.
Our life together has just begun,
You’re part of me, my little one.
As mother with child, each day I knew
My mind would be filled with thoughts of you.
I’m daydreaming of the things we’ll share,
Like late-night bottles and teddy bears.
Like first steps and skinned knees,
Like bedtime stories and ABC’s.
I’m thinking of things you’ll want to know,
Like how birds fly and flowers grow.
I’ve thought of lessons I’ll need to share,
Like standing tall and playing fair.
When I first see your precious face,
I’ll pray your life be touched with grace.
I’ll thank the angels from above,
And promise you unending love.
Each night I’ll lay you down to sleep,
I’ll gently kiss your head and cheek.
I’ll count your little fingers and toes,
I’ll memorize your eyes and nose.
I will linger at your nursery door,
Awed each day that I love you more.
Through misty eyes, I’ll dim the light,
And whisper “ love you” every night.
As mother with child our journey’s begun,
My heart’s yours forever, little one.
I loved you from the very start…
You stole my breath, embraced my heart.


7. Surprise

Surprise, you’re pregnant!
Life will never be the same.
Once that baby arrives,
It’s an entirely new game.
You’ll quickly find out
That the baby is the boss,
And oh how he can cry
When he’s feeling quite cross.
You’ll live on his schedule,
And you’ll sleep when he sleeps.
You’ll keep on changing diapers
As they pile up in heaps.
Yes, you didn’t exactly plan this,
You’ll make the best of it,
And one day you’ll realize
That this baby is the perfect fit.


8. Cravings

Uh oh, here they come,
Those cravings are setting in.
You can try to resist them,
But you know they’re going to win.
First you want a pickle,
Then you need some ice cream.
How about some pizza, yes,
Let’s make it a supreme.
Some grapes and chocolate chip cookies,
Now that would be quite nice,
And then back to that pizza
For just one more slice.
And then comes the heartburn,
Some antacid will make that end.
An hour or so to digest,
Then time to do it all again!


9. I Felt You Move Today

I felt you move today,
For the first time you seemed real.
I don’t show much quite yet,
But I know it’s you I feel.
It was so unexpected.
It felt like butterflies,
Were fluttering in my belly.
It was such a lovely surprise.


10. I Am Not Alone

Running errands and talking on the phone,
I am pleasantly reminded that I am not alone.
Little tiny hands, a precious rounded knee,
pushing and twisting that no one can see.
Oh sweet child kicking up your heels,
it is our little secret that only I can feel.
I look forward to your birth,
when I can kiss your skin,
but for now I will just smile,
as I feel you play within.

—Shirley Loftis

11. The Little One That Follows Me

A careful woman, I ought to be;
a little one follows me.
I do not dare to go astray,
for fear they’ll go, the self-same way.
I cannot once escape their eyes,
whatever they see me do, they’ll try.
Like me, they say, they’re going to be,
that little one that follows me.
They think that I am good and fine;
believe in every work of mine.
The bad in me they must not see;
my life to them, must, an example be.
I must remember, as I go,
through summer’s sun and winter’s snow,
I’m building for the years to be,
for that little one that follows me.

–Rev. Claude Wisdom White, Sr

12. Balance

Two weekends ago I discovered that I am pregnant,
Two blue stripes beckon to change my world forever;
a simple prelude to the infinitely complex phenomenon of life.
My eyes smile at me in the mirror, with excitement, questions and incredulity,
I put my hand on my belly and laugh, “Am I really going to have a baby?”
Me, I, we? Yes. How amazing. How wonderful.
Smoking stops, drinking stops, old life stops…life starts,
How great it feels to get over my weaknesses,
As I am acting instinctively on what’s best for our child,
our child is, without knowing, prompting what is best for me.
Pregnancy: a commitment that sets me Free…to love unconditionally


13. Nine Months

Nine months, pregnancy poem
Image: Shutterstock

My precious little baby,
I have loved you from the start.
You are a tiny miracle
Laying closely to my heart.
Each day I feel your presence,
Each day you quickly grow,
Each day your heart beats softly,
As only I could know.
So, I’ll keep this in a special place
And remember each year through,
Of this special time in my life
In the months I carried you.


14. Blossoms

The artist paints yellow, pink, and red
roses on her canvas,
glints of blue at the edges
dripping and spilling.
Something for spring, she says.
She gently smiles,
her hand rubbing
the swelling curve
of her belly,
just a black shirt and ragged blue jeans
covering another kind of canvas.
something else entirely
waits to bloom.


15. Flesh Of My Flesh

I gave you life, my love will continually grow.
You’re a part of my flesh, that’s amazing to know.
Another human being sharing my blood,
My child you were made out of love.
Baby you’re so precious and so sweet,
Sometimes it’s hard to believe you were inside of me.
God has given you such a cute little smile,
I remember when you’d cooed out loud.
Everything you’ve done made me so proud.
Those tiny pink feet,
Mommy played with them when you were asleep.
A token of my love in hope you’d forever keep.
A daily prayer that’s very deep.
If death were to claim your life,
Before it claims mine,
My only regret would be
I couldn’t birth you a second time.


16. To My Unborn Child

You are the unborn child deep inside of me,
Like a tiny seed that turns into a tree.
You are the child made out of love,
With a little help from the man upstairs above.
In nine months I will give birth to a girl or a boy,
And share with my family this wonderful joy.


17. The Day Is Here

My eyes shine as bright,
There is a radiant glow,
The feeling is exceptional,
And I so wish to know,
That you are a girl or a boy,
Coz you will be my post precious toy,
Feeling so blessed,
Because of you!


18. Only For You

The calories I eat do not matter to me,
Coz there are many things I wish to see,
I feel so kicked to have you in me,
I feel so good you know,
I have no words to show,
That I am so waiting for you,
Coz I truly love you,
Your mother to be!


19. We’re Pregnant

We are pregnant pregnancy poem
Image: iStock

I’ve something to tell you a moment to share
I’m pregnant, we’re pregnant or whatever you care
A union of two, a propagation of love
Forever together, no longer just us.

The biggest joy, we cannot yet share
Our little secret, our baby, our heir
Irrational fears and high expectations
but ideally good health and strong relations.

We will laugh, we will cry, always love never hate
Our bundle of joy encased in hope so great
When the weather is grey and the lights are dim
Ther’ll be warmth, comfort and hope within.

Our parents become grand and siblings will grow
A new baby, the youngest, the highest low
First words, first steps great feats alone
A voice a walk our baby has grown.


20. Why Is It That A Child Makes Life Worthwhile?

Why is it that a child makes life worthwhile?
Why is hope with each new birth new born?
What deep remembrance, shadowed in a smile,
Brings back the dream whose measured loss we mourn?
Why do we think that life that is to be
Has greater aptitude for being more,
As if we rose not from the self-same sea
To crash in turn against the self-same shore?
Why do we wrap the best of us in song,
The Eden that we left but never lost,
And try to pass that purer self along,
Not counting risk or reckoning the cost?
I do not know, but know that from my womb
*Has come a life whose life makes my life bloom.


Calming Poems For Expecting Mothers

These poems celebrate the wonder, excitement, and joy of bringing new life into the world. They are perfect for lifting your spirits and inspiring you on this incredible journey.

21. Blessings Upon You

Blessings upon you
my baby unborn.
Safely inside me
asleep and so warm.
Sleep must come easy
to those who are unborn,
as the Maker so silently
fashions your form.
Sleep while you can now
so watery and warm,
for outside this world
is a crashing storm.
Soon you will discover
the taste of your tears,
so sleep now my loved one,
my baby, my dear.


22. Finally We’ll Meet

Finally we will meet pregnancy poem
Image: iStock

I love you, little baby
You’re such a part of me.
Can’t wait to hold you in my arms,
And hug you tenderly.
No matter what you look like,
You’re beautiful, my love,
A precious gift bequeathed to me,
From heaven far above.
Each time I feel you moving,
My heart is filled with joy,
To think that very soon I’ll hold
My little girl or boy,
I’m counting every moment,
Til you’re mine at last, my sweet
It won’t be long until your birth,
Then finally we’ll meet.


23. My Baby Boy

As the family stood around
Minutes and hours went by
Waiting patiently for the arrival
Of a brand new baby boy
Flowers and gifts lay all around the room
Still no motion from the little one in the womb
Feeling the pain
Wanting to cry watching and waiting
Seeing the doctor fly by
He says with a grin
Let’s begin
It’s time to put this all to an end
Emotions start to run high
Feeling the joy
Wanting to see my little boy
Time is starting to run out
It’s time for the little one to come out
They lay him down right on my heart
Then and there knowing we would never be apart


24. A Baby To Love

Growing inside me a Baby
to love, tiny and healthy
made with love..
Pink or blue no matter to us
We will love you forever
No matter the cost.
I can’t wait to see you..
It won’t be long now..
36 weeks and 4 more to go.


25. Mum-to-be

Your eyes are bright and sparkling.
Your cheeks have got a glow.
Your belly’s being touched and rubbed
By people you don’t know.
You’re craving weird, exotic foods
And calories don’t matter.
You can’t remember life without
An elbow in your bladder.
You’re getting medical advice
From everyone you see
Welcome to the joyous days
Of Motherhood-to-be.


26. The Mother’s Gift

The dreaming
The longing
The anticipation
The belonging

The plans
The preparations
The excitement
The wonder of creations

The approaching time
The gatherings
The closeness
The names of beings

The emotions
The hearts lift
The new beginning
The Mother’s Gift

–Cynthia I Rogers

27. Sweet Poem Of Mother

The sweet little baby bump,
That glow on your face,
That confidence in your voice
And that awesome grace,
This is the best phase of your life,
So, live with all your heart
For very soon,
Life will show you a wonderful start,
Of being a mother!


28. It Is A Special Feeling

There is a special feeling
When you give birth to a child
From the first kick of the child
To so many reasons that are bind
The positive feelings of taking the child in your arms
Is enough to make you smile
So while you enjoy this happy time with your hubby
I would wish you congrats for the same!
Stay happy and in bliss!


29. The Bond Is So Special

The bond is so special pregnancy poem
Image: iStock

This bond is so special
This bond is so new
My baby I want to sing you a baby song
I want to take you in my arms
And kiss you with all my might
Oh what a pretty and wonderful sight it would be
To see you my baby
Please come soon in my life!
As your mom to be is waiting for you!
Only for you!
For a wonderful phase so new!


30. Being A Mother

There is a bit of sleeplessness,
That is because of happiness
Of nurturing a new life within,
Of all the new dreams of tomorrow
This state is the happiest one,
Little pain but lots of fun,
Pregnancy is the best phase!


31. A Child Is The Greatest Gift

A child is the greatest gift
That our lives can bestow.
It brings the most exquisite joy
That we will ever know.
Some days deliver happiness,
Far more than we can touch.
We need the help of all our friends
To comprehend how much.
And so we thank you for the gifts,
Both those you brought and are,
That celebrate this rich, full life
And its rising star!

–Nishit Kalavadia

32. Evidence of Paradise

Evidence of paradise
Veils its rainbowed wings,
Enters life like one of us,
Like spirit wrapped in things.
Yet angels sing in Bethlehem
No more than in Mobile,
And kings careen through Rocky Mount
No less than through Jezreel.
Dream, then, of the bitter wind,
Nights for which one yearns
In sorrow and unsullied joy,
Child on whom life turns,
Older than the universe,
Love haunting, hurting, healing, worse,
An anguished joy one can’t reverse
So long as blood still burns.


33. This is the most

This is the most blessed phase of my life,
But, I am feeling so good,
Sometimes I feel the kick within,
But, it is fine only because of you,
Can’t wait to see my bundle of joy,
The feeling of my sweet little toy,
Can’t wait to see you dear,
When you would be near!


Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can pregnancy poems help expecting mothers?

Pregnancy poems can provide a powerful tool for women during maternity to express themselves, connect with their unborn babies, and with the community of fellow mothers. They can be a source of comfort, inspiration, and creativity during this time of transformation and growth.

2. What are the different types of pregnancy poems?

There are several types of pregnancy poems, each with its unique style and focus. Examples include joyful poems that focus on the excitement of pregnancy, baby shower poems that capture the fun and celebration of special moments, reflective poems that explore the emotional journey, humorous poems that poke fun at some absurd aspects of the experience, and poems of spiritual or cultural significance that draw on tradition to explore the meaning of pregnancy and childbirth.

Carlotta Stankiewicz, a single mother from Austin, Texas, writes poems describing her experiences during pregnancy. In a blog post, she writes a humorous poem describing her thoughts after a stranger felt entitled enough to touch her pregnant belly. Recalling the incident that inspired it, she writes, “A young male art director I barely knew marched up to me and plopped his hand squarely on my stomach — and held it there. I can’t recall exactly what he said, but it was probably something along the lines of, ‘Huh. Cool.’ Then he just strutted away, leaving me speechless. It wasn’t the first time a relative stranger did that to me, and it wasn’t the last. So what’s a woman to do?… As for me? I just wrote a poem (i).”

3. What is the significance of writing pregnancy poems?

Writing pregnancy poems can be a form of artistic expression, self-reflection, and emotional release. For the writer, they provide a means of processing the many changes that occur during this time, while for the reader, they can serve as a source of comfort, inspiration, and connection, helping them to feel less alone and gain insight into the complex emotions of pregnancy.

These were some of the heart-warming and meaningful pregnancy poems for you to celebrate the beautiful journey and the incredible bond with your unborn angel. Pregnancy and motherhood are a celebration of a woman’s strength, courage, faith, perseverance, and resilience. These poems will make you feel every emotion associated with pregnancy and its elements. If you are into writing and are interested in penning down your thoughts, you may take some inspiration from these poems to craft your piece of poetry. Furthermore, you may share it with other expectant mothers or preserve them to share your bundle of joy later.

Illustration: Most Beautiful And Inspirational Pregnancy Poems For You

Pregnancy Poems For You_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Personal Experience: Source


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Dr. Umera Zakiahmed Saiyed is a homoeopathic consultant and runs her own clinic Noor. She pursued her BHMS from Yerela Medical College in Kharghar, Mumbai and worked as an assistant doctor under a gynaecologist in Surat, Gujarat.

Read full bio of Dr. Umera Zakiahmed Saiyed
Sravani Rebbapragada
Sravani RebbapragadaMSc (Biotechnology)
Sravani holds a post-graduate degree in Biotechnology from SRM University, Chennai. Being an avid reader, she keeps herself up to date with research. Her interest lies in teaching new things to children in creative ways. For MomJunction, she covers literature and information/ facts articles for kids.

Read full bio of Sravani Rebbapragada
Rebecca is a pregnancy writer and editor with a passion for delivering research-based and engaging content in areas of fertility, pregnancy, birth, and post-pregnancy. She did her graduation in Biotechnology and Genetics from Loyola Academy, Osmania University and obtained a certification in ‘Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy’ from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU).

Read full bio of Rebecca Malachi
Shinta is a biotechnologist who is highly intrigued by science and technology. She holds a master's degree in Biotechnology from Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences and a PG Diploma in cellular and molecular diagnostics from Manipal University.

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