Image: Midjourney/ MomJunction Design Team
Texting is the new-age mode of communication to stay connected with your partner no matter where they are. We bring you some fun texting games for couples to make your daily conversation exciting and interactive. You can play them effortlessly while texting and spice up the conversation with your significant other. These games can enhance intimacy, improve communication, and bring laughter back into your conversations. Also, you both will end up smiling hooked to your mobile screens. So enjoy and have fun playing the texting games presented in the post to strengthen your bond and feel more connected regardless of the distance.
Key Pointers
- Stay connected with fun texting games like story creator, where both of you create a story together.
- Reveal your secrets to each other and grow closer by playing ‘I never’ game.
- Have some laughs together by playing the ‘writing in reverse’ game or creating funny imaginary situations for one another.
- Play many other games, such as rapid-fire or memory of the moment.
How To Choose The Right Game
Texting games promote fun interactions and help deepen emotional bonds by encouraging creativity and playful communication. Games that align with both your personality and mood can strengthen your connection. Here are a few tips for choosing the right texting game to play with your partner.
- Consider your partner’s personality and preferences.
- The goal is to have fun, so choose light-hearted and simple games that promote laughter.
- Games that involve emotional sharing or personal questions will also help you build a deeper connection.
- Avoid games that might lead to uncomfortable situations or misunderstandings, especially if you’re still building trust.
- Competitive games often add a playful edge to the conversation.
60 Text Games For Couples
Playing texting games is an excellent way for couples, especially those apart, to have fun and stay connected. From intriguing couple challenges to deep and engaging games, this list has something for every couple to enjoy!
1. Story Creator
It is an amazing collaborative game to stimulate creativity in both partners. The game is about storytelling and creating a story or adventure, sentence by sentence, until you bring it to a logical end.
The story should have a definite beginning and end with proper links and associations. Before beginning the game, you can agree upon having plot twists or any other features in the texting game as per your preferences.
How to play:
- Start on agreeing on a theme or not following a theme. It can help both of you be on the same page when it comes to taking the story forward.
- Begin the game by texting your partner an introduction line or the first line of the story, like, “It was a dark stormy night” or “Once upon a time, there was a kingdom.”
- Your partner writes the next sentence in the story and sends you the message.
- Add another line to the story and send it back to your partner.
- Keep adding sentences so that it becomes a coherent story.
- You can decide a conclusion based on how long you would like to extend the texting game.
2. Compliment Battle
This is a straightforward game. Everybody loves getting complimented. Often, we tend to forget to compliment the people we love most. What better way to do it than by making it fun simultaneously?
The compliments must be genuine and come from the heart.
How to play:
- Decide how many rounds you want to include in the game, ideally five.
- Each person can send only one compliment per round.
- The person who gives the best compliment wins the round.
3. I Never

This game allows couples to share their deepest secrets with one another by prefixing the secret with “I never.” The texting game can bring you close with its touch of romance.
Stick to revealing secrets that you are certain are unknown by your partner. You can choose a certain type of secrets, like about habits or dietary preferences, or keep it general.
How to play:
- Type “I never” followed by any secret that you wish to share. For instance, you can type “I never had a crush on anybody despite having many friends.”
- Pick fascinating facts and nuances of your life that you would like to share with your partner, and otherwise would not be sure about sharing.
4. Finish The Song
This game is similar to ‘Guess The Song.’ This can be a great game if you and your partner have similar music tastes. All you have to do is complete the sentence with the correct lyrics.
Choose a few genres for different rounds to make guessing easier. You can use only one line from the song if you have a shared taste in music. But if you and your partner have different preferences, you may share two to three lines of the lyrics.
How to play:
- Mention the genre of the song and type out the lyric for your partner to guess.
- You can also give them hints by letting them know the singer’s last name.
- You can also help them out by humming the song.
5. I Spy
It is a great texting game for couples who know each other’s home and the objects around. This game works like a traditional “I spy” game but in texting format.
Stick to objects and items within the house. It will make it easier for your partner to guess the answer.
How to play:
- Pick an item or objects and text that you “spy” something. For example, if you have a blue vase at your home, then you can say, “I spy something like the sky?”
- Your partner has to text you back by guessing the object.
- You can provide clues or allow up to three guesses. Once your partner has guessed the object or you have revealed the answer, then it is your partner’s turn.
- You can make the game more fun by making your partner guess the color of your clothes or the type of clothes that you are wearing.
6. Animals By Alphabets
This entertaining game will put your animal knowledge to the test. Start listing the animals from A to Z.
Each person will send messages simultaneously. The message for each animal name should be sent in a separate text to determine the winner quickly. For example, ‘bear,’ ‘cow,’ ‘dog,’ and ‘elephant.’ The person who gets to the last alphabet wins.
How to play:
- Let the other person know when to start.
- Start typing and sending the animal names as fast as possible, following the alphabetical order.
- The first person who sends in the last name in the alphabet wins.
- You can also make this difficult by going from Z to A.
7. One Thing
Have some heart-to-heart talk with this messaging game. Ask your partner about the one thing that they would like to change in their life.
Pick a genre or aspect of life and stick to questions about it. You can pick from career, love life, growing up, or anything else, depending on each other’s comfort.
How to play:
- Begin by a question about the topic. So, if the topic is career, then ask, “What would that one thing be that you like to change about your career?”
- Once your partner has given the answer, it is their turn to ask a question.
- They can ask the same question that you asked or something else.
- You can limit questions to one topic or keep shuffling among multiple topics. So, your first question can be about career, the next on love life, and so on.
8. May The Best Meme Win
Tired of the never-ending arguments about who is funnier? This game is going to test your wit, humor, and creativity.
Each person sends a meme and the funniest or wittiest meme wins.
How to play:
- You can decide on the category or niche depending on the number of rounds or send random memes.
- Each person sends one meme and then decides who the winner is.
9. Kiss, Marry, Or Kill
You give three names to your partner, and they have to tell whom they would kiss, marry, or kill. The game is about eliciting funny responses from one another.
You need to pick the names of three people in every text. Therefore, you can set a rule that you will pick people from a specific stream or genre. For instance, you will pick only celebrities, actors or sportspersons, and so on.
How to play:
- Begin by framing the question with three names. The template of the question will be, “Name1, Name2, Name3 – Kiss, Marry or Kill?”
- Your partner texts you back by saying who he/she wants to kiss, marry, and kill, respectively.
- You can have more fun by asking why your partner chose to marry someone or kiss a particular person.
- Once you are done with discussing the answer, it is your partner’s turn to send you the next question.
10. True or False
This game is as straightforward as it sounds. You and your partner can only answer with one word.
You can only use scenarios that you both have experienced or talked about. You can only write it down in three sentences to make the game more fun.
How to play:
- Write down a scenario or a memory where you were both present. It can also be something you have told your significant other.
- You can either write the incident as it happened or add a few untrue details.
- Your partner can only answer ‘True’ or ‘False.’
- If the answer is correct, the person who is answering gets points. You can play this for as many rounds as you want.
11. Writing In Reverse

Be sure to practice writing words in reverse so that you get the most out of the game. This text game is likely to leave the couple laughing.
All messages should be written in reverse, including exclamatory replies and names.
How to play:
- Begin with a general statement or a question. For instance, if you want to ask “How you doing today?”, you type “?yadot gniod uoy woH”
- Your partner has to reply with letters aligned in reverse. So, if their reply is “I am feeling awesome!”, they type “!emosewa gnileef ma I”
- Take the conversation as far as you wish. You can also set timers and see who replies the fastest. The one with the fastest replies wins the game.
12. Guess The Name Of The Book
This game is similar to the ‘Movie Dialogue Game.’ If you and your partner are avid readers, this can be a great game to play and revisit your favorite books.
Choose a line or lines from a book you both have read or a book you’ve seen your partner reading. This game also acts as a memory test.
How to play:
- Text the book extract to your partner and set a time limit to guess the book’s name.
- You can also give your partner hints by providing them with another short extract or the initials of the author’s name.
13. Rhyming Sentences
If you and your partner have a penchant for rhymes, then you are likely to find this game immensely entertaining. You text a sentence, and your partner is supposed to reply with a sentence that rhymes with at least the last word of your sentence. This game requires a strong connection to wordplay.
All messages, including questions and answers, should be in rhymes.
How to play:
- Start with a question or a general statement. For instance, you can say, “I always like spending time with you and have you close.”
- Your partner has to reply with a sentence that ends with a word that rhymes with the last word of your sentence. There can be more rhyming words as well.
- An example of a rhyming reply would be, “Yes, stay so close that I almost touch your nose.”
- You can continue the conversation for as long as you wish. Once a rhyming pair of the sentence has been formed, then the next sentence can have another last word.
- You can continue the game as long as you are able to form rhyming words.
14. Word Association
Play this game to see how similar your and your partner’s thoughts are.
This game should be played when both you and your partner are free. The faster the other person replies, the more fun the game will be. You should only reply in one-word messages.
How to play:
- You can start the game by texting a single word to your partner.
- They must reply as quickly as possible with the first thing that comes to mind after seeing your message.
- You must do the same when you receive a message from your partner.
- Keep this going to know where the conversation leads.
15. Guess Where I Am
You describe the surroundings to your partner, and they guess the place you are located. It is a great text game to play when your partner is traveling or is temporarily staying away from you.
Unlike the game “I Spy,” you do not stick to describing a single object. Instead, you provide a general description of your surroundings and ambiance. You can also provide as many descriptions as possible.
How to play:
- Pick the most striking feature of the surrounding and message it to your partner. So, if you are in a coffee shop, then you can message, “I am surrounded by tall cups, fine aroma, and lots of cutlery. Guess where I am.”
- Your partner messages you with a guess. If the answer is correct, then you can move on with another text.
- You can also play this game by guessing the room of the house in which you are located or play a game of guessing the beverage or food you are consuming.
16. Movie Title Emoji
Texting these days is not just about letters, but also about communicating through emojis. In this texting game, the name of the movie is shared using an emoji, and the other person has to guess it.
The name of the movie should be in the emojis that best describe the film. The use of words is not allowed except while discussing and revealing the answer.
How to play:
- Pick a movie genre or decide that you will only share the names of the movies that you both have seen. It will make it easier to guess the name of the film.
- Pick emojis that describe the film. You can use multiple sets of emojis for designing the title of the film to be guessed by your partner.
- If your partner has trouble guessing the name of the film, then provide clues.
- The one who gets the most answers correct wins the game.
17. Two Truths And A Lie
This fun game can help you reveal how much you know your partner and vice versa. You write down three sentences, two truths, and one lie. Let your partner guess the lie.
You and your partner can decide your rules and boundaries based on what works best for you.
How to play:
- Type out three sentences about yourself, two of which are true and one false.
- Let your partner guess which one is the lie.
- The more absurd and crazy the sentences are, the more fun the guessing game becomes.
18. Fill In The Blanks
It is a simple and easy texting game where there can be multiple correct answers.
You can set a rule that the blank is filled with relevant words and not some random word. However, you can also set a rule that the blank needs to be filled with a word that renders that sentence funny. Choose a rule that works the best for you and your partner.
How to play:
- Write a general sentence or something related to you two. For example, you can write, “The last time I wore a _____ dress, you said I looked beautiful.” or “The first time we met, I saw your shoes and said they were _____.”
- Text as many sentences you wish and play it for as long you want. The one who gets the most answers right wins the game.
19. Name, Place, Thing, And Animal
Want to see how fast your brain and your finger works? This game is for you. It may sound simple but it can be quite challenging under pressure.
Both you and your partner must type the name, place, thing, and animal in one text message. The fastest person to send the message wins.
How to play:
- Choose an alphabet before starting the game. For example, L
- Take turns in choosing the alphabet to avoid any unfair play.
- Start typing out the name, place, thing, and animal that starts with the chosen letter. Example: Lila, Luxembourg, Lamp, Lion.
- The fastest person to send the message wins the round.
20. Riddles
There is nothing more fun and stimulating than guessing the riddles sent by your loved one.
Choose the usual riddles, or you can only stick to riddles that describe your relationship and one another.
How to play:
- Pick general riddles that you can find in abundance on the internet. Alternatively, you can frame your own riddles.
- Frame riddles based on your experiences or personal attributes. For example, if you cut your hair every summer, then you can ask, “I grow in winter and shed in summer. I am brown in color, but can also be blonde and black whenever I want. What am I?”
21. Country By Alphabets
Want to challenge your knowledge about countries? This is a step up from the ‘Animals by Alphabets’ game.
Each person will send messages simultaneously. The message for each country name should be sent in a separate text to determine the winner quikcly. For example, ‘Algeria,’ ‘Belgium,’ ‘Canada,’ and ‘Denmark.’ The person who gets to the last alphabet wins.
How to play:
- Let the other person know when to start.
- Start typing and sending the country names as fast as possible, following the alphabetical order.
- The first person who sends in the last name in the alphabet wins.
- You can also make this difficult by going from Z to A.
22. Imaginary Situations
Place each other in funny imaginary situations and laugh at each other’s reactions.
Create imaginary situations that are relevant to you both and the one to which you both can relate. It will help get some funny answers.
How to play:
- Pick a situation or event and create an imaginary situation out of it. For instance, you can say, “What if we both arrived late to our wedding and found the guests have eaten all the food?” or “What if we got married while skiing in the snow?”
- Do not limit your imagination when replying to these situations. The idea is to have as much fun you can in imagining the outcome of these hilarious imaginary situations.
23. Who Am I With?
If you and your partner share a similar friend group or circle. This can be a fun way of letting them know who you are with
You can only give your partner hints about the friend you are with. It can be their personality, actions, the initials of their name, anything but their name. You can give your partner three hints before sending them a picture of you and your friend/s.
How to play:
- Start the game by asking your partner, ‘Who am I with?’
- Let them guess randomly. You can give them their first hint if they are incorrect.
- After three unsuccessful attempts, send your partner a live picture of you and your friend/s.
24. Rapid Fire
It is a texting game for couples who love speed texting and enjoy receiving quick answers. Text a word or phrase to your partner, and they are supposed to answer as quickly as possible. Rapid fires in the form of quizzes and puzzles will surely spice up your texting experience.
The game mostly involves sending single words or short phrases. Pick them according to what you and your partner are likely to find easy to understand.
How to play:
- Text a single word or phrase to your partner, and they have to respond within 30 seconds with a single word or phrase that goes with the one you sent.
- For example, if you sent “Strong,” then your partner texts you back the thing that describes the word, like “Your arms” or “Your mind.”
- Another example, “Laziness,” to which the answer can be “Gym.” “Hungry” to which the answer can be “Me.”
25. Texting Trivia
Trivia games are always fun. You can take turns asking trivia questions based on different categories or just random questions off the top of your head.
You can decide on the categories of trivia questions or go with the flow. Set a specific score, and the first one to reach the score wins.
How to Play:
- Depending on what you decide, the questions can be multiple-choice, open-ended, or true or false.
- Set a time in which your partner has to guess the answer.
- The person who gets to the decided score first wins.
26. Choices Game

You give your partner a situation and two options or choices, and they need to pick one. It is a nice game for couples who are still trying to understand one another.
Provide two options or alternatives in a sentence, and your partner should pick the one that they prefer.
How to play:
- You can ask questions, such as “Would you prefer eating at a place with great main course choices or a place with many desserts?” or “Would you like to get married in a destination wedding with a few people or get married at a simple place with all your relatives?”
- There is no right or wrong answer in this one. Therefore, feel free to strike a text conversation on the answer and know more about what your partner thinks.
27. Text-Based Scavenger Hunt
Incorporate the fun of a scavenger hunt through text.
You will give your partner a list of things to collect or find. The main goal of the game is to collect as many of the things listed as fast as possible. The fastest person to collect all the items wins.
How to play:
- Send each other a list of things to collect or find around the house.
- Whenever you find an item, send it as an image to your partner.
- The winner is the person who checks off all the items on the list first.
28. Guess The Abbreviation
Most of us know popular abbreviations, such as LOL, HRU, and so on. But creating your own abbreviations can be more fun than these. This game lets you create abbreviations and share them with your partner.
Create abbreviations from sentences that are likely to be easily guessed by your partner. You can pick things that you would have already said to your partner once.
How to play:
- Choose a sentence, either a question or a general statement, create an abbreviation out of it, and text it to your partner.
- A few examples are “IWTS” for “I want to sleep,” “YASF” for “You are so funny,” and so on.
- Share some clues and drop some hints so that your partner can guess these abbreviations better.
29. Art Through Text
Whether you are a budding artist or just a beginner doesn’t matter. Express yourself through art and have a few giggles along the way.
Decide on what you want to draw. Send your partner a base image or drawing, and keep adding your little doodles to complete the picture.
How to play:
- Choose what you want to draw. It can be anything. For example, if you choose a pizza, you can start off with the base.
- Send the drawing to your partner and let them ‘edit’ it by doodling their own additions, for example, sauce, cheese, or veggies.
- Keep on trading the picture back and forth till the drawing is complete.
30. Questions
This is similar to “I Spy,” but in this game, the opponent needs to ask questions to guess the object. It makes for a great pass time over texting,
The opponent is limited to asking 20 questions. Also, the questions should be such that the other person can only answer them with a Yes or No.
How to play:
- Pick an object in your mind, but do not tell it to your partner. Once you have done so, your partner is allowed 20 questions to identify the object in your mind.
- For instance, you chose “Car,” in your mind. Your partner texts you with the first question, “Is it something I can wear?” to which your answer will be, “No.” The next question could be, “Can I touch it?” to which the answer is “Yes.”
- Your partner can frame their own question to guess the correct answer. Once all 20 questions are asked, your partner guesses the object that you have on your mind.
- You can provide clues to make the game more jovial.
31. Game Of Dares
This game is similar to ‘Truth and Dare,’ but only Dares are allowed.
Make sure that the dares are light-hearted and fun. Avoid dares that can cause physical or emotional harm to your partner. Set a specific time limit to complete the dares. Set a score so that the first person who reaches the score wins.
How to play:
Type out your dare and send it to your partner.
They can either accept or reject the dare.
If your partner completes the dare successfully, they get a point. If they reject the dare, they will be deducted a point.
32. Memory Of The Moment
If a couple has been in a relationship for a long time, then this texting game will be great fun. It lets you reminisce about some of your special moments together.
Choose a certain number of questions and send them across to one another. Give one another a fixed time to answer the questions.
How to play:
- You can frame questions about a certain moment in your lives or pick random questions.
- Select questions, such as, “What was I wearing on our first date?” “Which was the first movie we saw together?”, “Where did we have the worst coffee together?” and so on.
- You can make a different set of questions each. Once each partner has answered the questions, check how many each of you got right.
33. Write A Poem With Me
Poetry is a fun way to connect and express your emotions with your loved ones. In this game, you can compose a poem with your partner and adore the outcome.
You can only add one line to the poem. It does not have to rhyme with the previous line.
How to play:
- Type out the first line of the poem. It can be a romantic poem or a funny one.
- Your partner has to add their line to the poem. Keep going back and forth till you are satisfied with the poem.
34. Most Likely Questions
Pick hilarious situations and form “most likely” questions. The game lets you check your partner’s opinion, knowledge, and choices.
You can pick situations that are funny or something related to current affairs. When picking the latter, the game tests your general knowledge, and it can be fun for many couples.
How to play:
- Frame questions of your choice and share it at a time.
- A few examples of questions that you could frame are “Which phone are you most likely to buy this year?”, “What are you likely to cook for dinner tonight? “Who is likely to be the thief in today’s episode?” and so on.
35. Texting Roulette
A game of roulette made simpler and with a twist. This game is similar to a ‘Game Of Dares.’
Make a list of challenges or questions and number them accordingly. Make sure they are fun and lighthearted to ensure both parties have fun.
How to play:
- Let your partner pick a number between the ranges depending on the number of questions or challenges.
- Once they have chosen a number, let them know about the challenge they must perform or the question they have to answer.
- The person who performs most of the tasks on the list is the winner.
36. Unscramble The Word
It is a simple, yet fun texting game for couples. Scramble the letters of words and text them to your partner.
Begin with simple words first, like four-letter words. Increase the difficulty level gradually by increasing the number of letters in a word.
How to play:
- Choose a word, scramble its letters, text it to your partner, and set a time limit in which they can answer it.
- For example, you selected the word “game” you can write it as “maeg” and text it your partner. Once you are at the highest difficulty level, then you can pick long words, such as “Personality,” “Determination,” and so on.
37. Hangman
Hangman is a fun guessing game you and your partner can indulge in. Guess the answer, one letter at a time.
You may draw a stick figure to keep count of the wrong guesses. Typically, you can only make eight incorrect guesses, and then you’re out.
How to play:
- Pick a secret word or phrase that your partner has to guess.
- Type out the number of underscores depending on the number of letters in your word or phrase.
- Let your partner guess each letter. Try to fill up the underscores with the correct letters.
- If your partner makes any wrong guesses, you can start drawing each part of the hangman or keep counting the number of incorrect guesses.
38. Guess The Song

If you are a music buff, and so is your partner, then you both are likely to enjoy this game where you guess songs by sharing a few lines from its lyrics.
Choose how many lines you would share from the lyrics of a song. If you both have strong knowledge of songs, then you can limit it to three lines. Otherwise, stick to no more than five lines of a song. Also, no Googling allowed.
How to play:
- Write down the lines of a song, text it to your partner, set a time limit, and let them guess the song.
- You can provide clues, like the singer of the song or share a situation where you both saw the video of the song together.
39. Test Your Brain
This game is similar to the trivia game. But the questions differ slightly in their nature.
To test your or your partner’s brain, you can only ask questions about what you have learned in school or college.
How to play:
- Start by compiling a list of questions and answers, depending on how many rounds you want to play.
- Decide who should start first. Then, keep asking each other questions and give scores depending on the correct answer.
- The person with the highest score wins.
40. Funny Hypothetical Scenarios
Create funny situations and test each other’s wit through the response.
There is no definite rule or limit to the kind of situations you can create. You could give preference to creating situations that your partner is most likely to find relatable.
How to play:
- Share a hypothetical scenario with your partner. They can share their funny response to you.
- A few examples are “What if one morning you wake up and find your dog cooking breakfast for you?,” “What if your phone grows legs and runs away?,” “What if your car falls in love with you and decides to kidnap you?”
41. Would You Rather Date This Celebrity?
It’s a simple ‘Would you rather’ game with a twist. You get to choose who to date between two celebrities.
Make your partner choose who to date between two celebrities and their reasons.
How to play:
- Ask your partner, ‘Would you rather date celebrity A or B? And why?’
- Let your partner answer the question, and then it is your turn.
- You can play as many rounds as you want.
42. Last Letter Words
You text a word, and your partner is supposed to text a word beginning with the last letter of your word. It is then your turn to make the word with the last letter, and the game goes on.
Pick a genre to choose names. For instance, you can decide that you will only pick the names of actors, cars, or something intimate between you two. Selecting a genre adds challenge and also makes the game fun.
How to play:
- Begin by saying the name of an actor or car or any word from the genre you have picked.
- Give your partner about 30 seconds or a minute to answer. There is no restriction on the time limit, and you can set any limit that is comfortable to you both.
- You can continue playing the game as long as you want or until you feel you have exhausted most names in the genre.
43. Food Items By Alphabets
If you and your partner are foodies, this game can be fun. Don’t blame us if your stomach starts rumbling.
Each person will send messages simultaneously. The message for each food name should be sent in a separate text to determine the winner easily. For example, ‘Apricot,’ ‘Bell pepper,’ ‘Candy,’ and ‘Donut.’ The person who gets to the last alphabet wins.
How to play:
- Let the other person know when to start.
- Start typing and sending the food names as fast as possible, following the alphabetical order.
- The first person who sends in the last name in the alphabet wins.
- You can also make this difficult by going from Z to A.
44. Four-sentence Story
In this game, you tell the story of a movie/ series/ TV show in four sentences, and your partner has to guess the name of the film. The game is simple and works like a texting version of dumb charades.
You can alter the number of sentences that you wish to use. However, to keep the game challenging enough, do not go over four sentences. It is best to pick films that you have seen together or those your partner knows.
How to play:
- Form four sentences that say the story in their correct sequence. Pick short sentences that capture more information about the plot.
- Once you text the sentences, you can set a time limit. You may also give a clue to make it easy for your partner to guess.
45. Translate These Emojis
How well can you speak emoji? Have fun by making your partner guess what you are trying to say in emojis.
You can only use emojis for the statement your partner has to guess. Your partner can only make three incorrect guesses.
How to play:
- Decide what you want to say and select the appropriate emojis to send to your partner.
- If your partner has made three unsuccessful attempts at guessing, you can reveal the answer to them.
46. Similar Words
There are multiple ways to play this texting game. You can pick synonyms, words that end with the same two or three letters, or homophones that have the same pronunciation but different spelling and meanings.
Begin by choosing one category and then move to another. Start with the least challenging type and then increase the difficulty gradually.
How to play:
- Begin the game with any category you want. For instance, you can ask your partner to list down words that end with “an,” like “Pan, Man, Tan,” and so on.
- Set a timer and see how many words your partner gets.
- The one to get the most words in the shortest time is the winner.
47. Unpopular Opinions
We’re sure you have heard of this one. State your unpopular opinion and have some interesting debates with your significant other.
Be respectful and open-minded about the other person’s opinions. Try to focus on the fun conversations and avoid personal offenses.
How to play:
- You type out your unpopular opinion and send it to your partner.
- You can start a discussion when your partner replies.
- You may be surprised if you share some common unpopular opinions.
48. Questions For A Question

This funny texting game for couples involves texting a question to your partner, who is supposed to answer the question with a question itself. This game is quite likely to test your smartness and wit.
Remember that the question needs to be answered, but has to be framed as a question. You can then continue to answer the question or start with a new question.
How to play:
- You can ask a question, such as “What time do you go for a walk?”. Your partner can answer, such as, “Why don’t I see those adorable birds during my evening walk?”
- Another example, “Did you have lunch?” to which the answer can be “Did you message me today when I was having a burger for lunch?”
49. Who Am I?
This is a fun impersonation that can be played only through text messages.
Pick a famous character to impersonate and send one of their famous catchphrases or a line they are known for. You can only send two lines for your partner to guess.
How to play:
- Type the character’s catchphrase or line and send it to your partner.
- If they guess correctly, it’s their turn to impersonate a character.
- You can play this for as many rounds as you want.
50. Flirt With Emojis
Use emojis to flirt around, and convey your naughty feelings towards your partner.
There are no set rules and you can experiment with as many emojis as you desire.
How to play:
- Pick a string of emojis that are most likely to communicate your feelings or a statement. For instance, you wish to say, “You look beautiful in red,” then pick emojis that can share it across.
- Provide at least one clue to your partner so that they can have some head start in guessing the meaning behind the emojis.
51. What Sound Are They Making?
This is a hilarious game where you can be creative with the sounds.
You can only send gifs to the other person, and they will respond with what kind of sound the person/animal is making in the gif.
How to play:
- Select a funny gif ,send it to your partner, and ask them, ‘what sound do you think they are making?’
- Your partner can either respond in text or as a voice note. The latter will make it funnier.
- You can play this for as many rounds as you want.
52. Trip In Imagination
This game is similar to creating a story by adding sentences. However, here you imagine a situation and add sentences to create a story about what you would do in that imaginary situation.
The situation should involve both of you. Also, you can pick a theme, for instance, funny, scary, or one with a plot twist.
How to play:
- Begin by texting an imaginary situation. For instance, “We both land in Antarctica.”
- Your partner can reply with, “And we find an empty house there.” You then add, “We open the door, and we find there lies someone seated with their back towards us.”
- Keep adding sentences as per the theme of the story. You can decide when to conclude the story.
53. Confessions, Confessions
What’s a relationship if you don’t share a few secrets? It can be silly or something serious; it all depends on you. By being vulnerable, this game can also strengthen the bond you and your partner share.
Depending on your mood, you can share a silly, emotional, or serious confession with your partner and they can do the same with you. Ensure you respect each other’s boundaries and do not have judgemental responses.
How to play:
- Decide who will start the game and open up with a confession.
- You may choose to discuss the confession or accept it the way it is.
- Make sure you’re not interrupting the other person while they are confessing.
54. Deduce/Pyramid
In this game, the person has to guess the main category based on the hints.
You can give up to ten hints that are from the same category. Depending on the number of hints it takes the person to guess the category, it should be deducted from 10. For example, the person only used 3 hints to guess the correct answer. They would be given 10 – 3 = 7 points.
How to play:
- Start the game by giving your partner three hints that belong to the same category.
- If they can’t guess the category, you can proceed by giving them two more hints.
- If they cannot guess, you can give them three and then the last two hints.
- Their scores would depend on the number of hints they have used.
55. Movie Dialogue Game
A fun trivia game that you can probably play for a long time. You text a film dialogue, and your partner has to guess the name of the film in which the dialogue was spoken.
Choose popular films with famous dialogues or choose films or TV shows that you have seen together.
How to play:
- Text the dialogue and set a time limit in which your partner is supposed to guess the name of the film.
- It is your turn after your partner gets the name of the film right.
56. Only Wrong Answers Allowed
As the name of the game suggests, only wrong answers are allowed.
The only rule to this game is that the answers should all be wrong.
How to play:
Decide who should ask the first question. The questions can be about anything.
The person with the funniest answer wins.
57. Truth or Dare
It works like the standard truth or dare game with the difference that you tell the truth or perform a dare through texting.
You can set your own rules and limits as per what is convenient for you and your partner.
How to play:
- The game begins with one of the partner texting “Truth or Dare.” If the other partner says “truth,” then you need to ask them a question.
- If the partner chooses “dare,” then they need to perform any dare that you give them.
- There is no limit to what dare you give them. It can be from taking their picture in their underpants to texting you I love you, a hundred times.
58. What Am I Cooking?
This can make cooking a lot more fun for both of you. It can even help you discover some new recipes to try.
You can only send your partner the ingredients you use to cook your dish. They will have to guess what you are cooking based on the ingredients.
How to play:
- Start the game by asking your partner, ‘What am I cooking?’ and sending the first ingredient on your list.
- You can send as many ingredients on your list as you want.
- If they guess it correctly, you can reward them with the dish.
59. Emoji Survey
You must have asked or been on the receiving end of questions like ‘How are you today?’ ‘How was your day? or ‘How was work?’ regularly. This game puts a twist on how you should answer these questions.
You can only reply to questions by using emojis to describe your answer. Set a score, for example, 10. The first person to get 10 points wins the game.
How to play:
- Decide who gets to ask the first question.
- Try to answer using only emojis to describe your answer.
- If you or your partner gets it right, they get a point.
- Keep going, and the person who reaches the set score first wins.
60. Text Strip Poker
If you want to make things a bit naughty, then this game makes for great fun. In this game, the couple asks each other random questions, and if the partner is unable to answer, then they are supposed to remove a piece of their clothing.
You reveal the number of items of clothing that you are wearing before beginning the game.
How to play:
- Text a question that preferably relates to you two. For instance, you can ask, “What was the color of the dress I wore on our first date?”
- If your partner gets the answer right, then it is their turn to ask a question. But if they get it wrong, then they have to remove a piece of their clothing.
- Continue playing the game, and the one with no clothes loses the game, and the opponent wins.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How should I play flirty games over text?
Pick a suitable game you and your partner can enjoy over text. You could play on WhatsApp or any other texting app that is convenient for you. While playing, ensure you both are focusing so there is no delay in response. Delayed responses or the low battery of your mobile phone can ruin your gaming plan.
2. How should I entertain my boyfriend over text?
If your boyfriend is away from you and missing you or feeling low, then playing games over text could keep him entertained. You could also try interactive long-distance relationship games, ask fun questions, decode emojis, or download your favorite game apps to enjoy together.
3. What is a fun game for couples to play?
Monopoly, Uno, Truth or Dare, and Twenty Questions are among the fun couple games to play with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Fill in the blanks, Rapid-fire, and This or That are a few enjoyable games that can be played over text.
Relationships tend to become monotonous over time. This list of texting games for couples will help you maintain connectivity with your partner and have a good time with each other. We have listed the rules and playing instructions for all the games to make it easier for you to get on with the fun. With the help of these exciting games, you can keep the spark alive and make your relationship last longer. So scroll through and choose the game you want to get started with.
Infographic: Fun Texting Games For Couples
Texting has become the recent inevitable mode of communication between couples. Also, most couples deem it a quick and convenient way to converse. However, sending the same old texts could get boring. So spice up your texting conversations with fun games mentioned in the following infographic. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Illustration: Engaging And Fun Texting Games For Couples

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

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