Image: Midjourney/ MomJunction Design Team
Certain gestures by girls can make the guys weak in their knees. So what are those things girls do that guys love? It is commonly believed that guys are attracted to girls mostly based on their looks, physical appearance, or clothes. Well, it is not just that. Some things that you do, unconsciously or consciously, can make him fall for you more than you dressing well or looking pretty.
It can be a gentle smile, your dimples, playfulness, or the way you look at him. But it is always these little things that mean the most. While in a relationship, the things that you feel are quirky might be what he likes the most. So, are you interested in exploring the charming things girls do that guys love? If yes, read on to learn more about these little things that make him adore you.
Key Pointers
- Certain gestures of girls make guys go weak in their knees.
- Resting your head on his shoulders, expressing physical affection, and displaying confidence are notable signs.
- Keep an eye on your guy’s reactions to know about his feelings for you.
30+ Things Girls Do That Guys Love
If you are a girl, you might have at some point thought about what guys like. While it might be difficult to figure out a man’s thought process, some simple actions can help communicate affection, strengthen your relationship, and help create stronger emotional bonds. Read on to learn about some cute things girls do that guys find irresistible.
1. Tying your hair or randomly touching it
You must have noticed your guy staring at you while you tie up your hair in a messy bun or a ponytail. They find the action cute and fascinating. Men love long hair, and when you tie it, their eyes automatically focus on your beautiful tresses. They also like it when you randomly touch your hair, flip it, or tuck it behind your ears. Such gestures make you look adorable. So, next time you find him distracted by something, play with your hair and see how you will have his attention instantly.
2. Wearing your comfy PJs
Guys adore girls in their PJs as they look all-natural with their face scrubbed clean of makeup and messy hair. The look makes you appear comfortable, innocent, and cute, which guys find appealing. They desire to hold you close and protect you from the world. So, do not shy away from investing in the cute Minnie Mouse PJs. Your guy is likely to love your cutesy avatar.
3. Running your fingers through his hair
Run your fingers through your guy’s hair, and you will find him leaning into you and closing his eyes. Some men are possessive about their hair, so they don’t enjoy a random person touching it. However, if he likes you, he might feel relaxed when you run your fingers through his hair. They feel special and pampered by your touch. You can enhance their experience by lightly massaging their scalp.
4. Wearing high heels
In a study, it was observed that men were more likely to help women when their heels were higher. They also approached women faster when they wore high heels (1). This is because wearing high heels makes your legs appear longer and in shape. High heels also transfer your weight to the balls of your feet, making your walk sensual and inviting. Guys find it attractive, so they can’t help but stare when you walk, clicking your high heels.

5. Resting your head on his shoulders/chest
Do you enjoy the closeness and warmth of the guy you like? It feels good to rest your head on their chest or shoulder and relax, forgetting all the worries and tiredness of the day. Guys love this feeling too. This small gesture shows you trust him and feel safe with him. Holding you close makes him feel like he is caring and protecting you from the world.
In their YouTube video titled Things Girls Do That Guys Love…, spouses Katie and Josh talk about this gesture. Josh says he loves it because it feels comfortable and makes him feel more protective of Katie (i).
6. Giving him a back or neck massage
Everyone loves a relaxing massage after a long and tiring day, especially from the person they love. Guys enjoy the feel of their girl’s soft hands on their bodies and instantly feel relaxed as it soothes their minds as well. Next time when he seems stressed and is venting out about a difficult boss, remember to give him a back massage that can relieve his stress.
7. Blushing
According to research, facial blushing or red cheeks are a sign of sexual interest, which can happen when someone attractive is nearby when a situation feels romantic or sexual, or even when sexual topics are mentioned or hinted at (2). Some girls look down or hide their faces when they blush. However, guys love it when their girl blushes in response to their flirting or teasing. They find the reaction cute and adorable. Blushing makes girls seem innocent and sensitive, which makes men fall harder for them. If you want to know how this action affects your guy, look at him while you blush, and the emotion in his eyes will reveal the depth of his feelings.
8. Talking passionately about something
If you are passionate about something, it shows in your body language. There is excitement on your face and energy in your body when you talk about the thing you are passionate about. Guys enjoy witnessing this side of you. Being genuine and passionate makes you attractive to them. They love and admire that you are so involved and driven by something. If you are a big fan of a TV series or are crazy about a sports team, do not refrain from sharing your opinions with him.
9. Carrying yourself with confidence
Confident women are a huge turn-on for some men. A confident woman knows what she wants. Men find this trait extremely attractive. Confidence shows in the way you walk, the way you speak, and the way you dress. It is powerful and magnetic, adding a certain allure to your body language. Guys are awed by this. So, carry yourself with confidence around your guy, and you will see the approval in his eyes.
Relationship counselor Michael Swerdloff from Rhode Island, US, opines, “Men enjoy seeing women who are confident in themselves and their appearance. It is okay to feel self-conscious sometimes, but men appreciate it when you feel good about yourself, and it shows in your facial expressions, mannerisms, and overall presentation.”
10. Giving them cute nicknames

Guys love hearing their name from their girlfriend’s mouth. But it completely melts their heart when you call them by a cute nickname. It makes the guy feel your affection, care and kindness. While generic nicknames such as “baby” can make your boyfriend happy, unique nicknames would delight him. It also deepens the intimacy and connection you share.
11. Expressing with your lips
Guys find it sensual when girls use their lips to create various facial expressions. Lip movements such as smiling, biting, or pursing attract their attention. Suppose he asks you for a selfie; send him a picture of you pouting. Or if he happens to look at you from across a room full of people, softly blow him a kiss that will bring a smile to his face.
12. Showing your appreciation
Guys like to pamper their girlfriends. They shower them with compliments, gifts, and affection. When girls show their appreciation and expressiveness for these efforts, it makes them happy and fall more in love with you. So, show your guy how much you appreciate him and his efforts. You can tell him or express indirectly by giving him gifts or complimenting him. He would enjoy some pampering from you.
13. Wearing your glasses
When you wear your reading glasses, you might notice your guy staring at you. It is because many guys love seeing their girl in glasses. They find it cute. Glasses make you look studious. Once in a while, it is okay to ditch those lenses and go for the sexy frames that make his heart beat harder.
14. Listening carefully when they speak
When you listen intently to someone without interrupting, it shows your respect for the person and their words. Guys appreciate it when their girlfriend pays attention to what they say without passing any judgments. When you listen patiently, it shows men that you care and gives them the confidence to open up more to you. It increases their love for you. So, pay attention, make eye contact, and show support when your guy tells you something.
15. Expressing affection in public

Guys love it when their girl shows affection in public. These gestures show that you love them and are not afraid to show them in front of the world. Holding hands, touching his shoulder, and casually putting your hand around his waist are some ways to show your affection subtly.
Men’s preference toward overt or subtle forms of affection depends on their personalities. Some love the over-the-top displays, while some prefer the innocent physical connection in public. So, understand what your guy likes and act accordingly.
16. Laughing without inhibitions
When you laugh genuinely without any reservations, your face lightens up, and your eyes shine with delight. You look beautiful and alive. It makes you appealing to guys, and they can’t help but stare. Seeing their girl happy makes them glad. If they are the reason for your uninhibited laughter, it makes them feel proud that they achieved this feat.
17. Leaning on them for support
Guys have an ingrained need to protect the women they love. Fulfillment of this fundamental protective instinct is essential for them. They love it when their girl shows their vulnerability and leans onto them for support. They feel fulfilled in protecting you and keeping you safe. So even if you are a strong independent woman, don’t be afraid to show your guy your vulnerability. He wouldn’t perceive it as a weakness and would support you unconditionally because you are valuable to him. Next time you’ve had a tough day, ask him for a tight hug or simply lay your head on his lap and let him lovingly run his fingers through your hair.
18. Picking food from his plate
Usually, guys don’t object when their girlfriend picks food from their plate. It is because they find this behavior adorable. They love the familiarity and intimacy of the act. It makes them happy to know that they are providing something to you. So, go ahead and pick those chips from his plate, but don’t be too greedy!
19. Wearing his clothes
If you love prancing around in your boyfriend’s shirt, keep doing it. Guys find it charming when you wear their clothes, especially shirts/t-shirts, and sweatpants. It makes you look cute, making you more charming. When your guy sees you in his clothes, he feels like you are subtly sending out the message that you belong to him. If you are confused about which shirt to pick, go for the classic white shirt. His girl in a crisp white shirt is sure to drive him crazy.
20. Taking care of him

There is no certain or straight answer to the question ‘what makes a guy fall in love?’ However, it is a fact that men like being taken care of. They appreciate it if their woman hugs them when they are down, prepares their favorite food, and takes care of their needs when they are sick. It makes them feel cherished and loved. So, show your man some love and care; it would give him a perfect reason to fall deeper for you.
21. Being coquettish and playful
Usually, guys engage in playful banter to impress or woo their girl. However, they enjoy being wooed too. They love it when their girl returns their gesture. Touching, inviting looks, playing with their feet, and coy texts make them feel desirable. So, surprise your guy once in a while by flirting with him to keep the spark in your relationship alive.
22. Wearing attractive clothing
Research indicates that a woman’s attire can make her look more attractive to men (1). Attractive clothes don’t mean showing more skin. Clothes such as off-shoulder tops that accentuate your delicate neck and shoulders or well-fitting shorts that show off your long legs are enough to drive your guy crazy.
23. Initiating conversation
Our society dictates that guys should always make the first move. They have to be the ones to initiate conversation. In addition to the pressure of making the first move, they are also weighed down by many dos and don’ts of dating. All this can sometimes get too frustrating. So, when the girl makes the first move by shooting the first text, it can be pleasantly surprising for the guy. It can make him happy to receive the early morning text from you, and can also be a great way to explore how to keep him interested and invested in you.
24. Getting slightly mad at him
Guys don’t enjoy it when you are full-blown angry. But when you are slightly mad, they find it very adorable. They think it’s cute when you narrow your eyes and pout at them. You might have seen your boyfriend trying to hide his smile when you are mad at him. Don’t get furious at him when he does this; he is just enjoying your endearing expressions.
25. Checking in with him even while spending time with friends

Some guys are secure in their relationships, while some are jealous. But even the most secure guys sometimes wonder what you are up to when you are out with your friends. It doesn’t always mean they don’t trust you; they care for you and miss having you around. During this time, if you send your guy a simple text that says “Hi” or update him about your whereabouts, it would delight him. He would be glad to know you are thinking of him even while you are out with friends. It would put his mind at ease.
26. Displaying your affection on social media
In this new world where posting your life on social media is a trend, expressing affection for your guy is not something out of the box. However, this is a great way to show your guy how much you love and appreciate him in front of the world. He would feel happy and proud that you are not afraid to own your relationship in front of the world. The next time he does something that makes you happy, you can post it on Facebook or Instagram. Keep it occasional and avoid posting something extremely private or cheesy.
27. Having a great sense of humor
Research indicates that women prefer men who can make them laugh, and men, on the other hand, appreciate women who laugh at their jokes (3). They love it when their girlfriend shares the same sense of humor as them and enjoys guffawing at their wittiness. Laughing together also helps in building a strong connection. If you are also a witty person yourself, it will add more fun to the equation. Your funny one-liners would crack him up, making him fall for you more.
28. Making puppy eyes at him
Puppy eyes are a guy’s weakness. They find it very difficult to resist them, especially when a girl makes that face. Seeing the cuteness on your face melts their heart, and they can’t say no. The puppy eyes make you look innocent, and they feel the urge to keep you safe.
29. Investing time and energy in bonding with his friends
Guys are generally close to their male friends. These friends are an integral part of your boyfriend’s life. If you invest time and energy in getting to know his friends, this act of thoughtfulness will make him happy. He would appreciate your sincere efforts and adore you more. Your wonderful gesture will make your connection stronger.
30. Stretching in front of him
Guys enjoy watching their girlfriend stretching—it can be any yoga/exercise stretches, straining on the tiptoes to reach someplace high, or lazy stretching. Men are fascinated by the movements you do while stretching. These movements also accentuate your femininity that guys can’t help but admire.
31. Communicating in a unique way
Some boys are impressed with girls who have good communication skills and a unique way of interacting. When girls express themselves clearly and listen actively, it makes guys feel valued. Being confident in conversation with a bit of humor adds an extra layer of fun. Moreover, kindness and care make guys happy. Girls who communicate calmly and resolve issues effectively leave a positive impression too. When girls are good with communication, it not only makes hanging out more enjoyable but also fosters a special connection. Effective communication also builds understanding and connection.
Remember that a guy notices and admires several things about the women in his life. He may or may not express his love and admiration often, but his actions will tell you how much he adores you. These simple gestures in your daily life can help you grab his attention, impress him, and keep the spark alive in your relationship. Just go slow, and don’t go overboard by trying too many things at a time. Avoid doing things that do not feel natural to you. For example, do not wear glasses just to look cute or put on heels if they make you uncomfortable. You can try something to draw his attention to you, but do not do something that makes you uncomfortable. Moreover, it is important to remember that individual preferences may vary, and each guy may have different perceptions and expectations from a relationship. Use the pointers mentioned above in a way that they align with your partner’s choices for a happy connection.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do guys like it when girls make the first move?
Guys should make the first move, and it’s taboo for girls is an outdated thought. Times have changed, and making the first move is an expression of confidence and sincere feelings. Most men like it when the first move comes from them, whether online or offline. So, if you’re tired of wondering how to make him chase you, stop thinking and take action. Some instances of first moves could be offering to buy a drink, appreciating their style, passing a smile, giving compliments, etc.
2. Do guys like being called “baby”?
When a couple has strong affection, nicknames don’t have to fit in any category. Calling your boyfriend or partner with any nickname that makes him feel happy and comfortable is fine. Most guys like being called “baby” as it makes them feel loved and appreciated.
3. What qualities do girls possess that guys find attractive?
Attraction is a complex and subjective aspect of human interaction, so what qualities of a girl appeal to a guy can vary greatly. Nevertheless, there are certain qualities in women that can capture a man’s attention. These include physical appearance attributes, such as facial features, body shape, and personal style. Confidence, sense of humor, intelligence, kindness, empathy, and a strong desire to pursue one’s ambitions, goals, and passion are other qualities that can pull a man toward a woman.
4. How does a girl’s attitude influence the way guys view her?
Men often find girls with a strong sense of positivity, self-assurance, and confidence attractive. Girls with warm, friendly, and open attitudes appeal to men more as they appear more approachable and welcoming. A girl’s ability to navigate complex situations with poise and patience can also influence a man’s views of her.
Infographic: Things You Do That He May Not Love
After you have gone through the list of things he loves you doing, you should also be wary about what you should avoid doing, as he may not like it as much. We have prepared this infographic with a list of things he may not like you to do. Give the following infographic a read and save it for future reference as well. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Check out this video to find out the 15 cute things girls do that guys love! From their adorable smiles to their bubbly personalities, you’ll find out what guys find attractive in girls.
Personal Experience: Source
MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Things girls do that guys love.
- High Heels Increase Women’s Attractiveness.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25408499/ - Perceptions of facial blushing: Attractiveness and psychological meanings: Paper presented at the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics Avignon 2006.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259904599_Perceptions_of_facial_blushing_Attractiveness_and_psychological_meanings_Paper_presented_at_the_International_Association_of_Empirical_Aesthetics_Avignon_2006 - Liana S E Hone, et al.; Sex Differences in Preferences for Humor: A Replication, Modification, and Extension

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Read full bio of Danielle Sheppard
Michael Swerdloff is a holistic counselor, coach and reiki healer. He has also been a social worker, community organizer, educator, and writer for over twenty-five years. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His memoir, Raised by Wolves, Possibly Monsters: From Mobster to Reiki Master, was launched in October 2024.
Michael Swerdloff is a holistic counselor, coach and reiki healer. He has also been a social worker, community organizer, educator, and writer for over twenty-five years. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His memoir, Raised by Wolves, Possibly Monsters: From Mobster to Reiki Master, was launched in October 2024.
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