35+ Things To Talk About With A Girl For A Great Conversation

Making a good impression on a girl is not so easy. Sometimes, you may run out of topics and ideas and want to know things to talk about with a girl. That’s when you should keep some topics handy and master the art of holding a conversation to find a place in her heart. If you are not gifted with conversations, striking and keeping a conversation can be cumbersome. However, you can foster deeper connections and create lasting impressions with the right approach. This guide has a variety of conversation starters and techniques to help you keep any conversation engaging. Keep scrolling for some interesting things that you may talk about to impress and win over her.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • If you want to strike a conversation with a girl, talk about her hobbies, interests, and goals.
  • Asking about her day, weekend plans, and hangout ideas may also help you converse with a girl while learning more about her.
  • You may also discuss movies, fashion, icons, and other interesting subjects.

35+ Interesting Topics To Talk About With A Girl

These topics can make the conversation engaging and help you connect with the girl at a deeper level. Pick one or more that interest you.

1. Hobbies/ Interests

When you are getting to know a girl, it is essential to know what her hobbies are. It will help you understand if the two of you share any common interests that can strengthen your bond. Asking her questions such as “What do you like to do in your free time?” or “What are your hobbies and how often do you indulge in them?” can help you figure out what she likes.

2. Background

To know her better, you may ask about the place she grew up in and her culture, beliefs, and values that have shaped her personality. You can share about your life too. The background can give you a deep insight into who she is and where she comes from. You can also talk about each other’s fondest childhood memories, the values she holds dear, and the traditions both of you follow.

The key to having a great conversation is to keep it simple and move on with the flow and the rhythm of the woman you are speaking with. Kyle Froonjian, a personal coach, further explains how he approaches women. He says, “Move the interaction with her. It just needs to be done in a way that’s not creepy (i).”

3. Aspirations

Every person has aspirations in life that they wish to achieve through hard work and persistence. These can be professional goals, financial dreams, relationship goals, and even personal goals. She will also have such aspirations in life, and understanding them will tell you what drives her as a person.

4. Movies

Does she like movies? If yes, which genre does she prefer? Which is her favorite movie? What is the name of the last film she watched? Getting the answers to these will keep the conversation going. In case you have common movie preferences, it becomes easy to connect over. If you find her comfortable, try asking her out for a movie.

protip_icon Quick tip
If you are a movie buff yourself, you can suggest your favorite movies to her. However, consider her taste before sharing your recommendations.

5. About the day

Asking about her day can be a great conversation starter if framed appropriately. Instead of just saying, “What’s up?” you can ask her, “Hey! How was your day? Did anything interesting happen today?” You can also ask her about her mood, her health, or if she ate anything delicious. It shows that you care about her and wish to open up. You can also respond to her by sharing interesting stories about your day. Here are some interesting conversation starters for couples you can rely upon.

protip_icon Quick tip
Picking the right time to text her is vital for a free-flowing conversation. You may initiate the conversation later in the evening when she gets free from her busy schedule.

6. Family

Once you get to know her a little better, you can broach the personal topic of the family. You can ask her if she has any siblings, where her parents stay, and who is close to her. It will give you an insight into her relationships as well.

7. Travel

Husband threatening his wife

Image: Shutterstock

If she likes traveling, then talking about it can keep the two of you busy for hours. Ask her about the destinations she has traveled to and what she liked about those places. You can listen to her travel stories, learn about her dream destination, and find out if she is a mountain or a beach person. You can then talk about your travel preferences too.

8. Food preferences

Passion for food can bring people together. Talk about favorite cuisines, allergies, preference for spicy or sweet foods, and favorite restaurants in town. The useful information can help you plan a dinner date with her. If you remember her food preferences and allergies while choosing a restaurant and ordering food, she would be impressed by your thoughtfulness.

9. Books

Ask her if she likes to read, the genre she prefers, her favorite book, and the last book she read. You can then talk about your reading habits and book choices. If there is any book that both of you have read, you can analyze and discuss it in detail.

Jack Denmo, a YouTuber, recollects the importance of having great ideas to initiate a good conversation with girls. Earlier, he was hesitant and was lost for words. He says, “I still remember a time when I wasn’t able to do that. I would actually stumble over my words, I’d have a really hard time talking and I’d sound like an idiot (ii).”

10. Education

If the girl you are talking to is still studying, you can use it to have an engaging discussion. Apart from the obvious questions, including college/school name and her favorite subjects, you can even ask about a teacher who inspires her or the extracurricular activities of her interests. Pretty soon, you might exchange funny incidents and laugh together.

11. Career

To know her better, talk to her about her work, passion, professional achievements, work environment, and equation with colleagues.

In response, you can discuss your professional life with her.

12. Latest news

There are so many things unfolding around you that you read in newspapers, watch on TV, or find on social media. If you run out of things to talk about with your crush, you can use any such update as a conversation starter. Check with her if she has heard recent news. It can be politics, current events, technology or even entertainment gossip. You can then have a lengthy discussion about it. Just make sure the story is not disturbing.

protip_icon Point to consider
Avoid heavy topics such as religion and politics, especially if you are still getting to know her.

13. Animal love

Talking about animals is a great way to keep the conversation flowing. If she is an animal lover, you can ask if she is a dog or cat person and check if she has any pets. Discussing pets and their adorable quirks will keep the two of you engaged for hours. Your love for animals might even bring you closer.

14. TV shows

Binge watching a TV show with your girl can be fun

Image: Shutterstock

Binge-watching TV shows on Netflix help you pass the time and connect with the girl you like. From the last show she binge-watched to the latest show she is watching—there are so many things to talk about. You might even discover that the two of you love the same show. You can then discuss the storyline or the annoying actions of certain characters and reminisce about your favorite episodes.

15. Dating and relationships

If you are in the getting-to-know-the-girl phase, asking personal questions might scare her off. However, talking about relationships and dating, in general, can open doors to an interesting conversation.

Check with her indirectly if she is single at the moment. If she is available, ask her about the qualities she is looking for in her dream man and know her opinions on romance and relationships. Regale her with stories about funny dates you have been on to help her relax and enjoy your company.

16. Plans

When you are conversing with a girl, your short-term objective could be to ask her out. A good way of doing it is by asking about her plans for the day or the weekend. Enquiring about her plans can also be a great conversation starter. You can add another layer to this topic by asking about her distant plans, such as the destination she plans to visit for her next holiday or career plans.

17. Music

Talking about music is a great way to connect with a girl. Talk about the type of music she generally listens to, her favorite band/singer, her favorite song, and what currently is on the top of her playlist. You can share your playlist with her and get her to listen to the songs you like. It will help the two of you bond.

If she is a music lover and enjoys karaoke, you can ask her out for a karaoke night. Music can serve as a good topic if you meet her for the first time at a party or club. You can start talking to her with the help of the song playing in the background. For example, “Such an amazing song, right? Have you heard any other songs by this singer?”

18. Sports

If the girl you like is as interested in sports as you, you can go on and on. You can ask her sports-related questions to know about her opinion. If she reacts enthusiastically, the two of you can have an interesting discussion. Talk to her about the sports she follows, her favorite team, and players. You can then debate over the techniques and abilities of the players.

19. Dance

If you enjoy dancing, you can check if your crush likes it too. Ask her if she trained in any dance form or how often she dances. You can playfully tell her to rate her dancing skills. Share your interest in dancing and the reason you enjoy it, and keep the conversation going. You can even use this opportunity to convince her to dance with you.

20. Things around you

When you cannot think of any interesting topic to discuss, you can use something from your vicinity to entertain her. Keenly look at the things in the surroundings and give your opinions about them. It can be about the fascinating people you see, a display ad that catches your eye, or the restaurants around you. If you are at a party, you can talk about the decor or the food. Talking about your observations can keep the conversation lively and flowing.

21. Friends

Talk about your friends with a girl

Image: Shutterstock

Friends are an integral part of a person’s life and can be an exciting topic of conversation. The value she gives to friendships and her connection with her male and female friends can offer a deep insight into her nature and personality. Ask her about her relationship with her best friend, who her close friends are, and how she met them.

22. Languages

It would be fascinating to know if the girl you like knows any language other than English. If she is multilingual, you can have a lively conversation about how she picked up the languages and her fluency in them. You can also ask her to teach you a few funny words and randomly use them to make her laugh.

23. Fitness

If she is passionate about fitness and health, you can say, “Hey, how do you manage to keep yourself so fit? Do you follow any fitness routine?” A positive response will open the door for a long interesting conversation. You can share fitness tips, your exercise routine, and diet charts. Besides discussing fitness, you can also motivate each other to stay fit and share the pictures of food you ate.

24. Sun signs

Talking about astrology, spirituality and sun signs can lead to a fascinating discussion. You can start by asking her sun sign and telling her yours. Ask her if her personality matches her sun sign’s unique qualities and traits. You may share about yourself too. You two can also read your horoscopes.

25. Role models

We meet some people in our lives who leave an impact on us. They can be leaders, teachers, family members, or even peers. You can share about the person whose life inspires and motivates you to do better. Ask about her influences too. You can then move the conversation forward by asking her why she considers a particular person a role model and how she has applied their teachings and ideas in her own life.

26. Accomplishments

Accomplishments are a matter of pride. Talking about them would bring positivity to the conversation. Ask her about the things she has accomplished in life. They can be anything from learning how to drive or cook or academic or professional achievements. Speaking about them will make her happy. You can also share your achievements with her, but do not brag. Your enthusiasm to know more about her and your accomplishments can make a good impression on her.

27. Fears

It is a serious conversation topic, but it will help you know the girl better. You can talk about common fears, such as fear of heights and water, or uncommon ones, such as fear of numbers. You can start by sharing your thoughts. Be understanding even if she reveals a weird fear. You can keep her concerns in mind while planning dates or trips with her. For example, if she has a fear of heights, don’t plan a bungee jumping adventure with her.

28. Fashion

Fashion is a thing you can discuss with her

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Fashion is an interesting topic of conversation for most women. It can be a great conversation starter if used appropriately. You can start by complimenting the way she carries herself and the outfit she is wearing. Remember to be respectful and sincere. Then proceed to discuss her interest in fashion and her go-to brands. You can also playfully ask her opinion on your dressing style. Another way to keep the conversation flowing is to talk about the weird trends in fashion. It would give a funny spin to the discussion.

29. Favorite celebrities

You can have a long conversation talking about the glamorous lives of celebrities. Ask her to name her favorite actor or actress and the reasons she likes them. Have a discussion about which character played by the actor/actress she enjoys the most and what she would do if she ever met them. You can also playfully tease her about her celebrity crush.

30. Weather

Talking about the weather might seem dull, but it is a useful conversation starter. You can introduce the topic by talking about the current weather and then gradually ask about her preferred weather or season. You may ask her memorable weather-related moments such as experiencing the first snow/rainbow, enjoying the first rainfall of the season with a cup of coffee, or chilling on the beach on a warm summer day.

31. Funny stories

Exchanging funny stories and experiences can keep a conversation flowing. Talk in detail about the funniest thing you have witnessed and ask about her experiences. You can also share the funny things you have inadvertently done that made you feel embarrassed. You can also keep her entertained with the jokes and stories you have heard from other people. It can show her that you have a good sense of humor.

32. Personality

Discussing each other’s inner beauty and personalities can help you understand the level of compatibility between the two of you. You can figure out her personality traits by directly asking questions such as, “How would your friends describe you?” and “How would you describe yourself in three words?”

Share details about your personality to make her comfortable. Asking her would-you-rather questions can also tell you a great deal about her personality. You can ask if she is an extrovert or introvert,” “practical or dreamer,” and “impulsive or cautious.”

33. Philosophy

Philosophy is a heavy conversation topic but can tell you the core values of the person. However, the topic is too deep to discuss with the person you have just met, so keep it for later when you get to know each other a little better. You can ask her if she has experienced a life-changing moment and how it impacted or ask her to name a thing she would like to change about herself if she gets a chance. Answer these questions yourself and keep the conversation going.

34. Dislikes

There are many things that a person finds annoying. It can be as small as foot-tapping or something big, such as being chronically late. Ask her directly about the things that irritate her and share your pet peeves as well. Remember to keep the tone of the conversation relaxed.

35. Hangout ideas

Talk to her about spots you both can hang out together

Image: Shutterstock

It will help you plan a special date with her. After talking to her for a while, ask her the idea of a perfect date and see her reaction. If she seems interested and excited, talk to her about the places in the city where she loves to hang out or wishes to visit. If she wants to check out the new club in town or the new coffee shop, you can pitch the idea of taking her there on a date.

36. Philosophical topics

Exploring philosophical topics or questions can be a great way to have interesting conversations with a girl. Philosophical topics are deep and allow you to engage in meaningful conversations. You may share your thoughts and beliefs about various nuances of life and existence and understand each other better. These conversations can stimulate your thoughts and help you learn new things. Plus, it is a chance to show your intelligent side and create a connection through meaningful conversations.

37. Gaming topics

If your girl loves playing games, have a conversation about games. You may talk about your favorite games, exciting challenges, gaming equipment, personal achievements, and popular game characters. Talking about common interests will keep the conversation fun and exciting and help you get closer.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What words impress a girl?

Women like men who are assertive and compliment them as it boosts their confidence and makes them feel more attractive. Some examples like’ you look terrific today,’ ‘you make me feel so special,’ and ‘you skills are impressive’ can impress a girl.

2. How do I keep a conversation going with a girl I like?

To avoid awkward silences, be attentive and actively listen to what a girl is saying. Doing so indicates that you are interested in her responses and trying to engage in a meaningful conversation. You can ask her to elaborate more on the topic or ask open-ended questions. Lastly, don’t overthink, keep it simple, and go with the flow.

3. How can I change from small talk to deeper conversations with a girl?

Make a smooth transition from small talks to deeper conversations by asking open-ended questions about her interests, passion, and experiences. Then, build on those topics to maintain the connection and share your own experiences. Listen to her inputs with patience and gradually steer the conversation towards more meaningful topics such as dreams, values, and personal growth.

4. What are some light-hearted topics to discuss with a girl?

Hobbies, movies, food preferences, books, pets, travel, and education are some lighthearted topics you can discuss with a girl when speaking to her for the first time. Such topics are fun yet allow you to get to know the other person on a deeper level while maintaining a relaxed and enjoyable vibe.

Words can do wonders that not even the priciest gifts can do. You can sweep your girl off her feet and touch her heart if you know the right things to talk about with a girl. Men may often get confused about what to talk about and the areas they should steer out of safely while talking to their girls. Use the topics given above as a guide, but let the conversation flow naturally—the goal is to connect on a personal level. Be attentive, show interest, and make her feel valued, and you will create a memorable experience. And now that you know what you should talk about with a girl, here are a few tips on how to keep a conversation going with a girl.

Infographic: How To Impress Her During The Conversation?

These topics can stir up an interesting conversation with your crush. But to keep her interested, you must say and do things that will make her want a second date. So here are a few tips on basic yet effective gestures that could show your gentlemanly side and how considerate you are.

tips to impress a girl while talking (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Unlock the secrets to captivating conversations with these 7 top topics to talk about with a girl and make a great impression! Discover how to keep conversations interesting and fun.

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Christina KyranisCertified Relationship Coach
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