150 Funny True Or False Questions For Kids, With Answers

True or false questions for kids can help make interesting trivia or quizzes that encourage them to think and learn new things. They are a great way to take a break from their traditional method of studying and have a fun learning experience. You can compile several true and false questions on different subjects to fend off boredom and introduce them to an objective way of learning.

Read this post for a collection of true and false questions on different topics. You could then choose a mix of easy and tough questions and turn it into a fun challenge or quiz for your children to test their intelligence.

In This Article

150 True Or False Questions For Kids

Here are a few True or False questions and their correct answers. You can use these questions to construct an educational activity for your child. Alternatively, you can use them as a basis to create fun trivia questions for kids based on your child’s age and interest.

1. The Atlantic Ocean is the largest ocean on the planet.


Right answer: Pacific Ocean

2. Conductors have low resistance.


3. Sharks are mammals.


Right answer: They are fish

4. Tonle Sap is located in Vietnam.


Right answer: Cambodia

5. The Yamuna is the main tributary of the River Ganges in India.


6. The human body comprises four lungs.


Right answer: Two

7. The study of stars is called astronomy.


8. Carnivores are animal eaters.


9. Human skeleton consists of 205 bones.


Right answer: 206

10. Molecules are smaller than electrons.


Right answer: Molecules contain electrons and other particles, so they are large.

11. Mount K2 is the second largest mountain peak in the world.


12. Venice is an Italian city known for its canals.


protip_icon Quick tip
It is okay if a few questions are from a higher class. Through this questionnaire the child will remember an important fact.

13. Mars is the closest planet to the Sun.


Right answer: Mercury

14. Protons have a positive charge, whereas electrons have a negative.


15. Saturn is the largest planet in the solar system.

True or false questions about largest planet

Image: IStock


Right answer: Jupiter

16. There are seven continents in the world.


17. You cannot cry in space.


18. River Nile flows through the rainforest in Brazil.


Right answer: Amazon river

19. No word in English rhymes with orange.


20. A range of mountains is called a range.


21. Shinbone is the largest bone in the human body.


Right answer: Femur (thighbone)

22. Cockpit of Europe is the nickname given to France.


Right answer: Belgium, because it has won more European battles than any other country.

23. Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, was afraid of the dark.


24. Sudan and Egypt are known for pyramids.


25. ‘A’ is the most common alphabet in English.


Right answer: ‘E’

26. Canada is the second-largest country in the world.


27. An element is a pure substance that contains only one type of atom.


28. China is the largest country in Asia.


29. Henry VIII had four wives.


Right answer: Six

30. Mount Everest is present in the Himalayas.


31. Some animals can get a sunburn.


32. Vatican City is the smallest city in the world.


33. Elephants use their nose to find mates and identify family members.


34. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system.


35. Crocodiles have sweat glands.


36. Scapula is also called a shoulder bone.


37. D and C in Washington D.C. stand for District of Columbia.


38. The Mediterranean Sea separates Europe and Asia.


Right answer: It separates Europe, Africa, and Asia.

39. Anemometer is used for measuring the speed of the wind.


40. 5 o’clock in the evening is written as 5 am.


Right answer: 5 pm.

41. Grand Central Terminal is the biggest railway station in the world.


42. Geo-stationery satellites rotate from East to West.


Right answer: West to East

43. Kneecap is also known as patella.


44. “Death of Desert” is located in Pakistan.


Right answer: Afghanistan

45. Elephants are the biggest mammals in the world.

True or false questions about the biggest mammals in the world

Image: IStock


Right answer: Antarctic Blue Whale

46. Seeds of cotton get dispersed by water.


Right answer: Wind

47. The Nile is the longest river in Africa.


48. The Palk Strait separates the North and South islands of New Zealand.


Right answer: Cook Strait

49. The egg of a hummingbird is the smallest egg in the world.


50. The smallest unit of matter is called a molecule.


Right answer: An atom

51. The Equator is the latitude that runs through the center of our planet Earth.


52. Mass and weight are not the same.


53. Sydney is the capital of Australia.


Right answer: Canberra

54. Hawaii receives the highest annual average rainfall in the world.


55. Collar bone in the human body is also called Clavicle.


56. Amount of matter during a chemical reaction changes.


Right answer: It remains the same

57. Geomorphology is the study of landforms.


58. Mango has just one seed.


59. 31st January is when the Sun is closest to the Earth.


Right answer: 2nd January

60. Victoria Falls is the largest in the world.


61. An object at rest does have inertia.


62. River Seine passes through London.


Right answer: River Thames

63. Cacti requires a lot of water.


64. The Caspian Sea is the largest lake in the world.


65. The rate of chemical reaction does not depend on temperature.


66. Delaware is the American state with the least number of counties.


67. The Sahara Desert is the biggest desert in the world.


protip_icon Quick tip
Give enough time for your child to answer. Also, give them some hints in case they know the answer but need help to remember it. This way the task will become interesting and not too challenging for them.

68. Peanuts are legumes.


69. Evergreen trees are common in hilly areas.


Right Answer: Hot and humid areas

70. Holland is also called the Netherlands.


71. Africa is also called the Dark Continent.


72. The North Pole is colder than the South Pole.


73. Water vapor is a colorless gas.


74. Pattern of stars in the sky is called a constellation.


75. Cricket is the national game of India.


Right answer: Hockey

76. Acrophobia is the fear of water.

Man suffering from acrophobia

Image: Shutterstock


Right answer: It is a fear of heights.

77. Philately is the collection of stamps.


78. Zimbabwe is also known as Rhodesia.


79. French is the official language of Brazil.


Right answer: Portuguese

80. Australia is the Land of Rising Sun.


Right answer: Japan

81. Iranian Rial is the weakest currency in the world.


82. Penguin is not a bird.


83. The hardest natural mineral is diamond.


84. There are seven players in basketball.


Right answer: Five players from each team

85. Dogs have 42 teeth.


86. ThalamusiThe oval-shaped structure located near the middle of the brain, which processes information sent by four of the five sensory organs. is not the largest part of the brain.


87. Zeus was not the king of Gods.


88. Father of medicine is Hippocrates.


89. A group of monkeys is called a herd.


Right answer: Troop

90. The largest artery in the human body is the aortaiThe artery that transfers oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body. .


91. Ampere is the unit of electric current.


92. The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird in the world.


93. Omnivores feed only on plants.


Right answer: They feed on plants and animals

94. The Moon of Saturn is the second-largest moon in the solar system.


95. Tasmania is in Australia.


96. Baby mammals feed on the milk of their mothers.


97. The biggest port in the world is the Port of Shanghai.


98. France is known as the “Eternal City.”


Right answer: Rome

99. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world.


100. Zebrafish can suffer from the problem of insomnia.


101. Ears are essential for imparting balance to the human body.


102. Intestine is the largest organ of the human body.


Right answer: Skin

103. COVID-19 does not affect kids.


104. Nails are made of keratiniA type of protein that helps develop hair, nails, and the outer layer of skin. .


105. Abraham Lincoln does not have any middle name.


106. Nemo is a kind of pufferfish.

Clown fish Nemo

Image: IStock


Right answer: Clown Fish

107.Camels can store water in their humps.


108. In Japan, there are square watermelons.


109. China has two time zones.


Right answer: One

110. Elephants take nine months to gestateiThe period of carrying a fetus in the womb. babies.


Right answer: 22 months

111. The USA shares borders with three countries.


Right answer: Two, Canada and Mexico

112. Molecules are bonded chemically.


113. Saturn is known for the “Great Red Spot.”


Right answer: Jupiter

114. The United Kingdom comprises three countries.


Right answer: Four: England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and Scotland

115. The Amazon river has native dolphins.


116. The lemon fruit has just one seed.


117. Intensity of earthquakes is measured by using the Richter scale.

Aftermath of an earthquake

Image: IStock


118. Bats are blind.


119. Japan has left hand sided traffic.


120. Sunlight is not important for germination.


121. Horses can sleep while standing.


122. Female reindeers do not have antlers.


123. Duckweed is a kind of aquatic plant.


124. The USA and China share the longest border in the world.


Right answer: USA and Canada

125. Andes is the longest continental mountain range in the world.


126. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.


127. Crocodiles shed tears when they eat food.


128. Europe is the most populous continent in the world.


Right answer: Asia

129. Turkey is situated on two continents.


130. Mammals do not give birth to babies.


131. Russia has 11 time zones.


132. Tigers do not know how to swim.


133. Mushrooms don’t grow from spores.


134. Step farming is practiced in hilly areas.


135. Botany is the scientific study of plants.


136. Mount Logan is the tallest mountain in Canada.


137. Nassau is the capital city of Bahrain.


Right answer: Manama

138. Mangrove trees can be found in marshy areas.


139. Elephants are blessed with a forever memory.


140. There are no penguins in Africa.


141. The size of the eye of an ostrich is bigger than the brain.


142. ChlorophylliThe pigment in plants that converts sunlight into energy or food. is the cause of green color in plants.


143. Climbing plants are known as vines.


144. Humans came to the Earth before plants.


145. Potatoes are roots.


Right answer: It is a stem.

146. Peepal trees have a long life.


147. Tibet is also known as the roof of the world.


148. Moon is the main source of energy on Earth.


Right answer: Sun

149. There are one hundred years in a century.


150. A dozen is made of 12 units.


Illustration: Funny True Or False Questions For Kids With Answers

True Or False Questions For Kids_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do true or false questions help children learn?

Asking true or false questions on various topics is one of the simplest and fun ways to help children learn about different subjects. Since these are not trick questions and are generally short, they require the children to answer in either ‘true’ or ‘false,’ which keeps them interested and helps them improve their memory and critical-thinking skills. You can use True and False questions to help children aged 4 and 5 years understand English words better.

According to Teri Courchene, a teacher and a blogger, ”One of the new games I have developed for the students is a True or False Sentence Game. It is both a reading and writing game and builds on the idea that children want to play games with reading and writing before they become fluent readers. Since there is considerable repetition, the children learn to recognize the words we are working with even though the children are (usually) at the early phonetic stage (sounding out individual letters in words). We make a small pouch for the word labels and the children are excited to take the games home and play with their parents. After I ask the child lots of questions about true and false and move lots of words around, I mix up all the words and ask the child to make some sentences. The joy the children get from this game is contagious (i).”

2. What is the purpose of true or false questions for children?

Inquiry-based questions like true or false are a great way to assess children’s knowledge and understanding of a particular subject, topic, theory, or lesson. These questions can assist children in completing their homework and preparing for exams. Also, true or false questions for children can serve as a good icebreaker activity when introducing a new plan or lesson. Additionally, it also provides valuable inferences for teachers and parents to identify specific areas and concepts where children may require further guidance and support.

3. Which topics are appropriate for true or false questions?

You can choose any topic, including geography, literature, history, science, technology, and current affairs, for true or false questions for children. You can also ask true or false questions about their favorite cartoon, anime, series, movies, and comics to make it more fun and interesting.

4. What age range are true or false questions best suited for?

There is no particular age range for involving children in true or false questions. These questions can be incorporated into a child’s play and learning from an early age; however, as they age, the difficulty level and topic variations can be gradually increased according to their age.

5. What are the potential pitfalls of using true or false questions with children?

True or false questions surely provide children with interesting information about a specific topic, but it does not give detailed information. Sometimes, children can memorize certain things and answer correctly without understanding the concept. It is also a guessing activity, so sometimes, children can answer correctly or may get answers wrong based on a presumption or misunderstanding.

6. How do I use true or false questions effectively?

Compile them by different subjects and difficulties. When you want to rid the children of their boredom, ask them easier questions or choose topics they like, but if you want them to revise their lessons or sharpen their memory, ask them tougher questions.

These true or false questions for kids are an exciting way to bring back your child’s interest in studies. You can write these questions down on different pieces of paper, have a quiz show, and make the learning process interesting for your little one. They are sure to enjoy the game and also learn about various things in the process. Coming up with such engaging educational activities will also help keep your child occupied and gain knowledge about new things.

Personal Experience: Source

Infographic: True Or False Questions For Kids

Whether you want to teach a specific subject or hone your children’s general knowledge, asking true or false questions is a simple and compelling way to help them learn. Explore this infographic for true or false questions to ask your child(ren) during their study time or while traveling.

true or false questions for kids (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • True or false questions are fun and interactive ways to teach children new information and facts without overwhelming them.
  • These questions require quick thinking. Hence, they can improve the children’s memory and help them think more logically.
  • Create true or false questions across various subjects and add questions about their favorite shows or hobbies to keep them engaged.
  • Questions can be adjusted to suit different age groups. Simpler questions can be prepared for younger children, while older kids can answer questions related to complex topics.
  • Balance out the true or false questions with deeper explanations to ensure children understand the answers’ actual concepts.

Test your knowledge with this fun true or false game for kids! See if you can answer all the questions correctly and become a quiz master!

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Theresa Bertuzzi
Theresa BertuzziEarly childhood educator
Theresa Bertuzzi is the chief program development officer and co-founder of Tiny Hoppers, an early learning center and daycare provider located all across Canada. Theresa is a certified and experienced primary school teacher; she did her graduation in Child Studies from Carleton University, bachelors in Education from University of Ottawa and another bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Algonquin College.

Read full bio of Theresa Bertuzzi
Harshita Makvana
Harshita MakvanaB.Com, PG Dip
Harshita is a graduate in commerce and holds a PG Diploma in Patent and Copyrights Law from NALSAR University. She has also pursued CA and has more than three years of internship experience in auditing. Her love for travelling has taken her to various parts of the world, and writing the travelogues was what brought out her love for content writing.

Read full bio of Harshita Makvana
Deepa Thomas
Deepa ThomasMA (English)
Deepa Rachel Thomas holds a master’s degree in English from the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad. She has done a certification course in Child Development and worked as a mentor for young children at an NGO that focuses on helping children develop their language and soft skills.

Read full bio of Deepa Thomas