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It is important that you know the ways to respect your parents. Understanding how to respect your parents is essential not only for maintaining family bonding but also for one’s growth and development. Since childhood, they have fulfilled every desire of yours and always guided you in the right direction. But as you grew up and became independent, you formed ideas of your own, which is when the disagreements may have started. You may have thought that you knew more than them. And the only thing that remained constant throughout this relationship is your parents’ unconditional love for you. It is the purest form of love that anyone can have, and nothing can corrupt it. No matter what you do, where you go, your parents continue to love you the same way. And the only thing that they want in return is your love, care, and respect. So is it that hard to give them what they deserve? No. Read on as we tell you a list of things you can do to show them your respect.
Key Pointers
- Small acts like spending time with them or appreciating their efforts express love to parents.
- Be honest in your communications. If the fault is on your side, do not hesitate to apologize.
- Make them feel special by prioritizing them over your friends or by introducing your special person to them.
- Just as they cared for you, you can shower your care through the tips mentioned.
Why Is It Important To Respect Your Parents?
Respecting your parents is fundamental to creating a positive family environment, which plays a significant role in your personal development and relationships. Here are some reasons that highlight the importance of respecting your parents:
1. Abundant experience: With age comes a wealth of knowledge and experiences. Your parents’ insights and wisdom are invaluable, offering a rich source of learning and understanding.
2. Unwavering support: Parents are strong pillars of support, and they will stand by you through good and challenging times.
3. Deep understanding: No one understands you like your parents. They know your strengths, weaknesses, and qualities better than anyone.
4. Lifelong cheerleaders: From cherishing your early creations to proudly talking about your achievements, parents are your biggest cheerleaders throughout your life.
5. Positive example: Showing love and respect for your parents sets a positive example for other family members. This, in turn, encourages a harmonious and cooperative family atmosphere built on kindness and understanding.
6. Personal growth: Respecting your parents is a catalyst for personal growth. It cultivates essential qualities such as empathy, compassion, and selflessness, contributing significantly to your overall personal development.
45 Simple Ways To Show Respect For Your Parents
A parent-child relationship is perhaps the purest of all. It is also one that goes through several transformations, good and bad. These tips help you enhance the positive vibes in your relationship with your parents.
- Give them your time: “The greatest gift you can give someone is your time.” No matter how hectic or caught up you are with your life, try to make some time for your parents. Parents often feel lonely and left out once kids go away to college. If you’re living away from them, call them and visit them regularly. For all you know, your one call could be the highlight of their day.
- Express your gratitude: Remember that one time when you were bedridden with high fever? Your parents did not leave your bedside, spending sleepless days and nights to nourish you back to health. Yes, it is their responsibility as parents, and they took that responsibility seriously. Be grateful for that, for their selflessness. Every chance you get, remember to thank them and let them know you love them. Tell them how much you admire them for working so hard to give you a beautiful life.
- Appreciate them: Your parents relentlessly worked to make your life comfortable and secure, financially and otherwise. A little thank you for all the things they did, the small pleasures they gave up so you could have yours, might go a long way.
- Step in their shoes: Whenever your parents say something that contradicts your opinion, try not to simply argue with or demean them. Accept the generation gap between you and them, and try to understand where they come from. You may be correct, but try to recognize that they have reason for their perspectives. If possible, take time to explain your point patiently.
- Try not to raise your voice at them: There will be times when you disagree with your parents. It is okay to try to help them understand your point of view. However, raising your voice is never a great idea, as it will leave your parents feeling hurt or offended and will detract from your argument. No matter how friendly your parents are with you, never raise your voice at them.
- Always apologize: Misunderstandings and arguments between a parent and child are common, and sometimes we say the wrong thing in the heat of the moment. If you think you have spoken harshly or raised your voice, don’t hesitate to apologize. Acknowledge your mistake and ask them to forgive you.You may not be wrong, but if you think your behavior hurt your parents, say you’re sorry that your actions hurt them. Apologies can be tremendously healing.
- Be open with them: Honest communication is the base of any relationship. As children, we tend to share every detail of our lives with our parents, but as we grow up, we filter out certain things from them. Try to communicate your feelings openly with them and let them in on the most important aspects of your life. Let them know you want them to be a part of your life.

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- Say please: Your parents show unconditional love towards you and don’t think twice to move mountains for your happiness. Though you might have grown accustomed to their generosity, it’s not ok to take their relentless care for granted. When you are asking for favors or need their assistance, be polite. Use the words “please” and “thank you” generously.
- Don’t blame them: Blaming your parents just because your life is not as you imagined is not fair. Be considerate and know that your parents did and are doing the best they can for you. They love you and are willing to make sacrifices for you. Furthermore, we all have to compromise at times and come to terms with not getting that new toy, bike, or car. Finally, at a certain point in our development, we must stop blaming our parents and take responsibility for our own mistakes.
- Do not break their trust: One way of showing your parents you respect them is to avoid doing things that can break their trust in you. If they trust you enough to give you the needed freedom and privacy, make sure not to misuse it.
- Talk to them before making a decision: You might be grown up and capable of making your own choices. But be humble and talk to your parents before making big decisions. Remember that they have lived longer and therefore probably have some valuable wisdom that could help you make good choices in life. And when you ask for their opinions, they feel valued and respected.
- Lend a hand in household chores: If you are living with your parents, help them with household chores. Be responsible and do your part or even more. If you are not living together, check on them and help them out by offering to buy groceries, pay bills, etc.
- Celebrate with them: Make it a point to celebrate festivals and important days with them. Including them in your happiness will make them feel valued and loved.
- Don’t tease or demean: This is a big No-No. Not only are they your elders, but they are sensitive to your opinions of them. Of course they make mistakes – we all do – but that’s no reason to embarrass them. Point out any errors politely and correct them without being judgmental.
- Be patient: Your parents may not know much about the latest technology or pop culture because of the generation gap. So when your parents ask you to teach them how to operate a new phone or smart TV or use social media to get in touch with their old friends, be patient. They might ask you the same question a hundred times, and you may be busy at work. But be kind and give them time to catch up – you owe it to them.
- Take their calls: No matter how busy you might be with your family and friends, try to take your parents’ calls. If you are really busy, answer the phone and let them know you will call back. Keep your promise by calling them as soon as you can. For all you know, it could be an emergency, and they may need your help or support.

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- Follow their house rules: Your parents have their own rules for the household, and you should respect them. Remember that your parents are in charge of you until you are an adult, and you are obliged to go by their rules. Adhering to their rules or instructions is also about respecting their authority.
- Prioritize them over your friends: Remember how they have put your well being above their own happiness? They probably canceled their date night or an outing with their friends many a time, because you wanted them home with you. So, the least you can do is put them above your friends sometimes. We agree that having friends is essential, but giving your parents some time is equally important.
- Be honest with them: We all are guilty of telling white lies to our parents to keep them from getting disappointed. But when they find out about it, they will be devastated to know that you do not trust them enough to tell the truth. Sometimes, it is okay to omit a few details so that they do not worry. But lying to them is not a good idea.
- Introduce your special person to them: Who you choose to spend the rest of your life with might be your choice. But by introducing them to your parents sooner than later makes your parents feel involved and valued. They may or may not think you’ve made the right choice, but knowing that you’re happy with your special someone could give them immense peace.
- Don’t hold grudges: No matter how bitter things get between you, or how intensely you have argued, never cut your parents out of your life. If saying ‘sorry’ once can save the relationship, then do it, regardless of whose fault it is.
- Bring home presents: Your dad might be super rich, but he will treasure the second-hand watch you bought him with your first paycheck. Parents don’t necessarily expect anything from you, but when you give them gifts, they feel happy and important. Even if you cannot buy them anything, heartfelt gestures, such as making them handmade thank you cards or writing poems about parents will truly make them happy.
- Never feel embarrassed by them: Your parents may not be the richest, smartest, or most successful people in the world. But they are your parents nevertheless, and you are who you are because of them. You don’t have to reward them for it, but appreciate all that they did for you with whatever they had. Above all, never be embarrassed by them, no matter what your friends or society thinks of them.
- Take care of them when they are old: Toddlers and senior citizens are alike in many ways. You may not need your parents when you grow old. But they will need you as they age, perhaps more than ever. They took care of you when you were a baby and a child. When they get old and need help, it is your turn to be compassionate and look after them with love and care.
- Be proud of them: Do you know what makes your parents happy? Knowing that you are proud of them and love them just as they are. They may not be wealthy or powerful, but if they have fulfilled all your needs and raised you to be a good citizen, value and respect that effort by telling them you’re proud to be their kid.
- Carry their virtues: The ultimate form of respect towards your parents is practicing the values and morals they taught you. This not only makes them proud but also happy that they have done their job right.
- Take up opportunities to help them out: You can never repay your parents for all they have done for you, so when you do have the chance to give them a hand, be there for them. Even if it is something as simple as driving them to the store, offer to help if they need it. Be selfless and strive for their comfort and happiness.

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- Take them out: Be it mother’s day or your parent’s birthday, plan an outing, and take them to their favorite place. You can also surprise them by booking tickets for a family vacation.
- Have your kids spend time with them: Your kids can learn a lot from your parents: traditions, morals, values, and plenty of good habits. So let your children spend as much time as possible with their grandparents. This will make them feel special and remembered.
- Do not take advantage of their babysitting services: This might seem to contradict our previous point, but there’s an important distinction. Encouraging a bond between your children and parents is one thing, expecting your parents to raise your kids is another.
- Try not to complain: Never complain about what your parents have to offer. For all you know, they might be giving you more than they can afford. So, always show gratitude for whatever you have and avoid grumbling when they don’t give you something.
- Give them your attention: It is essential to spend time with your parents, but what is more important is giving them your attention. When you are with them, avoid checking your phone, texting your friends. Instead, use that time to talk with them and listen to them. You can also take ideas from questions to ask your parents to have a meaningful conversation.
- Do not get them worried: Parents worry about their kids incessantly, so try not to give them any unnecessary reason to worry more. Keep them informed about your whereabouts, take care of your health, and use common sense. Whenever possible, assure them that you are absolutely fine and happy.
- Do not compare: Never compare your parents to your friend’s parents or anyone else. Comparison can be hurtful, especially considering that they are doing everything they can to keep you happy. Think about it. Would you like it if they compared you to other kids?
- Talk to them about your problems: As a kid, you trusted your parents enough to take care of the monsters in the closet. But when you are old enough, you might want to deal with all the monsters on your own. While it is okay to be independent and deal with your problems on your own, there is no harm in talking about them with your parents. Make sure, however, to tell them about the solutions you have in mind so they don’t worry too much.
Finally, keep an open mind about the solutions they suggest to you..
- Do not take them for granted: Your parents are always there for you, to share your happiness and sorrows. They feel sad when you cry and happy when you smile. Their world revolves around you. Taking them for granted is disrespecting them and disregarding all they do for you. Remember that they are going to be with you only for a while. Cherish and value their presence while they are still around. Praise them for all that they have done for you.

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- Strive to be a better human: The ultimate way to show respect to your parents is by becoming a person they can be proud of. You may or may not be as successful or rich as others. But always strive to become a better person, living by the values they’ve taught you, to make them happy and proud of who you are.
- Value their opinions: Your parents might have certain beliefs that differ from yours. You can voice your opinion, but do not judge them based on the ideals they grew up with or force them to think your way.
- Follow their advice whenever possible: Your parents give advice keeping your well being in mind. If it is something of value, follow it and thank them for it.
- Try not to hurt them: Do your best never to talk back or say hurtful things to your parents. You cannot take back spoken words, and words can leave wounds that require extensive time to heal.
- Share your achievements with them: Be it your promotion at work, or you becoming a parent, keep your parents involved and informed. They will probably be the happiest people to know you’re successful and happy.
- Try not to dig into the past: When you and your parents are arguing, refrain from bringing up the past issues, as it will only increase the gap between you. Talk about things you can rectify now and find ways to be in each others’ lives amicably.
- Show physical signs of affection: Hugging and kissing show how much you love your parents. Even between grown ups, hugs provide comfort and display affection.. Ifyou are not the touchy-feely types or are not used to physical displays of affection with your parents, try and show your love through other actions.
- Mind your body language: Many times, you might get into trouble not because of what you said or did, but because of how you said or did it. Watch out for your body language and tone as it might indicate disrespect. When talking to your parents, use a low and calm voice, maintain eye contact, and nod to show that you are listening.
- Love them unconditionally: Last, but not least, is unconditional love. There is no doubt that your parents love you unconditionally. You can probably never give back all that they have done for you, but you can accept them as they are and love them without judgment. That alone suggests how much you respect them.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why do we respect our parents?
Respecting your parents should not be a duty but an innate feeling. We should respect our parents because they love us unconditionally, they care for us, and put us first before their needs, they fulfill our needs, and provide us with everything we need.
2. What does the Bible say about respecting our parents?
Many verses of the Bible speak about a child’s behavior and responsibility towards their parents. For example, Exodus 20:12 says, “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”
3. What does it mean to disrespect my parents?
Disrespecting one’s parents means showing a lack of regard, honor, or courtesy toward them. It involves behaviors, attitudes, or words that undermine or disregard the authority, feelings, or wishes of one’s parents.
4. Can I lose respect for my parents?
You can experience moments where the respect for your parents diminishes or is lost altogether. A few possible reasons behind this experience can be a betrayal of trust, abusive behavior and neglect, lack of support, unfair treatment, and ongoing conflicts due to varying differences and beliefs.
5. What does God say about disrespecting my parents?
There are verses in the Bible that talk about disrespect for parents. According to Matthew 15:4-6 NIV, God says, ‘Honor your father and mother’ and ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’ But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is ‘devoted to God,’ they are not to ‘honor their father or mother’ with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition.
6. What are some cultural or traditional ways to show respect to parents?
Culturally and traditionally respecting parents can vary across societies and communities. For instance, filial piety is highly valued in countries like China, Korea, and Japan. It involves honoring and respecting parents by obeying their wishes, providing care and support in their old age, and maintaining strong family ties. Also, many cultures have specific rituals or celebrations that honor and show respect to parents. Lastly, respect for parents can be offered by upholding and carrying forward family traditions, values, and cultural practices.
7. How can I balance respecting my parents with being independent and making my own decisions?
Maintaining a balance between independence and respect is an ongoing process that requires patience, compromise, and understanding from both sides. By having open communication, seeking common ground, and demonstrating maturity, you can balance respecting your parents while asserting your independence.
8. How can I apologize to my parents and show respect when I have made a mistake?
Approach your parents with genuine remorse. Be honest about your mistake and avoid making excuses or shift the blame. Express your regret sincerely through a handwritten note or by giving them a sorry card. Also, propose ways to make amends or rectify the situation. Lastly, express your willingness to learn from your mistakes and make positive changes in your behavior.
9. How can I cultivate a deeper emotional connection with my parents?
Cultivating a deeper emotional connection with your parents starts with active listening and empathy. Take time to understand their perspectives and life experiences; ask them about their memories, challenges, and dreams. Make space for open, honest conversations where everyone feels heard without judgment. Share more about your life—your fears, hopes, and mistakes—allowing them to see the real you. Small gestures, including helping with chores or showing appreciation, can build a sense of closeness. Respect their boundaries and personal values, and be patient, as strengthening emotional bonds takes time and consistent effort.
It is essential to know the right ways to respect your parents. They are the ones who brought you into this beautiful world. The one thing you could do is give them all the love and respect they rightfully deserve. After all, they are the only ones who love us unconditionally, tolerate our tantrums, bear our mood swings, and even love us when we deserve it the least. It could sometimes be difficult for them to handle, but that is when they need us the most. Therefore, you must be there for them and do what you must do to show that you care about them the most.
Infographic: Why Displaying Love And Respect To Parents Is Important?
Loving your parents is important, and so is expressing your love and respect for them. Expressing emotions strengthens your bond with your parents. Besides, it helps make your parents feel respected, valued, and cherished. Check out our infographic to find more reasons to demonstrate your love and respect for your parents.

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Illustration: Essential Ways To Respect Your Parents

Image: Dall·E/MomJunction Design Team

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