Baby Cries After Feeding: What’s Normal And When To Seek Help

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Hunger is among the main reasons babies cry. However, it may be confusing for parents when a baby cries after feeding. In such a situation, mothers may develop doubts about whether the milk is insufficient, the formula is suitable, or the baby is unwell.

These questions can lead to worry and fear in new mothers. Understanding why a baby cries can help alleviate parental anxiety and provide effective solutions. It is crucial for parents to monitor their baby’s health and observe behavioral patterns that could indicate discomfort or distress. To answer these questions, read this post, where we discuss the reasons a baby might cry even after feeding them, what to do in such a situation, when to consult a doctor, and tips to prevent this from happening.

In This Article

Key Pointers

  • Gas, colic, and teething are the common non-pathological causes of baby crying after feeding.
  • A baby may also cry after feeding for pathological reasons, such as fever, allergies, or earache.
  • Changing the formula, helping the baby burp, or doing some exercises might help in some cases.
  • Consult a doctor if your baby is crying continuously and showing worrisome signs.

Why Does A Baby Cry After Feeding?

If your baby cries after feeding, it may not always indicate underlying pathologyiThe study of the causes and effects of a disease or an injury by examining tissues, organs, or fluids . Read on to know more about the non-pathological and pathological causes that may make a baby cry after feeding: The following are the most likely reasons.

1. Non-pathological causes

  • Colic: The condition is defined as ‘three hours of crying for at least three days a week in an infant under three months of age (1). The exact cause of colic in babies is unknown. Colic can be due to any of the several underlying reasons, including gas. Colicky babies may start crying abruptly after a feed. Babies with colic usually cry during a particular time in the day and cry at the same time every day.
Colic can cause babies cry after feed
Image: iStock
  • Gas: Excessive gas in the stomach can cause stomach discomfort leading to crying after each feed. Acid refluxiA digestive disorder in which stomach acid or bile enters the food pipe, usually after eating : Acid reflux in babies is a common occurrence during infancy, and the condition can happen in one among five infants (2). Reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincteriA group of muscles at the lower end of the esophagus that helps food travel from the mouth to the stomach (LES) does not close properly, thus allowing a few stomach contents and acid to move up to the mouth. Acid reflux does not always need medical intervention. Most times, the baby throws up after crying and then calms down. If the reflux is persistent, then it could indicate gastroesophageal reflux diseaseiA digestive disease in which the stomach contents move up into the esophagus, causing discomfort or GERD. One of the symptoms of GERD is crying during and after feed due to the irritation caused by the regurgitated stomach acid (3).
  • Teething: Teething infants may constantly have sore gums, which can hurt during a feed (4). It might make them irritable and also make them cry during and after feeding.
protip_icon Quick fact
Some babies cry due to a bloated stomachiA condition when your stomach feels full due to the trapped air or gas from overfeeding. However, this discomfort usually lasts for a short time, and the baby stops crying as soon as the bloating subsides (14).

2. Pathological causes

  • Fever: Some babies lose their appetite and cry a lot when they have a fever. A fever might indicate an underlying infection. Keep a check on the baby’s body temperature using a thermometer. Take the baby to the doctor if you observe a temperature above 39°C (102.2°F) or a baby under three months old has a temperature above 38°C (100.4°F). Babies might cry after feeding due to fever (5).
Baby cries after feeding due to fever
Image: Shutterstock
  • Ear pain: Pain in the ear can make the baby very fussy and irritable. They might cry if they have pain in their ears (6).
  • Infections: Sometimes, underlying infections may cause discomfort, leading to excessive crying. Parents should be vigilant for additional signs like fever or irritability, which may warrant medical attention.
  • Intussusception: Intussusception is a condition in which part of the intestine folds into the section next to it. Babies with intussusception might cry a lot. They usually fold their knees up to their chests during the episode of pain and cry. The pediatrician will do a physical evaluation and might also advise ultrasound or CT scan to achieve a diagnosis (7).
  • Nose block: If the baby’s nose is stuffed, it may interfere with feeding. The baby might feel restless and cry (8).
  • Allergies and intolerance: A baby could be allergic to milk or have lactose intolerance. Allergies can cause symptoms like the development of rashes, vomiting, and upset tummy. It can cause abdominal cramps and also make the baby feel gassy and irritable (9). Infants may also be allergic to breast milk in the case of galactosemia, which is an inability to digest a form of milk sugar called galactose that is also found in breast milk (10).

Knowing how to handle the situation can be helpful if the baby tends to cry too often after every feed.

What To Do When The Baby Cries After A Feed?

If your baby begins to cry after a feed, then you can try the following remedies.

  1. Let the baby burp between and after feeding. Hold the infant in your arms with their head resting on your shoulder. Gently tap between their shoulder blades, which is right at the center of the upper back, until you hear a burp. Place a towel on your shoulder since infants normally regurgitateiTo bring back consumed food back into the mouth or spit-up a small quantity of stomach contents along with a burp. Place a towel on your shoulder since infants normally regurgitatei or spit-up a small
Let the baby burp between and after feeds
Image: iStock
  1. Give a break in feeding, especially in the case of infants that have acid reflux. Stop the feed for a few minutes before resuming. It can give the baby’s stomach contents some time to settle and prevent the baby from regurgitating the acid.
  2. Change formula if you suspect formula feeding is the culprit. Observe the baby after each feed to know if it is suiting them. Always try more than one formula for your baby and get the one that works the best.
  3. If your baby is teething, then give them a teething toy or an orthodontically shaped pacifier before feeding to ease the gum irritation. Use only toys that are exclusively meant for teething and not just a random object for the baby gnaw at.
  4. Tummy time and basic exercises are an excellent way to improve the muscular dexterityiThe muscular strength to move or lift objects with maximal effort of the infant while also providing enough tummy pressure to allow any gas to pass through. You can also perform basic exercises like make the baby lie on their back and move their legs in a cycling motion.
Moving baby's legs in a cycling motion helps pass gas
Image: iStock

Another activity is to bend their legs such that their knees touch their abdomen. These exercises have been proven to relieve the baby of gas, which can be one of the factors making them fussy and cry after a feed.

These remedies should help you prevent the baby from crying after a feed. However, it is best to see a doctor in some situations.

When To See A Doctor

Babies communicate primarily through crying, and understanding different crying patterns can help parents address their needs effectively. A high-pitched cry may indicate pain, while a rhythmic cry might suggest hunger. Observing these patterns can aid in timely responses to a baby’s discomfort. If the baby cries after feeding and displays the following symptoms too, get them checked by a pediatrician.

  • Fever
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Poor height and weight gain
  • Swelling of face and throat muscles
  • Blood in stools
  • Extreme lethargy and drowsiness
protip_icon Be watchful
Take your baby to a pediatrician if they have been crying uncontrollably for more than two hours even after feeding or if you have noticed soft, swollen bulging spots on your baby (14).

These could be the signs of some underlying health problem. Your baby’s doctor can diagnose these by assessing the symptoms and also through diagnostic testing of blood and stool.

Is There A Treatment For A Baby’s Crying After A Feed?

Yes. The treatment depends on what is causing the baby to cry after having a feed. The following are the three common means of curing the problem.

  1. Change in diet: Conditions like allergy and intolerance last forever. Your doctor will tell you ways to manage the condition through the use of alternative foods like soy formula and hydrolyzed milk formulaiA type of milk in which the protein is partially or completely broken down into small pieces (11). The baby has to avoid milk and other dairy products too once they are old. Switching to another brand of formula is also a method.
  2. Change in feeding style: The baby may cry after a feed due to excessive ingestion of gas caused by a poor latch to the breast or bottle nipple.

Dr. Emily Spaeth

, neonatal physical therapist and lactation consultant from Portland, Oregon, says, “If the latch is not deep enough, or if the muscles in the mouth and face are not strong enough, it can lead to the baby taking in the air during a feed. This, in turn, generates gas bubbles which stretch the immature digestive system and can lead to discomfort.

A doctor or lactation expert can help you determine it and suggest the best way to feed your baby.

  1. Medication: Some conditions like gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) may require the infant to have medications. Medicines and the course of treatment will entirely depend on the severity of the problem.

Infants seldom need any treatment when they cry after a feed. Some home prevention methods are probably all that you need.

How To Prevent Babies From Crying After Feeding?

If the cause of the baby’s crying is an underlying health problem, then treatment will aim at treating that and preventing it in the future. But in most cases, the following steps will help prevent the baby from crying after feeding.

  1. Choose to breastfeed: Breastfeeding your baby instead of giving them the formula is probably the best decision for your baby’s health. Medical experts state that breastfeeding can help prevent colic and other abdominal problems that cause discomfort and make the baby cry even after feeding (12).
Breastfeeding can help prevent colic
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Use slow flow bottle nipple: Slow flow nipples do precisely that – slow down the flow of milk into the baby’s mouth. Pediatric experts also recommend slow flow nipples over other ones as that can prevent conditions like gassiness and acid reflux, which can make a baby cry after a feed.
  2. Change bottle feeding methods: Use the paced bottle feeding method wherein you hold the baby vertically and place the bottle horizontally in their mouth. You tilt the bottle gently, letting the baby suck the milk. A few minutes later, you tip the bottle downwards, causing the milk to flow away from the nipple. You resume feeding only when the baby makes the sucking noises. This puts your baby in control of how much milk they drink and prevents overfeeding (13). Overfeeding can cause gassiness, abdominal discomfort, and even reflux in babies who already have gastroesophageal reflux disease. These conditions, in turn, can cause a baby to cry after a feed.
  3. Regular burping and exercises: Make burping and exercising your baby a part of the feeding regime to keep the crying away.
  4. Establish a consistent feeding schedule: Maintaining a regular feeding routine can help the baby feel secure and reduce anxiety around feeding times, potentially minimizing crying episodes after feeds.
protip_icon Quick tip
When feeding the baby from a bottle, ensure to completely fill the teat with milk to prevent any air pockets from getting into your baby’s mouth. You could also give anti-colic baby bottlesiBottles designed to reduce the air swallowed during feeding to prevent gas formation in babies a try (15).

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does the baby usually cry after feeding?

The duration of crying may vary based on the underlying reasons and their severity. If the reason for your baby crying is teething or gas, it may subside within minutes and stop over time if the cause. The baby’s crying may be more intense and prolonged if the reasons are severe and require medical intervention.

2. Does the baby cry more often after being bottle fed or breastfed?

There is no conclusive evidence that one form of feeding leads to more crying than another. If you notice your baby often cries after one mode of feeding, check for underlying problems, such as incorrect bottle nipple or poor breast milk flow, which may be the fundamental cause.

3. Should I change my baby’s feeding schedule if they are crying after every feeding?

It is unknown whether feeding schedule changes may manage the baby’s crying. However, pediatricians recommend maintaining a gap of two to two and a half hours between each feed to avoid overfeeding and fussiness (16).

4. Is it possible that my baby is not getting enough milk during feeding and is crying as a result?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, crying is a late indication of hunger (17). Hence, insufficient milk supply to the baby may cause them to cry.

5. How can I distinguish between hunger cries and discomfort cries after feeding?

Babies generally wake up from their sleep hungry and cry for food. In case their needs are not met, it may turn into a wail. However, if it is discomfort-related crying, you may also notice a shriek or panic that can get intense by the hour and may continue throughout the day or night until the problem is addressed (18).

An upset stomach, colic, or teething may be the reasons why your baby cries after feeding. However, there may be deeper implications if you notice fever, allergies, or diarrhea symptoms. Make sure you burp your baby after each feed. Try giving breaks during feeds or changing the formula if the baby is fed one. Adding tummy time and a few exercises can go a long way to help improve digestion. Consult a pediatrician to get suggestions on required changes in feeding style, diet, or medications.

Infographic: What Not To Do While Soothing A Crying Baby?

A baby crying is expected, and often the reason behind it is unalarming. But the constant sound of their wailing is not always easy to bear amidst the long tiring day and hectic schedule. In such situations, it’s essential that you don’t lose your cool and endanger the baby out of frustration. So here are a few precautionary measures you may take to prevent an unfortunate outcome.

precautionary measures for when calming a crying baby (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Illustration: Baby Cries After Feeding: What’s Normal & When To Seek Help

baby cries after feeding_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team


MomJunction's articles are written after analyzing the research works of expert authors and institutions. Our references consist of resources established by authorities in their respective fields. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our editorial policy.

1. Colic and Gas; The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
2. Gastro oesophageal reflux and the breastfed baby; Association od Breastfeeding Mothers
3. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease & Treatment; UNC School of Medicine
4. Teething and the fuss about feeding; MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY
5. Fever in children: Overview; National Center for Biotechnology Information
6. Earache; U.S. National Library of Medicine
7. Child Intussusception; National Center for Biotechnology Information
8. My baby has a stuffy nose. How can I help them sleep safely?; American Academy of Pediatrics
9. Milk & Dairy Allergy; American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
10. Galactosemia; National Organization for Rare Disorders
11. Use of Soy Protein-Based Formulas in Infant Feeding; American Academy of Pediatrics
12. Breastfeeding: Your Best Choice; The Ohio State University
13. Paced Bottle Feeding; Von Voigtlander Women’s Hospital Michigan Medicine
14. Crying Baby – Before 3 Months Old; Seattle Children’s Hospital
15. Breastfeeding challenges Colic; Better Health Start for Life; NHS
16. Breastfeeding challenges Colic; Healthy Children
17. Signs Your Child Is Hungry or Full.
18. Responding To Your Baby’s Cries; Healthy Children

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Dr. Hina Patel Desai is a Pediatrician with a private practice in Surat, Gujarat. She did Diploma in Child Health (DCH) from the Government Medical College, Surat, in 2004 and DNB - Pediatrics from the National Board of Examinations in 2010.

Read full bio of Dr. Hina Patel Desai
  • Dr. Emily Spaeth
    Dr. Emily SpaethDPT, IBCLC Dr. Emily Spaeth is a neonatal physical therapist and lactation consultant with 5 years of experience. A graduate from Samuel Merritt University, she supports birthing bodies and their babies through her business, Be Well Baby PDX.
    Dr. Emily Spaeth is a neonatal physical therapist and lactation consultant with 5 years of experience. A graduate from Samuel Merritt University, she supports birthing bodies and their babies through her business, Be Well Baby PDX.
Dr. Ritika Shah is a certified lactation counsellor (CLC) from iNational Health Care Academy, Singapore and a dental surgeon with more than seven years of clinical experience across various cities in India. She did her graduation in Dentistry from KM Shah Dental College.

Read full bio of Dr. Ritika Shah
Rohit Garoo
Rohit GarooBSc, MBA
Rohit Garoo is a writer-turned-editor with over 9 years of experience in content writing, editing, and content marketing. He did his bachelors in Science at St. Xavier's College, Hyderabad, and masters in Business Administration at Osmania University.

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Ghazia Shah
Ghazia ShahMSc, MA, BEd
Ghazia is a scientist-turned-writer with three years of research experience in Cancer Biology. She did her masters degree in Biotechnology at the University of Kashmir and bachelors in Education at the same university. Ghazia then delved deeper into the science of language with a masters in English.

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