240+ Random And Funny YES Or NO Questions To Ask Your Friends

Do you have friends who like to pet lizards, pick their noses, pop pimples, eat spices, and have other quirky tastes and habits? If yes, here are some yes or no questions to ask your friends to let you learn many more weird things about them.

These questions can serve as icebreakers, spark deeper conversations, and enhance social dynamics among friends, letting your friends think hard and also help you know their wild side. The best part about this game is that it has only one response—yes or no—making it quite easy to play. However, you can implore them to provide further explanation for their response. So, keep scrolling to learn these interesting questions and shoot them to your friends.

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240+ Yes Or No Questions To Ask Your Friends

Studies show that asking more questions, especially follow-up ones, leads to being liked more by their conversation partners. When people ask more questions, they are seen as more attentive, caring, and responsive in conversations (1). Yes or no questions to ask your friends can be funny, random, unexpected or just about anything that can help you know them better. If you are lucky, this quiz question can reveal some funny stories, or you may simply get to know their likes and dislikes. Here are some questions you may begin with.

Icebreaker Questions

Icebreaker questions are a great way to spark interesting conversations and strengthen bonds with friends. Whether you’re reconnecting or just having fun, these questions help ease the conversation and bring out surprising and amusing responses.

  1. Is there something you enjoyed as a kid that kids today wouldn’t understand?
  2. Are you good at keeping secrets?
  3. Would you steal a car to impress someone?
  4. Have you ever cheated in a board game?
  5. Do you have any useless talent?
  6. Do you like Pina colada?
  7. Do you have pets?
  8. Have you ever lied about watching a movie or series to your friends?
  9. Were you ever caught talking to yourself?
  10. Have you ever hidden food from your siblings?
  11. Would you ever sing at a family gathering?
  12. Did you ever have an embarrassing nickname?
  13. Have you ever cheated while playing online games?
  14. Do you like scary movies?
  15. Which sports player is most funny?
  16. Have you ever bought anything super expensive?
  17. Have you ever pulled a scary prank on children on Halloween?
  18. Have you had more than ten years of friendship with anyone?
  19. Would you ever try standup comedy?
  20. Have you ever gotten a penalty for speeding?
  21. Have you ever sneaked food in a theater?
  22. Have you ever thought of investing in stocks?
  23. Have you ever been to a Taylor Swift concert?
  24. Would you ever live in a haunted house?
  25. Have you ever lied about your birthday to get a free dessert?
  26. If a future version of yourself time-traveled to this moment, do you think the two of you would get along?
  27. Would you ever date someone who looked exactly like your relative?
  28. Do you ever narrate the life inside your head as if you were in a movie?
  29. Have you ever hidden a snack so that nobody would find or eat it first?
  30. Do you sing silly songs to your pets?
  31. Do you have a luxury handbag that you are guilty of investing in?
  32. Have you ever done something so bad at school that you got suspended for it?
  33. Can you know when I am upset about something?
  34. Do you have any favorite memories of us?
  35. Would you come and visit me if I lived in another country?
  36. Would you take a road trip with me?
  37. Do you know your zodiac sign is not compatible with mine?
  38. Did you enjoy going to school?
  39. Would you like to visit North Korea?
  40. Do you like kids?
  41. Do you like discussing politics?
  42. Have you ever had a drowning experience?
  43. Can you ride a sportbike?
  44. Would you enjoy it if you were made the king for a day?
  45. Have you ever had a crush on my brother or sister?
  46. Do you want to model or walk the ramp someday?
  47. Given a chance, where would you want to get sequestered?
  48. Would you be okay if you were pushed into the water without a warning?
  49. Would you go to Mars if you ever get a chance?
  50. Would you ever try eating a live fish?
  51. Would you ever dare to swim with sharks?
  52. Can you solve a Rubik’s cube?
  53. Have you ever done psychic reading?
  54. Do you visit the church regularly?
  55. Do you know how to cook?
  56. Have you ever lost your passport?
  57. Can you eat a whole pizza by yourself?
  58. Do you enjoy watching Mukbang videos?
  59. Would you buy expensive gifts for your friends?
  60. Have you ever gotten into trouble during high school?
  61. Have you ever tried skiing?
  62. Can you name any two constellations?
  63. Do you like pineapples on pizza?
  64. Can you give up sugar for a year?
  65. Have you ever vomited in public?
  66. Would you participate in a hot-dog eating contest?
  67. Have you ever been caught farting in public?
  68. Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
  69. Were you on the basketball team?
  70. Do you have a scar from playing sports?
  71. Are you a Netflix addict?
  72. Do you have a secret crush on someone I know?
  73. Given a chance, would you star in movies?
  74. Did you have a secret crush on a teacher or someone in the neighborhood?
  75. If you could only have one drink (other than water) for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  76. Can you sing?
  77. Have you ever had a fracture?
  78. Can you live without your smartphone for a year?
  79. Have you ever had pizza for breakfast?
  80. Have you ever lost a bet?
  81. Have you been attacked by a Coyote?
  82. Would you like to try skydiving?
  83. Have you ever been bitten by a spider?
  84. Do you think it’s important to volunteer in your free time?
  85. Do you fancy flying a plane?
  86. Would you ever like to go on a date with a pop-star?
  87. Are you intimidated by your partner’s success?
  88. Is there any question you would like to ask me?
Ask did you enjoy going to school to your friends
Image: iStock
protip_icon Quick tip
Yes or No questions can be a great way to start conversations in a group, especially if there are new people. However, when asking questions to new friends, stick to their preferences, likes, and some light-hearted questions. Avoid asking questions about relationships and families.

Personal And Thought-Provoking Questions

Personal and thought-provoking questions can deepen conversations and help you understand your friends on a more meaningful level. These questions encourage introspection and open up discussions on beliefs, values, and personal experiences, making interactions more engaging and enriching.

  1. Do you have a secret talent?
  2. Do you like cats?
  3. Do you enjoy reading about celebrity controversy?
  4. Have you ever been in a tragic accident?
  5. Do you have any phobias?
  6. Would you ever try holding a snake around your neck?
  7. Have you witnessed any miracle in your life?
  8. Have you ever broken something at a vintage store?
  9. Have you ever experienced any paranormal activity?
  10. Have you ever lost an expensive watch?
  11. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
  12. Do you play any sports?
  13. Have you ever made a TikTok video?
  14. Have you ever stalked your crush online?
  15. Have you tried the ketone diet?
  16. Have you ever ended up as an overdressed person at a party?
  17. Would you ever start a YouTube channel?
  18. Would you ever consider becoming a vegan?
  19. Are you active on social media?
  20. Have you ever been bullied in school?
  21. Have you ever failed a class?
  22. Do you believe that we evolved from animals?
  23. Have you ever had a bad breakup that you haven’t shared with anybody?
  24. Do you enjoy drinking black coffee?
  25. Are you afraid of the dark?
  26. Are you a picky eater?
  27. Do you have any hobbies?
  28. Can you speak another language?
  29. What’s your favorite word in the English vocabulary?
  30. Is it true that you fell 7 times before learning to ride perfectly?
  31. Would you go on vacation with your lover’s family?
  32. Have you ever said something bad about me behind my back?
  33. Did you ever outsource a school project?
  34. Do you ever get scared when the lights are off and you are home alone?
  35. Are you a kleptomaniac?
  36. Have you ever forgotten to study until you arrive at class to take that test?
  37. Have you ever taken money from your parent’s wallets or purses without informing them?
  38. What is your most embarrassing moment?
  39. Have you ever cracked an inappropriate joke at a family dinner?
  40. Have you ever eaten lobster?
  41. Have you ever done drugs?
  42. Would you hit your best friend for five hundred bucks?
  43. Can you play a guitar?
  44. Have you gotten any trophies in sports?
  45. Have you ever had cereal with orange juice?
  46. Do you speak any foreign language?
  47. Do you want to learn martial arts?
  48. Have you ever had a secret relationship?
  49. Have you ever cheated in a test?
  50. Have you ever searched for book summaries so you wouldn’t have to read a book?
  51. Did you ever show up drunk at work?
  52. Have you ever tried martial arts?
  53. Did you ever get into trouble during high school?
  54. Has a teacher ever called on you in class when you didn’t know what was going on?
  55. Have you ever accidentally texted the wrong person something embarrassing?
  56. If you learned that I was secretly a spy, would you be surprised?
  57. Have you ever stolen from a kid’s Halloween candy stash?
  58. Have you ever made a ridiculous impulse purchase?
  59. What was one instance that made you cry yourself to sleep?
  60. Have you ever gotten lost somewhere as a child?
  61. Have you ever secretly met a soothsayer?
  62. Did you ever smoke a cigar?
  63. Have you ever said something that you deeply regret?
  64. Have you ever gotten lost somewhere as a child?
  65. Have you ever secretly met a soothsayer?
  66. Did you ever smoke a cigar?
  67. Have you ever started any rumors?
  68. Have you ever participated in a marathon?
  69. Have you ever been ghosted?
  70. Do you believe in destiny?
  71. Do you believe in the afterlife?
  72. Have you ever bought flowers for someone?
  73. Have you ever tripped in public?
  74. Have you ever gotten caught playing pranks on friends?
  75. Have you ever lied about your age to get into a bar or a club?
  76. 80. Have you ever had an imaginary friend?
  77. Do you believe in God?
  78. Do you believe in the afterlife?
  79. Do you think that a parallel universe exists?
  80. Do you think it’s important to volunteer in your free time?
  81. Do you want to enter politics?
  82. Do you have a favorite politician?
  83. Do you believe in destiny?
  84. Can just one person use an Ouija Board?
  85. Is there a skin care product you are obsessed about?
  86. Are you an early bird, a night owl, or a permanently exhausted penguin?
  87. Would you be okay if you were pushed into the water without a warning?
  88. Do you know how to cook?
  89. Are you a Netflix addict?
  90. Do you have a secret personal hero?
  91. If you won the lottery tomorrow, would you gamble again?
  92. Would you ever like to try eating a live fish?
  93. Do you want to visit North Korea?
  94. Would you enjoy it if you were made the king for a day?
  95. Can you live without your smartphone for a year?
  96. Have you ever tried martial arts?
  97. Have you ever gotten into a serious fight with someone at school over a minor issue?
Do you watch soap operas
Image: iStock
protip_icon Quick fact
When playing Yes or No questions with friends, these questions can sometimes lead to sudden realizations about oneself through unexpected and fun questions and answers.

Adventurous And Fun Questions

Looking to spice up your conversations with friends? These adventurous and fun questions will spark excitement, challenge boundaries, and create unforgettable memories while learning new things about each other. Perfect for breaking the ice or adding a little thrill to any gathering!

  1. Have you ever lied in your CV?
  2. Would you ever try snorkeling?
  3. Do you believe in the concept of soulmates?
  4. Have you ever done bungee jumping?
  5. Do you have any piercings?
  6. Do you like watching reality TV shows?
  7. Have you ever stolen a candy bar from a local store?
  8. Do you believe in aliens?
  9. Is vanilla your only favorite ice cream?
  10. Can you teach me how to play poker?
  11. Would you go to Egypt with me for a holiday?
  12. If you were a billionaire, would you buy all the cars in the world?
  13. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
  14. If you had the power to go invisible, would you enjoy it?
  15. Do you have any weird experiences with animals?
  16. Does juicy gossip interest you?
  17. Do you believe that Elves lived in the North Pole?
  18. Do you secretly watch soap operas?
  19. Would you like to own an island one day?
  20. Would you go to Mars if you ever get a chance?
  21. Would you ever dare to swim with sharks?
  22. Have you ever done psychic reading?
  23. Have you ever been arrested?
  24. Would you ever try eating a live fish?
  25. Would you ever dare to swim with sharks?
  26. Would you participate in a hot-dog eating contest?
  27. Have you ever tried sneezing while keeping your eyes open?
  28. If you were challenged to eat a worm, would you eat it?
  29. Would you like to be a famous influencer someday?
  30. Would you like to try skydiving?
  31. Would you ever like to go on a date with a pop-star?
  32. Would you be okay if you were pushed into the water without a warning?
  33. Can you ride a sportbike?
  34. Can you solve a Rubik’s cube?
  35. Have you ever gone camping?
  36. Do you like branded clothing and footwear?
  37. Do you like pineapples on pizza?
  38. Do you have a secret social media account?
  39. Do you ever want to explore other planets?
Do you have an imaginary friend?
Image: iStock
protip_icon Quick tip
Tailor your questions according to the group you’re playing with. If you are playing with old and close friends, you can take the liberty to ask some personal and intimate questions.

Lighthearted And Daily Life Questions

Lighthearted and fun daily life questions are a great way to break the ice and keep conversations lively. These questions help you learn quirky details about your friends while keeping the mood relaxed and enjoyable.

  1. Do you have any favorite stress-buster activity?
  2. Did you ever receive any strange compliments?
  3. Is there any movie that you won’t mind watching a hundred times?
  4. Do you sing in the bathroom?
  5. Have you ever taken a personality test?
  6. Do you believe in astrology and star signs?
  7. Have you ever lost your wallet?
  8. Did you have any favorite extracurricular activity in school?
  9. Have you ever gone for a hike?
  10. Have you ever made a bucket list?
  11. Do you believe in Karma?
  12. Do you believe in zodiacs?
  13. Do you like to play video games?
  14. Have you ever been on a cruise ship?
  15. Do you find watching cat videos hilarious?
  16. Would you ever date someone who looks exactly like you?
  17. Have you ever tried a weird food combination?
Secret hero, yes or no question

Image: iStock

Tips For Seamlessly Leading Into Yes Or No Questions In Conversations

Leading into yes or no questions can be an art. How you approach these questions can influence the flow of conversation and encourage openness. Here are some tips to help you seamlessly ask them without disrupting the discussion.

1. Start with a relatable statement

Begin by making a statement that connects with your conversation partner’s experiences. This makes the transition into a yes or no question feel natural and helps your partner feel comfortable, increasing their chances of answering openly.

2. Use polite phrases

Phrases like “I was wondering…” or “What do you think about…” soften the approach and make your question feel less abrupt. This encourages a more thoughtful response and prevents your partner from feeling pressured to answer in a specific way.

3. Be direct but gentle

Being straightforward while maintaining politeness can keep the conversation flowing smoothly. Directness helps avoid confusion, while courtesy ensures the other person doesn’t feel interrogated. A simple “Do you agree with this?” works wonders when used effectively.

4. Ask follow-up questions

After receiving a yes or no answer, follow up with open-ended questions to keep the conversation going. This balances yes/no questions with more detailed responses, preventing the discussion from feeling like an interview and keeping it engaging.

5. Pay attention to body language

Before asking a yes or no question, observe your conversation partner’s body language for cues on their mood or willingness to engage. Adjust your tone and question accordingly so it feels like a natural conversation progression.

Mastering the art of seamlessly leading into yes or no questions enhances the quality of your conversations. By being mindful of your approach, you can ensure that your questions come across as engaging and considerate, fostering a more enjoyable dialogue.

Illustration: Random And Funny YES Or NO Questions To Ask Your Friends

yes or no questions to ask your friends_illustration

Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can the game be played online or virtually?

The yes or no questions game can be played online or virtually through various platforms such as video conferencing tools, messaging apps, or online game websites. Players can take turns asking yes or no questions to guess the object or word chosen by the other player.

2. How can I make sure everyone is comfortable playing the game?

Establish clear guidelines and expectations for these question games to play with friends. Ensure everyone understands the rules and they can opt-out at any time. Encourage players to be respectful and request them not to ask questions or queries that might make others uncomfortable.

3. Is it okay to decline to answer a question?

Yes, declining to answer a question in the yes or no questions game is perfectly okay. However, it’s important to respect someone’s decision not to answer a question, as it may be personal or uncomfortable for them to do so.

So, go ahead and shoot these exciting yes or no questions to your friends on a casual get-together, during a long journey, or play a random rapid-fire when you are stuck in a boring chat. These fun and thought-provoking questions will surely bring out hidden feelings or revelations that will help you understand them better and share some giggles. In addition, these questions are a perfect way to maintain conversations and strengthen the bond between you and your friend.

Infographic: Questions That You Should Not Ask

While you are engrossed in a lighthearted game of questions, you should make sure that you do not ask questions that will make the situation awkward. So, save this infographic, stick it to your wall, and make sure not to ask them.

121 random and funny yes or no questions to ask your friends (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team

Key Pointers

  • The yes or no questions game is simple and can be played with anyone at any time and place.
  • These questions often lead to the revelation of unexpected and funny stories that people do not share too frequently.
  • It is an adaptable game that can be played virtually and in person. Any number of participants can be a part of this game.
  • It is a versatile game that can make a conversation interesting or keep a group entertained at a gathering.
  • Ensure that the game rules include the option to skip questions they may not be comfortable answering.


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  1. It Doesn’t Hurt to Ask: Question-Asking Increases Liking;
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Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with more than four years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing.

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Siddharth Kesiraju
Siddharth KesirajuMA, Certification in Relationship Coaching
Siddharth holds a certification in Relationship Coaching and a masters degree in communication and journalism from the University of Hyderabad. He has around seven years of experience in various fields of writing and editing.

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Sakshi holds a bachelor’s degree in Science and a master’s in Bioinformatics from Panjab University, India. She has worked on a research project, “In silico ligand designing exhibiting anti-diabetic activity derived from responsible phytochemicals of selected herbs.

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