8754 Arabic Baby Names With Meanings

Arabic Baby Names With Meanings

Illustration: MomJunction Design Team

There’s no dearth of inspiration when it comes to Arabic baby names. While some parents look up to their family tree, others pick the name of their favorite television or movie character. However, many Arabs like to stick to their culture when selecting a baby name. As Carlyle had said, giving a name is a poetic art. Arabs do not just look for meanings in names. They are also particular about how the name sounds and if the syllables flow well or not. They want a name that rolls mellifluously from the tongue and has elements that fit well with each other. Yes, everything is taken into consideration while naming in the language of the angels, Arabic. Arab names also come in two versions, which are pre and post-Islam. The pre-Islamic names were usually derived from nature, vocabulary words, or occupation. Some pre-Islamic names also reflect personal characteristics. Celestial aspects such as the moon and stars also play a major part in Arabic baby names. The post-Islamic names are influenced by 99 attributes of Allah and Islam, and the variations of the name Muhammad are also considered. And almost all Arabic names have Arabic words. An Arab usually has one personal name which could be a single name or a compound name. Generally, the first son is named after his paternal grandfather. The second son is named after the maternal grandfather, and the third son after the father. On the other hand, the eldest daughter in the family is named after the maternal grandmother. The second daughter is named after the paternal grandmother and the third daughter after the mother. They also use the adages of ibn or bin for boys and bint for girls to denote “son of” or “daughter of” (1). Millennial parents are also considering Angelized forms of names nowadays. Read on to find our extensive database of Arabic boy names and Arabic girl names with meanings.

Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy White; Silver
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A strong, brave, and clever-minded individual; Independent
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is good with arrows
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who shares with others
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl White grape wine
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl An early morning
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl The woman of dawn
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Intelligent
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A woman with a fascinating and enchanting personality
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Seeker of truth
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Sword of religion
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Sword of the faith
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A person who is honest, charming, and reasonable
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Fortunate; Happy
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Tuesday
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A safe place
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A happy man
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Safe; Sound; Intact
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A pacifist
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Strong-willed, manly, noble
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl Consolation
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Lord; Chief
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl Comfort; Consolation
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A divine omen; A known symbol
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A charismatic, unique being
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is generous
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl She who loves to give
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Glow of faith; Majesty of faith
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl Glow of faith
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Gift from God
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl One who brings good luck
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A moon of happiness
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl One who is praiseworthy
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl Brightness
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Lamp; Source of light
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Princess; Jehovah is ruler
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Frontier
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl Star
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A passionate love
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl Love
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex A dearly loved person
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who loves a woman
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A woman who is loved
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Arabic place name
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy The Lord; The master
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl One who is truthful
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A woman leader
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl Best of friends
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is in great health
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Lawyer
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A king
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A royal falcon
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who has witnessed an event
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl One who observes
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl She who is extremly beautiful
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A beautiful woman
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A thankful person
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl One who is grateful
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl One who is deeply grateful and thankful for every little thing in life
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Evening or twilight
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A force of habit
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Arabic male name
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is unique
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A young woman who belongs to the night
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl The morning star; A nightingale
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl Belonging to night
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Royal Falcon
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl One who is a grandmother
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A woman who is young
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl The music of the night
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy An extremly generous man
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A woman who is like a young gazelle
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A man who sings
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl Aromatic
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl To receive happiness
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A strict and severe man
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy He is a singer
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy A cheerful and glad person
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex A person who sings
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A compassionate and kind woman
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who recommends things
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy An intercessor; One who mediates
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who advocates
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is compassionate and merciful
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Compassionate; Tender
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl To recommend something to someone
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy Compassionate; Tender
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A new flower bud
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl One who is like a new bud of flower
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl Affection; Fresh
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is like a shooting star
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who is like a shooting star or a meteor
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Boy One who shines like a shooting star
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A woman according to Kings
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl One who is lit by the Moon
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl A woman who is like a Moon
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Honey-like sweetness
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl Falcon
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Unisex Awake; Vigilant
Favorite baby name
heart image baby boy sign Girl The town's loved one; Favorite one

Arabic is a beautiful language, and so are Arabic names. Arabic names are among the most adorable names in the world, thanks to their captivating sound and poetic appeal. They are gaining popularity in the Western world such as the US and the UK too. These names encompass a variety of meanings including nature, celestial beings, landscapes, occupation, and place of living. Arabic baby names inspired by Islam are often given in praise of Allah. Arabs also usually prefer to use the names of their ancestors to name their babies. So browse the list and take your pick.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Arabic baby names mean ‘gift?

Ata is a common Arabic name that means 'gift.' Ataullah is another prevalent name that comes from the combination of two terms, ata, meaning 'gift' and Allah, and means 'gift of God.' Some more Arabic names with similar connotations include Atiya, Hadiyya, Hiba, Ihab, and Nawal.

2. What is the Arabic baby name for miracle?

Ahya and its forms Aya and Ayah mean 'miracle' in Arabic. An Ayah makes up chapters in the Surah and is also a name referring to a verse in the Quran.

3. What Arabic name means happiness?

Nuzhat is an Arabic name that means 'happy.' Raghda is another name that refers to 'pleasant' or 'happy life' in Arabic. Other names that share similar meanings or connotations include Sadun (joyful), Saeida (happy), Suaidah (cheerful), Tasaad (she becomes happy), and Zahuk (laughs frequently).

4. What do common Arabic baby names like Mohammed and Fatima mean?

Mohammed is an Arabic name that is a spelling variant of the more popularly used Muhammad and means 'praised,' 'commendable,' or 'the praiseworthy.' On the other hand, Fatima is a spelling variant of the popularly used name Fatimah, which means 'to abstain.'

5. What are some Arabic baby names that have been used for centuries?

Some Arabic baby names that have stood the test of time include Muhammad (praiseworthy), Aaliyah (of high status), Amina (honest or faithful), and Zara (sublime).

6. What restrictions or guidelines should be followed when naming a baby in Islamic culture?

A few of the restrictions or guidelines you should keep in mind when naming a baby in Islamic culture is that it is forbidden to name a child with a name that denotes servitude to anyone other than Allah. Choosing names particularly used by non-Muslims, such as George, Michael, or Susan, is also forbidden. Titles that have belonged to tyrants and evil personalities should be avoided. Finally, it is also not advisable to name the child after the chapters of the Quran.

Infographic: Attractive Arabic Baby Names With Meanings

Arabic baby names are gaining popularity not only in Arab countries but also in the Western world. These names have beautiful meanings related to nature, religion, or traits. The infographic below presents some interesting Arabic names along with meanings to help you choose the best name for your bundle of joy.

alluring arabic baby names for your little one (infographic)

Illustration: Momjunction Design Team


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Sri Suniiel Naik
Sri Suniiel NaikBCom, Numerologist, Astrologer
Sri Suniiel Naik started practicing numerology in the year 2000. Taking his interest in the occult further, he also studied the art of astrology, mantras, yantras, and scientific vaastu. His intuition started developing after age 40, wherein he devoted his time to researching the effect of the names on individuals.

Read full bio of Sri Suniiel Naik