Pregnancy Symptoms

Pregnancy Symptoms

Everything you need to know about the different ways your body says congratulations.

Don't be caught off guard – know the symptoms of pregnancy and take control of your health. Stay informed about your changing body.

Pregnancy is a period of beauty and thrill, albeit one that can leave you slightly confused. Awareness about your changing body and how these changes manifest can help you take adequate care and prevent panic. Thus, it’s important to know the symptoms you may experience and those you need to look out for to understand what’s happening to your body. These signs can give you essential information about the amazing changes that are taking place inside you. Pregnancy symptoms may sometimes be subtle but are certainly there, requiring your attention. Notably, early symptoms of pregnancy include fatigue, nausea, and sensitivity in the breasts or other significant changes such as darkening of the area surrounding the nipple and clear visibility of the breast veins. You may also experience food cravings and frequent urination, especially at night. Besides these first symptoms of pregnancy, other telltale signs exist to look out for. These may manifest themselves through missed menstrual cycles, mood swings, spotting or light bleeding, uncomfortable cramps, and a positive pregnancy test (1).

A missed period is one of the initial indications of being pregnant. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that a missed period doesn’t necessarily imply pregnancy. Other factors like stress or fluctuations in weight can also result in erratic periods (2). Another common sign is frequent urination. During pregnancy, the enlargement of the uterus can lead to a common problem where women may experience the need to urinate more frequently. This arises because the growing uterus exerts pressure on the bladder, causing discomfort and urinary urgency. This, however, is temporary and may last a few weeks post-delivery. Hence, consult a doctor if the issue persists past six weeks of your baby’s birth (3). Pregnancy also includes fluctuating emotions besides visible physical changes; hence, mood swings, anxiety, and depression are often observed during this period. It’s crucial to seek assistance from loved ones and healthcare providers if any of these symptoms arise (4).

Furthermore, it is essential to acknowledge that each woman’s experience varies greatly. Not all women will encounter every symptom mentioned here; some might not have any at all. Thus, while some may undergo a variety of early pregnancy symptoms, others might have absolutely no pregnancy symptoms. Therefore, the question arises- “Can I be pregnant with no symptoms?” Remember that the lack of pregnancy indications does not automatically indicate that you are not pregnant. For certain women, symptoms may not manifest until multiple weeks have passed in their gestation period (5). This can pose a challenge when attempting to ascertain your pregnant state without employing a pregnancy test. Should you have suspicions regarding your condition, arranging an appointment with your healthcare professional for confirmation and appropriate prenatal provisions is crucial. This leads us to one of the most asked and important questions, “When do pregnancy symptoms start?” There is no definitive answer to how early pregnancy symptoms can start. The first pregnancy symptoms differ for each woman and can vary between days to weeks after conception or a positive pregnancy test (6). It is of utmost importance to diligently monitor your body and take note of any changes you may be experiencing.

Moreover, understanding the contrast between pregnancy symptoms and menstruation symptoms remains crucial. This involves recognizing the characteristic differences in PMS vs. pregnancy symptoms, where PMS refers to Premenstrual Syndrome. While there may be some similarities, such as cramping or bloating and sore breasts, it is vital to pay attention to significant distinctions. For example, if you encounter excessive bleeding, it is more likely indicative of your menstrual cycle rather than indicating pregnancy. Conversely, experiencing nausea or vomiting could potentially serve as an early indication that you might be pregnant (7).

Recognizing the signs of pregnancy can help understand how your body is changing and preparing for the arrival of your little one. If you have been planning for pregnancy and suspect you might have conceived, seeking guidance from a healthcare professional who can offer medical advice and support is essential. Remember that every pregnancy is unique, so don’t hesitate to address any doubts or seek assistance during this wonderful journey. Stay curious and embrace the beauty of uncertainty along the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are some uncommon early pregnancy symptoms?

    One of the most uncommon signs includes spotting or light bleeding, also called implantation bleeding. You may also experience food cravings and food aversions, not typical in the first few weeks. Some women may have a metallic taste in their mouths or suffer from headaches and dizziness. Other less common symptoms may include congestion, bloating, and acne or skin changes (6).

  • What is the most obvious symptom of pregnancy?

    One of the earliest and most obvious signs of pregnancy may be a missed period, as it prompts most women to take a pregnancy test. However, while a missed period is a strong indication of pregnancy, it's not a definite confirmation as several factors, such as the intake of contraceptives, may also affect the menstrual cycle (8).

  • What are the positive and probable signs of pregnancy?

    The most affirmative signs may include a missed period, nausea and vomiting, commonly known as morning sickness, breast tenderness and enlargement, fatigue, and frequent urination, especially at night. Additionally, women may experience unusual cravings or a dislike for foods they usually enjoy (1).

  • When should I take a pregnancy test?

    It is recommended to take a pregnancy test after you've missed your period for a more accurate result. While some home pregnancy tests might detect a pregnancy as early as ten days after conception, waiting until after you've missed your period increases the likelihood of obtaining a reliable outcome (9).

  • What role does fatigue play as a pregnancy symptom?

    Pregnancy-induced hormonal changes can tire you, especially in the first 12 weeks. And towards the later phase, the increasing weight from the growing belly and lack of proper sleep can add to your exhaustion. These changes may further cause nausea and mood swings. Thus, getting as much rest as possible and maintaining a healthy diet is recommended (10).

  • Can back pain be an early sign of pregnancy? If so, why does it occur?

    Back pain is a common issue for pregnant women, with over one-third experiencing it. The cause of this discomfort is typically due to the loosening of ligaments and changes in posture caused by the growing belly (1).

  • Are headaches a common symptom during pregnancy?

    Headaches during pregnancy are not uncommon. It's normal to experience them due to hormonal changes and increased blood flow. However, if you have a headache that doesn't go away with paracetamol, particularly in the second half of your pregnancy, it's essential to speak to your doctor. This could be a sign of preeclampsia (1) (6).

  • How does the body's increased blood volume contribute to certain pregnancy symptoms?

    During pregnancy, the body has more circulating blood which can cause varicose veins in the legs. The growing uterus and increased blood volume can cause enlarged and twisted veins, i.e., varicose veins (1).


  1. Pregnancy - signs and symptoms; Better Health Channel.
  2. Missed or late periods; NHS.
  3. Pregnancy and Bladder Control; Cleveland Clinic.
  4. Depression During Pregnancy: Risks Signs & Treatment; Cleveland Clinic.
  5. Amy E Sayle et al.; (2002); A prospective study of the onset of symptoms of pregnancy.
  6. Am I Pregnant? Early Symptoms of Pregnancy & When To Test; Cleveland Clinic.
  7. Is it PMS or Am I Pregnant?; Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health.
  8. Earliest signs and early symptoms of pregnancy; Tommy's.
  9. Pregnancy Test: When To Take Types & Accuracy; Cleveland Clinic.
  10. Tiredness and sleep problems; NHS.