How Romantic Are You? Take This Test To Measure Your ‘Romanticability’

Sitting on the beach, basking in the full moonlight, resting your head on your spouse’s shoulder, and feeling the breeze sooth you. I can only smile at that thought. Well, you may not have to do all of this for being a romantic person. Sitting in your pajamas with your spouse, watching your favorite movie, with a tub full of popcorn. That sounds just about right too! And that is what romance is. Different kind, different styles, and different ways! All you have to do is know what your idea of romance is, as a couple.

So, if you actually are romantic, then how much are you? Go ahead and take this test to know. Read each question carefully and let your answers be spontaneous. Don’t cheat!

In This Article

1. What do you feel about calling your partner with a pet name?

a) Aww, it’s adorable
b) Blecchh
c) It’s cute
d) Only works in serious relationships

2. Do you fantasize about your relationship when you listen to love songs?

a) Yes, they tell our story
b) Crap!
c) Sometimes, when it’s just the romantic one (sans sad lyrics)
d) They are for fairytale love, doesn’t happen for real

3. How do you feel about random hugs?

a) Sensual
b) Eww…It’s irritating
c) Depends on my mood
d) Awesome! It comes as a surprise

4. What do you honestly feel about public display of affection?

a) Wow, it’s the best feeling
b) Shameful
c) Occasionally (depending on the crowd)
d) Should be penalized

5. What describes your ideal date the best?

a) A candle light dinner with soft music
b) Anything cheap and easy would do
c) Party, gifts, and expensive surprises
d) Spending time together at a peaceful place

6. If you could choose any movie genre to watch, what would it be?

a) Romantic Comedy
b) Romantic Drama
c) Really doesn’t matter
d) Anything, but romance

7. Do you remember your first kiss?

a) Yes, absolutely. I even remember what I wore that day
b) Not really. it wasn’t that great
c) I just remember, who it was with
d) I have faded memories

8. Have you ever made breakfast for your partner in bed?

a) Every time, I look for different recipes to try
b) Yes, when it’s something special, and I feel more loved
c) Yes, when my partner is sick and really needs something
d) Never, it’s too much of work

9. Do you believe in planning surprises for your spouse on special occasions?

a) Yes, I start off a month before the birthday
b) Not really, they should also do something
c) It’s just another day
d) Spend some intimate time together

10. Do you hold on the movie or event tickets, when you go out with your partner?

a) Yes, it’s one of the mementos of our love, and I do preserve it
b) Keep it in a ticket stub
c) Throw it, who cares?
d) Yes, they are special, when looked back upon time

11. What was your fairytale as a child?

a) Cinderella
b) Alice In The Wonderland
c) Beauty And The Beast
d) Aladdin

12. Do you believe in ‘happily ever afters’?

a) Yes, it happens for true soulmates
b) Just in fairytales
c) Not for everyone
d) Nope, it’s never “happy”

13. Your partner asks you out for a walk on the beach. Here is how you react

a) You look into his/her eyes and thank him for that and continue to the beach
b) You’d rather sit at home and watch your favorite show. At least home is a clean place
c) Will go half-heartedly
d) What! No way

Now that you are done with the test, rate your answers on a scale of 4-1 using the score sheet below.


a-4, b-1, c-3, d-2

2a-4 , b-1 , c-3 , d-2
3a-4 , b-1 , c-2 , d-3
4a-4 , b-2 , c-3 , d-1
5a-4 , b-1 , c-2 , d-3
6a-4 , b-3 , c-1 , d-2
7a-4 , b-1 , c-3 , d-2
8a-3 , b-4 , c-2 , d-1
9a-4 , b-1 , c-2 , d-3
10a-3 , b-2 , c-1 , d-4
11a-4 , b-2 , c-3 , d-1
12a-4 , b-3 , c-2 , d-1
13a-4 , b-2 , c-3 , d-1

Add up all the fours, threes, twos, and ones separately and check your total. Here is the interpretation of your score:

56-40: You are a hopeless romantic. Whether it is candlelight dinners, flowers, romantic movies, walk by the beach, and those loving gestures, you love them all.

39-27: You are romantic at heart, but you don’t express your feelings. You’d like to keep it subtle instead of making it open.

26-12: You are not very romantic, but you can scale it up with a little effort.

Below 12: Very unromantic!

So, do you have the romantic streak and score? If not, it’s time to get that right next time around.

Hope you had fun doing the test. Let us know your opinion by commenting below.

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Kalpana M
Kalpana MMA (English)
Kalpana Nadimpalli graduated in English Literature and Psychology. Her fascination for the corporate world made her do a Masters in Business Administration from Andhra University. Being a mother of two boys, she could naturally fit into the shoes of a writer at MomJunction.

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