16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

If you are the parent of a tiny tot, you have probably encountered some version of this scenario playing out in your own home. Whether it is catching your kids secretly enjoying some of that extra candy or managing to play with scissors and cut their hair, kids are mischievous little tots. Growing up, most kids go through this phase of sneaking in toys, food items, and sometimes even your stuff! While it is usually not something one needs to be concerned about, it is better to keep harmful things out of their sight and reach. But what can be said for sure is that these moments make for a memory filled with laughter and joy.

Here are a few instances of kids sneaky in front of their parents and getting caught:

1. The Kid Who Did Not Expect Anyone To Find Out That They Tasted Some Of The Icing On The Cake

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

I mean, who doesn’t love some good old icing? Especially when it comes while placed on top of a delicious cake.

2. The Kid Who Sneaked In Their Video Game After Being Sent To Bed By Their Parents

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

Going to bed on time? Boring! This little one would rather play video games.

3. The Kids Who Wanted To Take A Quick Peek At Their Christmas Gift

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

It’s really hard to resist opening gifts, especially the ones given to you by Santa Claus himself! We feel you, kid. We really do!

4. The Kid Who Tried To Secretly Finish Cream Inside The Oreos At Their Uncle’s Place

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

I am sure that for a lot of kids finishing up the cream inside their Oreos is the best treat ever.

5. The Kid Who Tried To Eat The “H” From The Birthday Cake Message, Not Realizing That The Parents Would Find Out

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

I guess somebody was in a mood to be a little unconventional with the cake decoration. Too bad he didn’t realize that other people can read!

6. The Kid Who Hid Their Lunch In The Cereal Box And Told Their Mom That It Was Finished; However, They Later Got Caught

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

Don’t like what mom has made for lunch? Here’s a tip: Dump it in a box of cereal!

7. The Kid Who Wanted To Sneak In Some Skittles Inside Her Boot, But Failed

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

Somebody’s boots are yelling guilty!

8. Another Kid Who Attempted To Put In Some Goldfish In Her Shoe

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

Wow. This little girl was really up to some mischief!

9. The Kid Who Added A Few Things Of Their Own On Their Parents’ Shopping List

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

We’ve all been there! This kid knew that it’s a foolproof master plan for getting some extra goodies delivered right at home!

10. The Children Who Woke Up Early And Went Into Their Kitchen To Finish Up All The Yoghurt But Were Caught

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

Guess we know who stole the food in the kitchen this time! And no, it’s not Toby, the dog!

11. The Kid Who Got Hold Of Their Parent’s Phone And Called Up Their Friend

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

These 21st-century kids sure do know their technology.

12. The Kid Who Tried To Hide Some Snacks In Their Pyjama Drawer

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

Somebody’s already learned the trick to deal with the midnight munchies!

13. The Kid Who Tried To Secretly Put Their Own Decorative “Ornaments” On The Christmas Tree At Home

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

If there’s ever a quiet moment in your house, remember that your kids are up to something, and you should be checking upon them.

14. The Kid Who Tried To Sneak Into Their Mom’s Car

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

Somebody’s in the mood for an adventure!

15. The Kid Who Tried To Get A Taste Of Some Delicious Whip Cream As Their Mother Was Busy Baking

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

Cooking’s no fun when you don’t get to taste some of that good food! Is this kid impatient or intelligent? We know what we’d call them! (It’s the latter, in case you didn’t get it)

16. The Kid Who Wanted To Unlock Their Dad’s Phone And Ended Up Getting Caught

16 Kids Who Tried To Pull One Over On Their Parents, And Got Caught Red-Handed

Image: Shutterstock

Oh, what are the mysteries that lie within that phone? Of course, you must find out! Good plan but poor execution, kiddo!

If you have children at home, beware of these little troublemakers and keep the cookies, ice cream, and electronics gadgets at a place that you consider safe! They will hunt them down and find them anyway. But hey, what are children for? Comment below and let us know of the times you caught your children up to some mischief. Also, share this article with your friends and family to bring a smile to their faces! We know it got one on yours!

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