15 Dangerous Things You Can Expect Your Child To Do

Kids can be hard to handle especially when they like to make mischief behind your back. They might be all silent and tight-lipped when you are watching and just change their avatars as soon as you are looking away. We’re sure these were some of the things your kid has most likely attempted.

1. Might not be a great idea to taste dog food!

Might not be a great idea to taste dog food!

Image: IStock

2. Or giving your kid access to dog food bags – spilling out all at once.

Or giving your kid access to dog food bags – spilling out all at once.

Image: IStock

3. Allowing your child to climb a tree

Allowing your child to climb a tree

Image: IStock

4. It’s ok as long as it is pretend-driving!

It's ok as long as it is pretend-driving!

Image: IStock

5. Allowing your child to dismantle the computer doesn’t mean that she can fix it back!

Allowing your child to dismantle the computer doesn't mean that she can fix it back!1

Image: IStock

6. Or they could try one run on your laptop!

Or they could try one run on your laptop!

Image: Imaeg: iStock

7. “I wanna clean my bathroom.”

I wanna clean my bathroom

Image: IStock

8. Wonder why kids love to play with electricity!

Wonder why kids love to play with electricity

Image: IStock

9. “My mama didn’t feed me today!”

My mama didn’t feed me today

Image: IStock

10. Just wondering if this child can spare the idea of touching the grinder blades…eek!

Just wondering if this child can spare the idea of touching the grinder blades...eek

Image: IStock

11. Yes, this little one is only so far guessing what plugs in where.

Yes, this little one is only so far guessing what plugs in where.

Image: IStock

12. Sometimes they might hide in the backyard to make that fire.

Sometimes they might hide in the backyard to make that fire.

Image: IStock

13. Just holding it the right way so far.

Just holding it the right way so far.

Image: IStock

14. And some chopping the right way so far.

And some chopping the right way so far.

Image: IStock

15. God forbid this total destruction!

God forbid this total destruction!

Image: IStock

Was there anything more dangerous that your kid loved to do? Share with us.

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