Before You Bring Your Baby Home, Here’s How To Prep Your Pets

Becoming a parent for the first time can be overwhelming. But there are several ways to prepare yourself for what’s in store for you. The late nights, feeding cycles, dirty diapers, crying, sleepless nights, and total exhaustion are things you are aware of and can prepare yourself mentally. However, you are clueless when it comes to introducing your furry babies to your actual babies. So, all you pet lovers, fret not because we are here to give you a few suggestions on how to prep your pets before you bring your baby home.

How Do You Prep Your Pet?

How Do You Prep Your Pet

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It’s always best to avoid diving in without any preparation. Your furry babies are not used to having a baby around and might need to be eased into the transition:

  • Create Space  
Create Space 

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Dogs and other pets are prone to feeling jealous when they are not the center of attention. Besides, they do not necessarily understand that a baby is on the way, and it might change the family dynamics. Therefore, prepare the nursery in advance so your pet will have time to investigate and get familiar with the smells before the area becomes off-limits. Create a new special place for your pets so they will spend more time there.

  • Familiarize Them With Smells And Sounds 
Familiarize Them With Smells And Sounds 

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Dogs and other pets might feel frustrated or agitated when the newborn arrives because of the noise they create. It’s best to familiarize your pets with smells of baby food, powder, soap, and oil before the baby arrives. You can even play recordings of infants crying, laughing, or babbling, so your pets get used to the sounds.

  • Shift Routines 
Shift Routines

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Everything is bound to change once your baby arrives. Even for your pets. So it’s good to establish a new routine before your baby arrives. The walk and playtime might reduce, and if you are the primary caregiver, your pets have to start getting used to someone new. You can also walk your dog along with an empty stroller to make the transition smoother and make them familiar with the new routine.

  • New Life, New Rules 
New Life, New Rules

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Your pets are used to specific rules and probably obey them well, but with a baby on the way, new rules have to be established. If your pet is used to sleeping on your bed or in your room, and that is going to change, it’s best to incorporate that change as soon as possible. If your dog has the habit of jumping to greet you, train them not to do that. You don’t want your pet jumping on you when you’re holding your baby.

  • Allow Them To Sniff Your Baby’s Clothes 
Allow Them To Sniff Your Baby’s Clothes

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One of the most popular ways of introducing your pet to your baby before meeting them is by bringing home clothes, blankets, and onesies that your baby has been wrapped in. Allow your dog (or pet) to sniff them out and establish familiarity with your baby’s smell.

  • Introduce Both Your Babies (Furry And Human) 
Introduce Both Your Babies

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When you get home from the hospital, greet your pet like you usually do and wait a few minutes before introducing your baby to them. After the initial reunion, slowly and calmly introduce your pet to the baby. Do this with caution and care. Have one of the family members handle your pet while you hold your baby in your arms. If your pet seems agitated or anxious, give them space and try again a few days later.

  • Always Supervise Interactions 
Always Supervise Interactions

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Never leave your baby unattended with a pet, irrespective of their temperament. It’s risky, and things could go south too quickly. Your baby or your pet could get hurt. Give your pet space and allow them to come to you and your baby. Do not force interactions as it may lead to scratches and bites.

While this might seem scary, there is no need to panic and stress about the interaction between your furry baby and your baby. Give it time and allow things to take their course naturally. Before you know it, your four-legged companion and your little champion will become best friends forever. If you found this article helpful, share it with your friends and family.

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