7 Psychological Problems That Arise Because Of Improper Parenting

✔ Research-backed

Parenting is a huge responsibility. Apart from taking care of your kids physically, it’s also up to you to take care of them emotionally. Many parents are unaware that they may be passing on their unhealed childhood traumas to their children. It can be dangerous and detrimental to your kids’ emotional well-being. It may even cause psychological problems (1). The quality of your parenting has a significant impact on children’s developmental outcomes, especially their mental health. You might not be aware of how your parenting styles impact your child, but it’s crucial to understand it because it might lead to mental health issues for your child in the future. Let’s dive into it and look at seven psychological problems that your child might experience as a result of poor parenting:

In This Article

1. Anxiety


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Kids thrive on the stability of home, school, and environment. Frequently moving houses or places, witnessing arguments at home between you and your partner regularly could have a lasting effect on your child’s mental health. Your child may have anxiety issues if they feel neglected or abused — verbally, physically, or emotionally (2).

2. Addiction To Substances

If you constantly tell your kids about the issues they cause, your child might grow up to believe that the world is better off without them. They might subconsciously find ways to destroy themselves by consuming harmful substances like alcohol, cigarettes, extreme sports, and drugs. A child is more likely to engage in substance abuse if they grew up in a home where parents have substance abuse disorders (3).

3. Inability To Rest And Relax

Inability To Rest And Relax

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Kids who are high achievers tend to feel like they are never good enough. As a result, they never rest or relax even when they are tired. They feel the need to always keep busy because they feel worthless. It could stem from listening to their parents tell them that they are not good enough, have to be serious, or to “stop wasting time”. It could lead to burnout and extreme exhaustion.

4. Low Self-Esteem

Lack of self-esteem could really lower a child’s confidence. Comparing your kids to other kids their age can take a toll on their self-esteem. Do not forget to appreciate and encourage your child for their efforts and accomplishments. Remember that every child learns at their own pace; rushing them and placing expectations on them will only pressure them to a breaking point.

5. Suppression Of Emotions

Suppression Of Emotions

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If you tell your child not to express themselves or stop them from crying when they do, they will likely start suppressing their emotions. Teach your kids how to express themselves and tell them it’s okay to feel sad or low at times. There’s nothing wrong with it.

6. Lack Of Independence

Parents might think that they are doing their best for their children by protecting them for any or all responsibilities. But if kids are not made to understand accountability and responsibility, they might grow up to be irresponsible individuals. They might lack independence in their lives.

7. Depression


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If your kid feels hopeless and sad occasionally, there is nothing wrong with it. It’s normal and happens to everyone. However, persistent lack of motivation and feelings of sadness may point towards depression (4). If they show symptoms of depression, do not hesitate to take them to a medical professional. Therapy is not a bad thing. It can help your child navigate their feelings and emotions the right way, making them deal with depression better.

There is a lot to know about raising a child that parents might miss. Unintentionally they may cause issues that affect a child’s development and well-being. So it’s best to be well-informed on the dos and don’ts of parenting. However, don’t be too hard on yourself if you get a few things wrong. What specific parenting techniques do you follow? Comment below and let us know!

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