The Top 5 Questions New Parents Always Ask

The prospect of being a new parent is an exciting one. You’re about to embark on a new journey with the cuddliest monster in your arms! You know in your heart that you’ll go through great lengths to make sure your little one is safe, sound, hale, and hearty. But what do you do when you have one too many questions and barely any answers?

If you feel this way, know that you’re not alone. Parenting is a full-time job, and everyone learns on the go. No one steps into the role of a mother and father knowing precisely what has to be done. With the right help, you can understand what’s best for your baby and you. We’ve picked the top five questions that new parents often ask to help you get your answers too! Read on to know more:

In This Article

How Much Breastfeeding Is Really Necessary?

The Top 5 Questions New Parents Always Ask

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Most health authorities such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and the American Academy of Pediatrics have officially stated that mothers should breastfeed their babies for a whole year. They say that breastfeeding has to be done exclusively for the first six months of an infant’s life, while for the next six months, the mother can breastfeed and incorporate formula and other baby foods into the diet (1). There’s a good reason why breastfeeding is considered to be so important. It provides complete nutrition that your child needs for their development. In addition to this, breast milk can also protect your baby from health complications and infections. You can continue to breastfeed your child even after they have turned a year old (2).

While all that is true, there may be situations when the mother is unable to breastfeed. This could be due to insufficient glandular tissues, certain medications, hormonal problems, or other health concerns. Sometimes, a baby may find it difficult to feed due to tongue-tie or a cleft lip. Whatever be the case, in such situations, you may opt for baby formula. There is a lot of misconception with regards to baby formula. The truth is that it is the best substitute for breast milk, and it can provide your child with all the necessary nutrients required for their growth and development (3), (4).

Will My Baby Ever Sleep?

The Top 5 Questions New Parents Always Ask

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The picture that has been painted of sleepless nights after childbirth is not an exaggeration. A study that was published in the Pediatrics journal concluded that an average two-month-old baby would sleep for a stretch of five hours at a time and a total of nearly seventeen hours a day (5). After their five-hour sleep, they usually wake up to feed or to change a soiled diaper. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, babies need to be fed every one to three hours on an average. So, it only makes sense for your little one to be up and about when the rest of the household is asleep. It will take some time before your baby actually sleeps through an entire night. Generally, babies sleep longer after they have completed five to six months of age (6).

When Can Babies See The Outside World?

The Top 5 Questions New Parents Always Ask

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You’re probably eager to take your little one outdoors to visit a relative or on a much-needed road trip. Whatever be the case, a lot of new parents are apprehensive about taking their babies outdoors. The truth is, as long as you are well-equipped, there’s nothing to worry about. Make sure your baby is dressed according to the weather. If it is too sunny or if there’s an upcoming thunderstorm, it is best to avoid venturing out.

Similarly, avoid bringing your baby into an environment that can make them sick, such as when you visit someone ill. Having said that, we’re now in the middle of a global pandemic. Stepping out can put your baby, yourself, and the rest of your family at risk. So, go out only if you really have to. And when you do, remember that wearing face masks is an absolute must!

How Can We Burp Our Baby?

The Top 5 Questions New Parents Always Ask

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We’ve often seen parents burp their babies. It seems like a critical task to do, and it is. It is a crucial part of their feeding process. While feeding, there are chances that your baby could have swallowed some air. This can cause discomfort and indigestion. To prevent your baby from experiencing all this discomfort, it is vital to induce burping soon after feeding. If you’re concerned about how exactly to do this, here’s how: gently put your baby over your shoulder, with their tummy facing towards you. Pat their back slowly and rub your hands up and down. Alternatively, you can also place your little one in a sitting position on your lap and gently pat their back until they burp. Remember to provide ample support to their head and neck while you try to burp them (7).

What’s The Deal With Their Poop?

The Top 5 Questions New Parents Always Ask

Image: Shutterstock

You’ll find all kinds of shades when it comes to baby poop, and this can help you understand if your baby is okay or sick. Usually, light yellow, brown, or even green poop is considered normal. However, if you notice that your baby’s poop is red, black, or chalky and white, consult the pediatrician immediately, as it could be an indicator of an underlying condition. Another thing worth keeping in mind is that your baby could poop a few times a week or a few times a day. It’s alright how often they go. What you really need to watch out for is how often you need to change their diapers. Babies will require at least six diaper changes a day. It is a significant marker that all’s well, as with this, you will know that your baby is getting all the nutrients they need (8).

It’s understandable that as a new parent, you have a bunch of questions. With the internet packed with so much information from various sources, it can get overwhelming. The best option is to check with your doctor. Do you have more questions regarding your baby? Drop them in the comments section, and we’ll answer them for you!

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